篇一 :CUDA入门(转)

cuda入门——CUDA Toolkit的安装

目前 NVIDIA 提供的 CUDA Toolkit支持 Windows (32 bits 及 64 bits 版本)及许多不同的 Linux 版本。

CUDA Toolkit 需要配合 C/C++ compiler。在 Windows 下,目前只支持 Visual

Studio 7.x 及 Visual Studio 8(包括免费的 Visual Studio C++ 2005 Express)。Visual Studio 6 和 gcc 在 Windows 下是不支援的。在 Linux 下则只支援 gcc。 这里简单介绍一下在 Windows 下设定并使用 CUDA 的方式。


在 Windows 下,CUDA Toolkit 和 CUDA SDK 都是由安装程序的形式安装的。CUDA Toolkit 包括 CUDA 的基本工具,而 CUDA SDK 则包括许多范例程序以及链接库。基本上要写 CUDA 的程序,只需要安装 CUDA Toolkit 即可。不过 CUDA SDK 仍值得安装,因为里面的许多范例程序和链接库都相当有用。

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篇二 :The Joy Luck Club conflict and reconciliation of Chinese and Western cultures答辩陈词

Good afternoon, all the appraiser committee members. Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to attend the oral defense. I am Xieyuan from the 2012 transferred students and my supervisor is Lihui.

With her sincere and intellectual guidance, for nearly six month's hard work, I have finished my paper. I will briefly introduce my thesis and welcome any suggestion.

The title of my paper is The Joy Luck Club - conflict ? reconciliation of Chinese and Western cultures. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons.

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篇三 :时事新闻摘抄:U.S. declares Venezuela a national security threat, sanctions top officials

U.S. declares Venezuela a national security threat, sanctions top officials


(Reuters) - The United States declared Venezuela a national security threat on Monday and ordered sanctions against seven officials from the oil-rich country in the worst bilateral diplomatic dispute since socialist President Nicolas Maduro took office in 2013.

U.S. President Barack Obama signed and issued the executive order, which senior administration officials said did not target Venezuela's energy sector or broader economy. But the move stokes tensions between Washington and Caracas just as U.S. relations with Cuba, a longtime U.S. foe in Latin America and key ally to Venezuela, are set to be normalized.

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篇四 :定性研究和定量研究的区别论文The Difference and Combination of Quantitative and Qualitative Research

The Difference and Combination of

Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Abstract: Quantitative research and qualitative research are two basic paradigms and methods, each with different concept, nature, fundamental theory, and research process. Recently, there are more and more arguments about the tow methods and more and more scholars promote the combination of them in researches. This thesis demonstrates the differences between the two methods and also analyzes the combination of them and its significance in researches.

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篇五 :The_Analysis_of_Mr._Darcy’s_Characters_in_Pride_and_Prejudice_英语毕业论文


The Analysis of Mr. Darcy’s Characters

in Pride and Prejudice


学 号 所 在 系


班 级 指导教师

外语系 英语


The Analysis of Mr. Darcy’s Character

in Pride and Prejudice

Abstract: Jane Austin is a famous female writer in the late 18th century to the early 19th century in Britain. She is the first one who concerned ordinary people's daily life and described them with her realistic pen. Her words have pure and fresh sense of humor and give people a feeling of life with the country melody. Pride and Prejudice is the most famous work in her life. In this work, Austin expresses her own ideas about marriage from the perspective of Elizabeth who was shaped as a smart, intelligent, lively and lovely girl. Austin is superior in portraying female psychology, but the description of Mr. Darcy’s characters also comes to a lightspot which graces many for the whole novel. In her book, Mr. Darcy is a person who looks arrogant and never impresses people amicably. But in fact, he has some commendable qualities, for example, the tolerance for Wickham, the meticulous care for his sister, the kind treatment for servant, the help for Lydia, and the consistent love for Elizabeth. But all these virtues are covered by his pride, conceit and unopenness. Consequently, causes Elizabeth’s prejudice to him. The emotion between the two experiences a lot of misunderstands at first and then they produce love to each other and finally step into marriage. In the whole process, Mr. Darcy's many splendid qualities are largely presented by indirect ways, which makes all the acquaintance suddenly realize his merits. So, it is very valuable to study the characters of Mr. Darcy.

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篇六 :Argumentative Essay on Automation Technology Change and Its Consequences

Argumentative Essay on Automation: Technology Change and Its Consequences

Automation is the substitution of self-operating machinery or electronics for manual or animal effort to support or control a broad spectrum of processes. Examples range from automatic teller machines, to robotic farm tractors, to securities transactions, and beyond. Henry Ford's use of the conveyor belt to produce Model T Fords in the early 1900s was a precursor to today's assembly lines that feature robotic assembly stations and automated inventory control, testing, and defect detection, all of which can be quickly reconfigured to accommodate variations of car models. Information technology is a form of automation used to process data, transmit information, or handle transactions, such as to order merchandise, buy or sell securities, or make hotel reservations.

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篇七 :The Research of Chinese and Western Names in Cross-cultural Communication(论文读书笔记)

The Research of Chinese and Western Names in

Cross-cultural Communication

1. Background: The name culture has inevitable influence and indispensable impact on the daily interactions of the population of the East and West. Doing research on the differences and similarities of the name culture of the East and West is of great significance in cross-cultural communication to enhance the bilateral cultural exchange, communication, and mutual understanding. Name culture has been increasingly applied in real life.

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白花花、白晃晃、白皑皑、白茫茫、白胖胖、黑洞洞、黑漆漆、黑乎乎、黑压压、黑黝黝、红通通、红扑扑、红彤彤、红艳艳、懒洋洋、绿油油、黄澄澄、金灿灿、羞答答、清凌凌、笑哈哈、笑眯眯、笑吟吟、笑嘻嘻、笑盈盈、喜洋洋、喜滋滋、乐呵呵、兴冲冲、气乎乎、汗津津、光秃秃、毛茸茸、阴沉沉、亮晶晶、亮堂堂、水灵灵、水汪汪、硬梆梆、凉飕飕、暖烘烘、暖洋洋、冷冰冰、热腾腾、热乎乎、傻乎乎、胖乎乎、沉甸甸、轻飘飘、急匆匆、慢吞吞、慢腾腾、干巴巴、湿漉漉、蓬松松、甜蜜蜜、圆溜溜、滴溜溜、酸溜溜、香喷喷、脏兮兮、乱糟糟、静悄悄、恶狠狠 ABAB


说道说道、打扫打扫、溜达溜达、打扮打扮、清醒清醒、搅和搅和、拨拉拨拉、商量商量、研究研究、乐呵乐呵、锻炼锻炼、琢磨琢磨、考虑考 1



瓦蓝瓦蓝、乌黑乌黑、雪白雪白、漆黑漆黑 声音:




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