

1. __________ __________ __________(顺便问一下), where have you been?

2. It’s too hard to __________ __________(照相)there.

3. Great changes __________ __________ __________ (发生)in my hometown recently.

4. ______ _______ _______ (看起来好像) China’s economy has grown a lot..

5. ______ _______ (幸亏)the government’s efforts, Beijing will host the 20xx Olympic Games.

6. China has developed a lot______ _______ (因为)our country’s one-child policy.

7. Most of people __________ __________ __________ __________(过着艰苦的生活)in the past.

8. We can __________ __________(向……学习)those great heroes.

9. They asked us to work hard __________ __________ __________(夜以继日).

10. __________ __________ __________ __________ (随着……的发展)China, people live a happy life.

11. He works hard __________ __________ __________(为了)support his family.

12. I hope you can __________ __________ __________ __________(和……保持联系)each other.

13. Who can solve the problem __________ __________(现在,目前)?

14. He wanted to write to his uncle __________ __________(遥远的).

15. You should __________ __________ __________(参加)the English corner.

16. They have __________ __________(超过)50 apple trees on the hill.

17. I think you’d better come and __________ it __________(亲自看).

18. Our government has __________ __________ __________(给……提供帮助)many poor families.

19. China __________ __________ __________ (已经执行)one-child policy.

20. The children now can __________ __________ __________ __________ __________(接受良好的教育).

21. __________ __________ __________(在20世纪xx年代), they were very poor.

22. We’ll __________ __________ __________ (有机会)to watch a wonderful movie tonight.

23. He can __________ __________ dance __________ __________ (不但……而且……)draw pictures.

24. __________ __________(而且), she helped the old woman carry water.

25. __________ __________ __________(在过去), their living condision were hard.

26. The poor family were __________ __________(挤进)a small and dark house.

27. Everyone will __________ __________(梦想)his own future.

28. China has already __________ __________ __________(成功举办)the Olympics.

29. The girl has __________ __________ __________(取得快速的进步)in English.

30. He can walk __________ __________ __________ __________(在……的帮助下)a stick.

31. The population is __________ __________ (增加,增长)800 million every year.

32. We have __________ __________(至少)four good ways to learn English well.

33. My father __________ __________ __________(对……严格要求)me in the old days.

34. China is a __________ __________(发展中国家)while America is a __________ __________(发达国家).

35. Many countries __________ __________ __________(缺乏)water.

36. Michael __________ me __________ (打电话)last week.

37. The government has __________ __________ __________ (采取措施)control the population.

38. The man __________ __________ __________(作为……而出名)a writer.

39. __________ __________(到目前为止), it has reached 200 million.

40. The policy has __________ __________ __________ __________(在控制......起明显作用)the population.

41. Study hard, and you’ll __________ __________ __________(赶上)your classmates.

42. We study many other subjects, __________ __________(比如)history, geography and biology.

43. They __________ __________ __________(过去常游泳)in the river near the village.

44. He still has __________ __________ __________(一些,几个)questions to ask.

45. They had to stay at home __________ __________(因为)the heavy rain.

46. He is __________ __________ __________(习惯于)reading English in the morning.

47. Please answer this question __________ __________(根据)the passage.

48. China __________ __________ __________(因……而闻名)the Great Wall.

49. We should always help our classmates when they are __________ __________(在困难时,在贫困之中).

50. Could you please __________ your dictionary __________(把……借给)me, please?

51. __________ __________ __________ __________ __________(事实上), they are quite healthy.

52. You should __________ __________ __________(照顾)your little baby.

53. Have you already __________ __________(选定)a suitable way?

54. The young man always __________ __________ __________ __________(自我感觉良好/有信心).

55. They arrived at home __________ __________ __________ __________(同时).

56. My friend __________ __________(目的是)get into the best high school.

57. You must __________ __________(付款)all these flowers.

58. The scientist is famous __________ __________ __________ __________(在国内外).

59. Don’t __________ __________(吸毒), or you’ll be in danger.

60. The government __________ houses __________(向……提供)the poor people.

61. The people in the countryside now get good __________ __________(医疗).

62. Please give him a good chance __________ __________(以便)he can succeed in the future.

63. __________ __________ __________(相当多)wild animals were killed by them.

64. The boy lost his purse and was __________ __________ __________ __________(心情不好).

65. There are __________ __________ __________(各种各样)animals in the world.

66. Too much noise may cause __________ __________ __________(高血压).

67. Look! There is too much __________ __________(废水,污水)running into the river.

68. Don’t spit __________ __________(当众,公开地).

69. Would you like to __________ __________ __________(野餐)with us?

70. His hearing is __________ __________ __________(和……几乎一样差)an old man.

71. The old car __________ __________ __________ __________(制造喧闹声)every morning.

72. The pollution __________ __________ __________(对……有害)people’s health.

73. Living in a noisy condition may cause people to __________ __________(变聋).

74. I want to __________ __________(给……写信)the newspaper about the soil pollution.

75. They may cause even cancer __________ __________(同样,也,还).

76. The cook is __________ some hot water __________(把……倒入)the big pot.

77. __________ __________ __________(结果), they lost the soccer game.

78. Many wild animals are __________ __________ __________(处于……的危险中)being killed.

79. How does the sandstorm __________ __________ __________(形成)?

80. Trees can __________ the rain __________(防止……做某事)washing the earth away.

81. We should __________ __________(照顾,关心)wild animals.

82. People __________ __________(砍倒)too many trees to make money.

83. What does this short passage __________ __________(提到,涉及,有关)?

84. The green land has already __________ __________(转换成)dessert.

85. Many students __________ __________ __________(做某事有困难)working out the math problem.

86. There is litter __________ __________ __________(到处)in the park.
