

My mother, she didn't believe in praise. She'd never say anything was great. I think that's quite Northern, to not make people feel too good. I didn't mind if she was proud of me or not, it didn't bother me. I was never trying to please her.

Victoria Wood

Sometimes we deny being worthy of praise, hoping to generate an argument we would be pleased to lose.

Cullen Hightower

The sacrifices made by veterans and their willingness to fight in defense of our nation merit our deep respect and praise - and to the best in benefits and medical care.

Sue Kelly

We increase whatever we praise. The whole creation responds to praise, and is glad.

Charles Fillmore

I think that giving mindless praise is ridiculous. But I understand why parents do it. They want their kids to feel good about themselves. But parents are never going to teach their children true, positive self esteem by praising everything they do.

Rosalind Wiseman

But no one can praise Roosevelt for doing this and then insist that he restored our traditional political and economic systems to their former vitality.

John T. Flynn

I found 'The Twin' sitting on a coffee table at a writers' colony in 20xx. It carried praise from J.M. Coetzee. That seemed ample justification for using it to avoid my own writing. I finished it - weeping - a day later, and I've been puzzling over its powerful hold on me ever since.

Amy Waldman

Some artists claim praise is irrelevant in measuring the success of art, but I think it's quite relevant. Besides, it makes me feel great.

Chris Van Allsburg

When you've grown sick of reading and bug-eyed from watching TV, when your friends are all visited out, no words can adequately praise the link to the outside world provided by your parents and family.

Lance Loud




I lift my voice of warning against praising or flattering your ministers. I have seen the evil, the dreadful evil, of praising ministers. Never, never speak a word in the praise of ministers to their faces. Exalt God.

Ellen G. White

Such lovely warmth of thought and delicacy of colour are beyond all praise, and equally beyond all thanks!

Marie Corelli

Praise is warming and desirable. But it is an earned thing. It has to be deserved, like a hug from a child.

Phyllis McGinley

I like to praise and reward loudly, to blame quietly.

Catherine the Great

It is a sign that your reputation is small and sinking if your own tongue must praise you.

Matthew Hale

I don't judge a regime by the damning criticism of the opposition, but by the ingenuous praise of the partisan.

Jean Rostand

Men sometimes feel injured by praise because it assigns a limit to their merit; few people are modest enough not to take offense that one appreciates them.

Luc de Clapiers

He who does without the praise of the crowd will not deny himself an opportunity to be his own adherent.

Karl Kraus

An ingenuous mind feels in unmerited praise the bitterest reproof.

Walter Savage Landor

Let us now praise Barack Obama.

John Podhoretz

It's dangerous to buy into praise and criticism for what you do when you're trying to present your music to people. I don't ignore it completely, but I don't dwell on it too much.

Conor Oberst
