
作文总结:要求会理解的背诵。它们只是样本,在考试时要学会变通。 Unit 7


Mr Cool’s Clothes Store

Come and buy your clothes at Mr Cool’s Clothes store! Do you like sweaters? We have sweaters at a very good price for only ¥25! Do you need bags for sports? We have great bags for only 12¥! For girls, we have T-shirt in red, green, and blue for only ¥18! For boys, you can buy socks for only ¥5 each! Anybody can afford our prices!

Come and see for yourself at Mr Cool’s Clothes Store!

或者:题目为 Zig Zag’s Clothes Shop .


Clerk: Can I help you?

I: Yes, please. I want a sweater.

Clerk: What color do you want?

I: Blue.

I: How much is it?

Clerk: Nine dollars.

I: I’ll take it. Thanks.

Clerk: You’re welcome.

作文:(三)用英文为自己设计一个商品标签。 Name: Pants

Color: Blue

Size: Small

Price: $30

Made in: China


A Gift for My Mother

Today is my mother’s birthday. She is a teacher. She loves me very much and I love her too. I bought(买) a sweater in the supermarket for my mother. It is a red sweater and $20. I think it is very beautiful. My mother likes it very much, because she looks very nice in it. She is very happy today.

作文(五)以“My clothes” 为题写一篇50字左右的作文。

My clothes

My name is Tom. I’m a boy. And I’m a student in Class five, Grade one. I have three hats, five pants, four sweaters, and three T-shirts. My favorite hat is the blue hat. It is very cheap only for $2. My favorite pants are the black one. It is only $15. I like my blue sweater and blue T-shirt.

Unit 6


My family

My name is Tom. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother, and I. We eat lots of healthy food. For breakfast, we all like eggs, milk, and

bread. For lunch, my mother likes hamburgers, salad, and pears. My father and I don’t like pears. We like apples. And for dinner, we have chicken, tomatoes, vegetables, and dessert. My mother doesn’t eat dessert for dinner. I don’t like vegetables. I like dessert very much.

This is my family.

作文:(二)以“My friend” 为题 ,根据所给内容写一篇60字作文。

姓:Green 名:Tom年龄:12 国籍:美国 喜欢:英语 不喜欢:数学

喜欢:冰淇淋 不喜欢:西红柿 喜欢:跑步 不喜欢:踢足球

My Friend

My friend is Tom Green. He is twelve. He is from America. He likes English, because he think it is interesting. But he doesn’t like math. He thinks it is difficult. He likes ice cream, but he doesn’t like tomatoes. He likes running in the morning, but he doesn’t like playing football after school. We all like him.


I Eat Well!

I eat lots of healthy food. For breakfast, I like eggs, bananas, and apples. For lunch, I like hamburgers, salad, and pears. And for dinner, I have chicken, tomatoes, and vegetables. And for dessert, I like ice cream.

Unit 5


My Sports Collection

I have a great sports collection. I have 8 tennis rackets, 9 basketballs, and 7 baseballs. I have three soccer balls and 5 volleyballs. But I don’t play sports- I only watch them on TV!


My Collection

My name is Tom. I am a Chinese boy. I have a small sports collection and a great school things collection. I have a very big room. I have 4 footballs and 5 basketballs under my bed. I like playing football. I play sports everyday. I have 20 pencils, 9 rulers and 8 pens in my drawer. I’m a good student.


I like playing sports

Do you play tennis? Do you play basketball? Do you play football? Do you join any sports clubs? I do. My name is Tom. I’m 12 years old. I’m in Class 5,Grade 1.I like playing basketball, and tennis. I do sports everyday. I have a small sports collection. I have 5 basketballs, 7 tennis and 2 soccer balls. Every night, I watch sports on TV. Unit 4

作文(一)格式作文 便条:给朋友写张便条,请他/她从你的房间取四样东西给你。并说清楚这些物品在哪里。

Dear Chenguang,

Can you bring some things to school for me? I need my hat, my notebook, my pen, and my ID card. My hat is on the chair. The notebook is on the floor, under the bed. My pen is on the table. And my ID card is in the drawer.




Dear Feifei,

Please take these things to your sister: her hat, watch, notebook, keys, and ID card. The hat is on the dresser. The watch is under the bed. The notebook is on the bed. The keys are in the drawer. The ID card is on the table.




My living room/My bedroom

My name is Tom. Here is a photo of my family. (= This is my room) It’s a very big and nice room. My math book and English book are in the dresser. The photo of my family is on the wall. The computer is on the table. The alarm clock is on my table, too. My backpack is under the chair, and the CDs are on the bookcase.

Unit 3


Dear Mary,

Thanks for the photo of your family. Her is my family photo. This is my brother, Tony. He is 5 years old. This is my sister. Mona. She is 13 years old. We are in the same school. And these are my parents. They are very kind.

Your friend,


Unit 2

作文(一)格式作文 :布告



My school ID card.

My name is Tony.

Please call 685-6034.


Ford: Notebook.

Is this your notebook?

Please call Mary.

Phone number is 235-0285.

Unit 1


Student’s Card Name: Tom Green Sex: F/M F

First name: Tom Family name: Green

Age: 12 Tel: 911-9110

Class: 5 Grade: 1

Nationality: America School: Century School



My name is Anna Zhou. Anna is my first name. It’s also my given name. Zhou is my last name, and it’s also my family name. I’m a girl. And I’m 13 years old. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother, and I. I like playing basketball and tennis. I like fruit, hamburgers, and vegetables for dinner. My telephone number is 890-1212.


第二篇:初一语文教学工作总结 (2)






应试教学课堂围绕知识目标而展开,储存继承前人积累下来的经验和体验,但忽视了学生创新的动机、兴趣、情感、意志,如何激活所需的先前经验,萌动求智欲望呢?新课标要求我们建立以自主、合作、探究为主的教学模式,激活学生好奇心,探究欲,培养学生主动思考、质疑、求索以及善于捕捉新信息的能力,并把这种能力的培养定为课堂教学的终极目的。为此,我们仔细研究教育心理,准确把握初一学生的心理特征和思维特点,积极探索有利于激发兴趣、激活思维、激励探讨的课堂教学方法。例如在处理每单元的重点篇目时,我们始终采用整体感知――合作探究――反思质疑――拓展延伸的教学模式,根据不同内容精心设计问题,组织课堂教学。这样教学,课堂上感受到的是一种亲切、和谐、活跃的气氛。教师已成为学生的亲密朋友,教室也转变成为学生的学堂,学生再也不是僵化呆板、默默无闻的模范听众。他们的个性得到充分的展现与培养:或质疑问难,或浮想联翩,或组间交流,或挑战权威。师生互动,生生互动,组际互动,环境互动,在有限的时间内,每一位学生都得到了较为充分的锻炼和表现的机会。教室中再没有阴暗冰冷的 “死角”,课堂上充满着流动的阳光,平等、和谐与交流共存,发现、挑战与沉思同在。活跃的思维,频动的闪光点,让学生成为课堂上真正的主人。教师的授







“授之以鱼,仅供一饭之需;授之以渔,则终身受用无穷”。教育的意旨并非知识的累积,而是心智上的能力的发育。 学生在学校的时间是有限的,所学的知识也受时代的局限,他们要在未来有所作为,要在未来跟上时代,就一定要



