

“感恩的心感谢有你, 伴我一生让我有勇气作我自己,感恩的心感谢命运 ,花开花落我一样会珍惜……”写到感恩,我想到很多。生活中,让我感恩的人数不胜数,父母,老师,同学,朋友……身边的每个人,都无私的教育我,爱护我。他们让我的意志得到磨练,让我快乐成长,坚硬了我的翅膀,更是他们,让我懂得了感恩!

感恩我的父母。多年来是他们不辞辛苦教育我,栽培我。当我受到挫折的时候,是您们在我背后鼓励我,支持我,做我最贴心的“大棉袄”,为我驱寒保暖!当我 遇到困难的时候,是您们在背后开导我,启迪我,做我最棒的“老师”!谢谢你们!






Being thankful is especially valuable in challenging times. Gratitude is actually medically proven to lift our spirits and improve our health. Discover how a little gratitude can create a lot of happiness in our lives.

The real uncertainty we face about our economic future can make us quite fearful and sad. Locating those things for which we can still be grateful, brings joy even in the face of those challenges without pretending they are not real.

Tell a friend one a story about something for which you are grateful. Don’t be surprised to find yourself smiling by the end of that story.

Consider the difference between wealth and value. While material wealth is important, it is not the only source of real value in our lives. We can all celebrate value, even when the material wealth in our lives is taking a beating.

An ancient rabbinic teaching reminds us that we are wealthy when we are happy with what we possess.

We can want more than we currently have and still be happy with what we've got. Wanting more does not have to get in the way of enjoying what we already have. If it does, we will never have enough.

A person who lives in a $100,000 house in a neighborhood of $75,000 homes experiences living in a mansion. The same house in a neighborhood of $500,000 homes may feel like a hovel.

The holidays are a great time to reach out to other people in need. And helping others address their needs is one of the best ways to relieve the anxiety we may feel about our own.

No matter how difficult our circumstances may be, we can all offer support to those around us. Whether it’s a penny, a dollar, or much more, the act of giving always makes us feel as if we have more than we thought we had.

Let us learn to Thanksgiving for the father MOTHER left a sincere smile; Institute of Thanksgiving for the support of friends left behind a pair of the hand of friendship; Institute of Thanksgiving for the strangers to leave a trace of the warmth of the soul. Do not let our love of people sad, do not let our love of people to tears, not to let our love of people disappointed. As long as we Huaikang a heart of Thanksgiving, we will find life is so original harmony and beauty!
