


主 题:对Unit 5报告(Reports)知识点的补充


内 容:

1. Introduction(概述)

The use of a report

Reports normally report the end product of thorough investigation and analysis. They present ordered information to decision-makers in various fields: business, industry, education, medicine, government, and etc.

A good report is about one clearly defined subject and is accurate and up-to-date. It includes everything the reader needs to know, and omits irrelevant information. It is easy to read and understand, and is clearly presented.



2. Types and contents of reports

It is important to remember that reports can be long, short, formal or informal. Generally, we divide the types of reports according to the length of reports: long reports and short reports. Short business reports also include two types: short report in letter/memorandum form and formal short report.

A long report, meanwhile, is a formal report; it is a systematic, logical statement of facts, ideas, and recommendations commissioned by – and targeted to – a special reader who needs the report to make a sound business decision. It consists of prefatory parts, body of the report and supplementary parts.

Short report in letter/memorandum form is usually considerably longer than a business letter/memorandum. The content of such a report is more important and more permanent than that of the usual business letter/memorandum.

A formal short report may be an important report which transmits material with very little analysis, or it may be an analytical report that interprets the information submitted, or it may be a recommendation report that includes most features of information report, but also has an extra section advice on specific actions that could be taken to solve problem.





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1) Long report















2) Short report

①A letter/memorandum report looks like a letter/memorandum, but it is longer than a business letter/memorandum. In a letter report, a letter head should be written on the writing paper, and the heading report consists of concluding remarks, signature,

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title, reference initials and any necessary special parts. The letter/memorandum style and punctuation style may be any of those used for a business letter/memorandum.


②A formal short report consists of the title page, table of content, body, graphic aids and bibliography. It may be informational or analytical, in which the writer only transmits information with very little analysis or interprets the information submitted.

A summary of relevant data should be concluded and the recommendations on actions to be taken may also appear in the short report.

When we plan to write a short report, direct order may be used in your writing. That means the conclusions or recommendations are placed at the beginning of the report. The main idea is followed up by supporting information. Section headings should also be used in your writing, because it can guide the reader through the information presented.


3. 例题:报告的写作要点(本课难点)

1) 语意明了:

Not-quite-right word choices are particularly damaging in reports, which may be skimmed by readers who know very little about the subject. Occasionally you can simply substitute a word.

错误:With these recommendations, we can overcome the solutions to our problem. 正确:With these recommendations, we can overcome our problem.或

With these recommendations, we can solve our problem.

2) 言简意赅:

Eliminate unnecessary words, use gerund and infinitives, combine sentences, and reword sentences to cut the number of words.

冗长(wordy):Campus Jewelers main objective is to increase sales. Specifically, the objective is to double sales in the next five years by becoming a more successful business.

较简明:Campus Jewelers’ objective is to double sales in the next five years.

3) 言之有据:

The first time you cite author’s work, use his or her full name: “Rosabeth Moss Kanter points out ...” In subsequent citations, use only the last time “Kanter shows ...”.

The verb you use indicates your attitude toward the source. Says and writes are neutral. Points out, shows, suggests, discovers, and notes suggest that you agree with the source. Words such as claims, argues, contends that and believes distance you from the source.

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1. 改错:Correct the 9 mistakes in the following section of a report including: 〃Singular/plural mistakes, especially in:


expressions usually ending in plurals

〃Bad grammar in comparative phrases

〃Bad grammar in suggestions and recommendations

〃Wrong parts of speech

〃Misuse of auxiliary verbs

〃Misuse of staff


2. Improve the following sentences.

1) Wordy: If we go to the details of the questionnaire design, we may also find many problems in the questionnaires. The major ones are as follows:


2) Vague: The conference should have begun in last semester but not due to various reasons, my apologies for this.


3) Vague: A good salesman is a good actor. He has to be able to and be in order to know what his audience wants and when he wants it.


4) Incorrect: Not only the manager attended the meeting but also the president. Better:

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1) Concise: A look into the details of the questionnaire reveals such problems as ...

2) Better: The conference should have been held last semester but it was not, and its postponement was due to various reasons. But I am responsible, and here I apologize for the delay.

3) A good salesman has to be able to know what his clients want and when they want it.

4) Both the manager and the president attended the meeting. 或

Not only the manager, but also the president attended the meeting.

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