











一、 本科毕业论文英文题目撰写的常见问题

论文的题目(title)是论文内容的高度概括, 其撰写要求为准确(accuracy),简练(brevity),和清晰(clarity),即题目撰写的A B C原则。同时英、汉语题目在语言结构和词序安排上有其相同之处,也存在许多不同的特点。由于对以上原则和特点不能正确理解和掌握,许多本科毕业论文的英文题目撰写出现了如下问题:

1、 英文题目不符合英文词序习惯

如:“基于MFC的服务器管理系统的设计”,其原英文题目译为:“The Server Resource Management System Based on MFC Design”;其正确的词序应当是:(The)Design of the Server Resource Management System Based on MFC 。

2、 英文题目没有正确表达汉语题目的含义

如:“工厂物流设计及其在企业中的应用”,其原英文题目译为:“Application of Factory Logistics Designing in Enterprise”; 为准确表达汉语标题的含义,应当改为:Design of Factory Logistics and Its Application in Enterprise 。




二、 本科毕业论文英文题目的拟订原则及撰写技巧

英文题目的撰写既要保证语言结构和词序排列的正确,又要符合意义表达的A B C原则,遵循如下要求:

1、 名词性题目

英文题目通常由名词性短语构成,即由一个或多个名词加上其前置定语或后置定语构成,因此标题中一般出现名词、形容词、介词、冠词和连词,若出现动词,一般是现在分词、过去分词或动名词。如:在英文题目Solidification of Sn-Pb Alloy Droplets Prepared by Uniform Droplet Spray(通过均匀喷涂产生锡铅合金微粒的固化)中,Solidification是名词; Prepared by ?是过去分词短语; 都用于修饰Alloy Droplet。

撰写英文题目时一个简单有效的方法是寻找出一个可以反映论文核心内容的主题词,依次进行扩展成为名词短语,使之包含论文的关键信息,并注意词语间的修饰要恰当。并且每条标题一般是10-12个词, 最多不要超过25个词。如还不能足以概括全文内容,可用副标题加以补充说明。如:Laboratory Diagnosis of SARS (SARS的实验室诊断);First International Conference on Wireless Innovations:New Technologies and Evolving Policies (首届国际无线改革会议—新技术与进展政策)。需要说明的是如果论文题目是疑问句,句尾一般有问号;但如果是完整的陈述句,句尾没有句号。


英文标题中各个词的顺序安排有个是否符合语言习惯的问题。在英文题目中如A Study of/on…(of和on可互换,意义相同),A Report of/on…, The Survey of/on…, The Observation on/of…,The Design of…, The Research on…等词一般放在标题的首位; 而在汉语标题中这些词相应的汉字多放在标题的末尾。如:The Research of Special Surface in 3-Dimensional Euclidean Space (三维欧氏空间中特殊曲面的研究).

近年来英文题目趋向简洁,其中位于首位的冠词(The ,An,A等)往往可以省略。如:Research on Special Surface in 3-Dimensional Euclidean Space (首位的The 省略)


A Study of, Report of, Research on, The Survey of, Design of, The Observation on等词往往可以略去不用。如下面的例句中位于首位的A Study of就被省略了。


The Increase of Endurance of Muscular Strength of Primary and Secondary School Students (对中小学生肌肉耐力增长趋势的研究)




1)实词大写虚词小写。如:Body Language and Human Communication

2)位于首位或末尾的虚词也大写。 如:On the Principles of Tourism


如:Efficacy of Partial Meal Replacement Products:A Meta and Pooling Analysis (部分饮食替代品的效能—汇总合并分析)


如:The People Without a Country


如:The English-Speaking People in Quebec

6)在科技论文的题目中,引导动词不定式的“to”字母T通常大写。如:Compounds To Be Tested

需要说明的是英文题目的大小写还有两种情况, 但不适用于本科毕业论文。 一是题目的所有字母都大写;二是在有些专业杂志中,题目中只有第一个词的首字母大写,其余均小写,但专有名词的首字母仍大写。

如:Dietary cholesterol is co-carcinogenic for human colon cancer


Is treatment of borderline hypertension good or bad? (治疗临界型高血压是利是弊?)


一、 本科毕业论文摘要的种类、结构与文体要求

一篇论文的摘要在本质上就是一篇浓缩的论文,它是作者对研究过程、研究目的、研究方法和研究结果的简要陈述和概括,其结构与论文的主体结构相对应。20xx年4月以来,通过参加学校、学院对本科生毕业论文撰写的检查工作,我们先后从各专业抽选了200余篇论文的英文摘要进行了深入研究,发现目前本科毕业论文的英文摘要存在的问题有涉及结构内容方面的,有涉及句法 3




1)信息性(报道性)摘要(Informative Abstract)

信息性摘要即报道性摘要,也称资料性摘要,它是原文内容要点的具体总结,主要由四个部分组成:(1)研究的目的(Objective or Purpose);(2)研究的过程与采用的方法(Process and Method);(3)主要成果或发现(Results or Findings);(4)主要结论和推论(Conclusion)。有的摘要的第一部分还包括背景介绍(Background)。实际上,信息性摘要是论文的高度浓缩,相当于论文的简介或概要。本科毕业论文的摘要按其种类来讲应当属于信息性摘要。

(信息性摘要范文请见第6-7页:第二部分;二;至 1、摘要的要素)

2)指示性摘要(Indicative Abstract, Descriptive Abstract)


Title: Teaching of English Writing and Cultivation

of University Students’ Comprehensive Quality

Abstract: Based on the theories of English language learning, the concept of quality education, and the authors’ teaching experience of English writing, this paper expounds the function of English writing in the cultivation of university students’ comprehensive quality from such aspects as language proficiency, logical thinking, and a rigorous work style.

一般情况下,作者应首选信息性摘要,因为它具体而实用。但多数摘要并不完全是信息性或指示性的,常常是二者相结合。信息性摘要中加入指示性叙述可使摘要简明,指示性摘要中加入信息性内容又使摘要详细,二者互补,使摘要既能充分反映论文最重要的事实与概念,又能节省篇幅。 摘要的长度应根据文献及摘要的用途而变化。一般来讲 ,指示性摘要以100-150 words 为宜。而 4


2、 摘要的文体要求


二、 本科毕业论文英文摘要的要素与撰写步骤



1) 研究的目的(Objective and Purpose)


2) 研究的过程与采用的方法(Process and Methods)


3) 主要结果或发现(Results)


4) 主要结论和推论(Conclusion)




Title: Technology of Making Wearable Nozzle by Sintering

Lining-Ceramics with Surplus Heat of Molten Steel

Abstract (英语版)

Ceramic material has a long history, and now it has become the focus in the field of modern material science because of its good wear-resistance, thermal stability, inoxidizability, and electromagnetic characteristics. (背景引言)

The object of this study is to make a wearable material by sintering lining-ceramics on the surface of casting with the heat produced by molten steel during the process of solidification. The methods are as follows: the nano-ceramic powder is mixed with metal powder according to certain proportion and to form the compound powder by heating method; the compound powder is smeared on the appropriate part of the inner surface of the casting mold; and as the molten steel is filled into the mold, the layer of the compound powder will be sintered on the surface of casting. The layer of lining-ceramics integrates with matrix metal closely and enhances wearable properties of casting effectively. (研究目的、研究过程与采用的方法)

Al2O3 ceramic powder is heat-resistant and economic in price, so nano-powder of Al2O3, SiO2, Cao and other ceramic powder were used as the metal-ceramic compound powder. In order to assure good integration between the layer of lining-ceramics and base body materials, metal nickel powder which has small wetting angle with base metal was used in the experiment. (采用的材料)

A great breakthrough on the technology of lining-ceramics by sintering with surplus heat of molten steel has been gained by a lot of experiments, and the compound powder has been sintered on the surface of casting. Compared with other technology of lining-ceramics, this technology has excellent characteristics: energy-saving, easy operation, smooth and neat surface of the casting with few air holes. In fact, this technology has reached such a degree that it can be applied in production. The abrasion test indicated that the layer of lining-ceramics has excellent properties of wear-resistance. SEM analysis shows that the layer of lining-ceramics forms an integrated boundary with base metal, and a compound grade also forms along the direction of upright to plane of lining-ceramics. The ceramic layer integrated 6

with base body metal in a mode of chemical bond, so the integrated strength between them is greatly heightened. (研究结果、发现,及结论)



本课题研究的对象是制备一种耐磨材料。该材料是在铸件表面烧结一层衬瓷层, 烧结的能量就是利用钢水烧铸时必须散出的热量。具体做法是将纳米陶瓷粉与金属粉料混合,利用加热方法使之形成复合粉料。将一层纳米陶瓷复合粉料涂敷于铸造模型内表面的适当部位。钢水浇铸过程中,借助钢水热量将粉料烧结并与金属表面牢固结合实现表面衬瓷。衬瓷层可以提高铸件的耐磨性能。





1) 以写摘要为目的,阅读全文,拟定草稿。

(1) 找出引言部分的目的和讨论部分的结论;

(2) 找出方法部分包含的关键词的信息,并将其精简为关键词和短语,使之足以确定论文所用


(3) 找出讨论部分或结果部分的结果;

(4) 根据以上信息,写出一个摘要的草稿。

2) 以准确简练为目的,修改草稿。

(1) 检查摘要的4要素是否齐全,补充忽略掉的重要信息;

(2) 重新组织第一个句子,可以用 “this paper”或“this study”开头,使之以论文中的新信息(而 7


(3) 添加适当的过渡词语,改进段落与各句之间的过渡或转折关系,使之成为有机的整体,提


(4) 校订准确性,以确保数据、量、值、符号等与正文中的一致。修订在英语语法、单词拼写



许多摘要在一开始的引言(introduction)部分对论题提出的背景(background)作以介绍。但一般的背景信息对于类似研究的论文是相同的,同一学科的论文摘要含有相同的背景信息,所以,当摘要过长时,背景介绍可以写得短些。摘要的首句可以从陈述研究的目的(subject or object)开始,用“this paper,”“this study,”“this research”引出介绍。


(1)The (primary) purpose of this study(paper) was to… 本研究(本文)的(主要)目的是??

(2) The object (aim) of this study(the present research)was to… 本研究旨在??

(3) This (The present) study was designed (undertaken) to…本研究旨在??

(4) In this study, an attempt was made to (attempts were made to)… 在本研究中,我们试图??

例1: This object of this paper was to examine the problem of inefficient reading comprehension with non-English major college students, and tackles the problem with the teaching method of integrating grammatical information into lexicon teaching.

例2: This paper explores the potential role of family socioeconomic factors in school achievement outcomes at two separate periods in the life course — early in childhood and during late adolescence.




(1) The method used in our study is…


(2) The technique we have applied is… 我们使用的技术是??

(3) The procedure can be briefly described as…



(4) The experiment, consisted of three steps, is described in…

这一试验有三个步骤, 在??给以描述.

(5) The fundamental features of this theory are as follows…



(1) The data obtained suggest that…


(2)The analysis strongly suggests that…


(3) These findings indicate that… 这些发现表明??

(4) It is concluded that… 结论是??

(5)These results demonstrate that 这些研究结果证明??

(6) We conclude that… 我们的结论是??

(7) The authors are of the opinion that… 作者的意见是

(8) In conclusion,we state that…总而言之,我们的结论是??



1) It is concluded that special theories positing status frustration are required to account for

moral-reform social movement adherence.

2) In broad terms, the results favor some form of an open model of the magneto-tail and are

inconsistent with diffusive entry of protons across a closed magneto-tail field with a time constant substantially greater than a few minutes.

3) The study suggests that the concept of cultural capital can be used fruitfully to understand social

class differences in children’s school experiences.








(2)在叙述研究目的或主要研究活动时,如果采用“论文导向”,多使用现在时 (如:This paper presents…); 如果采用“研究导向”,则多使用过去时 (如:We investigated…)。

(3)介绍研究过程中所进行的活动,介绍研究的方法和结果时,一般都用过去时态。这是因为作者在撰写论文时,研究工作业已结束,研究过程中所作的一切已成为过去, 即“研究导向”。 但也有的科技论文的摘要在概述试验程序、方法和主要结果时,使用的是现在时,即“论文导向”。








1) 完整性要求及问题实例分析






A.主语+谓语 B. 主语+谓语+宾语

C.主语+系+表语 D. There be句型

完整性要求体现在两个方面:一是一个句子在语法结构上必须完整,特别是主谓结构必须完整;二是一个句子只能表达一个完整的思想。写出语法上正确的句子是英文摘要撰写的最基本要求。句法的正确是说句子结构要符合英语句型的要求,词法的正确是说对词的选择和使用要准确恰当。一个英语句子语法结构不完整的最大问题就是主谓不全, 这样的问题英文叫“sentence fragments”, 汉语称其为“破句”。目前本科毕业论文英文摘要中出现的句法错误许多是这方面的;其中有的是缺少主语,有的是缺少谓语,有的是主谓结构混乱不清。

还有的句子违反了一个句子只能表达一个完整思想的原则;把几个思想串到一起,之间没有恰当的断开或另起一句。这样的问题英文叫 “run-on sentences”, 汉语称其为“串句”。下面我们从本科毕业论文英文摘要撰写的常见错误中举出一些典型实例进行分析, 并提出修改建议。

(1) 主谓语不全

(汉语原文) 永磁无刷直流电动机(BLDCM)是随着电机控制技术、电力电子技术、微电子技术的发展和新型永磁材料的出现而出现的一种新型电机。

(英语原文) Permanent magnet brushless DC motor (BLDECM), as the motor control technology, power electronics technology, the development of microelectronics technology, and a new type of permanent magnet material and the emergence of a new type of motor. (问题分析:无主语、无谓语, 机械对译) (修改建议) Permanent magnet brushless DC motor is a new type of motor invented with the development of motor control technology, power electronics technology, microelectronic technology, and the advent of new types of permanent magnet materials.

(2) 主谓语混乱


(英语原文) With the constant improvement in the securities market, and expand the financing channels, listed companies can choose the mode of financing is also increasing. ( 问题分析:主谓语混乱,词性有 11


(修改建议) With the constant improvement of the security market and the expansion of financing channels, listed companies have more and more modes and methods of financing to choose from.

(3) 主谓语混乱不清,并把多个思想放到一句话中表达

(汉语原文)本文对图形图像处理系统的发展现状和所采用的主要技术进行了详细分析,确定了相应的结构和主要功能, 以及实际开发中所采用的技术。

(英语原文) This article the main technology which and used the graph picture processing system development present situation has carried on the multi-analysis, had determined the corresponding structure and the main function, as well as in the actual development adopted technology. (问题分析:主谓结构混乱,多个思想放到一句中,建议分成两句)

(修改建议) This article makes a detailed analysis of the present situation of the development of the graph and picture processing system and the main technology adopted. Besides, it also explains the corresponding structure, its principle functions, and the technology in practical development.

(4) 无主句


(英语原文) Next, after researching correlation chip the principle of work and the related connection, has planed completely two electrical machinery measuring technique the electric circuit schematic diagram and electric circuit board. (问题: 无主语, 误置修饰语)

(修改建议) Next, based on the research of the working principle of corresponding chips and connections, two kinds of electric circuit schematic diagrams and electric board charts of electrical machinery measuring technique have been drawn.

(5) 无主句


(英语原文) In process of project developing, do analysis and designing of system structure.

(问题:无主句, 建议改成被动语态或加上主语 “We”)

(修改建议) In the developing process of the project, the analysis and design of the system structure were made first. (or: In the developing process of the project, we at first made an analysis and design of the system structure.)

(6) 无主句


(汉语原文)通过需求分析、代码实现测试等过程,为沈阳蓝光公司开发了一套企业库存信息系统。 (英语原文) Through needs analysis, code realization, and testing process, develops a set of enterprises stock management information system for Shenyang Blue Light Company. (问题:无主句,)

(修改建议) Through demand analysis, code realization, and testing process, we developed a set of information system for enterprises’ stock management for Shenyang Blue Light Company.

(7) 主谓结构混乱


(英语原文) As Chinese mobile users growing and mobile technology unceasingly developing, mobile phone took the emerging carrier begins to carry the mission which given by advertisement. (问题:汉语词序的对译,主谓结构混乱)

(修改建议) With the increase of mobile users in our country and the development of mobile technology, mobile phones as new carriers of information begin to take on the mission of advertisement.

(8) 主谓不全

(汉语原文) 本文首先简要介绍了传统自行车的发展趋势和存在的缺点,同时也介绍了本车的驱动方式,该车的设计巧妙地利用了圆的切线为设计的出发点。

(英语原文) In the beginning of the paper simply introduce the developing trend of traditional bike and the current shortcomings, at the same time, the paper introduces the driving manner of the bike, its design smartly use circle cutting line as the beginning point of the design. (问题:首句无主语,意思交织,词序混乱,前后不一致)

(修改建议) This paper first simply introduces the developing trend of traditional bikes and their current shortcomings. At the same time this paper also introduces the driving manner of this new type of bikes, in the design of which the circle cutting line is used as the starting point.

2) 连贯性、准确性要求及问题实例分析

一个句子的连贯性(或一致性)主要体现在要避免出现(1)平行结构错误、(2)误置修饰语错误、(3)前后次序混乱,意思表达不清、(4)垂悬修饰错误、(5)模糊指代错误。同时,一个句子的连贯性要求句子的主语和谓语之间,句子的各部分之间在5个方面的一致:时态的一致、语态的一致、人称的一致、单复数的一致、和语气的一致。准确性要求句子在语法正确的前提下,注意措辞要恰当,意思表达要准确。下面我们从本科毕业论文英文摘要撰写的常见错误中举出一些典型实例进行分析, 并提出修改建议。


(1) 句子平行结构错误


(英语原文) The design work including the selection of the program, main beam design, internal force calculation, pre-stressed reinforce design, checking of the main beam cross section and design and checking the lower structure of the bridge.(问题分析:无谓语,平行错误)

(修改建议) This design mainly includes six parts, such as the selection of the program, design of the main beam, calculation of the internal forces, design of the pre-stressed reinforce, checking of the main beam cross section and design and checking of the lower structure of the bridge.

(2) 误置修饰语

(汉语原文) 淀粉是一种价格低廉,应用广泛的可再生性资源,但随着现代科学技术的发展,淀粉的单一结构和性能满足不了工业发展的需要,人们就开始研究变性淀粉。

(英语原文) Starch is a cheap, renewable, extensive application resource. But with modern scientific and technological advancement, the single structure and properties of starch can not meet the need of industry development. So people began to study the modified starch. (问题分析:误置修饰语, “so”, “but”使用不当)

(修改建议) Starch is a cheap and renewable resource with wide applications. However, with the development of modern science and technology, single structure and properties of starch can not meet the need of industrial development. Therefore, people have begun to study modified starches.

(3) 语态不一致

(汉语原文) 首先,我们根据设计要求绘制了系统原理图,并根据原理图确定了设计方案。

(英语原文) First, requested to draw the system principle according to the design, making sure the design project according to the principle diagram.(问题分析:主谓结构不清,前后语态不一致)

(修改建议) First, we drew out a diagram of the system principle according to the requirement, and then designed the project according to the diagram of the system principle.

(4) 每个句子过短,思想表达不够连贯

(汉语原文) 本论文阐述了MP3播放器的发展状况,提出了课题开发的意义和任务,并且介绍了有关MP3设计相关的技术知识,着重介绍了MP3的编码和解码等内容。

(英语原文)This thesis introduces the current research status of MP3. Also the significance of the research work and the research task are given. And technology information for reference are introduced. The code 14

and decode are also discussed in detail. (问题分析:每个句子太短,思想表达不够连贯)

(修改建议)This paper introduces the current status of the development of MP3 players and the significance and task of this project. It also introduces the corresponding technologies of the design of MP3, and the code and decode of MP3 in detail.

(5) 措辞不当


(英语原文) Along with the development of landscape, the humanities design concept also becomes more and more extensive. (问题分析:措辞不当,意思表达不准确)

(修改建议) With the development of landscape gardening, the concept of humanistic care has been taken into considerable account in design.

(6) 误置修饰语错误

(汉语原文) 在过去几十年的研究表明多向感应电机调速系统具有非常强的竞争能力。

(英语原文) Over the past several decades of research show multiphase induction motor speed control system has a very strong ability to competing. (问题:误置修饰语,意思表达不清)

(修改建议) Researches done in the past several decades (定语)have shown that the speed control system of multiphase induction motors is very competitive..

(7) 词序混乱,意思表达不清


(英语原文) From community planning and management of the start of origin, according to community (问题:主谓不全,词序混乱,意思表达欠准确)

(修改建议)This paper makes an analysis, from the origin of community planning and management, of the present situation and existing problems of the community projects in China according to its developing process.

(8) 词序混乱,意思表达不清


(英语原文)Virtual reality can design information from the planar space to the three-dimensional image, in the overall scene which the building and the surrounding environment constitute can be 15

three-dimensional observation. (问题:句子结构不清,词序混乱,意思表达欠准确)

(修改建议) The technology of virtual reality can help architect design from planar space to three-dimensional image, so that the overall scene of the building and the surrounding environment can be observed three-dimensionally.

(9) 措辞不当


(英语原文) In this essay, I make a historic, overall, and compared study on the bail system, and analyze the theory and litigation value of bail system. Based on the above study, I make an advise on how to construct our bail system in China at last. (问题:主语用 “I” 在论文摘要中不常见,用词不妥,意思表达欠准确)

(修改建议) In this essay, an comprehensive study has been made about the bail system historically and comparatively; and through an analysis of the litigation value and theoretical basis, an assumption has also been made about how to construct the bail system in China according to its condition.

(10) 措辞不当,表达欠准确

(汉语原文) 本文共分四个部分,主要从营销的角度来分析比亚迪汽车的成功和其中存在的问题。 (英语原文) This article divides into four parts, mainly analyzes from the marketing angle compared to Asia enlightens the automobile the success and existence question. (问题:句法和词法错误)

(修改建议) There are four parts in this paper; and it mainly analyzes, from marketing angle, the reasons for the success of Biyadi Automobile and problems the company facing.



Group One:


Group Two:

Group Three:





Group Four:




Group Six:




Group seven:


Group Eight:


Group Nine:


Group Ten:


Group Eleven:




Group Twelve:





