




前言:... 3

一·网络营销目的:... 3

二·摩卡布艺网络营销可行性分析... 3

1.摩卡布艺网络营销市场环境分析:... 3

2.摩卡布艺网络营销的优劣势和竞争对手的分析:... 4

3.可行性分析总结:... 5

三.网络营销方案... 5

1.网络营销活动的中心... 5

2.网络营销活动日程表... 6

四.网络营销战略实施步骤:... 6

五.网络营销的基本手段与方法... 7

六.推广平台说明:... 8

七.网络营销预算:... 8

八.总结:... 9







(a)   网络营销的基础条件以成熟:


(b)   网络营销市场环境以成熟:

    随着中国互联网络的发展和计算机硬件基础设施的建设以及人们对网络的认识和实际操作能力的提高。人们的思想和行动再也不是仅限于以前的认识,他们要找一本书不只是去图书馆。他们要买一件东西也不是一定要去商场,去图书馆和商场对他们来说花费的时间成本和体力成本都太高了。所以相当一部分消费者他们主动的去选择网络或是可以先在网络上了解一下再实体的进行购买交易。不管消费者是否最终的在网络上进行交易还是通过网络进行间接的交易,他们都应用了网络,他们都相信了网络 。我们的客户就在网络上,我们有什么理由不去发展网络?

(c)   网络营销的产品环境成熟:


l  销售的是国际知名品牌,也就是说我们就有了品牌质量和信誉。在网络这个比较虚拟的世界中人们很难不实际的看到和模到一个产品就能鉴别出它的好坏。在这种情况下他们更相信品牌,更相信大公司。这就保证了我们的产品销售不被网络消费者所怀疑。为我们成功的进行网络营销提供了保障。

l  我们的网络营销平台一但搭建成功,我们就佣有了线上和线下俩个平台。因为我们有线下平台对线上平台的支持加大大的加大了我们的市场竞争力(客户不但可以网上购买还可以线下进行实际的体验购买)。因为我们有线上平台24小时不间段的全世界范围内的宣传推广所以会给我们可观的订单。二都全面的结合是我们市场销售的最佳组合。

(d)   网络营销的物流环境成熟:



(a)   优势:

l  我们的产品属国际型产品,佣有比其它非高级品牌产品更高的可信度也更适合在网络上销售。

l  我公司所处的地理位置优势,我公司处于珠三角地带不管是从经济发展水平还是消费者的消费能力和网络消费观念都是比较先进的。再处在广州知名的广州吉盛伟邦建材城,交通便利知名度高,这些都是我们抢占市场的资本。

l  我们的网络营销平台搭建成功将会我们大的减小产品的仓储成本和其它管理成本等等。这样我们就佣有了成本优势同时也就佣有了价格优势,大大的提高产品的竞争力。

l  虽然我们的竞争对手在网络上占有了一定的市场份额但还只是一小部分,我们还来得急追赶和超越。

(b)   劣势:

l  我们没有一支强大的网络营销团队,而许多不同品牌的同类产品和同品牌的产品以提前展开了网络营销,他们以占有了一定的市场。

l  我们的品牌是国际高级品牌所以在价格上比一般的同类产品价格高。而高价格产品往往不是单纯的线上交易就能完成的。如果客户离我们近还好直接过来看就好了。要是太远的话可以就会有一定的困难。

        (c)  竞争对手:

l  同类产品的竞争对手和潜在竞争对手多(不管是国内还是国外生产销售窗帘的公司和家具的公司太多了)。

l  一些思想先进的竞争对手以抢先进行入网络市场并占有了一部分市场。但是他们的电子商务还进入不深我们完全有机会抢占市场。


l  综合以上各种市场环境和公司的优劣势的分析。要开展网络营销的时机以成熟。不管是从市场条件(网络营销的基础条件以成熟,网络营销市场环境以成熟,网络营销的产品环境成熟,网络营销的物流环境成熟)还是从我们自身的产品条件和现代消费方式的转变都是有利于我们网络营销的开展的。

l  网络营销的投入不大对我们现有的业务几乎是没有什么影响,我们是在不影响现有业务的条件下去开拓的我们的另一个市场(网络市场),我们走得很稳定。

l  网络交易以成明显的指数级增长,带来可观的利润只是时间问题。做网络营销我们有利可图。








l  网络营销各部工作设施的准备(电脑+电话+其它)

l  各工作人员的工作职责确认并建立公司网络营销部门的相关机制和操作流程:

l  招聘合适的工作人员及时上岗

l  确立网络营销的手段方法与流程(具体方法见五)

l  搭建公司整个网络营销平台,公司网的络营销平台以淘宝商城和公司网站为中心以及其它的第三免费电子商务平台为辅助中心进行搭建。(具体平台见六)

l  对整个网络营销平台的推广与维护。配合客户下单,提高公司产品 的销售量。开发新的网络营销方式与平台,做好售后服务工作(后期长期性的工作)。


      1. SNS 软文推广法:     现在 SNS 类型的网店非常流行,去 SNS 网店主要是去几个有人气的 SNS 网店有针对性的加几百上千个用户。然后选择合 适的软文并合理的附带上网店链接,发表到自己的日志里。再让自己的一些好友分享,这样就让很多人都关注到你的文章,关注到了我们的网店。

         2. 版主联盟推广法:       这个方法适合论坛社区网店的推广。也就是先去加入一些版主联盟,像大旗版主联盟就很不错,每天把论坛的一些精彩内容提交上去,等待被相关频道录用。一但被用将会带来大批的点击,当然看的人多了。买的人也就多了。

          3. QQ 群推广法 :        用几十个 qq ,每个 qq 加入几十个群,每天发一遍网店。平均、 50 个 qq* 每个 qq 加入 50 个群 * 每个群 50 个 人 =75000 人观看。如果 qq 更多,加入的群更多,加入的是大群,每个群的人数更多,则宣传效果更好。即使排除不在线的 qq 用户,效果也不容低估。

         4. 搜索引擎推广法:       应用seo的各种先进行的搜索引擎优化方法。将我们的网站优化上去,使我们的网站排在同类产品网站的前面,增加网站的暴光机会也就增加了我们的产品的购买机会。

         5. 博客推广法 :          现在的微博不用说他的流行程度了。软文要有发表的地方。一个是发到论坛,文章站,一个是发到博客里。发到博客里有个好处,不会被乱删而且博客也是图文并茂的方式我们很容易很形象的将我们的产品放上去。这样一但我们的博客访问量达到一定的水平了。对我们的产品销售将会达到的效果绝不会比一个普通的小网站差。

         6.   媒体推广法    让传统的媒体,报纸、电视、广播等等报道。(当然要让这些媒体免费报道不是个容易的事。)

         7. 论坛推广法      注册几十个几百个论坛,每个论坛注册几十个帐号,把签名设为自己的网店。发表热门内容,自己顶自己帖子。注意换马甲,发布有 争议性的标题内容。好的标题是论坛推广成败的 100%. 这里说的论坛是指泛论坛,包含留言本、论坛、贴吧等等一切网民可能聚集的地方。

8电子邮件推广法 就是定期不定期的给网民发送电子杂志。

9. 图片打水印推广法      防止别的网店引用图片,不仅不友好没效果,而且阻挡了搜索引擎的收录。从某种角度来说,其他网店也是自己网店的特殊网民。如果给网店打上水印,放上网店地址,积极地让别的站引用图片,提高网址曝光率,那么宣传效果是很好。水印法,包括图片水印法、视频水印法、网页水印 法……

10. 提交到网址站推广法   网店导航站,网店目录站。将网站向各大搜索引擎注册,提交网站连接。扩大被搜索的概率。     去各类分类信息站发布网店信息

 11. 电子邮件自动回复推广法    就是在邮箱设置自动回复,把网店的地址和网店介绍设置为自动回复内容。当你接收到任何一封邮件的时候,邮箱就会自动回复过去。

 12. 互换频道资源推广法 和其他网店互相交换频道资源。就是把对方网店当作自己的一个频道在网店上推广。这样互相捧场,互相帮衬,互相宣传,互相推广。

13. 问答推广法    像在百度知道、新浪爱问这些问答网店,选择一些网店的关键词去回答别人的问题。或者自问自答。去网上的百科全书添加内容等……



     2. 推广的门户性网站有:




l  硬件设施:电脑+电话+其它(如:耳机) 前期电话至少3台电话至少2部。

l  人员工资:前期最少三人。

l  其它费用:上网费+网络广告费用等等。(网络广告建设前期可以暂不考虑)

l  开通商城所需资金:最少16000开始开店。





Beijing International Studies University 46

Anniversary Planning

I、Planning background

BISU in 2010 will welcome in the 46th anniversary.In the past 46 years, BISU achieve from scratch, a leap from there to the superior. Beijing International Studies University (BISU, the former Beijing Second Foreign Languages Institute) was founded in 1964 thanks to China’s late Premier Zhou En Lai’s great care. A nationwide renowned key school of higher education, the university has developed into a multi-disciplinary educational establishment that offers courses in studies of foreign languages, tourism management, liberal arts, management, economics,law and philosophy, with the studies of foreign languages as its dominant disciplines and the studies of tourism and tourism management as its specialized subjects. To suit the national needs of economic and social advance, the school rendezvous to educate and train its students into internationally-minded professionals that are proficient in foreign affairs, tourism industry, economics, business and trade.

How time flies; summarized the history of Thanksgiving in the past; the present and future value; Alma mater's birthday, so we invite everyone to congratulate for it!

II、The purpose of planning

The 46th anniversary of the school as an opportunity and strengthen outreach and get support and understanding from community ,at that time promote the further development of the school. University, Inheriting college tradition spirit, and showing the results of education and teaching, showing our teachers and students. Enhance our confidence in another brilliant teaching.

III、The objectives of the public and the public Celebration is a convergence of educational resources, school development power of the congregation.In modern society, the development of good public relations is a necessary condition.

School development depends on three fundamental forces: one is superior leadership and community friends; Second, the majority of alumni; third is all of staff and students, through the celebration, to build more school development platform achieve educational resources to restructuring. Time of celebration, superiors, other universities and the community came to the school, review the

school to guide school development. During the celebration, a large number of alumni return to school, to stimulate the love of the school of love, they are bound to BISU's today. Institute for the future and encouraging.Through the celebration, school staff and students involved in large-scale passion, full of flame will moved with the creativity and initiative. Make the "anniversary with you and me, " sense of ownership, review history, based on reality and look to the future together to create a full sense of strength, heavy feeling and a sense of campus cultural event.

IV、Theme design





2) Total Topics: Heritage College spirit, open up a new miracle. Sub-themes: Exists glorious because of your, dreams for you to show. The future was brilliant, the times to write a new chapter.

V、The project design

1. Start-up phase

1) Establish the reserves leading and working groups, and to identify the agencies to

arrange the tasks and responsibilities, such as: the Preparatory Committee for celebration, Contact group, Advocacy group activities, Performance meetings group , School history materials group, Data group, Donations group, Logistical support group, Environmental and Construction Group, fund-raising and funding group, the whole defence group.

2) Determined the celebration, which in October 2010.

3) Organizing various activities to create an atmosphere to meet the celebration.

① "Today is your birthday - my alma mater," as the theme organized essay, painting, photography, calligraphy and development activities.

② To increase the festive atmosphere, an invitation to the collection of school and choose the best couplet couplets to celebrate the exhibition.

③ Collected the theme song and play during the anniversary celebration.

4) Start-up funding activities, and accept the community sponsorship.

5) Planning projects and studies the campus landscape projects.

2. The preparatory phase

1) Public relations activities within the school

① Construction around the focal point for alumni, edit the "Alumni Address Book" set up and open alumni site.

② Preparation of school history and produced album, and will feature films made school history.

③ Design information to share celebrations as a gifts for guests, such as: beautiful fashion bag, bookmarks, leather briefcases, photo albums, calendars, cups

and other insulation.

④ To carry out "Yesterday, today and tomorrow," activities and collection pictures, and made feature films.

⑤ Cultural activities rehearsal.

⑥ Make the "Guest Register book".

⑦ To carry out the specific implementation of the planning project work. ⑧ To do preparatory work for the guest accommodation.

⑨ Festival hall and the campus layout work dress work.

2) External school public relations activities

① Advance make the list of invited guests, such as: provincial, municipal and district leaders, renowned scholars, representatives of other colleges and universities, previous alumni, representatives of outstanding graduates, overseas, news people, agricultural high representatives of the organizing committee leaders and parenthood so on, 1 month in advance will be served at the hands of invitation, and indicate on the invitation of BISU Celebration time, place, manner and other specific masters.

② Use of celebrations, with more exchanges and contacts with enterprises and institutions, asking them to participate in 46th Anniversary activities. Recomm our students for them, expand the channels of employment in schools, improve school quality of employment.

③ Make more publicity by newspapers, television, radio, magazines ,internee and other media. Vigorously promote BISU, so that more community interest in our celebration activities and attract more corporate sponsors,At the same time as the local station for access to local broadcast live.

④ The use of celebration, inviting all year round entrance to the school to provide a large number of outstanding student leadership in all areas and some high school student representatives to participate in school celebrations, to further promote the image of the school, and strive to attract more top students entrance, rich school resources.

3) Festival stage (specific programs)

① While the other held a grand opening ceremony creative.For the national anthem, flag-raising ceremony and the honor guard review the school; by the President declared, "BISU School celebrate the opening ceremony officially began," the audience rose and sang University, College school song; and school leaders, teacher representatives, well-known alumnirepresentatives, community representatives, student representatives and parent representatives were successively took the floor.

② New military parade held in 2010. On the one hand, to show new vigor and vitality, but also a symbol of the vigorous development of the school; the other hand, allow students to participate in the celebration, and to "parade" special form of gift to his alma mater, not only can enhance their sense of belonging and pridesense, but also a venue to add a beautiful landscape.

③ To carry out a variety of forums such as tea party:

? "growth experience, encourage you and I"as a theme. Student can hold a forum

for speak their minds, and share their problems and worriesin in learning and

lives. Encourage each other.

? To invite the leadership of the university brought together experts and scholars at

home and abroad, to open a tea party to discuss the new situation, the development direction of higher education and so on.

④ Exhibition held in various forms:

? School Outstanding Academic Exhibition

? Outstanding Graduate Thesis Exhibition

? School history exhibition

? Excellent photo exhibition community activities

? Student exhibition of outstanding projects Kechuang

⑤ Play "Yesterday, today and tomorrow" films.

⑥ Held a press conference, carefully arrange the reception, to the outside world press release, publicity good BISU, shaping effective the school's image.

⑦ Organize a talent exchange, invite all enterprises and units graduating Class of 2007 recruit students, for students to create a good employment opportunity.

⑧ Great Festival held a special, invite all guests.

⑨ Arrange a large-scale signature campaign for the community and the teachers and students autographs.

VI、Time selection

1. Start-up phase in 2010, June 5 to June 30 implementation.

2. The preparatory phase in 2010, July 1 to September 30 implementation.

3. Festival stages in 2010 October 1 to October 5 implementation.

Location: Stadium.

VII、Select the media

1. Media Propaganda:

BISU will be made the video of development and sent to TV stations to play, (because of high cost of television, so this can be used as alternatives, specially recorded in various radio stations to broadcast propaganda piece. At the same time in the majornewspaper advertising (taking into account the cost, choose several large circulation newspapers that were published.)

2. Internet Propaganda:

Use of this anniversary race results page, the celebration of the various arrangements and progress to date on the page, so that the outside world (especially those not in Guilin) can keep abreast of the situation anniversary, to demonstrate the efficiency of our schoolwith their work.

3. Social communication:

Distribute invitations to all alumni and the school issued an invitation to all brothers.Meanwhile, Sanya bus, taxi and other companies to contact, to University, College of publicity celebration in the main trunk of the car posted, so that the flow of

information to form a form, allowing more people to know this event.Secondly, the use of SMS is now a popular way, with China Mobile and China United to contact, set the way a group mass messages.Again, the use of QQ mode of information, and contact the company Tencent, QQ is set in the advertising.

4. (Iv) Publicity Date:

1) Planning the implementation date 2010 June to 2010 October

2) Media time: 8,9 months

3) Propaganda time: 6,7 months

4) Social promotion time: 6,7 months


1. (A) of the guiding ideology: on the anniversary of the size, grade scientific and

accurate positioning is the key to doing a good job anniversary.Celebration to follow the "grand, warm, simple, and orderly," the eight-character principle.

2. (B) Financing: run enterprises, well-known large companies, important alumni,

sponsorship and so on.

3. (C) Budget:

? Media cost: about 60,000

? Anniversary of the event organizers Cost: about 8,000 yuan

? Hospitality: about 10,000 yuan

? Souvenir production costs: approximately 1,000

? Campus environment straighten Cost: about 1,000 yuan

? Total: 80,000.
