
公司法律顾问工作总结 -总结

[]精诚又一年,我们作为贵的常年法律顾问,在过去的一年里,在贵公司的科学决策和大力支持以及公司法律事务部全体人员的广泛、努力配合下,并经我们二人的不懈努力,公司的法律事务工作取得了较好的成效,。旧的一年过去了,新的一年飘然而至,为工作,继往开来,以更好开展、完成新一年的工作,现将过去一年以来法律顾问工作总结如下:一、全力作好已结案件的工作,以最大限度地挽回公司的损失。二 0 ×× 年的公司的催收货款的诉讼案件,主要有三个,一是 ×× 县 ×× 镇潘 ×× 拖欠货款案,二是廖 ×× 货运纠纷案,另一是省 ×× 县何 ×× 等人拖欠货款案。现三案早已结案并已进入法院的强制执行程序。前一案,经我们与 ×× 县人民法院的积极、主动配合,并多次、及时与执行法官沟通,使得执行法官出工又出力,最后取得了法院及时退回了我公司的诉讼保全保证金,潘 ×× 所欠的货款也依法执行完毕的园满结果。后两案,执行工作很不顺利,至今未果,其根本原因是当事人居无定所且现下落不明,我们目前还未掌握他们的行踪及定所,法院也因我们提供当事人的住所不能而无法开展执行工作,使得后两案的执行尚未了结。从而无形中导致了公司的眼前损失。在新的一年里,我们将积极主动多方打探上述两案当事人的踪迹,催促法院加大执行工作力度并全力配合法院的执行工作,以早日挽回公司的该项损失。二• 依法出具了律师函及法律意见书,要求客户履行约定义务及指导公司及公司法律事务部有序开展法律事务工作。主要如下:(一)向省 ×× 股份有限公司等拖欠我公司货款的公司出具律师催款函,要求拖欠我公司货款的公司及时清偿货款,以使得公司货款及时回笼,避免造成不必要的损失。(二)为同违法犯罪行为作斗争,维护公司员工人身权利,应公司的要求,依法出具了多份法律意见书。20 ×× 年 10 月份,前公司员工孙 ×× 多次以不同方式、手段威胁我公司主要领导李 ×× 并进行敲诈勒索钱物。接到公司的通知时,我们深感事情的严重性,即刻同公司取得联系,及时同公司领导研究孙平的行为性质及其法律后果。通过研究,我们认为孙 ×× 的行为已构成敲诈勒索,于是向公司明确表示:孙 ×× 的行为性质严重,根据我国刑法规定,其已涉嫌犯罪。为制止不法行为发生,保障李 ×× 人身,我们建议向公安司法机关报案,由公安司法机关介入侦查,以追究孙 ×× 的刑事。为此,连续两次向公司出具了两份关于孙 ×× 涉嫌敲诈勒索罪的法律意见书,以更好地维护公司及员工的合法权益,《》()。三、为规范公司,合法有序生产经营,继续出谋划策。公司的经营、管理,特别是大公司的经营、管理,依法对其进行规范,使其科学、有序进行是非常必要的。我公司是一个大公司,且日益发展壮大,为此,对我公司的经营、管理进行规范就显得十分重要而必要。因此,我们积极、主动同公司法律事务部联系,及时调整、修改公司的有关规章制度,并进行细化,使公司、员工的行为尽量做到规范化。同时,针对个案或公司管理的某方面,进行重点调整和修改,比如,在农药行业管理方面,我们依法向公司修改并提交了《对 ×× 行业管理的几点意见和建议》一文,供公司参考。四、制定和完善了公司人员的担保制度,办理了部分营销人员的担保手续。(一)制定和完善了公司营销人员的担保制度。 对公司历年的营销人员的担保制度进行了总结,并进行了完善,制定了《担保工作操作规程》、《保证合同》、《内部合同》、《担保人基本情况表》、《担保财产清单》等。(二) 办理了部分营销人员的担保手续。 20 ×× 年 3 月份,分别到桂林、玉林、贵港、柳州等地,办理了部分营销人员的担保手续。(三)、为维护公司利益,挽回损失,继续对李 ×× 等人拖欠公司款项纠纷一案的申诉、抗诉。李 ×× 等人与公司欠款纠纷一案,历经一审二审,法院均裁决为公司内部事务,由公司自行解决。我们认为,法院裁决依法无据。现案子已申诉至区检察院,区检察院已将案件移送至 ×× 区检察院立案审查,并将做出抗诉。五、举办法律讲座,对公

司员工进行法律知识的。20 ×× 年 12 月 29 日,我所在夏威夷国际大举办新公司法法律培训讲座,出函邀请李 ×× 总经理等公司领导参加,因临近,公司事务多不能出席。鉴此,我们向公司呈送了此次讲座供公司及时 参阅,并附送律师事务所的第五期《同望法律参考》供公司存阅,以了解法律知识和当前的法律动态。以上是我们一年以来的顾问工作总结,回顾过去的一年,尽管有些货款得不到及时回笼,已结的案子亦执行不回,但我们欣喜看到,公司的蒸蒸日上,公司的运行有序规范,诉讼事项明显减少。这在客观上,与我们顾问律师的努力工作是分不开的。对于工作中的不足之处,我们深表歉意,并真诚希望在未来的 20 ×× 年内,我们能通力合作,尽心尽力地参与公司的经营与管理,为公司的科学决策提供法律依据,提高公司员工的法律意识和法制观念,在经济当中运用法律知识这个武器,共同把贵公司的法律事务工作做得更好,确实地维护公司的合法权益,努力地增强公司的市场能力,使公司取得更好的效益和经济效益。××律师事务所律师






Corporate Legal Department of internationally known, Fortune 500 multinational

company seeks experienced Patent Attorney for Shanghai-based regional headquarters. Position reports to Senior Counsel – Patents in the U.S. corporate headquarters.

We seek a local attorney with at least an undergraduate degree in computer

engineering or related areas, and at least 2 years patent experience in the computer industry. Candidate must be highly skillful in English language.

We offer the opportunity for excellent professional growth (further training in a U.S. law school sponsored by us may be possible), and provide highly competitive compensation and excellent benefits coverage.

Qualified professionals, please forward complete resume and cover letter stating current compensation level to:

Ms. Linda Ng

Manager of Professional Employment

North American Hardware, Inc.

10 Pudong Plaza

Pudong, Shanghai 300031

An Equal Opportunity Employer


March 29, 2005

Ms. Linda Ng

Manager of Administrative Employment

North American Hardware, Inc.

10 Pudong Plaza

Pudong, Shanghai 300031

Dear Ms. Ng,

While opening today’s China Daily I accidentally spotted your advertisement for the position of Patent Attorney. Although I have not been looking for a change, your ad did catch my attention. I would very much like to work for a Fortune 500 company,

and your firm is particularly attractive to me.

My credentials, as called for in your ad, include a B.S. in computer engineering from Chengdu Institute of Technology and over two years in the computer industry as a Patent Attorney. My law degree is a Juris Master (J.M.) from the prestigious Tsinghua University School of Law in Beijing.

I am currently working for an I.P. firm in Chengdu, where I serve as their principal attorney in the patent arena. The firm is small, with 12 attorneys and serving mostly hi-tech companies in Southwest China. As such, I have had to be a generalist and to learn extensively about computer engineering processes. My communicational capability in the English language is considered top-notch among local attorneys.

I feel my qualifications are an excellent match for your requirements, and I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you and the members of your Law Staff to further discuss your requirements.

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you shortly.


Jingjing Wang, Esq.

Enclosure: resume.


Leading European manufacturer of consumer products seeks heavily seasoned

attorney for the position of General Counsel for our China operations, to be stationed in Beijing. This position reports to the CEO – Chinese Mainland Operations, and directs a twenty-staff Corporate Legal Department.

Successful candidate will have a minimum of ten-year experience in the corporate law division of a major manufacturing company operating in mainland China, experience with major transnational companies being especially valued. Must have a broad knowledge of Chinese corporate law to include both business and patent law. Must demonstrate solid track record in the successful management of cases involving judicial and administrative proceedings across a wide range of legal issues.

Strong leadership and broad executive management capability are prerequisites. Excellent interpersonal and communications skills (both in English and Chinese) are also paramount.

Interested parties should forward complete resume and compensation requirements to: Box 112


300 Huiyuan Road

Beijing, China 100029

An Equal Opportunity Employer

Deguang Zhang, Esq.

123 Baiyun Road 13-1-202

Beijing 100029

December 25, 2007

Box 112


300 Huiyuan Road

Beijing, China 100029

Dear Sir or Madam:

I was pleasantly surprised this morning to discover your advertisement for a Chief Counsel in the Financial News Daily for two reasons. First, I have recently decided to make a career move. Second, I would appear to be well-suited to your requirements.

As a senior attorney with Zhang, Wang & Lee, a leading law firm in China with over

30 attorneys and no less than 70 legal staffs, I report directly to the managing partner and have managerial accountability for approximately half of the Corporate Division (12 attorneys). For the last five years, my principal accountability has been to investigate and direct all major litigation work (several cases in the multi-million dollar range) covering a wide range of legal issues from patent infringement cases, to consumer liability issues, to class action suits, to administrative proceedings, to name just a few. I am proud to say that I have established a strong “winning” record over the years.

Interesting, as called for in your ad, I have broad knowledge of corporate law to include both general business and patent law. My career includes 5 years in the

patent area, 2 years as a legal specialist in the labor relations, and 4 years in real estate related areas. This experience, coupled with my litigation background, should make me a very desirable candidate for the position you are attempting to fill.

My resume is enclosed for your consideration. As requested, my compensation requirements include a base salary in the RMB 400,000 to RMB 500,000 range plus executive bonus.

Should you conclude that I am a viable candidate for this position, I would be pleased to meet with you and the senior member of your management team to further explore my qualifications at your convenience.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to your reply.


Deguang Zhang, Esq.






TELEPHONE: 022-2369-9758


October 22, 2004

To Whom This May Concern:

My recommendation respecting Ms. Lan Mojuan is based on my responsibility of being her academic advisor. Ms. Lan is one of the finest students in Nankai University School of Law.

Under my tutorship, Ms. Lan participated in the William International Arbitration Contest held in Beijing in November 2003. Also under my tutorship and advice, Ms. Lan participated twice in the Jessup International Moot Court Contest, also held in Beijing, in 2002 and 2003 respectively. In all these contests, conducted in English, Nankai team reached the semi-final stage and was consistently among the top five best contest teams in the nation. Ms. Lan was a prime team member, her role being that of legal research and writing.

Ms. Lan does not possess a fine look typically expected from a female Chinese paralegal, and she does not talk much either. Yet, because of her VERY fine personality, she is one of the students liked most in Nankai. She provided very patient assistance to my legal research by collecting and outlining a large amount of English legal documents. Particularly with her enduring assistance, I was able to finish and publish a widely used law school textbook entitled “English for Attorneys and Law Students.” I am quite impressed by Ms. Lan's English language skills and her outstanding professional instinct, and was also touched by her great devotion to details and her ability to endure long and strenuous working hours.

Given all these attributes, Ms. Lan is over qualified for a paralegal or legal translator position she is applying for. I trust that Ms. Lan will make great contribution to your law firm, and I recommend her without any reservation. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Sincerely yours,

He Zhuyu

Associate Prof. of Law
