



We’ve all heard of mermaids. They are the beautiful half-human,

half-fish creatures(生物). They have the head and body of a human

and the tail of a fish. We also know that mermaids only exist in fairy

tales. But where did all the stories about these creatures come from? If

you have ever seen a manatee, then you might have an idea.

Manatees, which are also called sea cows, are mammals(哺乳动

物) that live in the sea. Since they are mammals, they have to swim up to the surface to breathe air. Many people believe that the story of the mermaid began with the ancient sailors who saw the manatees putting their heads out of the water to breathe. Because manatees are upright when they do this, it looks like they are standing. If a sailor saw a manatee doing this from far away across the sea, it is possible that the sailor would mistake the manatee for a creature that is half-human, half-fish.

Mermaids are described as having very long hair. This is probably because manatees like to swim up to the surface of the water in areas where there is sea grass. Manatees eat all kinds of plants in the sea, including sea grass. The sea grass around the manatee’s head when they eat could create a picture of long hair.

Manatees also have powerful tails that are very similar to the fish-like tail

of a mermaid. The sailors probably watched manatees come up for air and then swim back below the surface, using their paddle-shaped tails. This would explain why the sailors thought mermaids had fish-like tails.

64. What are mermaids?

65. Where do manatees live?

66. Do manatees need to breathe air out of water?

67. What do manatees eat?

68. Why did the ancient sailors mistake manatees for mermaids?




If your home is like most others, you’ve probably got a recycling bin in your kitchen. Good for you. That’s the first step to recycling. But there are other things that both parents and kids, can do to make recycling work better.

First, what kinds of rubbish bins are in the other rooms of your house? What about in your bedroom? You’ve probably just got one rubbish bin where everything goes. But it’s a good idea to place a special bin for recycling paper. Then, when it goes full, you can empty it into a larger recycling bin in the kitchen. You can also put a small recycling bin in the bathroom for any useless paper there.

Before you throw an item into the recycling bin, stop and think if you can use that item again. Take plastic items that contain yoghurt, for example. After eating what’s in them, you can clean them and store them in a cupboard, and later you can use them for storing another food item. You can do the same with the glass jars, too. You can also share your recycling advice with your neighbors.

If you decide to put an item in the recycling bin, it’s very important to follow this method. If it had food or drink in it, you must clean it before you put it in the recycling bin. It can’t be recycled with food still in it. You should place the item under the running water for a few seconds to clean it. This saves time for the workers in the recycling center. Then they can use their time doing more important work.

The last thing to remember is-don’t give up! You mustn’t just do recycling for a month and then return to your old habits. You can also continue to find other ways to recycle. So make recycling your new habit, and get others involved as well!

64. Is it good for you to have a recycling bin in your kitchen?

65. What can you do in the bathroom for any useless paper there?

66. What should you do before you throw an item into the recycling bin?

67. Why must you clean the item before you put it in the recycling bin?

68. What is the passage mainly about?


Ants may be very tinny, but they’re serious eaters! Ants love a picnic and they have their “ant-picnics”.

Favorite Foods

Want to find out what the ants like to eat? Place different foods on the edge of an upside-down plate. You can use butter, honey or seeds. Put this feeding station in the places where there are lots of ants. Wait three minutes and count the number of ants feeding on each food. Count them every three minutes. Watch and find out!

Do ants prefer sweet foods or less sweet ones? Here’s test: Give ants a choice between full-strength honey and a honey-water mixture. Offer a few drops of each choice side-by-side. Then count the number of ants you see near each site every three minutes.

How Far Will They Go?

Want to see how far ants travel to collect food? First find an ant nest(巢) by following some ants when they carry food home. Now you know how far the ants traveled to your food station. Next, move the food station about one foot (30cm) farther. Keep moving it until the ants no longer show up. Spreading the News

Once ants find food they like, usually they try to get their nestmates to help. To find out how long it takes an ant to tell others there’s food nearby, offer their favorite food and watch. After the first ant finds it, begin counting the ants at the food station every minute. Also, watch their behavior, when the first ant heads home, what does it do when it gets near other nestmates?

64. Do ants love a picnic?


65. Where can we put the feeding station to find out ants’ favorite food?


66. How can we find an ant nest?


67. What do ants usually do once they find food they like?


68. What is the passage mainly about?



It was early evening on September 14th. Glen James, a homeless man was passing by a store in Boston when he happened upon a black bag. To see whose the bag is, Glen opened it only to find that it was filled with money - $2,400 in cash and almost $40,000 in traveler’s checks, as well as, a passport and other papers. While other people in similar situations would have been tempted (引诱), Glen who has been homeless since 2005, did not even think twice. He showed the bag to a police officer, and the police officer gave it back to a Chinese tourist who had reported it lost. What Glen did was reported by newspapers, all over the country.

While most people that read it felt surprised at the man’s honesty, 27-year-old Ethan Whittington thought Glen should get money for what he did. So he decided to set up a money collection website. He set a goal of $50,000, which he believed was reasonable because it was more than what Glen had discovered in the bag. The marketing manager from Virginia thought he would be lucky to raise a few hundred dollars. Instead, within just a day, the website had gone over the $50,000 goal, encouraging Ethan to set a higher goal of $250,000 so that he could help Glen buy a house and start a new life.

As of now, $113,000 has been raised. Ethan who has talked to Glen over the phone, plans to visit Boston soon and also help him manage the money wisely. Needless to say, the homeless man is surprised at what he is receiving for doing the right thing – Honesty, certainly pays off!

64. Did Glen find money in the black bag?

65.Who gave the bag back to the Chinese tourist?

66. What did Ethan decide to do after he read the news of Glen?

67. How much money has been raised by now?

68. What can we learn from Glen and Ethan?


64. They are the beautiful half-human, half-fish creatures.

65. In the sea.

66. Yes.

67. They eat all kinds of plants in the sea.

68. When manatees were seen from distance, their heads looked human-like, the sea grass around their heads looked like long hair, and they swam with their paddle-shaped tails.

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67. 1分 1分 68. 0.5分 1分



65.In the places where there are lots of ants.

66.By following some ants when they carry food home.

67.They usually try to get their nestmates to help.

68. Some features of ants on eating and how to observe them by experiments.


64. Yes, he did.

65. A police officer.

66. He decided to set up a money collection website.

67. $113, 000.

68. We can learn to be honest from Glen, and we should learn to be helpful ( responsible /

warm-hearted ) from Ethan.