


第八单元 现代世界政治格局的演变





1、确立二战后世界两极格局基本框架的是( )

A. 雅尔塔体制 B. 杜鲁门主义 C. 马歇尔计划 D. 北大西洋公约



A.英国 B.苏联 C.日本 D.德国

3、二战结束后初期,斯大林在《真理报》上指出:他的演讲是“危险的行动”,是“站在战争 挑拨的立场上”,是“号召同苏联战争”。上述材料所指的事件是

A.北大西洋公约组织成立 B.马歇尔计划

C.丘吉尔“铁幕演说” D.杜鲁门主义


A. 东京申办奥运成功 B. 朝鲜战争爆发

C. 美国开始信息革命 D. 冷战正式开始

5、“二战”后,美苏冷战导致两大阵营的对峙,引起国际关系领域的一系列矛盾和冲突。冷战正式开始的标志是( )

A.马歇尔计划的提出 B.杜鲁门主义的出台

C.北约的建立 D.华约的建立

6、马歇尔计划的实施 ( )

①促进了西欧经济的恢复 ②加强了美国对西欧的控制

③刺激了经互会的成立 ④标志了“冷战”的正式开始

A.①②③④ B.①②④ C.②③④ D.①②③

7、马歇尔深知苏联根本不可能接受欧洲复兴计划。他曾说,如果一开始就把苏联和东欧国家排斥在计划之外,就会吓跑欧洲人,有的欧洲国家就会表现迟疑。这不能用来说明 ..

A.美国有意识地制造了欧洲的分裂 B.美国将分裂欧洲的责任推卸给苏联 C.美国有意掩盖其从经济上控制西欧的企图 D.美国有意在欧洲建立起一个军事战略同盟

8、19xx年初,苏联外交部长莫洛托夫在联合国大会上发表声明:“美国现在正以经济方式向东欧社会主义国家渗透,因此,我们不得不采取必要的措施对其回击。”为此,苏联和东欧国家采取的相应措施是( )

A.成立共 产 党情报局 B.成立经互会

C.成立华约组织 D.支持民主德国成立

9、20xx年10月26日,俄罗斯总统普京说,美国在东欧捷克和波兰部署反导系统所引发的局势类似于上世纪60年代发生的古巴导弹危机,这表明( )

A.美俄争霸格局已经形成 B.国际局势日趋紧张

C.美俄对抗关系依然存在 D.一超多强格局已经结束

10、、19xx年欧共体成立。其主要目标是争取在成员国之间逐步实现商品、人员、劳务和资本的自由交流,进一步促进经济的发展。组成欧共体的三个机构不包括( ) ...

A.欧洲煤钢共同体 B.欧洲经济共同体

C.欧洲原子能共同体 D.欧洲军事共同体


A.苏联成为西欧国家强有力的后盾 B.西欧国际地位不断提高

C.西欧取代了美国的经济霸主地位 D.第三世界国家日益壮大



①西欧在政治上不再唯美国是从 ②西欧要推行独立自主的外交政策

③西欧强烈要求与美国共同主宰世界 ④西欧要摆脱美困的控制.

A.①②③ B.①②④ c.②③④ D.①③④


A.美国在美苏争霸中处于劣势 B.日本与西欧联合起来反对美国称霸

C.欧盟的成立导致了美国的衰落 D.西欧、日本在经济上已经能够与美国抗衡


A.联合国成立大会 B.日内瓦国际会议

C.万隆会议 D.不结盟国家政府首脑会议

15、 西方有位学者写了本书,作者在前言中说:本书评述的时间开始于第二次世界大战的最后数月,结束于苏联的解体,美苏对抗是这个时代政治图景的主线。作者选择“苏联的解体”作为此书的结束的原因是

A.苏联解体意味着美苏冷战的结束 B.苏联解体意味着社会主义阵营的解体

C.苏联解体意味着资本主义阵营战了上风 D.苏联解体意味着世界走向和平


A.社会主义道路要与本国实际相结合 B.要进行改革开放,充分发挥社会主义制度的优越性

C.要时时警惕西方国家的“和平演变” D.要坚持党的领导,坚持以马列主义为指导 17、19xx年德国民众推倒柏林墙,在热烈欢呼声中重新获得统一。而当时德国能够完成统

一是抓住了一个有利的国际背景,这个国际背景是 ( )

A.美苏冷战已经开始 B.欧共体已经发展为欧洲联盟

C.世界各国声援德国 D.苏联等社会主义事业遭遇严冬


A.世界性合作组织 B.区域性经济组织

C.区域性合作组织 D.政府间反恐组织


A. 日中俄印 B.法德英日

C. 欧日俄中 D.亚非拉美




A.冷战结束后天下并不太平 B.美国干预别国和地区事务

C.美俄关系趋向紧张 D.形成了新的美俄两极格局

二、非选择题:本大题共2小题,第21题 20分,第22题 20分,共计 40分。


材料一 今天希腊的生存,受到数以千计共 产 党党徒领导的武装人员的恐怖活动威胁。他们在很多地点,特别是沿着希腊国境,





材料二 美国应该尽力协助世界恢复至经济健全的常态,没有它,也就没有政治的安定,没有牢固的和平。……我们的任务是唤起合理经济的再生,促使政治社会的结构容纳自由制度的存在。……任何政府诚意协助复兴工作的,必会得到美国政府的全部合作。任何政府勾心斗角阻挠他国复兴工作的,必不能享用我们的援助。




材料三 美苏冷战虽已离我们远去,但我们无法否认它在国际关系史中的重要地位。美苏冷战是在对抗与缓和的交替中进行的,在欧洲是真正意义上的冷战,而在亚洲则充满了火药味。 ——《冷战风云》世界知识出版社 ⑶结合所学列举“在欧洲是真正意义上的冷战,而在亚洲则充满了火药味”的有关史实。(5分)

⑷两极世界格局的形成标志是什么?为了应对两极分化的世界格局,新中国成立初期采取了 怎样的外交政策?(5分)

22、第二次世界大战结束至今,国际格局总的趋势是由两极格局向多极化方向发展。 材料一


资本主义世界经济格局示意图 不结盟运动 中国恢复在联合国的合法席位


材料二 俄罗斯前总理普利马科夫日前在此间表示,当今世界正超多极化方向发展,由一国指挥世界的做法是不可接受的。他说,当世界的两极体系不复存在时,人类应当走向一个以个中心为依托的多极世界,目前的世界正在朝着这个方向发展。但是,最近又出现了走向单极世界的倾向——有一个大国企图指挥世界,这是不能接受的。


材料三 在谈到地区冲突时,普利马科夫认为,这种冲突现已同国际恐怖主义错综复杂地交织在一起,使冲突的解决变得更加困难,从而使世界面临新的危险。他说,车臣问题不是一个孤立的现象,当地的恐怖分子和分离主义者得到外部的支持。




材料四 在20世纪的最后10年中,世界事务发生了结构性的变化。一个非欧亚大陆国家破天荒第一次不仅是作为欧洲大陆大国关系的主要仲裁者,而且也是作为世界上首屈一指的大国出现了。苏联的失败和崩溃是一个西半球大国美国迅速上升为唯一的而且的确也是第一个真正的全球性大国的进程中的最后一步。







第八单元 现代世界政治格局的演变 答案


1、A 雅尔塔体制事实上确立了美苏两分天下的格局。而B、C、D选项是冷战的表现。

2、B 从材料信息可知,乔治〃凯南的电报体现了“冷战”政策,文中的“政治力量”自然是指苏联。

3、C 丘吉尔“铁幕演说”对“冷战”的兴起起了推波助澜的作用,拉开了“冷战”的序幕;D项杜鲁门主义的出台是冷战正式开始的标志;B项马歇尔计划是冷战在经济上的表现;A项是美国推行霸权主义的工具。

4、B 19xx年夏,朝鲜战争爆发,为日本经济发展提供了大量的军需定货。

5、B 杜鲁门主义的出台是美苏冷战正式开始的重要标志。北约和华约的建立标志着以美苏为首的两大军事政治集团对峙局面的形成。

6、D 本题可用排除法,杜鲁门主义标志着“冷战”的正式开始,故选D。

7、D 欧洲复兴计划是要通过援助西欧恢复经济,巩固西欧资本主义制度,增强西欧遏制苏联的力量,同时加强美国对西欧的控制,不能说明D项所述。

8、B 二战后,美国提出“马歇尔计划”,通过援助西欧恢复经济,遏制苏联的力量,与之相对,苏联和东欧国家采取的相应措施是成立经互会。

9、C 本题是在考查美苏争霸的相关史实,“上世纪60年代发生的古巴导弹危机”是美苏争霸的产物,所以C最符合题干要求。

10、D 组成欧洲共同体的三个机构是1951建立的欧洲煤钢共同体、19xx年组建的欧洲经济共同体和欧洲太阳能共同体。

11、B 西欧从战后初期以美国为马首是瞻到奉行独立自主的外交政策,反映了西欧国际地位不断提高

12、B 本题可用排除法。20世纪70年代,随着欧洲走向联合和经济实力的上升,欧洲国家不再对美国惟命是从,要推行相对独立的外交政策,要摆脱美国的控制,但没有要求和美国共同主宰世界,故排除③。

13、D 解答本题的关键就是分析不同时期西欧、日本的力量变化及其对对外政策的影响。

14、D 结合第一次不结盟国家和政府首脑会议的时间和召开背景与内容即可判断,其余各项时间不符合。

15、A 作者站在西方立场,美苏争霸时期西方国家粗豪雨美国和苏联的中间,因此对这位学者而言苏联解体意味着美苏冷战的结束。

16、A 东欧社会主义国家由于在经济和政治等方面照搬苏联模式,逐渐使国家陷入困境,此后进行的改革收到国内国外的很大阻力,因此要结合本国实际进行社会主义改革。

17、D 民主德国从二战后,一直处于苏联的控制下,19xx年苏联因国内外因素的影响,步履维艰,为德国统一创造了一个好的国际环境。

18、C 上海合作组织仅仅是在亚洲几个国家,不是世界性合作组织,合作的范围不仅仅局限于经济或者反恐,因此,它是一个区域性合作组织。

19、C. 欧日俄中,当代世界出现了“一超多强”趋势,其中美国是唯一的超级大国,欧日俄中是几个力量中心,印度或非洲及拉美虽然正在崛起,但未能形成“一极”。

20. D 从背景材料上可以得出ABC是正确的说法。美俄在黑海对峙,但不能说“形成了新的美俄两极格局”,目前的格局暂时是“一超多强”,向多极化方向发展趋势明显。

二、非选择题:本大题共2小题,第21题 20分,第22题 20分,共计 40分。 21、

答案:(1)“自由国家人民”指赞成美国生活方式的其他国家的资产阶级。 “外来压力”

指苏联。意味着美国公开声称要干涉世界各国的内政 影响:标志着“冷战”的正式开始。


⑶ 欧洲冷战:北约与华约;马歇尔计划和经互会;西德与东德;杜鲁门主义与苏联争霸策略。亚洲热战:中国内战;朝鲜战争、越南战争。


22、因素:日本和欧共体的崛起;不结盟运动的发展壮大;中国国际地位的提高。 根源:世界经济的多极化。







1. This kind of tea is much_____________ (cheap) 2. Who is ______________ one in your class? (young)

3. The old man ___________ (hiccup) for many years No one knew why. 4. Kate __________ ill yesterday, she ___________ better now. (be) 5. Tomorrow we ________________ Unit 8. (learn) 6. Thank you for ____________ me. (help)

7. What are you doing? I ____________ for my pen. (look) 8. I have a lot of homework ____________ (do)

9. Jim _________ (can) sing some songs when he was 3 years old. 10. The weather in England never ____________ (get) too hot or too cold. 11. I know your sister is a __________ (violin).

12. She __________ (be) born in 1997. And she could go _________(skate) 13. They ______________ (go) to the park last Sunday.

14. Now we can stop ________________(have) a rest, because class is over. 15. When did the woman begin __________________ (hiccup) 16. Where did Tom go? He went ___________ (skate) with Jim. 17. Mr Li is a _____________ (love) father. 18. Who is the _____________ (piano), Lily or Lucy?

19. Many ____________________(act) come to China every year. 20. Ronaldo is a ____________(Brazil) football player. 1. Sam was ill yesterday, so he _____his homework. A. didn't B. not did C. didn't do D. didn't did 2. Hawaii is famous _____its beautiful beaches.

A. for B. in C. of D. with 3. Mr Turner taught English in a middle school _____1998. A. for B. at C. in D. since 4. I was born ____November 25, and my birthday is coming soon. A. for B. at C. in D. on 5. The coat was____ expensive that I didn't buy it. A. very B. so C. much D. too 6. What did your father do when he was in England? He _____ in a car factory.

A. work B. worked C .is working D. will work. 7. --- Do you think Jim will pass the Chinese exam? --- Sure. He ____a lot of time on it . A. took B. cost C. paid D. spent

8. --- How do you go to work every day? --- I ____on my bike. A .ride B. drive C. take D. walk 9. --- When did he come to our city? --- _______. A. Two years before B. Two years ago C. For two years D. After two years 10. He stopped _____when he was ill.

A. to smoke B .smoke C. smoking D. to smoking 11. You are never too ____to start doing things. A. busy B. free C. young D. brave 12. He began to play the piano _____four.

A. at age of B. aged of C. at the age of D. when he is 13. He is ____unusual piano player. A. a B. an C./ D .of 14. I can hear a girl _____the violin in the next room. A. play B. playing C. to play D. are playing 15. Did you _____the sports meeting last week? A. join B. take part in C. joined D. took part in 16. ——When _____ he born? —— In 1995. A. is B. was C. has D. does

17. Yao Ming was born ____September 12, 1980. A. on B. in C. at D. to 18. Bill Gates is an ____ person. A. famous B. talented C. outstanding D. kind 19. She started ice skating ____she was four. A. after B. When C. how D. where 20. She _____a skating champion when she was twelve. A. becomes B. become C. becoming D. became 21. ________ the strong wind, we had to stay at home. A. In B. For C. With D. Because of 22. ―________ you born? ―In a town near Tianjin.

A. When were B. Where did C. Where were D. Where was 23. When ________ you ________ to Shanghai? A. do, come B. did, come C. did, came D. were, come 24. She ________ the national table tennis team in 1988. A. joins B. joined C. took part in D. took part

25. Where __________ you born? A. did B. had C. was D. were 26. May I ask you __________ questions? A. a little B. any C. some D. a 27. Last night my father __________ home very late. A. reached B. gets C. reached to D. got to

28. When Jim was a child , they __________ to France.

A. lived

B. worked C. reached D. moved

29. —________ go and see the baby pandas? —Good idea.

A. Let's

B. Can you C .We

D. Do we

30. —Happy New Year! —__________.

A. OK. B. How do you do? C. The same to you D. How are you? 31. —How often are you ill? —__________. A. Last week B. Sometimes C. Three days D. Less than a week

32. Wei Hua __________ a busy day yesterday.

A. has

B. had C. was

D. have

33. Yao Ming was born _____September 12, 1980. A. on B. in C. at D. to 34. Bill Gates is an _____ person.

A. beautiful B. loving C. outstanding D. kind 35. She started ice skating _____she was four. A. after B. when C. how D. where 36. She toured the U.S. when ______ was fourteen.

A. he B. her C. she D. herself 37. ---- Is there ______ university near your home?

---- No. _______ university is very far from our hometown. A. an; The B. a; The C. an; An D. a; A 38. ―________ is Li Yundi? ―A famous Chinese pianist. A. How B. What C. Which D. Who

39. Deng Yaping went to Tsinghua University and ________ English and management. A. majored in B. major in C. majored for D. major for 39. Please put some relish on ______ bread.

A. one B. any C. two D. one piece of 40. ―I watched TV last night. ―______ did you do then? A. What else B. Anything C. Else what D. Other what things 41. Mother worked hard at home __________ last Sunday. A. all day B. the all day C. for all day D. for all the day 42. Billy enjoyed ________ very much at his birthday party last Saturday. A. himself B. him C. he D. his 43. You'd better ________ next time.

A. careful B. be careful C. are care of D. carefully

Maria Gomez was born in Peru. She grew up in a small village. She when she was six years old. She went to elementary school, but she to

high school .Her family was very was thirteen years old. She .

When Maria was seventeen years old, her family to the United States. First they lived in Los Angeles, and then they moved to San Francisco. When Maria in the United States, she was not happy.

She missed her friends in Peru, and she didn't a word of English. She began to study English at night, worked in a factory during the day. Maria studied very hard, and now she speaks English well. She's still at night, but now she is studying typing. She wants in Peru. Maria still misses her friends in Peru. But she is very happy now, and she hopes she will have a good future in the new country.

1. A. went to school B. go to school C. goes to school D. begins school 2. A. went B. didn't go C. began D. wasn't 3. A. rich B. poor C. happy D. glad 4. A. works B. is working C. is going to work D. worked 5. A. moved B. go C. stayed D. lived 6. A. reached B. arrived C. got D. moved 7. A. tell B. talk C. know D. say 8. A. when B. so C. or D. and 9. A. studying B. studied C. study D. studies 10. A. to do B. do C. to be D. be Mr and Mrs Green lived in a big city. Last summer, they went to a country for their holiday. They enjoyed it very much because it was a quiet, clean place. One day they went for a walk early in the morning and met an old man. He lived on a farm, and he was sitting under a warm sun in front of his house. Mr Green asked him, "Do you like to live in this quiet place?" The old man said, "Yes, I do."

Mr Green said, "What are the good things about it?"

The old man answered, "Well, the people here know each other. They often come and visit me, and I often go and visit them, and there are also lots of children here."

"That's interesting, and what are the bad things?" Mr Green said.

The old man thought for a moment and then said, "Well, the same things, really." 1. Mr and Mrs Green went to the country ________. A. to spend their holiday B. to see the old man C. to visit the quiet place D. to visit their old friends 2. Mr and Mrs Green enjoyed the country because________. A. it was far from the city B. it was quiet and clean C. it was a farm D. they wanted to live there 3. The old man said, "Yes, I do." "I do" here means "________". A. I like to go out for a walk early in the morning B. I like to sit in the warm sun C. I like to spend my holiday D. I like to live in this place

4. Mr and Mrs Green took a walk ________.

A. early in the morning B. after breakfast C. in the evening D. at noon 5 . Did the old man like the people to come and visit him?

A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didn't. C. Sometimes he did, but sometimes he didn't. D. We don't know. William Henry Harrison, the ninth president of the US, was bom in a small town. When he was a boy, he was very quiet and shy. Because he was so quiet, every one thought that he wasn't bright. The people in the town often put a nickel (五 分硬币)and a dime ( 一角硬币)before him and asked him which to choose.

He always chose the nickel and they laughed.

One day a woman felt sorry for him. She askeddo you never take a dime and always choose a nickel instead? Do you know a nickel is worth much less than a dime?”

“ Certainly I know it,,’ William answered slowly. “ But if I choose the dime, they will not ask me to choose them any more. ” 46. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. William Henry Harrison was the eighth president of the United States. B. William Henry Harrison was bom in a big town.

C. William Henry Harrison was very quiet and shy when he was a boy. D. William Henry Harrison wasn’t bright.

47. Why did people in the town think that he wasn’t bright?

A. Because he was bom in a small town. B. Because he was so quiet. C. Because he was the ninth president of the US. D. Because he liked money. 48. Why did the people laugh at William Henry Harrison? A. Because he was bright. B. Because he was not shy.

C. Because he loved the nickel. D. Because he always chose the nickel. 49. Did William Henry Harrison know a nickel was worth much less than a dime? A. Yes, he did.

B. No, he didn’t. C. Yes, he does.

D. No, he doesn’t.

50. What do you think of William Henry Harrison? A. Stupid. B. Clever. C. Naughty. D. Brave,

1. 他不是一个慈爱和蔼的人。 He is not a ________ or __________ person. 2. 李玟是第一个在奥斯卡上唱歌的中国歌手。

Coco Li was the first _____________ singer to ____________ songs at Oscar. 3. 我长大以后想当个演员。I want ______ ______ an actor when I grow up. 4. 迈克尔·乔丹是个国际体育明星。

Michael Jordan is an international ______ ______ .

5. 他出生在一个大城市里。 He ______ ______ in a big cit 对划线部分提问) __________ ___________ did your father ____________ there? 改为同义句) (提问) ①He went to school _________ he __________ seven years old. ② __________ __________ he ___________ to school? 3. He didn’t go to school because he was ill.

He didn’t go to school ___________ __________ his ____________ 4. W对划线部分提问) __________ ___________you __________ yesterday afternoon? 5. He is too short to reach the banana. (改为一句话) He is ________ short _________ he can’t reach the banana.

6. Laura is old. She can’t walk. (合并一句) Laura is ________ old _________.


she did the cooking. The doctor looked over Mrs,Brown for a few the doctor said “I’mare too fat”, “Too fat? asked Mrs Brown, The doctor said Mrs Brown ate too much food and she and how to make her thinner and The doctor said “If you want to be as and healthy as me, you food.”
