

姓名 班级 指导老师:Jane


My English Teacher

Miss Tang is my English teacher. She’s very pretty. She is tall and thin. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. Her hair is long. She likes cats very much. And she likes singing and dancing, too. Her English is very good. We often play games in English classes. She is very kind to us. We all love her.




My Days of the week

I’m a student and I am in Grade 5.I get up at six o’clock every day. I have breakfast at half past six, and go to school at seven o’clock. I have classes from Monday to Saturday. I have an English class on Friday and I have a PE class on Tuesday. I don’t have to go to school on school, and I like to go swimming on that day.



小朋友们写作文时要注意人称及谓语动词的变化,要依据提示,结合自己的实际,写自己身边熟悉的事情。 My Favourite Food

Do you know what this is? Guess! Its colour is yellow. It’s long and thin. It looks like a small boat and crescent. Oh, it is a banana. Do you know what that is? Guess again! Its colour is orange. It’s round. It looks like a small ball and a small lantern. Oh, it is an orange. I like then a lot. I like ice-creams. I like to chew gum. Chocolates and candies are yummy. I like them very much. How about you? What’s your favourite food?


My Favourite Food 是一篇很成功的文章,小作者并不是简单地列举出自己最喜欢的每一种食物,而是有详有略地进行介绍。整篇文章用词准确、语言流畅、没有语法错误。另外,文章中出现了一些生词,可见小作者是用心查字典了。

I can help do housework

I am a girl. My name is Li Ling. I’m in Class Three, Grade Five. I’m helpful at home. I can water the flowers, empty the trash and sweep the floor. After meals, I can help my mother do the dishes. On Sunday, I can wash the clothes. What about you? Are you helpful, too




In The Kitchen

This is the kitchen of my family. It’s big and nice. Look! My mother is cooking in it. This is a

microwave and that is a stove. There is a big table here. There are many things on it. What are these? They look yummy! Oh, they’re strawberries. And what are those? They are grapes.



小朋友们,可以从观察自己身边的事、物写起,利用所学的句子,描述身边熟悉的东西来训练习作。 My Village

My village is very beautiful. There are many houses in the village. Near the village, there is a forest.

A small river is in front of the village. The water in it is very clean. We can see some fish in the river. Near the river, you can see a mountain. Some flowers and grass are on the mountain. I like my village. Welcome to my village!




1,My favorite teacher(你最喜欢的老师是谁呢/ta教你什么呢?长什么样呢?你觉得Ta 性格怎么样呢?你为什么喜欢Ta呢? 能写下来告诉我吗?)

2,My weekends(我的周末)你的星期六,星期天一般是怎么过的?这周有事怎么过的,和谁一起呢,玩得开心吗?

3,My favourite food (你最喜欢吃什么食物呢?会经常吃吗?你为什么喜欢呢?)

4,My favorite fruits(你最喜欢吃什么水果呢?会经常吃吗?你为什么喜欢呢?愿意和他人分享吗?) 5,I am helpful at home.(写写你能帮家里做什么事) ,

6,My hometown(我的家乡)你住农村还是城市,你的家乡有些什么?可以介绍家乡的房屋、森林、河流及大山,即你的所见所闻

7,My school(你的学校漂亮吗?在你的学校能看到什么呢?写下来告诉我吧!)

8,In The bedroom.(你的房间大吗,漂亮吗,整洁吗?都有些什么呢?

9,About myself关于我自己(小朋友们写了这么都作文了现在你能全面介绍你自己了吗?姓名,年龄,家庭,性格,兴趣爱好--吃,喝,玩,乐,人等等)不少于10句话

注意:1,用专门的英语作业本,每周写两篇作文,并及时上交 2,每周背诵一篇作文,并到Jane出背诵过关



一) 单词辨音(5×2分)

1. A. woof B. choose C. wood

2. A. shirt B. cleaner C. learn

3. A. boat B. cabbage C. thumb

4. A. water B. gas C. bat

5. A. actor B. cinema C. cloud

二) 补全单词(5×2分)

6. acc_____nt A. ou B. uo C. oa

7. bookst____ A. or B. ore C. ure

8. c__m__c A. e,I B. o,u C. o,i

9. str____m A. ae B. ea C. ee

10. sh_____d A. oul B. ou C. ol


A 汉译英 B 英译汉

11.骑自行车_____________ 16. come from___________

12. 电视台记者____________17. play a violin__________

13. 摩托车________________18. make kites___________

14. 露出,出现______________19. get off______________

15. 醒来__________________ 20. traffic rule___________


21. I teach lessons. I am a __________________.

22. I clean streets. I am a ___________________.

23. I sing songs. I am a ____________________.

24. Tom dances. He is a ____________________.

25. Mary writes stories. She is a _____________.


26.What’s your hobby?

A. Swiming B. Swimming C. Swim

27. Does your mother wash clothes?

A. Yes, she doesn’t B. Yes, he does C. No, she doesn’t

28. What does Tom do?

A. Tom goes to school. B. Tom is a boy C. Tom is a teacher

29. How does he go to school?

A. On feet B. By foot C. On foot

30. He likes ________planes. He likes ________,too.

A. make/swimming B. making / swimming C. making / swim

31. I don’t have a brother_________sister.

A. or B. and C. the

32. He usually plays at the park __________ Sunday.

A. in B. at C. on

33. Who is he? He is _________ brother.

A. mine B. my C. I

34. she ___________ football everyday.

A. playing B. play C. plays

35. Happy birthday!

A. The same to you B. Thank you C.OK


36. same / the / like / We / things / don’t

37. bue / to / school / by / He / goes

38. Ann / TV / on / cartoons / watches

39. Who / in / a / factory / works / car

40. from / does / the / Where / rain / come


41. They (A; has / B: have) lunch in the kitchen.

42. She (A: watch / B: watches) TV in the evening.

43. We (A: ride / B: rides) a bike to our school.

44. Ton and Alice (A: likes / B: like) listening to music.

45. His mother (A: wear / B: wears) a black coat.


This is Billy and his brother’s bedroom. It’s not very big, but it is tidy(整洁).There are two beds in the room. There is a desk between(在……中间)the beds. There are some books on the desk. . Some are English books. Some are Chinese books. There is a phone on the desk, too. There are two chairs beside the desk. One is for Billy, and the other(另一把)is for his brother. There is a map of America on the wall. There is a map of the world on the wall, too. Billy and his brother like their bedroom very much.

46. The bedroom is small, and it’s clean.

47. There are two desks in the bedroom.

48. There are some Chinese books on the desk.

49. There are two maps on the wall.

50. There isn’t a phone in the bedroom.




一)1( )2( )3( )4( ) 5( )

二)6( )7( )8( )9( )10( )


A 汉译英 B 英译汉

11._______________________ 16. ___________________

12._______________________ 17. ___________________

13. ______________________ 18.____________________

14. ______________________ 19. ____________________

15. ______________________ 20.____________________





26( ) 27( ) 28( ) 29( ) 30( )

31( ) 32( ) 33( ) 34( ) 35( )








41( ) 42( ) 43( ) 44( ) 45( )


46( ) 47( ) 48( ) 49( ) 50( )



班级 姓名 成绩

一、听辨人物 5分

( )1.A. Mike B. sheep C. Mr Black

( )2.A. John B. Srarh C. Amy

( )3.A. hen B. goat C. cow

( )4.A. tomato B. socks C. potato

( )5.A. Chinese B. music C. P.E.

二、听选数字 5分

( )1.A. seven B. eight C. fourteen

( )2.A. one B. five C. ten

( )3.A. two B. eleven C. twenty

( )4.A. thirteen B. twelve C. nine

( )5.A. three B. four C. six

三、听音编号 10分

garden ( ) slipper ( ) duck ( ) library ( ) short ( )

bathroom( ) carrot ( ) watermelon ( ) football( ) sneakers(

四、词画连线 10分

1. cucumber 拖鞋 6.jacket 母鸡

2. skirt 马 7.hen 夹克衫

3. horse 黄瓜 8.dress 袜子

4. slippers 短裙 9.socks 裙子

5. boots 靴子 10.goat 山羊

五、字母乐园 5分

A B C D E F G H J K M N O P R S T U V W X Z __b c d e f g h j m n o p r s t u v w x z

六、找词归类 10分

hot , carrot , jeans , cool , hamburger , cold , donkey , rabbit ,lamb, coat , dress , sweater , soup , snowy , pig , bread , peach , watermelon , )

orange , strawberry , school , pencil

1. weather :

2. animal:

3. food:

4. colthes:

5. fruits:

七、句子配对 10分

( )1.Are they monkeys ? A. Size 6.

( )2.What size ? B. Yes,they are .

( )3.Is this the library? C. It’s cool.

( )4.What’s the weather like today? D. It’s ten o’clock. ( )5.What’s time is it now? E. Yes, it is.

八、看图写词 5分

1. 牛仔裤

2. 香蕉

3. 写字板

4. 猫

5. 苹果





Name Class Mark


( )1. A. house B. road C. building D. city

( )2. A. flower B. path C. park D. lake

( )3. A. mirror B. closet C. curtain D. trash bin

( )4. A. bedroom B. kitchen C. bathroom D. living room

( )5. A. cabbage B. mutton C. potato D. eggplant


( )1. port short ( )2. love often

( )3. fish thin ( )4. grape make

( )5. own now ( )6. menu cute


smart____ sound____ robot____ cook ____ tell____ bridge____ frige____ road ____ ill____ air____

男孩____ 女士____ 喜欢____ 菜单____ 年轻的____ 跑____ 热爱____ 工作____


1. There are many tall (build) in the city.

2. He can cook the (meal).

3. What do you often do on (Sunday)?

4. (There is缩写形式) a table in the room.

5. I like (chicken) very much.


( ) 1. There is a bridge the river.

A. on B. over C. under

( ) 2. There green grass and some flowers.

A. is B. are C. am

( ) 3. ---- What's he like?


A. He is a teacher. B. He is tall. C. He is very kind.

( ) 4. ---- Can you water the flowers?


A. Yes, I can't. B. Yes, I can. C. No, I can.

( ) 5. The panda in China.

A. live B. lives C. living

( ) 6. Are you at home?

A. help B. helps C. helpful

( ) 7. I’d like some bread and milk breakfast

A. for B. in C. on

( ) 8. ---- Is she strict?

---- Yes, but she's very .

A. strong B. tall C. kind

( ) 9. She often do homework on weekends.

A. my B. her C. his

( ) 10. I have eggplant and for lunch.

A. tomato B. tomato's C. tomatoes

( ) 11. Can you use computer?

A. a B. an C. one

( ) 12. ---- Where is the lake?


A. It's big. B. It's in the mountains. C. It's my favourite.

( ) 13. is the first day in a week.

A. Friday B. Monday C. Tuesday

( ) 14. I'd like some green .

A. beef B. mutton C. beans

( ) 15. What you like for lunch?

A. do B. would C. have


( ) 1. Is there any fish in the river? A. We have tomatoes. ( )2. Can you set the table? B. No, there isn't. ( )3. What can he do? C. Yes, I can.

( )4. What's your favourite fruit? D. He can cook the meals.

( )5. What do you have for lunch? E. Apples.


A. B. C. D. E.

( )1. There are many tall buildings in the city.

( )2. She can do the dishes.

( )3. The books are on the shelf.

( )4. Zhang Peng is reading books.

( )5. There is an air-conditioner in the house.

八、 根据给出的中文,完成句子(请注意动词的时态)(10%)

1. Amy often (读书) on Sunday morning.

2. John can (摆餐桌) at home.

3. Don't (看电视), go to bed now, Tom.

4. Are there (许多房子) in your village?

5. In the evening, my mother usually ____________________(洗衣服).


any over would why us is near too her on

1. What do you do Thursdays?

2. The trash bin is the door.

3. Is there fish in the river?

4. I can do the dishes, .

5. We can help .

6.There are many bridgs_____ the river.

7.There _____ some cake on the table.

8.He doesn’t like to go with ____.

9._____ you like to have some milk?

10.____ don’t you take a picture of me?


1. often TV watch on I Saturdays (.)

2.have what do on you Sunday (?)

3. who your is teacher Chinese new (.)

4. is principal our very kind (.)

5. day what is today it (?)

十一、 读短文回答问题,把正确答案的序号填在前面的括号内 (10分)

Hi! I'm David. I'm from Willow school. Today is Tuesday. We have math, Chinese and computer. I like computer. My computer teacher is very funny. He is very strong. I like him. We have eggplant and fish for lunch on Wednesdays. I don't like eggplant. Potatoes are my favourite. Saturdays are my favourite days. I often play football on Saturdays. Of course, I also do my homework on Saturdays. What about you?

( ) 1. What day is it today?

A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Friday D. Saturday

( ) 2. What do they have for lunch on Wednesdays?

A. Pork and rice B. Tofu and green beans

C. Eggplant and fish D. Mutton and tomatoes

( ) 3. What is David's computer teacher like?

A. He is tall and thin . B. He's very funny. He is strong.

C. He is so heavy. D. He is active.

( ) 4. Does David like his computer teacher?

A. Yes, he does B. No, he doesn't.

( ) 5. What does David do on Saturdays?

A. He often plays computer games.

B. He often plays football and does homework.

C. He often watches TV and play ping-pong.

D. He often sings songs.
