

请以 “How should parents help their children to be independent?”为题,按照以下要点写作:

1. 目前很多父母为子女包办一切

2. 其实父母应该。。。。。。

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make arrangements and decisions for their children. take such excessive attention for granted and depend on their parents for almost everything. still accompany their children to schools, even to examinations, do housework for their kids including cooking meals and washing clothes.

make decisions on their own and to take responsibility for themselves. actually help them develop an ability to think independently and become a ’s bedroom is in a mess, Jack’s parents, instead of cleaning it up for him, should ask Jack to do the job himself as soon as possible. Similarly, when Jack wants a new toy, they should ask him to do some work, say memorize 100 English words, before they agree to his request.


请以 “How to Prevent Energy Crisis” 为题,按照以下要点写作:

1. 能源危机的主要原因

2. 能源问题可能的解决方案

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范文 the world’s demand for energy is growing enormously day by day. amounts of energy are being wasted in all sections of the modern society. We need to raise the public awareness of the importance of using energy economically and urge our governments to pass laws to ensure a rational exploration and development of exhaustible resources. resources like coal and oil will run out is inevitable, many renewable sources of energy are already available, such as wind and solar power. We need to take measures to encourage scientists to continue developing such new sources of energy.



1. 时间,地点,人物,活动

2. 师生们的反应

3. 简短评论

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……… (it was not until … that …/ not until… did they…) …… …… ……


Our School Celebrated the New Year

came as a pleasant surprise. Besides, they sang familiar songs and encouraged the audience to sing along. Some students even surprised the audience with their hidden talents. Li Ming, for instance, always gave the impression of being serious and silent, but he did some funny imitations of a few celebrities, which made the audience burst into laughter. impressed by the excellent performances they had seen. Some were amazed to see how creative their schoolmates were, expressing their wish to see more celebrations like this in the days to come. A few students even remained in the hall after the party, hoping to have a word with the performers. For example, Li Yue, fascinated by Li Ming’s imitations, went backstage and approached him for tips on such performances. calls for cooperation between teachers and students, who, therefore, have chances to it provides a platform for those who are eager to display their talents. Moreover, such an activity adds color to our



1. 情况:多数草草了事,甚至不吃早餐,少数认真对待

2. 分析原因

3. 我的看法


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just what we expected. they tend to oversleep and lack enough time for breakfast. with and cause our body to malfunction. be able to every day.


请以 “Why Should We Attach Importance to Both Theory and Practice?” 为题,按照以下要点写作:

1. 理论以实践为基础

2. 理论反过来为实践服务

3. 结论

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范文 ’s theory concerning the building of socialism with distinctive Chinese features has been established on the basis of revolutionary practice in China. Xiaoping’s theory, which guides the Chinese people on their way to building a prosperous and powerful socialist society.



1. Hudson教授上课情况

2. 学生们的反应

3. 简短评论


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An Impressive English Class

“Christmas in America”song and everyone sang the song while smiling and clapping.

and fun to learn English.

oral communication in English


请以 “The Advantages of Bicycling to Work” 为题,按照以下要点写作:

1. 为公共交通减压

2. 有利环保

3. 有利健康


范文 which is already too crowded. In rush hours, it often takes a lot of waiting to get on a bus and to transfer from one bus line to another, no wonder a cyclist often arrives at his workplace sooner than his colleagues who are stuck in traffic jams. rider himself but also everyone else of the whole community. Just imagine how much fresher the morning air would be if everyone rode a bike to work.

offices, many people’ work has been reduced to button-pressing. What better exercise could such workers have than cycling to and from work?


请以 “Will Computers Replace Schools?” 为题,按照以下要点写作:

1. 有人认为计算机将取代学校

2. 计算机将在教育中发挥越来越大的作用

3. 学校的作用永远无法取代




范文 us with the most efficient and perhaps the least expensive means of communication and instruction, all that a student needs to do in order to learn is sit before a computer, reading, writing and doing homework on the screen. designed to suit students with different learning abilities and styles, the computer will greatly facilitate the learning process. are not just a place for book learning; they are also a place for personal interaction. Children at school not only learn to read and write, but also learn to make friends and interact with their peers and teachers face to face. They learn to take responsibilities for themselves and others. They learn how to negotiate and cooperate. All of them can hardly be learned in an isolated world. In a word, they prepare themselves for the day when they have to leave


Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

1. 因特网给我们带来的好处

2. 因特网普及可能产生的问题

3. 我的结论


The main benefits of the Internet are as follows.

Firstly, thanks to various , it is no longer a tough job to 查询资料)

In the second place, we can contact by , which (联系友人)

Last but not least, the Internet provides a platform where (交流平台)

However, the negative effects of the Internet cannot be ignored.

To begin with, surfing the Internet can be addictive to teenagers, who (玩物丧志)

Secondly, staying too long on the Internet may do harm to our (有害健康)

Finally, since the Internet offers easy access to may be tempted to (剽窃答案)

In conclusion, as a technological development, the Internet, despite its flaws, has

In other words, the advantages of the Internet outweigh its disadvantages.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

As every coin has two sides, the Internet, too, has both advantages and disadvantages.

we can discuss or debate issues of common interest, and exchange or share things with others.

health, in particular our eyesight. Prolonged ’ answers from the Internet.

made information flow


请以 Threats to Endangered Species 为题写一篇文章,内容必须包括以下几点:

1. 目前许多物种面临灭绝威胁

2. 举例至少一个主要威胁 (如:环境污染;过度猎杀)

3. 人类应该采取什么行动

Threats to Endangered Species … …… … … …

… …… … … …

… …

… … … …

Threats to Endangered Species animals. Besides, an increasing amount of chemical waste is dumped into rivers for the convenience of economic approach to economic development.

Threats to Endangered Species animals.

human desires for food and clothes, which can lead to some wild animals like deer and tigers are skinned to make fur coats for those who live in luxury. Such acts of killing can reduce wildlife population considerably, have a diet free of endangered species and wear fur coats made of artificial materials



1. 简述参观时间地点

2. 你参观时的所见所闻

3. 总结这次参观活动并评论其意义

Last Sunday, it was a sunny/rainy day, and I had an opportunity to …

Upon entering …, I was greeted by …

Walking on campus, I saw/heard …

When I stepped into …, I was amazed to see… / I was amazed at the sight of …

I went into … and asked sb ….

He/She was happy to…

A glance at … showed …

Upon leaving, I thought to myself that …

Compared with …, the university has/lacks … that will inspire/encourage/help …

This visit not only…., but also …


Last Sunday, it was a sunny day, and I had an opportunity to visit a well-known university campus.

Upon entering the campus, I was greeted by the pleasant smell of flowers and the friendly smiles of teachers. Walking on campus, I saw students playing basketball, reading books, or riding bikes. When I stepped into a building, I was amazed to find all classrooms filled with students either attending lectures or doing self-study. I went into one lecture-room and asked a student there what the lecture was about. He was happy to hand me his notebook. A glance at his notebook showed how attentive he had been. Upon leaving, I thought to myself that I would apply to this university for postgraduate studies.

Compared with my college, the university has a variety of lectures and courses that will help enrich my knowledge and broaden my horizons. This visit not only let me briefly experience a different university atmosphere, but also inspired me to study harder to pursue a better education.


What Electives to Choose

1. 各大学为大学生开设了多种多样的选修课

2. 学生出于各种原因选择不同的选修课

3. 以我自己为例。。。。。。

Nowadays, many universities provide/offer ...

The standards/purposes/reasons … differ/vary from individual to individual.

Some students, who …, prefer the electives …

Some students choose the electives …

Others take the electives …

There are also a few students who …

As far as I am concerned, …

What Electives to Choose

Nowadays, many universities provide a variety of electives for students to choose from. The standards by which to choose electives differ from individual to individual.

Some students, who have made their career choices, prefer the electives relevant to their future jobs. Some students choose the electives that will help their major studies. Others take the electives whose contents are similar to their hobbies. There are also a few students who care little about the nature of electives and choose those where it will be easy for them to get enough credits.

As far as I am concerned, most electives are supposed to equip me for future jobs. Since I want to become a car mechanic, I prefer electives that will give me basic instructions in car repair and maintenance.


Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bags

1. 一次性塑料袋曾广为使用

2. 由此带来的问题

3. 限制使用一次性塑料袋的措施和意义

Disposable plastic bags used to be popular with customers who …

In , for example, it was common practice that …

Gradually, people took for granted the use of disposable plastic bags without realizing …

/While people enjoyed the convenience of using disposable plastic bags, they failed to realize …

An increasing number of disposable plastic bags …

To begin with, …

Secondly, …

To limit the use of disposable plastic bags, the Chinese government has taken some measures, one of which is to …

In addition, …

The measures …


Disposable plastic bags used to be popular with customers who needed to take away what they had bought. In supermarkets, for example, it was common practice that salespeople used plastic bags to pack the goods that customers had paid for. Gradually, people took for granted the use of disposable plastic bags without realizing the potential damage it could cause to our environment.

An increasing number of disposable plastic bags can pollute air, water and soil. To begin with, the production of such plastic bags results in a huge amount of chemical waste, some of which may be dumped into water or emitted into air. Secondly, when disposable plastic bags become garbage, they tend to be burned or buried, causing pollution to air or soil.

To limit the use of disposable plastic bags, the Chinese government has taken some measures, one of which is to promote the use of bags of environment-friendly materials. In addition, most stores have started to charge for all kinds of bags. The measures are significant in terms of protecting our environment.


请以 “Bridge” 为题,按照以下要点写作:

1. 桥很美,常常是游客观光的去处

2. 建桥的主要目的事方便交通,促进经济发展和文化交流

3. 外语也能起桥梁作用

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范文 their natural surroundings and attract millions of visitors every year, who come not because they have to cross them in order to reach another place, but because they want to have a personal look to admire their beauty or draw some inspiration. Without these bridges, people would have stayed isolated. Without these bridges, economy would not have to speed up communications, to stimulate economy, and to promote cultural exchanges. Bridges, just like roads, are essential to the economic and cultural development of a country. will help us better understand the outside world and remove our misunderstanding. Besides, being able to speak foreign languages will enable us to introduce our culture to foreigners, thus eliminating their stereotypes. mission is more likely to be successful if he can speak the languages of both countries.



1. 分析这一现象产生的可能原因

2. 出国留学的利与弊

3. 我的观点是。。。。。。

… … … …… ……

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范文 ’s education as a top priority. They to go abroad for further education. foreign country.

have academic advantages, including advanced facilities and excellent professors. receive better academic training in science and technology and keep up with the latest career choices both in china and abroad. foreign culture broadens a student’s horizons. Living alone overseas helps a student become independent. Foreign universities provide students with easy access to world-class scholars and academic resources. A degree from a education overseas if my parents can afford it.

