
專案/研究合約備忘錄(範本)OO 公司(以下簡稱甲方)委託實踐大學 OO 學系(以下簡稱乙方),進行「OOOO 計畫」 。 一、 二、 三、 四、 工作進度時程表(時間) 乙方承諾前項設計成果,絕無侵害第三人之著作權、專利權與智慧財產權。 乙方須為甲方保密,不得將此案之設計資料提供給第三者使用。 因執行本專案所得之設計成果,其智慧財產權歸甲方所有,乙方保有其 著作人格權。設計過程中以方所提之設計構想,若未經甲方採用者,所 有權力仍歸乙方。 經甲、乙雙方同意,乙方得以將設計成果公開發表。 設計/研究費:經費預算 本備忘錄係以雙方誠信為原則,正本一式兩份,雙方各執一份為憑。五、 六、 七、甲方: 代表人: 地址: 乙方: 代表人:(計畫主持人) 地址:




Memorandum of Agreement


Between 1) and 2)


(协议方1)and 2)are engaged for 议方1)is responsible for (协议方1职责), and (协议方2)is responsible for 2职责).

There has never been an agreement between 1)and 2)on the roles and responsibilities of each respective team in terms of 的协议). This MOA identifies roles and responsibilities for both (协议方1) and (协议方2).

Some of what is set below reflects work that has already begun, and this document memorializes those actions.

Objective: (协议方1)and (协议方2)share a single objective of 标), in a timely and efficient manner.

To achieve this objective, both 1) and 2) agree that (达成协议).

Agreement: In order to , 协议方1) and 2)agree to work together to:


As partners, (协议方1) and (协议方2) recognize the need to collaborate on (协议工作). As individual teams, each has specific responsibilities in all parts of this agreement to ensure that (协议目的). Collectively, the two teams have the capability and expertise to ensure that all contracting actions are done properly, in compliance with law, regulation and policy and in the best interests of both 1)and 2). Acceptance of Agreement:

(协议达成日期) (协议达成日期)
