




新托福考试(也即托福网考iBT考试)在听说读写四个单项的考核上都与过去的笔试有了很大的区别,而在写作一科上,更是与过去的TWE采取了完全不同的模式,这种不同,从形式上来讲,更大程度的是表现在Integrated Writing的写作任务上,这篇以阅读和听力能力为基础的综合写作,从考核目标,考核形式以及评分标准上都有极大的“个性”。当然,对于考生来说,最终极的目的是希望能够在考试中获得较好的成绩,所谓“知己知彼,百战不殆”,因此建议考生,只有在正确把握综合写作的考核目的和评分标准后,才能在考试过程中做到“有的放矢”,从而完成一篇符合要求并令考官满意文章。

在综合作文考核过程中,学生需要首先阅读230-300字左右的阅读文章,然后听取同题材的230-300字的听力材料,而考生需要完成的写作任务就是要以作文的形式讨论和分析听力材料与阅读材料在观点上的异同和以何种方式表现这种异同点。对于考试的目的“托福考试官方指南”(以下简称“指南”)中明确的定义:“This task gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to show that you can communicate in writing about academic information you have read and listened to.”综合分析考试模式和“指南”中的考核目的后,综合作文主要有以下两方面考点,一是综合作文首先考察的是考生在相对紧苛刻的条件下是否有能力把握文字和听力材料所表述的内容,并对两者有正确的判断,也即是the

academic information you have read and listened to;而另一个考核点则是考生能够将所获得的信息用准确和具有逻辑性的书面语言表达出来,也即是your ability to show that you can communicate in writing.所以综合以上两点考核的目标,那么我们所谓的把握综合写作的得分点,重心自然就落在这两个任务的achievement上。

PART ONE 文章内容和结构的得分点

1. “清晰工整的文章结构”

在“指南”中明确提到,出题方希望考生能够在开始作文前,重读阅读文章并通过和听力笔记的对比,完成一份简单的提纲性材料。(Before you start writing, briefly reread the passage, consult your notes, and make a very brief outline of the points you wish to

make.)因此,我们很清楚的能够看出,出题方对于考生提出的第一个最基本的要求是希望考生能够给出的是一篇结构清晰和合理的作文,而这一点在之后的范文分析上能够更清楚的得到肯定,在“指南”所给出的五分范文的评价中,很明确的表示了对于工整和清晰的文章结构的赞赏,(The writer is very specific and has organized his points so that they are parallel with one another: in each of the supporting paragraphs, the lecturer’s observation of what really happened is given first, then explicitly connected to a theoretical point from the reading.)可能会被部分考生嗤之以鼻的对仗式的“八股”文章结构则在考官眼中则恰恰体现

资料来源:教育优选 /






2. “宁可错杀,绝不放过”

在“指南”中同时还提到在考生的作文中需要包括听力材料中的具体观点和以及采用怎么样的方式对观点进行解释和说明。(The specific ideas, explanations, and arguments in the lecture that oppose or challenge points in the reading.)这一要求告诉我们考核方希望作文中能够将听力材料中的观点作为出发点,详细并清晰的表述其与阅读材料的异同点。这一要求是综合写作的重点,“指南”中在明确提出高分作文(4-5分)的标准需要考生必须完整并正确的分析了听力和阅读材料中所有的相应观点,也即所谓的“踩点给分”,所以,建议考生必须注意在一开始读阅读材料时就要预估可能会在听力材料中出现的信息点,在听材料的时候更要把握每一个相关的信息,做到“宁可错杀,绝不放过”。当然,需要注意的是,这里的要求是完整并正确的,考生切忌在这里提出自己的观点,或根据阅读材料盲目臆断听力中的观点。

PART TWO 语言的得分点

3. “语言精准”,“表达连贯”

仔细阅读“指南”,我们不难看出,综合作文对于语言的要求远远低于对文章内容和结构的要求,考核方对考生提出的要求仅仅为用完整的句子表达内容(Write in full English

sentences)。这一要求当然是为了防止有个别考生曲解题目的意思而将听力与阅读材料中的相关信息点以罗列的方式体现出来,同时,我们通过进一步体会也不难发现,在综合作文部分,对于希望获得高分的考生,考核方的确并未对考生的语言专业化能力设定过高的门槛,希望考生能够完成的是准确并连贯的完成所有表达(Coherent and accurate presentations of each point that you make)同时允许个别的对理解全文不构成影响的拼写,单词使用和语法错误(Occasional language errors will not count against you as long as they do not cause you to misrepresent the meaning of points from the reading and the lecture.)。这一点在“指南”所给出的5分范文的评价中同样得到了印证。同时,考核方对于拼写失误尤其宽容,认为考生所给出的作文属于初稿级别(first draft),因此允许部分打字过程中出现的笔误现象。同时,“指南”中未曾提及对于考生用词难度的考核标准,由此可见该部分作文对于所谓的“正式书面语”的要求并不很高,故此,提醒考生在语言表达这一得分点上,考生更应注意“语言的精准性”和“表达的连贯逻辑性”两个部分。


资料来源:教育优选 /



分享:09年托福考试满分作文黄金模板   记得在大学时代,各个大学的BBS上包括我们华工就广为流传着“作文魔板”这个名词,没有自己体会过用套路写作的人其实根本不可能理解到这其中的奥秘,因为有的人说背“魔板”是不可能得到高分的,而另一些人却说不背“魔板”得到的高分是没有“性价比”的。  实际上,就我个人而言,我认为魔板的背诵是非常必要的,但绝对不是能是盲目的!  大家都知道,我们中国人其实在 英语 的听说读写四个环节上最薄弱的就是输出的两个能力:说和写;而最强的就是输入的两个能力:读和听。而如果我们想在出国的道路上成为佼佼者,那么在保持传统强项的同时是否应该特别加强一下我们的口语和写作能力呢  而根据我考TSE(TEST OF SPOKEN ENGLISH)的经验,其实口语 考试 分数的高低(注意这里仅仅是指 考试 分数)几乎完全取决于你到底背了多少段落。因为口语的TOPIC是覆盖面非常广泛的:教育、文化、历史、生物、科技、艺术等等,所以这就从客观上决定了考生必须背大量的段落,而实际上背的过程中也就是把不涉及过于具体内容的话背下来,到 考试 的时候再把听到或看到题目要求的具体内容往里面加。一定要注意是从背具体的段落到提炼抽象的魔板最后再回到具体的段落:  ·具体  ·抽象  ·具体  下面我就分别以新TOFEL的综合部分和GRE/GMAT作文的“阿狗”部分为例分别给大家分享一下我个人对于满分的一些理解。  TOEFL iBT  其实新托福加了综合部分以后,我个人认为是降低了难度。因为原来老托福的作文作为新托福作文的独立部分并没有什么太大的改变,而且大家都知道作文水平的提高不是一朝一夕的事情,那么我刚才说的不能盲目就是指大家不能在这个需要体现真正写作水平的部分去背段落,因为这个是会被认为是舞弊行为的。那么在综合、独立各占15分的时候,我们如果能把握住任何一个部分的高分实际上平均下来的分数就不会低。而综合部分由于是先读一篇文章,再听一段录音,然后让我们谈文章与录音的相互关系,而不用发表自己的观点这一题目本身的客观要求就决定了它是可以背由固定标准语句组成的“魔板”的。这正如研究生入学考试 英语 写作的小作文和雅思写作的小作文一样是有固定套路的。比如录音讲座要么就是质疑或者反驳了阅读段落;要么就是支持或者加强了阅读段落,所以只需要把相关描述质疑或者反驳与描述支持或者加强的固定语句背下来就可以得到一个相对较高的分数,如果考生同时又把相关要点表达准确和清楚

了的话,那么满分是完全可能的。当综合部分有15分在手的时候,独立部分只要及格那么就能至少获得24分的作文高分!  比如以下两个“魔板“是分别描述质疑或者反驳以及支持或者加强的:  Integrated Writing Task  How the Integrated Writing Task is phrased:  If the lecture challenges the information in the reading passage, the writing task will usually be phrased in one of the following ways:  Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on specific points made in the reading passage。  Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge specific claims/arguments made in the reading passage。  Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they answer the problems raised in the reading passage。 接下来,我将以如下例子来告诉大家如果提炼“魔板”:  Getting the Templates  The first point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about the behavior of stags。 The professor shows how the actions of animal can be interpreted in different ways。 For example, some people interpret the stag’s actions as being for the “good of the species,” but the professor shows that the stag is actually acting in self-interest。 This casts doubt on the reading because it appears that the crickets’ behavior can be interpreted as helping only individual crickets and not the group as a whole。 The professor then talks about the results of the experiment, which seems to indicate the crickets are acting only in self-interest。  Another point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about the intelligence of animals and insects。 As he states, it would seem to require a lot of intelligence to evaluate how a behavior will affect an entire species。 This makes the explanation in the reading seem less likely; a cricket is probably unable to think of the consequences of its actions。 It is more likely that the cricket is only acting out of self-preservation, as the professor indicates。  The first point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about__________________________________。  The professor shows that_____________________________________。  For example, ______________________________, but the professor shows that_______________________________________。  This casts doubt on the reading because it appears that_________________________________。  The professor then talks about_________________________, which seems to indicate that___________________________。  Another point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about__________________________________。  As he states, it would seem to_________________

__________。  This makes the explanation in the reading seem less likely;_____________________________________。  It is more likely that________________________, ad the professor indicates。  实际上,大家从上面这个例子就可以发现“魔板”的提取过程就是这样的:  ·先认真读完一篇满分范文  ·再用笔划掉其中涉及题目具体内容的部分  ·最后把余下来的部分抄写下来即可  但“魔板”做出来后只是做了一小半工作,大家还必须学会如何往里面填空,实际上最简单的方法就是看着题目把具体内容自己填进去,然后跟范文对比,找出填空的精华技巧所在,因为在后半部分的GRE/GMAT中我还会详细讲解,所以这里只是先告诉大家这样一个简单方法。  大家如果想在今后新托福的考试中作文部分有所突破,那么就应该按照我这个提炼“魔板”的方法,去至少提炼20篇左右的满分范文,再加以有机排列组合成自己独特的考试“魔板”,最后进行集中填空,那么新托福作文25分将不再是神话。 Showing Challenge  In the lecture, the professor made several points about______________。 The professor argues that__________________。  However, the reading contends that________________。  The professor’s lecture casts doubts on the reading by using a number of points that are contrary to___________________________。  The first point that the professor uses to cast doubt on the reading is that_________________。  According to the professor,________________________________。  _______________ differs from the reading in that the reading states _______________________________。  The point made by the professor casts doubt on the reading because_______________________。  Another point that the professor uses to casts doubt on the reading is ___________________________________。  The professor claims that______________________________________。  However, the reading states _____________________________________。  This point is contradicted by_____________________________________。  Finally, the professor stated that, on the contrary of the reading, _____________________________________。  In other words,______________________________________。  This directly contradicts what the reading passage indicates, because___________________________。  In conclusion, the points made in the lecture contradict the reading。  _________________and_______________ demonstrate that ___________is in doubt。  If the lecture supports or strengthens the information in the reading passage, the writing task will usually be phrased in one of the following ways:  Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specific

ally explain how they support the explanations in the reading passage。  Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they strengthen specific points made in the reading passage。  Showing support  In the lecture, the professor made several points about_______________。  The professor argues that______________________________。  The points made by the professor agree with________________。  In fact, the examples used by the professor support_________________。  The first point that the professor uses to support the reading is that_______________________。  According to the professor,_____________________________。  _______________________supports the reading, which holds that_______________________。  The point made by the professor supports the reading because_____________________。  Furthermore, the professor bolsters the reading by stating that_______________。  The professor claims that_________________________________。  This point agrees with the reading, which contends that______________。  __________________ shows the truth of the reading because___________。  Finally, the professor stated that, in support of the reading, ______________________________。  Specifically,__________________________________________。  This perfectly reinforced what the reading passage indicates, because___________________________。  In conclusion, the points made in the lecture support the reading。  ________________ and ________________________demonstrate that ________________________is invalid。分享:09年托福考试满分作文黄金模板   记得在大学时代,各个大学的BBS上包括我们华工就广为流传着“作文魔板”这个名词,没有自己体会过用套路写作的人其实根本不可能理解到这其中的奥秘,因为有的人说背“魔板”是不可能得到高分的,而另一些人却说不背“魔板”得到的高分是没有“性价比”的。  实际上,就我个人而言,我认为魔板的背诵是非常必要的,但绝对不是能是盲目的!  大家都知道,我们中国人其实在 英语 的听说读写四个环节上最薄弱的就是输出的两个能力:说和写;而最强的就是输入的两个能力:读和听。而如果我们想在出国的道路上成为佼佼者,那么在保持传统强项的同时是否应该特别加强一下我们的口语和写作能力呢  而根据我考TSE(TEST OF SPOKEN ENGLISH)的经验,其实口语 考试 分数的高低(注意这里仅仅是指 考试 分数)几乎完全取决于你到底背了多少段落。因为口语的TOPIC是覆盖面非常广泛的:教育、文化、历史、生物、科技、艺术等等,所以这就从客观上决定了考生必须背大量的段落

,而实际上背的过程中也就是把不涉及过于具体内容的话背下来,到 考试 的时候再把听到或看到题目要求的具体内容往里面加。一定要注意是从背具体的段落到提炼抽象的魔板最后再回到具体的段落:  ·具体  ·抽象  ·具体  下面我就分别以新TOFEL的综合部分和GRE/GMAT作文的“阿狗”部分为例分别给大家分享一下我个人对于满分的一些理解。  TOEFL iBT  其实新托福加了综合部分以后,我个人认为是降低了难度。因为原来老托福的作文作为新托福作文的独立部分并没有什么太大的改变,而且大家都知道作文水平的提高不是一朝一夕的事情,那么我刚才说的不能盲目就是指大家不能在这个需要体现真正写作水平的部分去背段落,因为这个是会被认为是舞弊行为的。那么在综合、独立各占15分的时候,我们如果能把握住任何一个部分的高分实际上平均下来的分数就不会低。而综合部分由于是先读一篇文章,再听一段录音,然后让我们谈文章与录音的相互关系,而不用发表自己的观点这一题目本身的客观要求就决定了它是可以背由固定标准语句组成的“魔板”的。这正如研究生入学考试 英语 写作的小作文和雅思写作的小作文一样是有固定套路的。比如录音讲座要么就是质疑或者反驳了阅读段落;要么就是支持或者加强了阅读段落,所以只需要把相关描述质疑或者反驳与描述支持或者加强的固定语句背下来就可以得到一个相对较高的分数,如果考生同时又把相关要点表达准确和清楚了的话,那么满分是完全可能的。当综合部分有15分在手的时候,独立部分只要及格那么就能至少获得24分的作文高分!  比如以下两个“魔板“是分别描述质疑或者反驳以及支持或者加强的:  Integrated Writing Task  How the Integrated Writing Task is phrased:  If the lecture challenges the information in the reading passage, the writing task will usually be phrased in one of the following ways:  Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on specific points made in the reading passage。  Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge specific claims/arguments made in the reading passage。  Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they answer the problems raised in the reading passage。 接下来,我将以如下例子来告诉大家如果提炼“魔板”:  Getting the Templates  The first point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about the behavior of stags。 The professor shows how the actions of animal can be interpreted in different wa

ys。 For example, some people interpret the stag’s actions as being for the “good of the species,” but the professor shows that the stag is actually acting in self-interest。 This casts doubt on the reading because it appears that the crickets’ behavior can be interpreted as helping only individual crickets and not the group as a whole。 The professor then talks about the results of the experiment, which seems to indicate the crickets are acting only in self-interest。  Another point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about the intelligence of animals and insects。 As he states, it would seem to require a lot of intelligence to evaluate how a behavior will affect an entire species。 This makes the explanation in the reading seem less likely; a cricket is probably unable to think of the consequences of its actions。 It is more likely that the cricket is only acting out of self-preservation, as the professor indicates。  The first point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about__________________________________。  The professor shows that_____________________________________。  For example, ______________________________, but the professor shows that_______________________________________。  This casts doubt on the reading because it appears that_________________________________。  The professor then talks about_________________________, which seems to indicate that___________________________。  Another point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about__________________________________。  As he states, it would seem to___________________________。  This makes the explanation in the reading seem less likely;_____________________________________。  It is more likely that________________________, ad the professor indicates。  实际上,大家从上面这个例子就可以发现“魔板”的提取过程就是这样的:  ·先认真读完一篇满分范文  ·再用笔划掉其中涉及题目具体内容的部分  ·最后把余下来的部分抄写下来即可  但“魔板”做出来后只是做了一小半工作,大家还必须学会如何往里面填空,实际上最简单的方法就是看着题目把具体内容自己填进去,然后跟范文对比,找出填空的精华技巧所在,因为在后半部分的GRE/GMAT中我还会详细讲解,所以这里只是先告诉大家这样一个简单方法。  大家如果想在今后新托福的考试中作文部分有所突破,那么就应该按照我这个提炼“魔板”的方法,去至少提炼20篇左右的满分范文,再加以有机排列组合成自己独特的考试“魔板”,最后进行集中填空,那么新托福作文25分将不再是神话。 Showing Challenge  In the lecture, the professor made sev

eral points about______________。 The professor argues that__________________。  However, the reading contends that________________。  The professor’s lecture casts doubts on the reading by using a number of points that are contrary to___________________________。  The first point that the professor uses to cast doubt on the reading is that_________________。  According to the professor,________________________________。  _______________ differs from the reading in that the reading states _______________________________。  The point made by the professor casts doubt on the reading because_______________________。  Another point that the professor uses to casts doubt on the reading is ___________________________________。  The professor claims that______________________________________。  However, the reading states _____________________________________。  This point is contradicted by_____________________________________。  Finally, the professor stated that, on the contrary of the reading, _____________________________________。  In other words,______________________________________。  This directly contradicts what the reading passage indicates, because___________________________。  In conclusion, the points made in the lecture contradict the reading。  _________________and_______________ demonstrate that ___________is in doubt。  If the lecture supports or strengthens the information in the reading passage, the writing task will usually be phrased in one of the following ways:  Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they support the explanations in the reading passage。  Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they strengthen specific points made in the reading passage。  Showing support  In the lecture, the professor made several points about_______________。  The professor argues that______________________________。  The points made by the professor agree with________________。  In fact, the examples used by the professor support_________________。  The first point that the professor uses to support the reading is that_______________________。  According to the professor,_____________________________。  _______________________supports the reading, which holds that_______________________。  The point made by the professor supports the reading because_____________________。  Furthermore, the professor bolsters the reading by stating that_______________。  The professor claims that_________________________________。  This point agrees with the reading, which contends that______________。  __________________ shows the truth of the reading because______

_____。  Finally, the professor stated that, in support of the reading, ______________________________。  Specifically,__________________________________________。  This perfectly reinforced what the reading passage indicates, because___________________________。  In conclusion, the points made in the lecture support the reading。  ________________ and ________________________demonstrate that ________________________is invalid。
