


2、目录:目录按三级标题编写,要求标题层次清晰。正文章节标题或小标题独占一行,用罗马数字I. A.B.C.D II. III. ??或阿拉伯数字1. 1.1 1.2 ?? 2. 2.1 2.2 ??对需要编号的内容加以编号。





7、引用:论文中所用引文、数据,必须注明出处,包括著作的作者姓名、被应用的文章名或书名,出版社的地址、名称和出版时间,页码等。论文直接或间接引用他人的文献,必须按照规定格式注明出处,加以注释,并在论文最后的参考文献中列出。参引的内容和语言须与正文之后所列参考文献的内容和语言一致。 引文不能超过论文的三分之一。 一切直接或间接引文以及论文所依据的文献均须通过随文圆括号参引(in-text parenthetical reference)标明其出处。转述某作者或某文献的基本或主题观点或仅提及该作者或该文献,须给出文献的页码,格式是“出版年:页码”,如:

Halliday (1994:23) states that “a language is a system of remaking meanings: a semantic system, with other systems for encoding the meanings it produces”.

Halliday (1994) states that “a language is a system of remaking meanings: a semantic system, with other systems for encoding the meanings it produces” (Pp: 23-25).


In this dissertation we follow the assumption that “ a language is a system for making meanings: a semantic system, with other systems for encoding the meanings it produces” (Halliday, 1994:24).


圆括号内的参引如果不止一条,一般按照出版年排序。同一作者的两条参引之间用逗号隔开;同一作者同年内的多部作品用小写英文字母a, b, c以示区分。如:Dahl (1985, 2000a, 2000b );

Miller(1977a, 1977b)explains that the nervous system consists of cells called neurons

whose purpose is to convey information. In addition to the elements the neuron shares with other cells, it also has group of fibers called dendrites and a long single fiber called an axon.

文献作者如果是两个人,参引时引两个人的名字。中文的格式是在两个名字之间加顿号,如“吕叔湘、朱德熙(1952)”;英文的格式是在两个姓之间加&号,表示“和”,不同作者的参引之间用分号隔开。如(Dahl,1985; Miller, 1977)如:

(a) Halliday and Hasan (1975) suggest that there are both grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion.

(b) ( Halliday & Hasan ,1975).

(c) We would assume that two types of cohesion can be identified, the grammatical cohesion and the lexical cohesion(Dahl,1985; Miller, 1977).

文献作者如果是三人或三人以上,参引时仅引第一作者的名字。英文的格式是在第一作者的姓之后加拉丁缩略语“et al.”,如 “Quirk et al. (1985)”,et al.为斜体。 When you look at what Quirk, Greebaum, Leech and Svartvik (1985) suggest, you can see that “ This is my brother who is a doctor” is treated as a simple sentence. (Quirk et al., 1985).

如果引用的作者姓相同,而名字不同,用名字的第一个字母缩写标明以示区分。如: Both J. Michell (1987) and D. Michell (1989) have suggested similar ideas on this case. But

D. Mitchell’s (1989) proposal differs from that of J. Mitchell (1987) in his sample of experiments.

如果引用的文献来源于网络,需要给出作者名、发表日期,并列出相应网址。如: Halliday Certre for Intelligent Applications of Language Studies (HCLS) at City University of Hong Kong on 26 March, Halliday reiterated that his theory of language “ emphasizes the social accountability of language, i.e. that language is rooted in social meaning and is resource for communication, rather than a set of rules” (http:// www6.cityu.edu.hk/puo/ CityUMember/Story/Story.aspx?id=20063231).

8、图表: 图标题置于图的下方,表标题置于表的上方。 图号/表号的格式为“图/表+带小数点的阿拉伯数字”。 图表的字体一般为宋体小五;如果需要,可以适当采用较小的字号。图表的字体可根据需要换为较小的字号。



10、参考文献:参考文献是写作论文前或写作论文中所阅读的与论文相关的书籍或文章。一篇毕业论文,应该有5部以上的参考文献。英语专业毕业论文如果用APA格式,所列参考文献用References;如果用MLA格式,所列文献用Works Cited。

11.字体 :正文的默认字体为Times New Roman小四号或者五号。 涉及中英文对照出现的中文用宋体小四号或者五号,1.5倍行距。










a. 专著类

作者. 出版日期.书籍名称(斜体)[M].出版地:出版社名称.

Adams, M. J. 1990. Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning about Print [M]. Cambridge: MA: MIT Press.

王艾录、司富珍,2002,《语言理据研究》[M]。北京: 中国社会科学出版社。 b. 期刊类

作者. 出版日期.文章名称 [J].期刊名称(斜体).期刊期号:页码.

Juel, C., P. Griffith & P. Gough. 1986. Acquisition of literacy: A longitudinal study of children in first and second grade [J]. Journal of Educational Psychology 78: 243-255. 邓思颖,2002,经济原则和汉语没有动词的句子[J]。《现代外语》(3): 1-13。

c. 论文集类

作者. 出版日期.文章名称 [ A]. 编者名.论文集名(斜体).出版地:出版社,页码. Bryant, P. E. & U. Goswami. 1987. Phonological awareness and learning to read [A]. In J. R. Beech & A. M. Colley (eds.), Cognitive Approach to Reading [C]. New York: Wiley,213-243. 伍铁平,1990,术语的模糊性和语言规律[A]。杨自俭、李瑞华(编),《英汉对比研究论文集》[C]。上海: 上海外语教育出版社,179-188。

d. 未发表的学位论文

作者. 出版日期.文章名称 [ D] (斜体). 学位论文.论文所属学校.

Kemp, C. 2001. Metalinguistic Awareness in Multilinguals: Implicit and Explicit and Explicit

Grammatical Awareness and its Relationship with Language Experience and Language 3

Attainmen t [D]. Doctoral thesis, submitted to the University of Edingburg.

阿斯罕,2008,《蒙古族学生英语单元音习得中跨语言影响研究》,西南大学硕士论文。 刘雪莲,2006,《民族院校藏族大学生英语学习问题研究与理论探讨》,中央民族大学博士


e. 报纸文章



f. 电子文献





g. 各种未定义类型的文献






对于数据库、计算机程序及电子公告等电子文献类型的参考文献,以下列双字母作为标志: 参考文献样例


Ames, C. 1992. Classrooms: Golds, structures, and student motivation [J]. Journal of

Educational Psychology 84.

Brown, H.D. 1980. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching [M]. New Jersey: Prentice



Cook, V. J. 1991.Second Language Learning and Teaching [M]. London: Edward Arnold.

Ellis, R. 1994.The Study of Second Language Acquisition [M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hammarberg, B. 2001. Roles of L1 and L2 in L3 production and acquisition [A]. In J. Cenoz. B.

Hufeisen & U. Jessner (Eds.). Cross-Linguistic Influence in Third Language Acquisition: Psycholinguistic Perspective [C]. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters: 21-41.

Mumtaz, S. & Humphreys, G. W. 2001. The effects of bilingualism on learning to read English:

Evidence from the contrast between Urdu-English bilingual and English monolingual children [J]. Journal of Research in Reading 24(2): 113-134.

Naiman, N.M. et al. The Good Language Learner [M]. Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in

Education, 1978.

Teaching Language as Communication [M]. New York: Oxford University Press.

阿斯罕,2008,《蒙古族学生英语单元音习得中跨语言影响研究》[D],西南大学硕士论文。 陈颉, 1997, 英语学生课堂焦虑干预英语口语水平的关系[J],《国外外语教学》第1期。 贾冠杰,1998,《外语教育心理学》[M] 广西:广西教育出版社。

林语堂,1998,《生活的艺术》[M]. 北京:外语教育与研究出版社。

刘森, 2000, 英语演讲赛给我们的启示[J],《国外外语教学》第1期。

马寅初、黄金岩,199,《实用英语教学法》[M] 湖南:湖南师范大学出版社。



Study on the Interaction of Psychological Factors and

English Speaking

Written by Li Jing Directed by


A thesis

Submitted in partial fulfillment

Of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Art to the School of Foreign Languages

Guizhou University for Nationalities

April 2010


A Study on the Interaction of Psychological Factors and

English Speaking

Thesis statement: The study of the interaction of psychological factors and English speaking can improve the teaching of spoken English.

1. Introduction

2. The Five Important Psychological Factors in Spoken English

2.1. Motivation

2.2. Anxiety

2.3 Self-esteem

2.4 Extroversion

2.5 Self-concept

3. The Application of the Five Psychological Factors in Teaching and Learning Oral English

3.1 The “Psychology-based” Teaching Approach

3.2 The Realization of the Approach in Spoken English Teaching Practice

3.2.1 Teachers Responsibility

3.2.2 Students Duty

4. Conclusion

Abstract: Spoken English is generally considered an important part in English as a Foreign Language classroom. Many linguists, educationists, and even English teachers have been exploring ways of improving spoken English. They investigated factors concerning English speaking, such as social factors, teachers’ influences, learners’ strategies. However, they still failed to produce effective ways of teaching spoken English. This paper attempts to find effective ways to teach spoken English by exploring the interaction of students’ psychological factors and their oral English.

Key Words: interaction; motivation; anxiety; extroversion; self-esteem


A Study on the Interaction of Psychological Factors and

English Speaking

1. Introduction

For the past several decades, with the development of the international communication, English has become the world language. The teaching of oral English is improved to priority in the nations using English as a foreign language, including China. However, there has been a heated debate over the English speaking ability of Chinese university students. From then on, many linguists, educationists, and even the common English teachers(Littlewood, 2000; 陈颉,1997; 贾冠杰, 1998; 刘森, 2000; 王蔷, 2000) have been devoted to explore the ways of improving spoken English. They investigated the factors related to the English speaking, such as social factors, teachers’ influences, learners’ strategies. These researches achieved a great success in the establishment of the concerning theories. However, based on these researches, our teaching methods and techniques, to a larger extent, still failed to produce effective English speaking. To discover the reasons, many researchers(Cook, 1978; Rivers, 1964; McDonough,1981)turn to study the learners’ psychology.

2. The Five Important Psychological Factors in Spoken English Teaching and Learning

Language is a tool of communication, so as to English. The ultimate aim of English teaching is to cultivate the students’ ability of speaking and communication. Among the four skills of English learning----reading, writing, listening and speaking, reading is perhaps the easiest, while speaking the most difficult to acquire (Huang & Naerssen, 1985: 287-307). That is because speaking is an active skill, requiring students to combine the words into sentences without preparation, and no time to revise.


2.1 Motivation

Brown (1980:35) stated that motivation was an intrinsic power, an emotional promotion, a kind of desire for encouraging people to take action. Through experiment, he concluded that there were three basic kinds of motivation--intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and integrated motivation in general learning theory. It is clear that these three kinds of motivation don’t exclude each other. Most learners are motivated by these reasons in the oral English learning.

2.2 Anxiety

Anxiety is a sense of worry, a kind of subconscious scare ( Steinberg &. Horwits, 1986: 136). Many researchers studied the effects of anxiety on the English speaking. Chen Jie(陈颉, 1997:15-18), the professor from Nanjing University, adopted the form of questionnaire, titled “Anxiety on the Students’ Learning English”. After analysis of the results, he concluded that classroom anxiety included “trait anxiety” and “environmental anxiety”. The two kinds of anxiety can enforce or reduce each other’s effects in English speaking classroom. Furthermore, they are both bad for the improvement of students’ spoken English. In this aspect, the “environmental anxiety” is sounder than the “trait anxiety”. He pointed that teachers were the main factor to cause the classroom anxiety and suggested that they should pay much attention to their teaching attitude and behavior to create a happy and animate learning environment.

2.3 Self-esteem

Self-esteem refers to the individual’s evaluation on himself, an attitude towards his or her ability, value, and achievement. It is originated from individual’s experience and the judge of the outside world. (McDonough, 1981). ………………

2.4 Extroversion

It is often suggested that an extrovert learner is easier in learning foreign language learning than an introvert learner. However, when Naiman ( Naiman et al, 1978) investigated whether good language learner scored higher in a standard test of extroversion, their results were negative.

A more positive result emerged from a study by Richard Tucker et al. ( Naiman et al, 1978), who 9

found that success in second language learning seemed to correlate with learners’ scores on some traits often associated with extroversion, such as assertiveness and adventure.


2.5 Self-concept

Self-concept is defined as the integration of subjective evaluation and self- consciousness, which is about a person’s value of existence. This kind of self-evaluation and self-consciousness is generally based on his personal characteristics. (Cook, 1978:73-89)

3. The Psychology-Based Teaching Approach in Spoken English

On the basis of the psychological factors talked in previous part, it is necessary for us to set up the “psychology-based” teaching approach. Here, “psychology” is the specialization of students’ psychology. Because the English speaking is affected by the psychological factors talked above, psychology-based teaching approach requires such principles as follows:

3.1 The Practice of the Psychology-Based Teaching Principles

The efforts of the students as well as of their teachers are indispensable to the achievement of the good spoken English. They are both the subjects to realize this teaching approach.

3.1.1 Teacher’s Responsibility

Many students hesitate in speaking English because they are very shy and afraid of making mistakes; the idea of “losing face” if they make a mistake is the biggest obstacle to English learning. The teacher must set up a friendly and sympathetic relationship between the students and himself so as to reduce to minimum natural reluctance and inhibition of the students in practicing speaking the language. The teacher must ask the students not to be afraid of making mistakes, because all learners make mistakes. This is not confined to language learners. We all make mistakes even if when we are speaking our mother tongue. Therefore, the teacher can never expect 100% of accuracy in spoken English.

3.1.2 Students’ Duty

Students are the decisive factor in the successful use of the psychology-based teaching 10

approach. If a student wants to be a proficient English speaker, he must take such factors into accounts.

First, they should work as an active participant. This is the basic requirement. Active participation is half done.

4. Conclusion

From the previous analysis, an English learner’s psychological quality and his oral English do interact with each other. There are five main psychological factors--- motivation, anxiety, self-esteem, self-concept and extroversion that affect the English speaking. They can hinder or promote the latter. Thereby, in the spoken English teaching and learning, teachers and students should take these factors into accounts. At the same time, English speaking can also affect the learners’ psychological qualities. The good spoken English may motivate the learners’ motivation, reduce their anxiety, increase their self-esteem and encourage them to form positive self-concept. Based on this interaction, we put forward the psychology-based teaching approach. The successful utilization of this approach in spoken English teaching and learning can develop students’ oral English as well as their psychological quality. This is also the realization of the interaction of the psychological factors and the English speaking.


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阿斯罕,2008,《蒙古族学生英语单元音习得中跨语言影响研究》[D],西南大学硕士论文。 安永军、周红梅,2009,试论民族院校英语零起点学生的双语教学[J],《民族教育研究》,




陈颉, 1997, 英语学生课堂焦虑干预英语口语水平的关系[J],《国外外语教学》第1期。 贾冠杰,1998,《外语教育心理学》[M] 广西:广西教育出版社。

林语堂,1998,《生活的艺术》[M]. 北京:外语教育与研究出版社。

刘森, 2000, 英语演讲赛给我们的启示[J],《国外外语教学》第1期。

马寅初、黄金岩,199,《实用英语教学法》[M] 湖南:湖南师范大学出版社。

王蔷,2000,《英语教学法教程》[M] 北京:高等教育出版社。

