

Delegate: Wang Shichen

School: Shanghai Xiangming High School

Country: Algeria

Committee: Economy and Social Council

Topic: International migration

Nowadays, along with the rapid growth and development of economy and science, international migration has become a complex issue. Most countries worldwide, ranging from North Africa countries like Algeria to Asia countries, are concerning about the problem which touches on many other important and relevant national and international topic, including refugees, human rights, racial conflicts and the undeniable gap between developed and developing countries.

In recent years, the phenomenon is turning more serious with the continually increasing population of international migrates. Not be protected by the countries they traveled to, the migrates also are not sufficiently protected by any international laws, and still no conventional agreement has been launched.

Regarding the international migration affair, the international community has launched a number of initiatives and measures to tackle this problem in recent several decades and progress has been made. Established in 1951, International Organization for Migration (IOM) is the leading inter-governmental organization in the field of migration and works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners.

With 122 member states, a further 18 states holding observer status and offices in over 100 countries, IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. IOM works to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration, to promote international cooperation on migration issues, to assist in the search for practical solutions to migration problems and to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, including refugees and internally displaced people.

The UN also recognizes the link between migration and economic, social and cultural development, as well as to the right of freedom of movement. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, proclaimed in 1948, is a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations which has made great efforts on human right protection. It calls for all the nations, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.

As a member of the Union of the Arab Maghreb which was established in 1989 within other four African countries, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Mauritania , Algeria focus on the human trafficking problem ,and human rights issue.

The Algeria government wants to emphasize the importance of skilled migrants to every country, especially developing countries like Algeria. The situation of brain drain becomes more serious these years and deprives developing countries of much-needed doctors, scientists, professors and other skilled workers. Algeria desires more skilled workers coming back to their motherland and help establish a new society of their own country.

Also, Algeria suggests more countries have the signatures of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families to have further

actions on human rights protection.Recognizing the progress made by certain States on a regional or bilateral basis towards the protection of the rights of migrant workers and members of their families, as well as the importance and usefulness of bilateral and multilateral agreements in this field, Algeria is willing to see a better and appropriate environment to the migrants and their families.

In order to fight against these problems in the international migration, nations in Africa must work together to build a community to these problems. As such, Algeria is looking forward to working in close cooperation with members in African Union and sharing the experiences in improving the situation of the migration. Algeria also expects to be able to cooperate with the developed countries and commonly protect the human rights of both the legal and irregular migrants as well as the refugees. With the joint efforts, a better environment for the migrants is predictable. References:

<1> International Organization for Migration


<2> Universal Declaration of Human Rights


<3> the Union of the Arab Maghreb


<4> the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families










美国政府认为,国际社会在伊拉克问题上对美国存在一定的误会。美国要强调的是,美国发动伊拉克战争,目的在于“解除伊拉克武装,恢复伊拉克人民自由”。 伊拉克战争将几百万伊拉克人从萨达姆的统治下“解放了”出来,使得中东地区变得更加稳定和更加安全,这场战争同时还使美国免遭恐怖袭击而变得更加安全。布什总统在发动伊拉克战争时曾经这样告诉伊拉克人:“在我们的联军剥夺了萨达姆政府的权力之后,我们将向你们提供你们所需要的药品和食品,我们将彻底摧毁恐怖机器,我们将帮助你们建设一个繁荣自由的新伊拉克。” 因此,美国政府在伊拉克难民问题上也做出了很大的努力,并将给予接收伊拉克难民的约旦和叙利亚等国家更多援助。



在伊拉克难民的问题上,美国政府有一个基本责任去为那些流离失所的伊拉克人提供人道主义援助。美国会给自20xx年伊拉克战争后为美国服务和工作一年以上的伊拉克难民颁发特别移民签证,美国国务院将向伊拉克派遣官员加速伊拉克难民的审批工作。同时,美国将任命一位专职负责伊拉克难民事务的官员,以加快伊拉克难民在美国的申请和安置工作。 与此同时,美国政府认为,伊拉克难民问题不仅是伊拉克战争所带来的,更是目前的众多恐怖主义袭击的惨痛后果。同时,伊拉克内部的种族矛盾和各种冲突也是导致难民增加的重要原因。因此,美国坚决反对恐怖主义,反对种族矛盾,作为崇尚自由的国家,美国会尽最大的力量对受到此类威胁的伊拉克难民给予援助,更希望印尼、马来西亚、波斯湾各国、埃及和约旦等地的温和的穆斯林联合起来共同反对极端主义和恐怖主义。国际社会应当团结一心,帮助伊拉克度过难关,让伊拉克难民获得自由与解放。


? 伊拉克周边国家(尤其是接收伊拉克难民最多的国家,也就是叙利亚和约旦)能够得到


? 西方国家积极采取行动,帮助伊拉克周边国家,尽量分散伊拉克难民,让他们得到更好


? 各国(尤其是发达国家)加强国际合作、整合可利用资源,向伊难民提供卫生保健等基


? 各国(尤其是农业发达的国家)应向伊难民提供食品、安全饮用水等基本的生活保障,


? 国际社会团结起来,在同一战线上,反对恐怖主义威胁,对于任何恐怖主义行动,都要


? 对于伊拉克内部的种族冲突,各国应给予关注,并在相应的时候给予援助和调解。 ? 各难民接受国应保护难民权利,使其融入当地社会,避免种族歧视现象,并在局势稳定















? 在不干涉内政的前提下建立一个印度洋海啸难民问题工作组,对各国的援助物资根据受





? 重视受灾国灾后的传染病问题,派遣国际援助队进行医疗援助,从而防止传染病的大规模爆发,安抚人心,稳定政局,避免大规模的难民的产生或者外流。 各国应提供紧急援助和金融保障,以保持物价的稳定,和基本生活水平的维持,并向受灾国政府提供切实可行的办法和方案。 有实力的国家为受灾国家在海水淡化方面提供技术支持,让受灾国自行解决缺乏淡水的问题,这样也有助于其未来的发展。 各难民接受国应重视难民所带来的种族宗教安全问题。

美国政府在印度洋海啸后的难民问题上始终保持自己鲜明的立场,认为世界各国首先应重视这个问题,更重要的是要同美国等国家一样用实际行动积极参与人道主义援助。印度洋海啸是不可预料的天灾,每个国家都不希望这样的灾难发生在本国身上,因此当各国都换位思考,就会感到对受灾国进行援助的重要性和必要性。在面临这样的困难时,国际社会应用同样的态度对待受灾的难民,以宽容的胸怀接纳他们,为他们创造一个幸福的大家园。 范文四

Delegate: Mao Ziyi

School: Xiangming High School

Country: Madagascar

Committee: General Assembly (GA)

Topic: The global warming problem

When the first settlers landed on Madagascar on the African Continent, they felt astonished- vast rain forests, rivers flowing among the mountains, and unknown animals. In spite of the rich nature resources, Madagascar is one of the world?s most underdeveloped countries besetting by poverty, diseases and environmental crisis by the 1990s. The climate change is an important reason. 100,000 people died of malaria in Madagascar heights in 1988, and the global warming should be blamed because it leaded to the outbreak of infections. It also causes the water shortage in this area, and it raises a vicious circle, not only in Madagascar but also in the whole world.

The United Nations plays a significant role in the fight against global warming. In November 1988, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and United Nations Environment Program

(UNEP) jointly established a government International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It promoted the ?United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change? in 1992 and the ?Kyoto Protocol? in1997. The UNEP also has a general estimate on polities to agricultural trades and biological diversity in Madagascar.

Madagascar Government now is applying itself to promote environmental awareness as well as techniques of environmental protection, civil society, education and business. Although the natural ecosystems in Madagascar have the feature of biological diversity, no matter climates or animals and plants, now they are threatened by rapid growth of population and extremely poor living conditions.During the 2003 World Parks Congress in Durban, South Africa, HEM Marc Ravalomanana, and President of Madagascar announced an environmental protection plan that would triple the current protected area surface in Madagascar. The Government now is continuing to carry out the regulations in Law of National Environment to stop the actions which destroy the natural resources strictly and to cooperate with the nature.

The very problem we are now facing is the shortage of funds and technological supports.We are trying to improve the proportion of the Government environmental expenditures in the national economy as a whole, however, we hope that the developed countries can cut off developing countries debts and provide more training programs like new exploitation methods or water resources development. Madagascar is also looking for the cooperation with countries in Africa Union or developed countries, which can make the most of or revolute the main economic sources like tourism, agriculture, light industry, mining, etc. to stimulate economic development and deal with urgent financial and living problems. Madagascar will be responsible to take approaches to protect national unique ecosystem and previous species, such as giving more attention to propagation by government, building protection areas or decreasing the disposal of pollutants. We need the assistance from the international organization. We also hope that the UN can react on climatic problems and give caution and assistance to developing countries.

The suggestions of the Madagascar government are as follows:

Speed up environmental protection plans and enhance the awareness of the importance of environmental protection in the country in 5 years.

Improve and perfect relating laws and import talents to protect local forests and rare animals and plants. Request for the assistance from international organizations.

Program main local economic sources like tourism, agriculture, light industry, mining, etc, to economic development and strengthen the abilities of national environmental protection. Sigh the trade treaty and tariff treaty with countries which share a common purpose.

Come to an understanding with Africa Union countries and reach further cooperation.

Solicit financial and technologic aids from developed countries and strive after reducing debts, and look after the way to develop and advancement on the basis of solving the urgent problems on environment

In order to fight against the problems in environment, nations in Africa must work together to build a community to environment problems. As such, Madagascar is looking forward to working in close cooperation with members in African Union and sharing the experiences and techniques in improving the eco-construction and the eco-environment.Madagascar also expects to be able to cooperate with the developed countries and commonly protect the ecological environment of our world. With the joint efforts, a better ecological environment is predictable.


Delegate: Xu Bingwen

School: Xiangming High School

Country: The Republic of Albania

Committee: General Assembly (GA)

Topic: The global warming problem

Global warming, the long-term threat to the entire environment, is a common concern of all countries. According to climate records, it has been hotter and hotter the last a few years. Precipitation patterns have changed, whilst sea levels have risen, and most non-polar glaciers are retreating. It is in nobody?s interest to have this status quo. If global warming continues unabated, developing countries will be particularly affected by climate changing.

The United Nations has made great efforts over the years so as to reverse the trend. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) established in 1988 was playing a momentous role in settling climate change. The reports they synthesized has contributed to the establishment of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and provided key input to the negotiations that led to the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol. It?s certain that IPCC will be influential in the formation of climate policy in the next several years. The Kyoto Protocol is the chief instrument for tackling climate change, and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), one of the Kyoto mechanisms, also provides opportunities for developing countries? benefits. Though it entered into force on 16 February, 2005, the effect of KP remains to be proved.

The Republic of Albania has also made an obvious progress in combating global warming. After ratifying the Kyoto Protocol in April 2005, as a “developing” country under the Kyoto Protocol, Albania has no quantified greenhouse gas emission reduction targets during the first commitment period (2008-12) but can participates in the global carbon market under the CDM of the Kyoto Protocol. Now Albania?s first CDM project, WB Bio-Carbon Fund Assisted Natural Regeneration Project is on-going, We have planned to transfer 280,000t CO2(in the period 2012-2017) to World Bank as Emission Reduction , to turn 10% tree crown cover increased to 30% , and to advance land area valued from 0.05ha to 1.0ha. At the end of February, the World Bank together with the Government of Albania conducted a workshop and clinic, “Accessing Carbon Finance”, for government officials and local developers who can potentially benefit from the CDM. Albania expects more developing countries to participate in this project indeed.

The republic of Albania takes a firm stand on that the problem of Global Warming that reducing greenhouse gas emission is the indispensable requirement to all nations. The IPCC recently declared that human activities had "very likely" been the driving force in global warming problem over the last 50 years. So the reduction of greenhouse gas emission from human activities is a priority course to avert the damaging consequences of global warming. Albanian government will continue to develop the CDM project and call on industrialized countries that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol to access Carbon finance to invest projects in developing countries. It is a win-win approach that can help industrialized countries to meet their emission reduction targets and to assist developing countries in achieving sustainable development. As a most vulnerable country, Albania looks forward to being provided more assistance and transferred new technologies against the risk of global warming. Since the beginning of the 1990s, Albania started to experience processes and vigorous urban growth. Some of the reasons made the process of country urbanization a serious problem. Lacking of basic living conditions and the scarcity of necessary

infrastructure and of vital and social services including the environmental problems have been in the main concerns of government. Albanian Government, in collaboration with international financial institutions such as World Bank and International Monetary Fund, as well as some neighboring countries? governments has considered the problems causing by uncontrolled urban growth and by internal migration as a real priority. Overall, the suggestions of Albanian Government are as follows:





? Develop and implement national strategies for sustainable development, with the assistance of development partners, in order to reverse trends in global warming. Intensify the cooperation with the international institutions and the neighboring countries on the global warming issue. Promote the negotiations among the countries on the basis of mutual help and respect , to reach agreement as soon as possible. Strengthen the capacity to implement the Kyoto Protocol and its constraint and surveillance strength. Accelerate the laws? constituting on uncontrolled urbanization and the environmental


Although this problem remains to be unresolved until today, the Albanian Government believes the potential to settle it is still enormous, as long as all nations take strong actions now. Delay would be dangerous. Despite there are a lot of barriers to get through, Albania will never give up to make efforts against the global warming and hopes that all countries can stick to their promise and finally achieve the permanent goal.

















? 发达国家适当放宽对定居移民和教育移民的政策,消除关于移民的不必要的顾虑 发展中国家适当放宽对投资移民的政策,不要过于封闭 通过立法等手段保证移徙者的生命财产安全,保障移徙者的人权,消除歧视 各国政府对失业移徙者进行适当的语言、技能培训 保护文化多样性,使各种文化自由地相互融合 严厉打击非法移民








在整个人类历史中,移徙始终是人们决意克服不利条件、改善生活状况的一种大胆方式。当前,由于全球化趋势以及通信交通的进步,希望并有能力移居别处的人数已经大为增加。在1992-20xx年期间有80多万罗马尼亚人移居国外。到20xx年,估计有150-200万罗马尼亚人生活在国外,每年合法向国外移民人数为1万人。据统计,国际移民绝大部分涌入目的国的城市,对目的国的城市经济、社会、环境、文化诸方面发展产生越来越显著的影响。 罗马尼亚政府认为,国际移民与城市发展是相辅相成的。国际移民能够使输出国减轻劳工过剩国劳动力市场的压力,还可以通过回移促进储蓄、知识和技术转移。同时,移徙者与本地工人的互补性,有利于促进接受国的经济发展。前任联合国秘书长安南表示,国际移徙是促进共同发展的理想手段①。安南还指出,国际移徙也呈现出许多问题,包括造成不少国家人才外流,许多移徙人员的人权遭到侵犯、权益被剥夺等。对于以上问题,罗马尼亚颁布移民政策②,强调获得永久居留权的外国人在以下方面依法享有与罗公民同等待遇:享有就业权,享有社会安全、社会及医疗援助、社会保障,享有公共财产及服务等。



在国际普遍关注的非法移民问题上,罗马尼亚在阻止非法移民方面做出了很大的努力。从20xx年初至20xx年9月,罗马尼亚政府已经成功地阻止了17万5千人的非法越境行动。罗马尼亚政府认为,非法移民问题有损国家形象,且会对目的地国的社会治安和就业问题造成一定的影响。但是对于非法移民的人权,罗马尼亚将给予保护。罗马尼亚政府认为,解决非法移民问题的最好途径就是加强发展中国家的综合实力,促进城市和国家的经济发展。 对于目前国际移民所带来的人才流失、文化冲击、目的地国失业率增加、非法移民问题,罗马尼亚政府向委员会和各国呼吁:

? 发展中国家可以在保留一定数量的本国人才的基础上向全球输送人才,作为回报,发达





? 通过适当立法和反歧视方案揭露和消除歧视行为。发达国家不应该排挤发展中国家的人才。 对具有民族特色的民间文化进行发扬,吸引更多的年轻人的关注。且在保留本国优良的传统文化的基础上适当引入外国文化,促进各国文化的交流,使其共同发展。 在移民后由目的地国根据移民者特点开展培训(包括语言培训和技能培训,使其更好地适应移民后的生活,培训的费用可通过移民者工作后的缴税获得)。 加强对发展中国的人道援助,从而改善发展中国家的环境以留住人才,减少非法移民:





① 见前任联合国秘书长安南在20xx年6月6日向联大提交的《国际移徙与发展问题报告》 ② 见罗马尼亚20xx年第194号外国人紧急法令修正案。
