

Zhangye is located in the middle section of the Hexi Corridor. It used to be called “Gan”, which forms part of the name “Gansu”. It was considered a location for reaching out to the western regions. It has an area of 4,240 square kilometers and is 1,410 to 2,230 meters above sea level. The population is around 400, 000, most of whom are Han, nut also includes Muslim. Man, Tibetan and Yugur, the average annual temperature is 7℃ with the minimum of -10.2℃ occurring in January and a maximum of 21.4℃ in July. The annual rainfall is 129mm.Zhangye is a fertile land. Wheat, corn, rice and linseed are the major crops. Watermelons, sweet melons and pepper are three other market products, that’s why it has long been known as“Gold Zhangye”. Zhangye has a long history. In 111BC, Emperor Wu Di of the Han Dynasty dispatched General Huo Qubing to the Western Part of Long(present-day Gansu) and established the prefecture of Zhangye; thereafter, it became a political, economic, cultural, and diplomatic center of later dynasties. In 609AD,Emperor Yang Di of the Sui Dynasty made an inspection tour of the west and held the world-renown meeting in Zhangye with delegations from 27 kingdoms of the Western Regions. From these flourishing periods on, Zhangye was an important town along the Silk Road. Zhangqian, a famous envoy to the western regions and General Ban Chao, both of the Han Dynasty, Fa Xian, a famous Buddhist monk and translator of the Eastern Jin; and China’s most famous monk, Xuanzang, of Tang Dynasty, all went to Western Regions via Zhangye. Western merchants, scholars and monks passed through Zhangye on their way to Chang’an. It is recorded that Marco Polo, the Italian traveler, lived there for about a year. Rewi Alley, a New Zealand-born writer, educator, social reformer and member of the Communist Party of China, dedicated 60 years of his life to the cause of the Communist Party of China, and was a key figure in the establishment of Chinese Industrial Cooperatives, and technical training schools, including the Peili Vocational Institute in Beijing. He lived in Shandan ,Zhangye for more than 40 years.

Scenic Spots

Giant Buddha Temple

The temple is located in the

southwestern area of Zhangye,

according to archeological

research , it was first established

in 196AD and reconstructed and

expanded during Ming and Qing

Dynasties. It is now the largest

temple in Gansu Province. The

major building is the Sleeping

Buddha Palace in which there is a

sculpture of Sakyamuni in the

state of nirvana. The sculpture is

made of wood and clay and is

gilded and painted; 34.5 meters long, 7.5 meters wide at shoulders, its feet are four meters long and the ears two meters long. The sculpture is exquisite, well-proportioned, and natural looking, behind the sleeping


Buddha are his ten disciples and , on the sides, eighteen arhats, each with a

different expression and manner. On the walls of the upper and lower floors, are painted murals, totaling about 530 square meters, which add to the grandeur of the temple.

Mati Temple in Sunan

Mati Temple (Horse’s Hoof Temple) is

nestled in Linsong Mountain 65Km away

from Sunan Yugur Autonomous County.

The grottoes of Mati are cultural relics

under the provincial protection. The

grottoes of Mati Temple are firstly carved

in Eastern Jin Period(317-420AD) by Guo

Yu and his followers about more than 1600

years ago. It was continuously expanded in

the successive dynasties of Sui, Tang,

Western Xia, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing

Dynasties. Mati Temple is composed of seven parts with over 70 caves: the One-thousand Buddha Cave, the Southern Mati Temple, the Northern Mati Temple, the Upper Cave of Avalokitesvara(观音菩萨), the Middle Cave of Avalokitesvara, the Lower Cave of Avalokitesvara, the Jinta Temple(the Golden Pagoda Temple). In Gansu Province Mati

Temple grottoes rank the fourth after Mogao Grottoes, Maiji

Mountain Grottoes, and Bingling Temple Grottoes. In the scenic area

of Mati Temple. The Northern Mati Temple and the Jinta Temple are

the best-preserved.

There is a clear print of a horse’s hoof in the Northern Mati

Temple from which Mati Temple got its name.

Wood Tower

The brick-and wood tower of Longevity

Temple is Located on the campus of the No.1

Middle School of Zhangye, it was built in 582

AD and is nine stories tall, at a height of 32.6

meters, it is the highest building in the city. The

upper stories are supported by 20 huge wooden

columns. On each corner of the octagonal stories

are carved dragon heads with pearls in their

mouths. Behind the tower is a rectangular

building for the storage of Buddhist scripture.

Folk Customs

Yugur Customs

With a population of 8,400, the Yugurs are one of the largest minority groups in Zhangye. The Yugur costume is very unique. Men wear long wool “pulon” coats and wool hats. They always carry a knife in their belts. Women wear high-collared gowns with short jackets





around the cuffs, collars and bottom edges, they also wear small, horn-shaped hats with red tassels and head ornaments of agate, shells, gold, sliver, and pearls sewn together with beautiful panels of silk patterns, two in front and one in back. Single young women wear different dresses, the young women wear bright-color gowns, green belts, and finely-decorated head bands. Girls at the age for marriage plait their hair into many small braids which are woven into three large braids----two in back and one toward the front.




各位朋友,大家好: (金张掖大佛寺导游词)




张掖大佛身长34.5米,肩宽7.5米、脚长4米多,为亚洲最大的室内木台泥塑卧佛,如果大家还不能想像这尊佛有多大,我就更形象的描述一下,这尊大佛的一根手指就能平躺一个人,他的耳朵可以容8个人并排坐下,大佛侧身而卧,金装彩绘,面容慈祥、体态丰满。在大佛的胸前有一个“ ”字表示佛法常转,吉祥万德。由于大佛是木台泥塑的,所以大佛内部有很大的空间用来储存物品,19xx年就在大佛腹部发现了石碑、铜佛、铜镜、铜壶佛经等。19xx年还在大佛寺附属建筑金塔下出土了五枚波斯银币,这五枚银币就成了中外交往的有利见证。 细心地游客不难发现,大佛双眼微启,似睡似寐,这不正映衬了大佛寺山门的楹联吗!“睡佛长睡,睡千年,长睡不醒;问者永问,问百世,永问难明”有些游客也许不明白这二者之间的联系,前一联就是大佛的实体形象,卧佛在那千百年来无声无语;而后一联则是无数的的人来到大佛前哭诉自己人生苦恼,许下心愿,大佛双眼微启仿佛在认真倾听却默默不语。等到若干年后,这些经历了世事沧桑的人回想起他们笑了,而后又像卧佛一样眼观世间变化笑看苍生前来询问。




钟鼓楼(bell tower and drum tower) 中国古代主要用于报时的建筑。钟楼和鼓楼的合称。钟鼓楼有两种,一种建于宫廷内,一种建于城市中心地带,多为两层建筑。宫廷中的钟鼓楼始于隋代,止于明代。它除报时外,还作为朝会时节制礼仪之用。城市中的钟鼓楼早为专用报时建筑。古代里坊制城市(见里)实行宵禁,早晚击鼓为启闭坊门的信号。建于明洪武年间的西安钟楼鼓楼是现存最古老的实例。此外,唐代寺庙内也设钟和鼓,元、明时期发展为钟楼、鼓楼相对而建,专供佛事之用。 镇远楼,俗名鼓楼,又名靖远楼,位于张掖市中心,东西南北四条大街交汇于此,是河西走廊现存最大的鼓楼。是仿西安钟楼建造,平面方形,建在一座砖砌的坛上,面阔3间,进深3间,底宽16米。台平面呈方形,台底宽32米,高9米,基座至楼顶30多米,楼为三层木构塔形,重檐四面坡,攒尖顶。飞檐翘角,雕梁画栋,典雅庄重,完全是中国民族形式的传统建筑。楼下有十字洞,通向东西南北,可以通过行人和小型车辆。洞门上方嵌刻着匾额,东“旭升”,西“贾城”,南“迎熏”,北“镇远”。楼上四面悬有匾额:东“金城春雨”,西“玉关晓月”,南“祁连晴雪”,北“居延古牧”。清顺治四年(1647年),米喇印、丁国栋反抗清廷,曾因诱杀巡抚都御史张文衡,分巡西宁道林维造,镇守总兵刘良臣,烧毁此楼。顺治七年(1650年)重修。竣工后,亦悬额四面:“九重在望”、“万国咸宾”、“声教四达”、“湖山一览”。据《重修甘州吊桥及靖远楼记》碑刻,镇远楼于明正德二年(1523年)由都御史才宽负责兴建,清康熙、乾隆、光绪


张掖大佛寺始建于西夏崇宗永安元年,就是公元1098年,踞现在已有900多年了。它的名称几度更改,曾称作“迦叶如来寺”、“宝觉寺”、“弘仁寺”等,因寺内塑有著名的室内大卧佛,所以老百姓叫它“卧佛寺”、或“大佛寺”。大佛寺始建于西夏永安元年(1098年),寺内安放有国内最大的室内卧佛,也就是佛祖释迦牟尼的涅磐像。他安睡在大殿正中高1.2米的佛坛之上,佛身长34.5米,肩宽7.5米,耳朵约4米,脚长5.2米。大佛的一根中指就能平躺一个人,耳朵上能容八个人并排而坐,可见塑像何等的庞大了。 大佛寺景区位于甘肃省张掖城西南隅,是丝绸之路上的一处重要名胜古迹群,它又是历史文化名城金张掖的标志性建筑。景区对外开放的景点有建于西夏的大佛寺、隋代的万寿木塔、明代的弥陀千佛塔、钟鼓楼以及名扬西北的清代山西会馆。其中,大佛寺(甘州区博物馆所在地)是该景区的主要组成部分,为西北内陆久负盛名的佛教寺院,素称"塞上名刹,佛国胜境"。寺内古建林立,古树参天,碧草成荫,环境优美。


据记载:信佛教的西夏太后常到大佛寺居住、朝拜,在此设道场,大作斋会。又传说蒙古别吉太后住在大佛寺,生下大元帝国的开国君主——元始祖忽必烈。别吉太后死后,灵柩也停殡在大佛寺。这些传闻,不见经传,是真是假,至今是谜。史载西夏国师嵬眻在此掘出一翠瓦覆盖的卧佛而初建大佛寺。现存建筑有大佛殿、藏经阁、土塔三处。大佛殿殿高33米,面阔9间,规模宏大。殿门两侧各镶以六平方米的砖雕一块,左为“登极乐天”、“西方圣境”,右为“入三摩地”、“袛园演法”。殿内有木胎泥塑佛像,金装彩绘,形态逼真,视之若醒,呼之则寐。卧佛身后塑十大弟子,两侧廊房塑十八罗汉,殿内四壁为《西游记》和《山海经》壁画。藏经阁内珍藏有明英宗颁赐的六千多卷佛经,经文保存完好,以金银粉书写的经文最为珍贵。寺后有一33.37米高的土塔,为张掖五行塔之一,其一、二层台座四隅各建一小塔,风格独特,为国内罕见。 这里有全国仅见的西夏少数民族宗教殿堂,亚洲最大的室内泥塑卧佛,世所罕见的明代手书金经,还有数以千计的馆藏精品文物。在历史上大佛寺又是与西夏、元朝王室有密切关系的古刹之一。据记载:笃信佛教的西夏太后常到大佛寺居住。元世祖忽必烈和元顺帝妥欢贴睦尔均出生于大佛寺。大佛寺经国家多次拨款修葺,被国家旅游局评审为4A级景区。今天已成为集文物收藏、陈列、展出、旅游、民族风情为一体的游览胜地。每年都有数以万计的中外游客前来旅游观光。



元时,意大利旅行家马可.波罗来到张掖,被大佛寺的塑像精美宏伟建筑和张掖的繁华所叹引,曾留居一年之久。 元世祖忽必烈和元顺帝妥欢贴睦尔均出生于大佛寺。

卧佛长睡睡千年长睡不醒; 问者永问问白世永问不明。

