

我的朋友(My Friend)

Emma is a nice girl. She is my good friend and we often play with each other. She is 13 years old. We're the same age. She likes drawing. I like drawing, too. She draws beautifully. We often draw together.

She always smiles because she likes smiling. In the morning, she smiles to everybody and everyone feels warm. She often says smiling is the bridge to the friendship. I think she is polite.

She is helpful, too. She often helps me with my lessons. We usually learn from each other.

Emma loves eating chips. She is not very fit. But she plans to change now. Good luck with her new lifestyle.

I like Emma.



《我的朋友姐姐》我有一个朋友,她叫闫志涵,我们的关系如亲姐妹一般,我们俩在一起,简直就像双胞胎,还有人把我们俩搞错,把我认成她,我们也觉得对方很像自己,就把对方视为姐妹,我们就成为结拜姐妹。    因为她比我大,所以我就叫她姐姐喽。告诉你们,我们4岁就认识了那时,我们就感觉将来一定会成为朋友,就从小在一起,所以就很像对方。我喜欢这个姐姐,他很幽默,常常使我发笑,他给我说:“我们正么像,难不成,咱俩真的是亲姐妹”。我说:“不可能”可我也有些害怕,我们家乡很近我有的远,我们走到路必须经过他家。    她很顽皮,有一次,我们在水管。她把水弄到我身上,便哈哈大笑起来,我也学她的样子,一场水战开始了,战后,我们的衣服都湿透了,看着对方狼狈不堪的样子,便呵呵地笑起来。   大家是不是很羡慕我有一个这样的结拜姐姐。
