
My unforgettable experiences

I’m glad to be here to share one of my unforgettable

experiences with you.

Once, we were practicing a dialogue. Several pairs had done it well. When I asked two students to do it , but one failed in talking. I was surprised, because she is a not bad girl. I thought she could do it well, although she didn’t raised her hand.

Why Her face became red and she was so shy. I think it’s very common that a student feels nervous in class. English is a foreign language. Our students are only beginners. Everyone may have

troubles in talking. It’s not a serious problem. The most important is what can we do when they feel nervous.

I also realized that she was nervous because she joined the class just a week ago. What should I do? I smiled to her and said,"Don’t be nervous, I believe you can do it well. Just have a try. " But she still kept in silence. I had to let her sit down, but I said to her with a smile on my face, “Listen carefully and later try it again, OK? ” She smiled ,too. After another two dialogues , she raised her hand confidently. Did she do a good job? Of course!

Since then, she’s never nervous in class and seldom fails in talking. I think , as a student, she’s successful. As a teacher, I’m successful , too.

What’s more,I often say to my students, “In my class, don’t be nervous. Just try your best to express yourselves ,just to speak

English loudly , right or false is not the most important, courage and confidence is the most important! Believe you’ll do better and

better! ” I think my words can help my students keep confident. Let students to be your friends, let them study in the happy time not in nervous every day, please. Do you think so?

Thanks for your listening, thank you.





那年我接任了四年级(一)班的数学并兼任班主任,面对一张张可爱的脸孔我心中充满着信心。经过开学几天的相处孩子们大部分都很听话,我心中由衷的高兴。第二周的一天下课后我正在改作业,班上一个学生跑来急切的说:“老师钟震木打人了,还流血了。”我连忙起身来到了操场,看到一个其他班的学生满脸是血,原来钟震木不知什么原因两人扭打在一起,流鼻血了。我忙处理好一切。可是这时找不到钟震木了,上课了班上也没有。挂了家长的电话也没回家。我急的到处找最后在厕所找到了他,还不理我。我把他领到办公室谈心。前面还不回答问题,后来经过的开导,他突然哭了起来,很伤心的哭,我就觉得孩子有委屈,原来那个孩子说他偷了别人的东西,他对我说:“老师,不是我偷得,你相信我吗?”看到孩子那诚实的脸我知道是别人误会了他,我说:“孩子,老师相信你,但是 你不能打人,我们去向人道谢好吗?老师会还你一个清白的。”他点点头。后来我了解到,这是一个不幸的孩子,爸爸年老体弱多病,妈妈是个哑巴,家庭困难,他是哥哥下面还有两个妹妹,平时也有点不好的习惯。所以大家都不相信他,班上有什么事情都怪他,就很自卑,常常打人,成绩不怎么好。我想起了,他在班上不多言,脸色总是没表情,真是一个不幸的孩子呀!


