
一.  BEC高级写作概述

二.  Part One写作(概述与方式)


l  Write a Short Report

l  Write 120-140 Words

l  Describe the movements (Charts or graphs)

l  At least one chart (Line, Bar and Pie)

解题总思路:(Accomplish In Four Steps)

I.       Reading ...................................读题(归纳图表主要内容)

II.      Organizing ...............................订框架(根据模板、例句完成文章主要部分)

III.    Conclusion ...............................客观总结(仅归纳最显而易见的客观联系)

IV.   Checking ..................................检查(拼写、语法及其他错误)

文章基本框架:(Basic Structure

l  Introduction ..............................简要介绍题目,归纳图表主要内容

l  Findings ...................................说明图表中数据走势,趋势和变化

l  Conclusion ...............................图表、数字简最客观联系


l  直接了当进入主题

l  抓住数据特点,突出变化趋势,进行对比

l  建议写作中使用小标题,增强各段落写作方向,条理更加清晰


1.        如何读题:

l  学会节省时间,速读

l  只挑不同的内容读

l  归纳图表的主要表达内容,先中文后英文

例:Book2, Test1, Part One (以下例题部分均为此题,简称如上题)


l  The graphs below (Page 28) show the performance of a European countrys manufacturing and agricultural sectors in terms of exports and imports between 1991 and 2001.

Using the information from the graphs, write a short report describing the general movements in exports, imports and the resulting balance of trade.

Write 120-140 words.


1.     词语不多,难度不大,阅读时间尽量缩短

2.     斜体字部分基本为Part One惯例,可基本忽略阅读

3.     下划线部分为题目“不同内容”所在,亦是表格的主要内容

4.     根据题目要求和图表内容“再造”下划线部分

如:表格描述的是欧洲某国工业和农业在1991到20##年间进出口情况,而后将此句子翻译为英文即可。(The two charts describe one European country’s manufacturing and agricultural performance in exports and imports parts during 1991 and 2001.)

2.        如何订框架:Basic Structure基本框架(见上页)

A.     Introduction Part:简要介绍题目、图表内容,基本内容如上英文表达,即先根据题目和图表归纳出中文内容,后将其内容翻译成英文即可成为开始部分。适当将上句进行修改为:

The aim of the report is to summarize the changes of one European country’s agricultural and manufacturing sectors’ exports and imports performance during 1991 and 2001.


l The chart ( or graph ) shows \ displays \ outlines \ describes \ summaries \ indicates \ reflects .

l This is a report about .

l As we can see \ learn from the chart (or graph) .

l The aim of the report is to summarize \ describe \ outline .

l The report describes \ summaries \ outlines \ shows the change of \ in .


B.     Findings Part:说明数字变化、走势及对比数据,该部分为第一部分写作重中之重,因为在一份专业的商业报告中,对于数据走势的描写十分重要,它可能影响某商业活动的发展方向,通过对数据变化的描写可以增强公司决策层在发展企业的正确判断可能性。此部分也是锻炼考生逻辑思维和缜密思考的能力。

l  既然数据走势为重中之重,那么对于数据走势的描写就必须进行积累,这里提供部分趋势描写词汇或短语,可供模板使用:

1.     表示上升:Increase, go up, rise, grow, jump, climb  (动词)An increase, a growth, a jump, an upward trend (名词词组)

2.     表示下降:fall, decrease, go down, slide, collapse, decline, drop (动词);A collapse, a decrease, a fall, a decline, a drop (名词词组)

3.     表示波动:fromto, betweenand…(在......之间); at the start of, at the end of …, throughout (自始至终)…(时间);a fluctuation from to , fluctuate …(波动,起伏)

4.     两个必记介词到某一点),涨了多少)

5.     最高,at the top (peak) of,最低,at the bottom of

l  对比会增加考官对文章的印象,充实文章内容的内容;但必须注意,进行对比时必须是同类比同类,如上题中出现的可能对比的类型为工业VS工业,农业VS农业;或进口VS进口,出口VS出口。

l  增加适当的联词,如关联词(But,However...),形容词、副词(Slowly,fast...)对文章的连贯性会有很好的帮助,此处提供部分关联词语可供模板套用:

1.     描写程度大小:slightly, gradually, slowly, steadily(程度较小);considerably, dramatically, greatly, markedly, obviously, quickly, rapidly, sharply, significantly, suddenly(程度较大)

2.     表示顺序:first, firstly, initially, secondly, to begin with, then, next, after, followed(-ing), at last, afterwards(以后、后来), first and foremost(首要的)

3.     表示时间:before, since, as, until, meanwhile, at the moment, when, whenever, as soon as, just as…

4.     表示对比:however, on the other hand, whether, despite, in spite of, though, although, but, otherwise, yet, instead of, rather, even though, compared with, in contrast, nevertheless, alternatively(二者选一)

5.     表示强调:indeed, in fact, obviously, certainly, plainly, of course

l  如上述模板及联词,该题可归纳为:

A.     中文:工业在91-01年间进口与出口上升幅度均较大,但进口低于出口;二者基本属于波动上升态势,91年最低,01年最高,进出口最低最高值分别是......。

英文:The performance of manufacturing sector during the decay is more better than agricultural. Both exports and imports show significant upward trends, and exports act better than imports, but the distance between them is much less than the agricultural’s. The fluctuations for both sectors are steadily. The bottoms for both parts are in 1991, while the tops are in 2001.

B.     中文:农业在此区间内虽呈现上升态势,但速度没工业快,且进出口额度差距较大;92年前后仅出口值出现下滑,至94年前后恢复上升,而到99年二者又呈现下滑趋势,且没出现恢复状态。

英文:On the other hand, the agricultural sectors show increased slightly during the ten years. The same as manufacturing sectors, agricultural’s exports also performed better than its imports and the gap between them is at least 3 billion dollars. Both sectors dropped during 1992 to 1994 and then rised again. The same dropping situation appeared after 1999, which marked at the top of both sectors are in 1999.


3.        归纳:

l  不要猜、不要估计,直接归纳客观联系即可


Both agricultural and manufacturing sectors show upward trends during the decay.

l  部分关于归纳总结的词组:

A.     表示结果:as a result, as a consequence, thus, so, therefore, it follows that, eventually, then, thereby

B.     表示总结:in conclusion, in summary, lastly, finally, to sum up, to conclude, in short, in a word


4.        检查

l  上述表达有无语法、时态或者拼写错误,根据考官一般习惯,适量的语法错误和单词拼写错误可以接受,为避免可能出现的类似错误,建议大家使用简单的表达方式和不需要过多复杂单词。

l  注意格式,标点符号,全文顶格。

l  请注意通读文章一次以便察看是否满足问题全部要求。

l  对于第一部分写作时间尽可能别超过20分钟

标题式写作范文模板:Book 2 Test 2 Sample A


The aim of this report is to summarise the changes ... between....


Focusing our attention on ... rose steadily over the period. A general upward trend from ... in 1990 to ... is clearly recognisable.

On the other hand, the average price of ... totalled in 1990, but in 1995 it increased repidly reaching a peak of ... In 2000, the price fell to ... however more than the minimum price in 1990.


As we can be seen from both graphs ... did not show the same characteristics as total....



四、      Part Two写作(概述)


l  200-250 words

l  All report to a higher rank officer (managing director, head of department)

l  All questions have at least 3 requests

l  No more data


l  三道题目选一

1.     A business report(商业报告)

2.     A business Letter(商业信函)

3.     A business proposal(商业计划)

l  涉及行业主要为之前介绍的微观部分

1.     综合管理类(General Management):主要涉及公司内部管理、协调、运作某组织、项目等多功能的综合学科,目标是使项目、企业、组织运转更高效。题目一般包含制度建设、规章完善、部门建设扩展等内容,例题如Book2 Test1

2.     人力资源(Human Resources):人所具有的脑力和体力劳动总合,包括管理和协调其相关内容。题目一般包含公司内部员工情况、教育发展、晋级、士气等内容,例题如Book2 Test2

3.     市场类(Marketing):主要指商业活动中商业交易中的各项行为,如交易、销售、营销、市场扩展等,目的在于增加企业收入。题目一般包含市场销售、分公司建设、会展、开拓业务等内容,例题如Book2 Test4

l  需要更加缜密的逻辑和商业思维,需要提出建议或者意见,并且可行

l  同第一部分不同,模板只能运用于框架制订,具体句子需要考生自行完成

解题总思路:(Accomplish In Five Steps)

1.     Reading  读题,根据自己实际能力进行三选一,归纳问题要点

2.     Head&Feet First  ................................根据模板或者问题归纳出的要点进行开头和结尾部分描写,简单框架或者中文即可

3.     Organizing  ..........................................框架制定,根据问题进行“矩阵”列表,而后拓展矩阵中要点成为句子

4.     Combining  ..........................................灵活运用关联词或词组将各句子串联,并适当修改开始和结尾部分

5.     Checking  .............................................检查,语法、单词拼写有无错误,商业观点有无重大纰漏,问题要点有无涵盖


五、      Part Two (Report写作方式)

Business Report

1.     To give a description of the business activites, including buying, selling, services and company’s functions or information about these to someone or some groups.

2.     Focus on summarizing the problems and giving solutions.

文章基本框架(Basic Structure):

1.     Introduction ..................................同第一部分写作内容,归纳、总起全文及介绍报告主要内容

2.     Findings ........................................说明问题,阐明问题发生原因

3.     Recommendations ........................分析问题解决方法,提出建议

4.     Conclusion .....................................使用该建议的效果或其他可能性,归纳全文


1.     简洁明了,快速切入主题(同第一部分写作要求)

2.     制订框架尽快完善要点

3.     所提意见或建议必须可行性高


1.      如何读题:

l  同第一部分,快速浏览相同部分,选择其中一问题作答

l  快速归纳问题内容,整理出全文开始部分(Introduction)

l  抓住问题要点迅速运用积累知识做出扩展

例:Book2, Test2,Part Two Report Part


l  You have recently attended the following one-day courses:

1.        Developing Your Potential

2.        Trends in Electronic Commerce

3.        Managing People

4.        Reducing Costs

Your company’s Training Mnager has asked you to write a short report about the training.

Write the report for the Training Manager:

1.        Describing the two courses which you found most useful

2.        Explaining how you benefited from them

3.        Outlining the specfic training courses you would like to attend next year

4.        Giving reasons why these courses would be useful to you

l  问题概述:

1.        斜体字部分基本未第二部分均会出现重复内容,读题是可以迅速略过

2.        粗体下划线部分为问题的主要内容,需要认真阅读

3.        从题目可以得出此报告需要考生写一篇关于人力的文章

4.        文章的主要内容:


英文:Summarizing the one-day training course you have just attended and give advice or recommendations.


5.        针对题目进行选择,一般在报告中市场科目题目易于发挥,且难度相对较低

2.如何定首尾:Basic Structure基本框架(见上页)

A.     先制定首尾有利于写作的大致方向,且在第一部分训练中关于Introduction部分的模板已经给出,直接根据问题就可以写出开始部分

B.     Introduction Part:归纳问题所提主要内容(如上黑体下划线句子,但必须将句子进行一定修改),开门见山直接进入正题,


1.     归纳总结培训课

2.     提出建议或意见

3.     将上黑体下划线表达进行修改

修改前:Summarizing the one-day training course you have just attended and give advice or recommendations.

修改后:The report is aboutthe one-day course I have attended and  raise some feasible recommendations for a better training course. (斜体下划线部分为第一部分所用模板句型,后部分需要根据问题进行一定修改,但不需使用过多复杂单词,达意即可)

其他表达方式:The aim of the report is to summarize the one-day course and recommend some more subjects for a better one.


l  问题中有包含起始部分主要内容,需要针对问题进行归纳总结

l  模板可以沿用第一部分开始表达:

The aim of the report is to....

The report is to summarize...

l  切记直接进入主题,不需任何寒暄表达

C.    Ending Part(Conclusion):归纳文章,初步考虑所提建议或者意见会达到什么效果,或有何其他可能性,归纳语言同样简洁


1.     培训课不错,应该继续

2.     建议加入的新课程会增加培训课实用性,对员工和公司都有利


The training course should be continued, but it should contain the recommend subjects which would benfit for both the employee and company.

l  将此句子暂时记住或者记住关键词语(黑体下划线),因为不管提何种意见,最终结果都是需要对公司和员工有帮助(这就是强调意见可行性的原因)。

l  结尾部分归纳尽量回应起始部分,做到有始有终

l  一般考生在写完文章主题部分后都会有新的观点去归纳全文,故此处建议大家暂时先记录关键词语即可,记录关键词语将有利于考生写作方向

3.     如何定框架:基本框架(Basic Structure

l  框架的制定可根据问题提出的要点进行分段描写

l  BEC考试的问题要点描述很清晰,将有助于考生在写作时根据其问题进行分段描述,如上题,问题要求四点:

a.  描述你认为最有用的两门学科

b.  解释你从这两门学科有何收益

c.   阐述明年你还想参加何种类型培训

d.  解释为何这些培训对你有帮助

l  从问题看出,a,b可以作为一段,讲述已经参加课程的情况,即基本框架中对应的Findings部分(提出问题,解释问题)

l  c,d可以作为一段,提出对今后培训课程的更改,即基本框架中对应的Recommendations部分(提出建议)

l  由上述内容可以看出,定框架实际就是定文章的主体部分,则



l  段落一经分好,则可以根据四个已有学科进行思考(发掘潜能、电子商务、员工管理、降低成本),我们将根据上一点内容(斜体下划线)进行表格制定(请注意,此处表格制定可以运用于今后Letter和Proposal写作),根据斜体部分,可以制订出两个表格,one for Findings, the other for Recommendations

l  根据上述内容设定表格框架(问题已经基本帮助大家设定好,故此处只需做好积累和补充扩展即可)

Findings: (Sample)

l  根据上文,作者给出的例子是将电子商务和成本管理课程保留,因为此部分内容较为发挥且确实有用。

l  上述主要观点已经表述,则将此观点造句即可:


According to the training course, Developing Potential and Managing People are specific subjects of Human-Resources which have little help for the Marketing Department. But Electronic Commerce does take me into a new world of selling products. As the high-technology developing, we should study more in this field, because it does stand for the trend of selling and buying products in the future. Beisdes, since our department’s cost keeps increasing in the last three years, the Reducing Cost should be also kept in the future. After taking the course, I have realized that some of our cost subjects are really a waste of money. This course will guide us into a systematically management of the cost control.

a.  上述段落仅供参考

b.  文段包含两大部分内容,一是直接排出两门课程(因为不实用),二是提出保留两门课程(电子商务和成本控制),因为受到启发和有实质性意义

c.   注意表达中并无过多复杂词汇,但可以适当增加第一部分所提及关联词语以增加连贯性


l  既然在Findings中提出该部门为市场部,则可以选择市场相关的一些科目

l  其目的最终在于创收或者降低成本,即表格中所涉及受益内容

l  完善上述观点,造句即可


To earn more and take more market share, I recommend Operation Management and Advertising instead of Developing Potential and Managing People. Operation Management should help in our production-line building, which would help us to produce more effeciency and to reduce maintain cost against the old production-line. Adversting is focusing on our market share expansion. Our formal adversting only published in the newspaper, which cannot follow the new demand of our new product. We can learn from the subject on how to expand our publishing methods and should make a better profit from now.

a.  上述文段仅供参考

b.  文段主要内容为提出新课程,并且分析提出该课程原因及受益

c.   注意此部分提议内容必须可行,从公司出发,从个人出发

4.    组合成文章:

l  将以上英文描写部分进行串联即可

l  注意使用部分美观连词

l  可以加入小标题(如同第一部分),可增强方向性,并且可让考官清楚地看到此部分的主要内容

l  例:


Report on Training Course


The report is about the one-day course I have attended and  raise some feasible recommendations for a better training course.


According to the training course, Developing Potential and Managing People are specific subjects of Human-Resources which have little help for the Marketing Department. But Electronic Commerce does take me into a new world of selling products. As the high-technology developing, we should study more in this field, because it does stand for the trend of selling and buying products in the future. Beisdes, since our department’s cost keeps increasing in the last three years, the Reducing Cost should be also kept in the future. After taking the course, I have realized that some of our cost subjects are really a waste of money. This course will guide us into a systematically management of the cost control.


To earn more and take more market share, I recommend Operation Management and Advertising instead of Developing Potential and Managing People. Operation Management should help in our production-line building, which would help us to produce more effeciency and to reduce maintain cost against the old production-line. Adversting is focusing on our market share expansion. Our formal adversting only published in the newspaper, which cannot follow the new demand of our new product. We can learn from the subject on how to expand our publishing methods and should make a better profit from now.

ConclusionThe training course should be continued, but it should contain the recommend subjects which would benfit for both the employee and company.

l  全文总字数为265(含大小标题)

l  可根据需要进行小量修改即可,如结尾部分,不需重复课程是否再开,可以直接强调新课程会对公司和员工都有益即可(The course should help more after the adjustment, which would benfit for both the employee and the company.)

l  适当进行相关训练以增强此种解题方式感觉

4.    检查:









五.   Part Two Proposal写作方式)

Business Proposal:

1.     Almost the same as the business report’s description, but proposal focuses on more feasible recommendations

2.     Basic Structure is acceptable, another structure called SWOT Analysis is also recommended.

文章基本框架(Basic Structure):

1.     Introduction

2.     Findings

3.     Recommendations

4.     Conclusion

新框架(SWOT Analysis):

1.     S:Strength

2.     W:Weakness

3.     O:Oppotunity

4.     T:Threats

l  S&W focus on the internal, while the others focus on the external

l  Fashionable Structure in BEC and nowadays, focus on giving solutions for the future

l  Compared to Basic Structure, the new one would be much easier in answering the quesions with four certained parts


1.     简洁明了(同第一部分及报告部分)

2.     段落清晰,方向明确

3.     需要更多商业思维及可行性意见

4.     问题中出现的人力或市场类题目居多,利用SWOT写作容易制定框架并且便于发挥(难度与报告类基本类似)


1.    如何读题:


Your Managing Director has decided that the company’s website should be improved and has asked you to consider ways of going about this.

Write a proposal for the Managing Director:

a)     Summarising the strengths and weaknesses of the current website

b)     Suggesting new services and information to be provided through the website

c)     Explaining the benefits the improvements would bring

l  问题中斜线部分为重复内容,可以略过速读

l  黑体下划线部分为重要部分,但Proposal一般只包含市场和人力类题目,类似此题即为一市场类题目

l  归纳题目要点,此文应该为一篇描述“关于网络建设的计划书“,则英文为:The proposal is about the website building.

l  另外本文主要要旨有两点,一个是归纳总结现有优势、劣势;另外一个是提出相关意见或建议(开头部分使用,详见第2点,定首尾)。

2.    定首尾:

l  根据第1点中所提,文章的两个主旨应该包含归纳总结和提出建议,且问题已经包含优缺点的归纳和对于将来改进的目标,则起始部分可以以归纳文章主要内容为主,


英文:The purpose of this proposal is tosummarise the situation of the current website and to give some feasible recommendations for it.

1.              如上述英文部分(仅供参考),黑体下划线部分如同第一部分及报告类开头句型,而斜体部分则包含此文章的两个主旨内容,归纳和提议。

2.              文字依然趋向简单明了,不需过多华丽词语,达意即可

l  结尾部分可以依据问题或已经归纳的要点进行揣测,问题需要的是建设一个更好的网站,结尾部分就应该包含类似语句,或可以理解为,通过提议,该网站会有什么更好的发展,而后将此翻译成英文即可。


英文:After taking the recommendations, the websites would operate more profitable.

1.     将此句子暂时做部分关键词语记录即可,因为在正式描写主体部分时可能有适当修改

2.     不管如何修改,一个企业的运转最终目的是为了追求效益最大化,故此结果基本可以适用于任何市场类题目

3.    如何定框架:

l  根据SWOT四个部分,分别制定四个框架





a. 根据上述观点(仅供参考),可以看出,本网站目前已有的优势是专业性强,运行稳定;劣势是盈利差;根据其可能发展的规模看来,其潜在机会在于目前该网站发展市场前景依然很大,并且有可能与部分商业运营性质网站合作以增强盈利;但其潜在威胁在于入门条件低,仅需专业的编程人员即可组建类似网站,且更新软件需要及时。

b. 由上述中文归纳观点,已经基本包含问题内容,前两点偏向于归纳目前优劣势;后两点偏向提建议,趋向今后网站发展。

c.  在SWOT分析过程中,经常出现优势与劣势并存的状态,在训练过程中注意将突出企业特有的优势部分。

d. 将此部分翻译成英文大致为:


The staple of our website keeps the second place among all the websites. Beisdes, our web aims the E-commerce area, which should be a brand new market in selling market, and we do strong in Garment(服装) online trading.


The profit of our business is over simplified since we only do well in Garment selling. We pay less attention to other areas of online selling, such as the high-technology products(高科技产品) or furnishings(服饰), which limited our revenue. The simplified selling mode is a vitally weakness that our competitors can defeat us if they take other areas earlier.


Since there are some products’ market still undeveloped, it is our chance to take the oppotunities to set specific targets for a multi-selling of online products, escpecially the furnishings, which relates to clothes. Besides, we have some cooperated webs or agencies which can help us to make better advertisments by cheaper price.


The entering level of online-selling web is so low that the new ones only need two progrmmars and couple computers. Furthermore, some of the big corporations which we had already signed as our suppliers had planned for their own online sellings wihch might reduce our inventory and turnover.

l  此部分写作仅供参考(共215词,含标题)

l  优势劣势部分描写针对公司内部进行描写,即本网站为一网络销售网站,其稳定及专业性为优点(考生可根据其他自己想法更换)

l  机遇和威胁部分为公司今后发展带来分析和建议,主要针对企业销售产品过于单一做出分析,并指出潜在威胁在于该行业入门门槛低,且目前工厂已经采取直销形式。

l  相关内容或观点可以根据考生在平时积累过程中进行更改变化,但其结果应该基于企业的盈利为主

l  将此部分加入上述开始和结尾部分(首尾共32词,纵隔247词)

4.    连接形成全文:

l  上述最后两点,将首尾相连与中间部分即可

l  因为在文章开始时起始部分可能考生并无考虑到该网站具体作用,故在此处提议大家在思考全文时尽量先思考面对题目时需要做的主体部分到底是什么方向(销售、人力、管理),以免在开头部分就已经偏离方向

5.    检查:

l  标题式写作容易让考官理解各部分所述内容,在此优势下,考生应该注意勿发生严重的语法或拼写错误

l  各部分内容是否符合SWOT各部分内容,以及全文是否包含文章所述所有要求

l  所提建议是否合理,是否可行

l  自数稍微超出不要担心,也不要进行大量删改,因为文章整体是否整洁也是考官给与印象分的一个“潜规则”部分,此点同各部分写作内容

六.   Part TwoLetter写作部分)

Business Letter

l  A letter written in formal language, usually used when writing from one business organization to another, or for correspondence between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties. The overall style of letter will depend on the relationship between the parties concerned.

l  不同于报告或计划书,商业信函一般格式会更加严谨,且文章内容更有针对新,且根据对象不同,一般写作语言的态度和语气都会有所不同(难度三部分最大)

l  一般Business Letter包含:

1.     Sender's address & contact information  .............发信地址和联系方式

2.     Date of writing  ....................................................日期

3.     Subject  ...............................................................主题

4.     Recipient's name, title, company, & address  .......收信人地址、公司、级别

5.     Salutation/greeting  ..............................................问候语、敬语

6.     Message (body of the letter)  ..............................文段(主体)

7.     Valediction/closing  .............................................结尾

8.     Sender's signature  ............................................签名

9.     Sender's name, title, company  ..........................发信人公司名、级别


1.     简洁明了,快速切入主题(同第一部分写作要求)

2.     制订信体架构,信函基本格式

3.     制订主体部分框架,注意选择语气及语言(词汇)

4.     切记保持形象

5.     难度相对比前两部分(Report、Proposal)大,但首尾部分模板句子较Report和Porposal多

6.     问题针对性强,,主要学科依然为人力、市场和管理方面,信函问题一般包含投诉、咨询类信函


信函的基本框架:(齐头式信函,BLOCK STYLE

                                               Writer’s Address

(Street, Anvenue, City, Country)

Recipient’s Address

(Street, Anvenue, City, Country)

Salutation, (Dear,xxx, sir, madam)


Main Body



l  写信人地址在右,收信人地址在左,地址一般由小到大

l  敬语部分Dear xxx(会表示写信人与收信人已经认识),而直接用Sir或者Madam说明是第一次接触,可以根据题目要求来斟酌其使用情况。在一般情况下,编造一个简单的人名也是可以的,因为即便是初次咨询的问题,作为公司来讲,也是应该对对方有一定了解才写信咨询。

l  此表达方式为信函的一般模式,作为BEC写作,因其在问题中并无明确规定地址或相关其他信息,直接进行敬语部分或者使用EMAIL格式也可以,EMAIL格式:



Dear (Name),

Main Body



l  若考生对一般信函模式在真正写作时确实有记忆不深之处,建议大家可以使用更简单方式,即写完称谓(敬语)后直接进入正文,毕竟BEC考试需要的是测试商业能力和语言能力,并非完全以信函格式判断


l  原有五步解题法继续沿用,但部分内容需要进行更改,具体如下:

l  读题(不变),迅速阅读题目,在与之前所有部分类似之处,问题重有重复内容,(Write a letter to the customer, company, officer)此部分迅速浏览即可,但其他内容必须细读,以免误解题意

l  定开头,即将之前格式开始部分写出(写信人地址、收信人地址、称谓),另外敬语部分有类似模板句型:

l  一般写信的开头(中性,投诉、咨询都可以使用):

We are writing to enquire about …

We are writing in connection with

We are interested in … and we should like to know…

l  抱怨语气开头(具有一定态度,一般用于投诉信):

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that

 By this letter we Purpose to inform you that

We are unpleased to inform you that …

May we ask your attention to …

l  一般回信的开头(一般回信的开头,可以用于回复投诉等信函):

           Thanks for your letter of (Date) about …

A thousand thanks for your kind letter of (Date), asking …

First of all I must thank you for your kind assistance and high attention to me

l  定框架(正文部分),根据问题进行框架制定(具体方式仍如同Report和Proposal写作),注意语气及语言的使用

l  定结尾,归纳总结全文,基本与开头相呼应,加入希望看到回信等类似句子即可,一般模板句型为:

l  一般习惯性结尾(各种信函均通用):

I look forward to receiving your reply \ order …

Looking forward to hearing from you.

We trust that you will reply us.

 We should appreciate a reply.

l  有一定抱怨语气的结尾(一般用于投诉信):

May we request the favour of your early reply?

As the matter is urgent, an early reply will oblige.

Please write to us by tonight’s mail, without fail.

Please reply immediately.

l  连接全文,检查语言、词语及时态有无错误

l  此处将全文连接和检查放置一起,因为在写作过程中信函一般需要按部就班进行描写,不同于报告或者计划书,可以将首尾先行定出

l  主要检查语言的态度,词汇,因为信函写作并不像报告及计划书之类具有专业性质,相对而言言语会比较随和,但语气根据信函内容不同,措辞也会有所差异



l  Your work for an employment agency. The following is part of a letter you have received from a customer:

The temporary administiative assistant you sent us was totally unacceptable. I certainly will not be using your agnecy again when I need temporary staff.

Write a letter to the customer:

Apologising for having sent the unsatisfactory temporary worker

Giving reasons for what happened

Explaining why what happended was exceptional

Offering some sort of compensation to the customer

1.    读题,斜体字部分为文章的一个重要部分,如何回答该部分文字是文章的主题内容黑体部分为各部分信函问题中重复部分,可以迅速掠过,黑斜体下划线部分为问题需要回答要点内容。从问题中可以看出,这一偶然情况对于公司本身也是极少发生的,并且公司需要提供补偿措施。

2.    定开头,从问题可以得出此信函为回信(回答一封投诉信函),则作为回答方,首先必须认识到自己有错误,并且在措辞时需要注意需要抱一定谦卑态度(但不需过于谦卑,毕竟还是以公司出发,也需要考虑公司整体形象;另外通过写信人看出,该公司之间之前有过接触,则开始敬语部分可以略显亲切(套近乎),我们可以使用Email模式进行书写(因为显得重视此事,并且迅速回答):

To: Jenn, Training Manager, Jpig Morgan

From: James,Customer Service Director, PigHead Hunting

Dear Jenn,

Thanks for your letter about the complaint of our recommendation.



3.    定框架,问题提出的主要内容有两点,一个是道歉并且解释错误的原因,另外一个是提出补救措施,则作为整体部分来说,可以先作一个归纳性的总起部分以说明全文的主旨:

We are sorry for the wrong applicant which we will explain in this mail. To show our faith, we will also raise some compensation to prove the same situation will not happen again.



1)    原因:


l  As a matter of fact, we found that the assistant we recommended was totally a liar which we will sue him recently. Beisdes, we had fired our agent who accepted his application.

l  Actually, the day before you sent us the mail, we had sent your HR department a letter for a new recommendation and to apologize for the mistake.  It is our fault that did not notice you after we sent the new recommendation letter.

2)    补救方式:


l  Since we recommended the wrong personnel, the previous service and the new one would be free. That means we will provide two more qualified applicants among our best.

l  Furthermore, we would support you a Unique Training Course only cost for half of the contract price, which response your assistant sent us an email to consult about the training course of marketing and accountant area the day before yesterday. We will organize two special courses for your Marketing and Accountant Deparment with our best consultants.

4.    定结尾:

l  既然上述文段已经表现出很谦卑的态度并且已经提出足够的弥补措施,结尾部分可以表明心态,即希望继续合作:

l  Please give us the opportunity to prove that we are the one to work with such a giant in the financial area.

l  We appreciate your reply and please accept our faithfully apologize.

5.    连接全文,检查

l  将上述英文部分连接即可(仅供参考,共258词)

l  词汇、语气显得较为谦卑

l  检查是否有无包含文章全部要求,即解释原因和提出补救方式

l  检查信函框架是否标准

l  字数稍微超过不要紧,最重要是是否满足题目要求



l  一般公司的主要部门:

生产技术.............Production Technology Division, Research and Develop

财会部................Accounting and Financial

销售部................Sales and Marketing

后勤部................Logistics, Integrated Management, Purchasing

分公司................Branch, Division

l  一般常用名衔:

董事长...............................Chairman of the Board

总经理(首席执行官)......General Manager\ Director, CEO (Chief Executive Officer)

财务总监(首席财务官)....Chief Financial Officer

运营总监(首席运营官)....Chief Operation Officer

副经理 .............................Assistant Manager, Deputy Manager

主管 ................................Director, Chief

七.   总结


1.      语言能力运用(英语)

2.      商务思维的运用(合理、合符逻辑)


1.     目前出现的大部分BEC高级写作测试中基本行业均可以归纳为服务行业,以商业市场(Marketing)为主

2.    市场类题目较易于发挥,且素材较多,可多留意目前境内外关于上市公司的分析报告,特别关于市场拓展类方面的文字










All roads lead to Rome, but it is not built in a day.

Additonal Phrases and words


进口         (Import)

出口         (Export)

上半年       (First half)

下半年       (Second half)

汇率         (Exchange Rate)

美元         (Dollar)

人民币       (Yen,Yuan)

欧元         (Euro)

英镑         (Pound)

国内生产总值 (GDP, Gross Domestic Product)

房价         (House Price)

同比、环比   (Year on year, Month on month, Quarter on quarter, Half on half)

国航H股   (Air China’s H SHARE PRICE)                 

国航A股   (Air China’s A SHARE PRICE)

恒生指数   (HENGSENG INDEX)         

沪深300指数(HSI 300 INDEX)

资本市场   (CAPITAL MARKET)          

股市       (STOCK MAREKT)

人力资源组成   (HR Composition)

人力资源规划   (HR Management)

招聘与配置     (Recruitment and Staffing)

培训与开发     (Training and Development)

绩效管理       (Performance Management)

薪酬福利管理   (Salary and Pension)

劳动关系管理   (Labour Relationship)

财务会计               (Financial Accounting)

管理会计               (Management Accounting)

投资学                 (Investment)

微观\宏观经济学        (Mirco or Marco Economic)

统计学                 (Statistics)

法律和道德             (Law and Ethics)

市场学                 (Marketing)

组织行为学             (Organizational Behavior)

电讯                   (Tele-Communication)、

咨询                   (Consultant)、

运输                   (Transportation)、

餐饮                   (Catering)

直接销售               (Director Sales)

电子销售               (Electronic Commerce)

大客户                 (Key Account, Company Customer)

个别客户               (Consumer, Customer)

亚太地区分部           (Asia Pacific Area)

大中华地区             (Great China)

北京分公司             (Beijing Branch\ Subsidiary)

朝阳区分公司           (Chaoyang District Branch)

行业类型会展           (Different Kinds of Industry or Business Exhibition, or Forum)

学术类型会展           (Academic Exhibition, Conference)

(Good Luck)
