

The pie chart depicts the proportion of dogs competition in seven different groups of dog breeds including sporting, working, hound, terrier, toy, non-sporting and herding.

The chart consists of seven segments, the largest one representing sporting group, which accounts for 24% of the total. Working group takes up 21%, becoming the second largest. Hound group and terrier group both get 16%, followed by toy group which makes up 12%. All the rest proportions, 11% of all, go to non-sporting and herding groups, constituting 5% and 6% respectively.

The two most popular groups of dogs, namely working and sporting groups, account for almost half of the dogs in the competition. The total of the two least popular ones, or non-sporting and herding groups, is less than toy group, the third most unpopular one. Moreover, four times as many dogs competed, in the sporting group as in the herding group.

It can be seen from the chart that people attending the dog competition favour sporting and working dogs more than other groups.




The graph shows the increase in the aging population in Japan, Sweden and the USA. It indicates that the percentage of elderly people in all three countries is expected to increase to almost 25% of the respective populations by the year 2040.

In 1940 the proportion of people aged 65 or more stood at only 5% in Japan, approximately 7% in Sweden and 9% in the US. However, while the figures for the Western countries grew to about 15% in around 1980, the figure for Japan, dipped to only 2.5% for much of this period, before rising to almost 5% again at the present time.

In spite of some fluctuation in the expected percentages, the proportion of older people will probably continue to increase in the next two decades in the three countries. A more dramatic rise is predicted between 2030 and 2040 in Japan, by which time it is thought that the proportion of elderly people will be similar in the three countries.
