
2015雅思写作真题: @蒋干会群英


? 1.10(A&G)

G类task 1:给朋友写说明信。You bought a ticket for a music concert, but you cannot attend the concert. You want to give the ticket to your friend. Write a letter to your friend, in the letter, you should: 1. give detailed information about the concert; 2. explain why you cannot go to the concert; 3. tell your friend how to get the ticket.

G类task 2:(环境)(健康)越来越多的垃圾,发生的原因。政府可以做什么?

? 1.29(A&G)

G类小作文:给一个TV program 负责人写说明信,给他们讲一下你的一个idea


? 2.7(A&G)

G类小作文: application letter。申请local community volunteer,为什么申请,为什么适合这个工作

G类大作文: (科技)计算机使世界变好,你同意吗?

? 2.28(A)

G类小作文:(邀请信)邀请一个朋友来你家参加party, 非正式。


? 3.14(A&G)



? 3.28(A&G)

G类小作文:(给朋友写建议信)your friend wants to travel to a city but he/she doesn’t have enough money. You have to give him/her suggestions about what and where can he/she enjoy? Also some recommendation for accommodation

G类大作文:(工作职场)opinions. 有人认为公司给员工最重要的是高薪,有人认为好的工作环境才是最重要。讨论双方观点。

? 4.11(A&G)


G类大作文:(科技)电视是否让人们的生活更加有趣?agree or disagree?

? 4.18(A&G)

2015雅思写作真题: @蒋干会群英



? 4.30(A&G)

G类小作文:(建议信)一个recommendation, 建议朋友从自己国家进口一个东西来卖。

G类大作文:(教育)Some people think schools do not teach students enough about how to look after their health. To what extent, do you agree or disagree?


? 5.9(A&G) —— 这是今年首次大陆考区与澳洲出现不同考题。


G类TASK 1(求职信)写信给一个shop应聘一份工作

G类TASK 2(社会生活/科技)人们为什么喜欢追求新的电子产品? 你觉得是好事还是坏事?


G类大作文:Some people think controls should be made for the media such as newspapers to publish other people’s private lives, while others disagree, discuss both views.



? 2015.5.30雅思回忆


G类小作文:(邀请信)你所在城市要举办运动会,邀请你在另一个城市的朋友和你一起参加。1. 描述下这个运动会2.为什么邀请朋友参加 3.介绍下朋友如果来,怎么安排住宿等问题



G类小作文:(询问信)enquiry about a language class


? 2015.6.27雅思回忆



G类大作文:(社会)为什么人们不再关注一个重要活动,场合背后的真正意义,举例national celebrations,而是关注加入或参与活动的机会,谈下这个现象的原因自己你的观点,采取什么措施或办法


G 类小作文:去朋友的国家旅游

G类大作文:(购物)Nowadays shopping is no longer about getting things you need but becomes an entertainment. What are reasons of this change and what are the positive and negative effects?


2015雅思写作真题: @蒋干会群英

? 2015.7.11雅思回忆


G类task1: 你本来要去另一个城市visit你朋友,但因为工作问题不得不改计划。

1. 描述这个工作问题

2. 对此改变你有深刻感觉


G类task2: 有些人认为生活在当地是学习第二种语言的the only way. What is your opinion?


G类小作文:去国外,tourist information center给了你错误的信息,错误是什么,带来什么问题。

G类大作文: 有的人喜欢把钱花在衣服,做头发上,或者fashion上。有的人喜欢把钱花在其他方面,Discuss both views and give your opinion.

? 2015.7.25雅思回忆


G类小作文:投诉有人乱扔垃圾。You have noticed a lot of rubbish (garbage) in your area recently. Write a complaint letter to the environmental officer: 1: what is the rubbish coming from 2: what problems it is causing 3: what would you like environmental officer do

G类大作文: (青少年成长/教育) young people should be encouraged to visit different countries because it can brings them some benefits, agree or disagree?


? 2015.8.1雅思回忆



G类大作文(生活/健康/社交)many people choose to watch sports on television ,rather than doing sports themselves .分析positive和negative



G类小作文:(询问信)给hotel manager写信, 换booking时间,问一下要和合作伙伴见面,hotel可以提供哪些服务和设施。


? 20xx年8月29日写作回忆


G类小作文:(说明+建议信)写信给邻居。1. 告诉邻居你是谁 住在哪儿 2.丢垃圾在你家附近给你带来什么问题3.你建议邻居怎么做



G类小作文: (给学校写说明信)you want to study in a foreign country, you have applied to go to the college, but didn’t receive a reply. details about the course you have applied; why you want to go to the college; why u want a reply soon

G类大作文:(广告)第 3 页 共 4 页

2015雅思写作真题: @蒋干会群英


? 20xx年9月12日写作回忆



G类大作文:(社会生活)People have various behavior and ways of life when they have business or a holiday from country to country . Some people believe behavior and ways of life should be the same as the inherited of another country. Do you agree or disagree?【我读书少,没看懂题目?】


? 20xx年9月26日写作回忆


G类大作文(北京): (城市生活)大城市、小城镇哪个好,D & G

G类小作文:要休假去国外,给国外朋友写信:1、为啥需要休假;2、休假计划;3、建议跟朋友见个面。 澳洲版:

G类小作文:你被公司要求去参加一个course,给你上司写信,要求:上课都干嘛了,你觉得有用吗?any suggestion 可以improve的


? 20xx年10月10日写作回忆


A类小作文:流程图 澳洲供水系统现在和将来 大作文:

A类大作文:these days,there is no needs to go out for a live performance (show,concert),because watching it at home on TV or computer screen is better.

G类小作文 邀请信 邀请朋友来参加重要的文化节日,为什么重要,为什么请他来,有什么活动 G类大作文: 大学生参加part time job 好坏?



G类小作文:写信给房东,unhappy with rent increase。介绍你是谁,为什么不同意涨价,如果涨房租,你会怎么做?

G类大作文:As Communication technology develops, it change the way to communicate with friends and family from before. Do you think more advantages or more disadvantages?



新东方在线 [ ] 网络课堂电子教材系列 雅思写作A、G大作文


主讲: 何刚








How are Task 2 answers assessed?

Examiners assess the answers according to these criteria:


Task Response (i.e. how fully and appropriately the candidate has answered all parts of the task; the extent to which the candidate's ideas are relevant, developed and supported; the extent to which the candidate's position is clear and effective)

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? Coherence and Cohesion (i.e. how well the information and ideas are organised and presented i.e. paragraphing; how well the information is linked) Lexical Resource (i.e. the range of vocabulary used, how accurately it is used and how appropriate it is for the task) Grammatical Range and Accuracy (i.e. the range of structures used, how

accurately they are used and how appropriate they are for the task)



? 只是部分回应题目要求,格式在有的地方不得体

? 有立场,但论证并不总是清晰,可能没写结论

? 提出了一些主要观点,但这些观点有限,论证不够充分;可能有无关细节


? 信息的呈现有些组织,但缺少整体延续性

? 衔接手段的使用不充分,不准确或者过度

? 缺少指代和替换关系,导致重复

? 没有分段,或者分段不充分


? 词汇有限,仅仅满足最低要求

? 在拼写和构词法方面有明显错误,以至于导致阅读的部分困难


? 只能使用有限的句型

? 试图使用复杂句,但准确度不如简单句

? 语法和标点经常错误,这些错误导致阅读部分困难



? 回应题目要求,虽然有的部分涵盖不够完整

? 立场切题,虽然结论可能不清晰或重复

? 主要观点切题,但有的观点可能论证不够充分或不清晰


? 信息和观点组织连贯;文章有延续性

? 衔接手段使用有效,但是句子内部和句子之间的衔接可能有误或过于机械

? 指代关系可能不能总是清晰、合理地使用

? 有分段,但不总是有逻辑性


? 使用适当范围的词汇

? 试图使用较不常见词汇,但有一些不准确

? 在拼写和构词法上有错误,但这些错误不至于影响交际


? 能使用简单和复杂句子结构

? 语法和标点出现一些错误,尽管这些错误很少导致交流障碍。

新东方在线 [ ] 网络课堂电子教材系列 雅思写作A、G大作文 7分作文要求:


? 涵盖题目要求

? 文章立场清晰

? 提出、引申、并支持主要观点,但可能有过度概括,分支观点不够紧凑


? 信息和观点组织有逻辑性;文章从头至尾有延续性

? 衔接手段使用合理,虽然可能有一些使用过少或过多

? 每个段落都有明确的主题


? 词汇使用丰富、有一定的准确性和灵活性

? 能使用较不常见词汇,对语体和搭配有所了解

? 在词汇的选择、拼写和构词法上偶尔有错误


? 使用多种复杂结构

? 多数语句无误

? 语法和标点掌握较好,但可能会犯一些错误






Introduction: state your view

Body: support your view with reasons, arguments, examples

Conclusion: restate your view

主体段落:Topic sentence + supporting sentences

Argumentative devices --- Ways to develop a paragraph(论证方法):

1. exemplification(举例说明),

2. explanation(解释说明),

3. cause and effect(因果论证),

4. comparison and contrast(比较与对比)

5. concession and refutation(让步与反驳),

6. classification(分类)


Example: a specific fact, idea, person, or thing that is used to explain or support a general idea, or to show what is typical of a larger group

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For example

For instance

Take (Consider)…as an example

A case in point

such as


Some people think that animals should be treated as friends. Yet others only consider animals as sources of food and clothing. What is your opinion?

Sample Answer

There is a growing tendency nowadays for some people to treat animals as living meat and walking fur. This leads to the cruel slaughter of animals all over the world every year. Yet, in my opinion, instead of killing animals, human beings should treat them as their friends.

It is an undeniable fact that animals play a vital role in maintaining the subtle balance of the earth's ecological system. The lack of this essential part will bring about the destruction of the whole world. Therefore, to some extent, killing animals is equal to digging our own graves.

For thousands of years, many animals have given loyal service to humans. Pigeons convey messages in wartime, and dogs help to detect crime. Even pigs, which many people think are the most stupid animals, are used in the battle against drugs. There is no doubt that our lives would be far less convenient without a little help from our animal friends.

Animals also help humans in a spiritual way. There is nothing better than keeping a cat or a dog if you want your kids to be more independent and responsible. It is also noted that senior citizens live longer if they keep pets after their retirement.

To sum up, animals are human beings' friends. Those who regard animals as merely a source of food and clothing should at least bear one thing in mind: Being kind to animals is being kind to ourselves. Therefore, for our own future benefit, please treat animals with love and care.

Topic sentence:

A growing number of environmental problems are no longer confined to a certain region or country.

For example, oil spills can pollute international waters and the loss of the ozone layer may lead to the melting of ice caps and glaciers, which in turn, may raise sea levels worldwide.

Topic sentence:

The advertisements on TV, newspaper and other kinds of media may confuse consumers and

新东方在线 [ ] 网络课堂电子教材系列 雅思写作A、G大作文 make them rush to purchase products which they don’t really need.

Take the cell phone for example. Its functions and practical use are often exaggerated in advertisements. What?s more, the advertisements even create a fashionable atmosphere for cell phones which appeals to young people to change their phones continuously while ignoring the basic service of cell phones is just to make a phone call.



It means

That is to say

In other words

To put it another way

By that I mean

I believe the traditional family, with both parents providing emotional support and role-models for their children, is the most satisfactory way of bringing up children.

Education after birth plays a significant role in one?s development. Education, which helps children develop their thinking and accumulate their knowledge, is a deciding factor of one?s success. For example, a high-school level person commonly may not succeed to the extent of a person who has received a university education. This is not only because of the greater breadth of knowledge acquired, but also due to a more critical and focused way of thinking that is imparted and refined during ones senior education.

I think an ability to keep clear perspectives in life is a more essential factor in achieving happiness. By that I mean an ability to have a clear sense of what is important in our lives (the welfare of our families, the quality of our relationships, making other people happy, etc.) and what is not (a problem at work, getting annoyed about trivial things, etc.)

Cause and Effect


because of

as a result of

due to

thanks to

owing to



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as a result

as a consequence


in this way






Women should be join in the army

Women should not be a member of the army

Women should not take up a military career

because they are not as strong as men

because they are inferior to men in physical strength

because of their physical inadequacies

In many countries schools have severe problems with student behaviour.

What do you think are the causes of this?

What solutions can you suggest?


Poor student behaviour seems to be an increasingly widespread problem and I think that modern lifestyles are probably responsible for this.

In many countries, the birth rate is decreasing so that families are smaller with fewer children. These children are often spoilt, not in terms of love and attention because working parents do not have the time for this, but in more material ways. They are allowed to have whatever they want, regardless of price, and to behave as they please. This means that the children grow up without consideration for others and without any understanding of where their standard of living comes from.


When they get to school age they have not learnt any self control or discipline. They have less respect for their teachers and refuse to obey school rules in the way that their parents did.


新东方在线 [ ] 网络课堂电子教材系列 雅思写作A、G大作文 也不愿意遵守学校的规章制度。

Comparison and Contrast



in the same manner

in the same way





on the contrary

in contrast

by contrast

on the other hand




Plane is the fastest means of transportation.

It used to take us about 10 hours to go to a place by car. Now, we can go there in no more than 1 hour by air.

What used to take us 10 hours by car can now be covered within 1 hour by air.

Concession and Refutation




it is true that

it is often the case that




Although old people are unlikely to face physically challenging tasks, there are many jobs that are especially suitable for old people, such as jobs that call for more experience and wisdom than physical power. With their rich experience in both work and life, many old people would make good consultants, instructors, coaches, doctors and psychologists, to mention only a few.

新东方在线 [ ] 网络课堂电子教材系列 雅思写作A、G大作文 Girls also appear to be less aggressive than boys. In adulthood, it is men, not women, who prove to be the aggressors in crime and in war. Obviously, in raising children, a more patient, gentle manner is preferable to a more aggressive one. Although there are certainly gentle men and aggressive women, by and large, females are less likely to resort to violence in attempting to solve problems.



In many countries, women are not able to join in the army to share equal basis with men and some people think that only men should be a member of the army, navy and air force. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Why should?

? 战争的状态和要求The way battles are fought has undergone dramatic changes and so

women have an equal basis as men.

? 参军的职责Just as men have the responsibility of bringing up children with women, so

women should bear the burden of protecting their own country by joining in the army.

Why should not?(军人必备的条件?物质/非物质?)

? 妇女体力不行(妇女不应当当兵是因为她们的体力不如男子。)

? 男女分工不同

Culturally speaking, women are not fit for the position of killing.





Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that this is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting. Write an essay expressing your point of view.

Sample Answer:

The view that women are better parents than men has shown itself to be true throughout history. This is not to say that men are not of importance in child-rearing; indeed, they are most necessary if children are to appreciate fully the roles of both sexes. But women have proven themselves superior parents as a result of their conditioning, their less aggressive nature and their generally better communication skills.

From the time they are little girls, females learn about nurturing. First with dolls and later perhaps with younger brothers and sisters, girls are given the role of career. Girls see their mothers in the

新东方在线 [ ] 网络课堂电子教材系列 雅思写作A、G大作文 same roles and so it is natural that they identify this as a female activity. Boys, in contrast, learn competitive role far removed from what it means to nurture. While boys may dream of adventures, girls? conditioning means they tend to see the future in terms of raising families.

Girls also appear to be less aggressive than boys. In adulthood, it is men, not women, who prove to be the aggressors in crime and in war. Obviously, in raising children, a more patient, gentle manner is preferable to a more aggressive one. Although there certainly exist gentle men and aggressive women, by and large, females are less likely to resort to violence in attempting to solve problems.

Finally, women tend to be better communicators than men. This is shown in intelligence tests, where females, on average, do better in verbal communication than males. Of course, communication is of utmost importance in rearing children, as children tend to learn from and adopt the communication styles of their parents.

Thus, while it is all very well to suggest a greater role for men in raising children, let us not forget that women are generally better suited to the parenting role.



Some people think that… Others believe that… Discuss and give your opinion.



? 交代双方观点

? 观点一及其理由

? 观点二及其理由

? 我的观点(倾向性---一或二或折中)


Some people believe that money spent on space research benefits all of humanity. Others take the opposite view and say that money for this type of research is wasted. Discuss these views and give your opinion.

Sample Answer:

For over fifty years, a number of nations have been involved in the exploration of outer space. This research has been very costly, of course. Has this money been well spent or wasted?

新东方在线 [ ] 网络课堂电子教材系列 雅思写作A、G大作文 Some people believe that all or most space research should be eliminated because of its incredible expense, not only in terms of money, but also in terms of scientific and human resources. These people point out the fact that it cost billions of dollars to send astronauts to the moon, but all they brought back were some worthless rocks. These people say that the money and effort now being wasted in outer space could be spent on more important projects right here on earth, such as providing housing for homeless people, improving the education system, saving the environment, and finding cures for diseases.

However, other people believe that space research has provided many benefits to mankind. They point out that hundreds of useful products, from personal computers to heart pacemakers to freeze-dried foods, are the direct or indirect results of space research. They say that weather and communication satellites, which are also products of space programs, have benefited people all over the globe. In addition to these practical benefits, supporters of the space program point to the scientific knowledge that has been acquired about the sun, the moon, the planets, and even our own earth as a result of space research.

I agree with those people who support space research and wish to continue. Space research, as shown, has already brought many benefits to humanity. Perhaps it will bring even more benefits in the future, ones that we can not even imagine now. Moreover, just as individual people need challenges to make their lives more interesting, I believe the human race itself needs a challenge, and I think that the peaceful exploration of outer space provides just such a challenge.

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.




As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries. Just like movie stars, they live extravagant lifestyles with huge houses and cars.

Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when comparing these super salaries with those of top surgeons or research scientists, or even leading politicians who have the responsibility of governing the country. However, sports salaries are not determined by considering the contribution to society a person makes, or the level of responsibility he or she holds. Instead, they reflect the public popularity of sport in general and the level of public support that successful stars can generate. So the notion of “fairness” is not the issue.

Those who feel that sports stars? salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals

新东方在线 [ ] 网络课堂电子教材系列 雅思写作A、G大作文 with real talent are very few, and the money is a recognition of the skills and dedication a person needs to be successful. Competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform in their relatively short career. The pressure from the media is intense and there is little privacy out of the spotlight. So all of these factors may justify the huge earnings.

Personally, I think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of movie stars, but at the same time, it indicates that our society places more value on sport than on more essential professions and achievements.










“收入高”,题目中用的是earn a great deal of money,文中几处地方分别改写成了are paid huge salaries, super salaries, huge earnings。

“认为”,文中分别用了find, feel, 和think等。



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? 交代双方观点并指出其复杂性,进行分类

? 情形一及做法

? 情形二及做法

? 总结

The costs of medical health care are increasing all the time. Governments are finding it difficult to balance the health care budget.

Should citizens be totally responsible for their own health costs and take out private health insurance, or is it better to have a comprehensive health care system which provides free health services for all? Discuss.

Sample Answer:

A much debated issue these days is whether citizens should take out private health insurance or not. The cost of providing free medical care for both the wealthy and the poor is far too great for any government, and most people agree that if you can pay for insurance, you should. In this essay, I will argue that all who can afford it should be insured, but free medical care must be made available for those too poor to do so.

The most important reason for encouraging people to take out private health insurance is the cost to the government of health care. Free health cover for people who are able to pay for it is a waste of public money. Of course, people will only pay health insurance premiums if they know that they are getting good value for their money. If they get sick, they should pay very little or nothing at all. In addition, the privately insured are entitled to special benefits such as having the choice of their own doctors, and being able to avoid long waiting lists for hospital beds.

On the other hand, those who really cannot afford to pay private insurance premiums, which are often very high, are still entitled as citizens to the best medical care available - they cannot be expected to pay their own medical bills. However, if they are working, they should still pay a percentage of their wage (say 1 to 2%) as a tax which pays towards the cost of providing ?free? medical services.

In conclusion, most people should privately insure their health, but it is unreasonable to suppose that all citizens can afford it. Therefore, a safety net in the form of a basic free health care system must exist for the very poor and the unemployed.

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Agree or Disagree?

To what extent do you agree or disagree? Do you agree or disagree with this view?


? 直接提出观点,同意:

? 情景+观点:

? 让步反驳:

? 事实+对方观点及理由+反驳并提出自己观点

? 直接提出观点,同意:

Creative artists should always be given the freedom to express their own ideas (in words, pictures, music or film) in whichever way they wish. There should be no government restrictions on what they do.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?



On the specific issue of creative freedom versus government restrictions, I am fully of the opinion that the latter should give place to the former.


To a very large extent, I believe that the work of creative artists should not be restricted by any government.

Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on young children. Do you agree or disagree?



I tend to agree that young children can be negatively affected by too much time spent on the computer every day. This is partly because sitting in front of a screen for too long can be damaging to both the eyes and the physical posture of a young child, regardless of what they are using the computer for.


? 情景+观点:

Should dangerous sports such as boxing or motor-racing be banned?


Millions of people play sport every day, and, inevitably, some suffer injury or pain. Most players and spectators accept this risk. However, in my opinion, dangerous sports such as boxing should be banned.

新东方在线 [ ] 网络课堂电子教材系列 雅思写作A、G大作文 ? 让步反驳

Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Although some people may think that it is fair to maintain gender equality in every discipline in the university, I tend to believe that such a rigid rule is impractical and even harmful.



? 换词性;

? 使用同义词;

? 改变句型。


The position of women in the society has changed greatly in the past 20 years.

Women?s social status has undergone dramatic changes in the last two decades.


Widespread tobacco consumption has led to grave consequences, yet the tobacco companies are still claiming that they make a valuable contribution to the world economy.

Extensive cigarette smoking has caused serious problems. But the tobacco companies insist that they contribute greatly to the world economy.


Among all the worthy feelings of mankind, love is probably the noblest.

There is probably no other feeling that is nobler than love.

? 事实+对方观点及理由+反驳并提出自己观点

Every year several languages die out. Some people think it is not important because life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world. Do you agree or disagree?


Recent surveys suggest that many of the existing languages are threatened with extinction. (事实陈述)Some people claim that there is nothing to worry about and communications between nations may even become less difficult as a result. (对方观点及理由)However, I do not agree with this opinion because language diversity is crucial to the survival and development of human civilisation as a whole.(反驳,提出自己观点)


新东方在线 [ ] 网络课堂电子教材系列 雅思写作A、G大作文








? 反驳段 支持段 支持段1 支持段2 让步段 反驳段


1. 总结本方中心思想及段落大意

2. 反驳对方观点并指出其谬误

3. 再次提出本方观点并融合对方观点的合理之处


Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that this is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting. Write an essay expressing your point of view.


The view that women are better parents than men has shown itself to be true throughout history. This is not to say that men are not of importance in child-rearing; indeed, they are most necessary if children are to appreciate fully the roles of both sexes. But women have proven themselves superior parents as a result of their conditioning, their less aggressive nature and their generally better communication skills.


Thus, while it is all very well to suggest a greater role for men in raising children, let us not forget that women are generally better suited to the parenting role.



Obviously, the opinion that life will be simpler with fewer languages is far too short-sighted. People who hold this view have not taken into consideration the importance of language in cultural diversity.

People who hold this view (Supporters of this view / Proponents of this view)

Opponents/People who argue against this view/People who object to this view/


Computers are widely used in education, and some people think teacher will not play an important role in the classroom. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



新东方在线 [ ] 网络课堂电子教材系列 雅思写作A、G大作文 With the present wide use of computers, in the course of teaching, more and more teachers are in favour of using computers as an aid in teaching their students or in appropriating the latest

information from the Internet. However, I am not a believer in the argument that computers may in the future take the place of teachers in teaching students.


In summary, the computer may not play a major role in education in comparison to the benefits a teacher bestows. However, it is critical that teachers improve their teaching modes by using computers at some level of educational teaching.

Many people think that public libraries should only provide books and should not waste their limited money on expensive hi-tech media such as software, video or DVD. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

题目核心词:public libraries, books (traditional and less expensive), software/video/DVD (modern and more costly), limited money



? less expensive, and therefore can benefit more people

? easy to carry, and so can be read any time, anywhere (e.g. on the plane, in the bathroom) ? it is a pleasure to read a book


? it is easier to retrieve information

? the information age/high-tech society calls for a high-tech way of transmitting knowledge ? holds information more efficiently, (e.g. a whole room of books can be stored in one DVD) ? unlike books, which need large space to store and therefore involves cost in storage

? books are text-only, while these electronic media cater to visual and auditory senses

(multimedia) and so are more vivid


Some people warn that the era of the silver screen is coming to an end and that people will eventually lose interest in going to the cinema. Do you agree or disagree with this view? 范文:

The cinema has been a popular form of entertainment for many decades. Even the silent films of the early twentieth century were loved by audiences around the world. Hollywood is now an enormous business and film stars like the Australian actress Nicole Kidman earn millions of dollars.

新东方在线 [ ] 网络课堂电子教材系列 雅思写作A、G大作文 People think that going to the cinema will become out of date because of the increase in the production of DVDs and videos. It?s certainly true that we can all stay at home now and watch films in comfort. Also, the cost of these films is cheaper for a big family than going to the cinema. Young people enjoy spending a night at home and watch a DVD or video. And small children adore videos because they can watch them over and over again.

However, the cinema in my home country are still full every weekend and when a new film is released we are all very keen to go and watch it. In fact, many small cinemas have been rebuilt and we can now go to large centres that have six or eight cinema screens and show up to ten different films a night. An evening out at the cinema is fun and some films, particularly horror and science fiction films, are much better on the big screen.

So it seems that we are enjoying both the cinema and the facilities that technology can offer us and that each of these has its merits. In my view, people will never stop going to the cinema but they will watch DVDs as well.


Using animals to test the safety of cosmetics or drugs used for medical reasons is never acceptable. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Model answer:

Before any new product is put on the market, whether it is a cosmetic product, or a potentially life saving medicine, the producers will want to make sure that it is safe for humans to use. A common way of doing this is to test the product on animals.

Many people feel that this is unacceptable because it assumes that an animal?s life is somehow less valuable than a human life. Opponents of animal testing point out that the animals involved often suffer great pain and fear, and argue that we have no right to do this to them for our own benefit.

On the other hand, it cannot be denied that animal testing has helped scientists to make great discoveries in the field of medicine, providing effective drugs against cancer, heart disease and other potentially fatal illnesses. Supporters of animal testing argue that many lives have been saved this way.

I would agree that there may be some benefits to using animals to test new medicines, although I would prefer such testing to be kept to a minimum. Increasingly, there are new ways of testing products, using cell cultures, which need not involve animals at all. However, even when this is not possible, I cannot agree that it is necessary to test cosmetic products on the market, with no need for further development and testing. Exploiting animals in this way is, in my opinion completely unacceptable.

In conclusion, I would not agree that testing products on animals is never acceptable, but it should

新东方在线 [ ] 网络课堂电子教材系列 雅思写作A、G大作文 be reserved for essential scientific work.


Present possible causes and make recommendations.

? 提出问题

? 分析问题

? 解决问题

In many countries schools have severe problems with student behavior. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?




Poor student behaviour seems to be an increasingly widespread problem and I think that modern lifestyles are probably responsible for this.

文章开头首先提出问题:poor student behaviour(学生行为不端=题目中的severe problems with student behaviour)。然后指出原因在于现代生活方式。

In many countries, the birth rate is decreasing so that families are smaller with fewer children. These children are often spoilt, not in terms of love and attention because working parents do not have the time for this, but in more material ways. They are allowed to have whatever they want, regardless of price, and to behave as they please. This means that the children grow up without consideration for others and without any understanding of where their standard of living comes from.


When they get to school age they have not learnt any self control or discipline. They have less respect for their teachers and refuse to obey school rules in the way that their parents did.


Teachers continually complain about this problem and measures should be taken to combat the situation. But I think the solution to the problem lies with the families, who need to be more aware of the future consequences of spoiling their children. If they could raise them to be considerate of others and to be social, responsible individuals, the whole community would benefit.


新东方在线 [ ] 网络课堂电子教材系列 雅思写作A、G大作文 造成的可能后果。如果家长在抚养小孩的时候,能够让小孩学会尊重他人,成为负责任的人,那么全社会都会受益。

Perhaps parenting classes are needed to help them to do this, and high quality nursery schools could be established that would support families more in terms of raising the next generation. The government should fund this kind of parental support, because this is no longer a problem for individual families, but for society as a whole.




At present, science has been developing at a high speed. But people still have a high opinion of artists. What can the arts tell us of the life that science cannot?

可以转化为:At present, science has been developing at a high speed. But people still have a high opinion of artists. The arts tell us many aspects of life that science cannot. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Science explains what is factual while arts try to show us the spiritual side of human nature.

Arts touch the soul. It's about human feelings and how they are expressed.

Artists are still highly valued, for not only do they demonstrate the creativity possessed by mankind, and what people can do with innovation, but also break away from mortality's chain.



Arts reveal many aspects of life that science often fails, since arts can provide us mental freedom and enhanced aesthetic taste.


Art is boundless, thus it can lead us to a boundless spiritual world where there is nothing that can limit people?s imagination and creativity. Suppose one day we live in a world without television, computer, DVD player and stereo system, people still can enjoy singing, dancing and painting. Thousands of years ago science was nothing but our ancestors used animals? blood as pigment,

新东方在线 [ ] 网络课堂电子教材系列 雅思写作A、G大作文 took sharp stones as pen to demonstrate humans? creativity. That?s the power of art to make it possible for people to express themselves to manifest their happiness and sorrow.
