


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Young people nowadays do not give enough time to helping their communities. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.






对于美国人,尤其是学生来说,社区服务是必须参加的(service learning requirement),而且通常会有时间限制,比如至少达到40小时,不同学校对此要求不一样。学校也会给出活动的范围或者具体活动项目,如清扫公园、帮助孤寡老人等,并且会有相应的记录。这是大学申请的必要条件之一,对于学生的职业选择以及个人成长有很大的帮助。 而对于中国学生来说,类似的活动可能比较有限,由此导致中国学生看到这个题目的时候有些迷茫,没有什么观点。从小受到父母宠爱、亲人关怀的中国孩子还没有形成一个“回报社会”的观念。此外,学习的高强度压力或者工作的繁重没有留给年轻人足够多的时间。 然后讲一讲这类题目的写作思路:


1. 从学生角度出发,根据我们的自身情况就可以得知,我们大部分的时间都贡献给了在校学习,上课和作业占用了我们绝大部分的时间。因此我们就可以得出年轻人社区服务不够的第一个原因:



2. 其次,我们还可以说,这也是我们自身意识不够强导致的,而这种意识也是基于社会整体的,我们接受的教育和父母的言传身教都是这个问题形成的因素。从而得到第二个观点:



Young people nowadays are credited more than they can handle, both as the future of the world and the benchmark of social morals. They are overwhelmed by huge expectations to engage in numerous tasks from their parents and the society as a whole, therefore time is almost never enough for them. Helping the communities, among all the things, is no exception.

Objectively, time is indeed far from sufficient for youth to engage in this kind of activities. From the primary school children to the working population, it is the learning and working that justifies their full time, especially in countries that prioritizes academic improvement. This is an idea that is instilled in their mind and ingrained with each passing day. Teachers in school and parents at home constantly give them an impression that an outstanding performance outweighs anything else and only in excelling others in academic study can they embrace a bright future and promising career. No wonder the importance of study dies hard and naturally other activities, ranging from helping the lonely aged to cleaning the road, are considered a distraction from their major task.

At a deeper level, the concept or awareness of devotion may be lacking in the young’s mind. Brought up and considered as the prince or princess of their family, young people have already taken it for granted that contribution, either to their little family or the community, is not a necessity in their life and immerse in their individual world. This is partly because the parents misinterpret it in a way that children can get whatever they demand without consideration of others, let alone some return to the world they live in. Also in part the education system and the society plays no favorable role in molding a contributing atmosphere. In advocating and focusing on intellectual development and material success, they are actually conveying a perception that academic development and working achievement are the golden rule and destination. Then the innocent young, experiencing the strong criticism from the outside, still have to carry on with the heavy working burden.

In contrast, the societies that put community service in a high position can witness the giving young people active participating in various activities for the needed. The society, in turn, can feel the warmheartedness and enthusiasm. Obama is a typical example, he repeatedly referred to his experience of serving his community and attributed his growth to the service in his first presidential campaign. This won him many votes and somehow reflects how much importance Americans attach to the community contribution. Additionally, community service is a requirement for applying for universities, pushing and encouraging the students to get involved. In conclusion, young people may not be so multi-tasking, but they are not the only one who are responsible for the insufficient contribution. The solution lies with the cooperation of the parents and the whole society, creating a sound atmosphere and raising their awareness from the very beginning.



第二篇:TPO25 独立写作

TPO25 独立写作

I strongly agree with the statement that young people nowadays do not give enough time to helping their communities.

First of all, as we all know, all young people are facing pressure from all aspects. So they actually do not have time to spend on helping their communities. In our country, a student should study extremely hard to become outstanding because he has to meet a exam named "Gaokao" when he graduated from high school. The score of this exam can decide which university the student can be admitted. For preparing this exam, a student should take his all time on reviewing. If he gives time to helping his community, it will waste his time on study and this activity can distract him. In addition, for being more outstanding, young people have to spend a lot time on study other skills such as painting and playing a kind of instrument. They have to go to a particular training center to improve their skills. It is obvious that the main reason of why young people do not give enough time to helping their communities is they want to put more time on improving themselves.

Secondly, young people nowadays are a little selfish. Most of young people in our country do not have brothers or sisters. So they are used to be cared and helped. They don't know the meaning of help. So young people would like to play computer in home rather than help others. And they are lazy. Although they know helping communities can help them from being lazy, they will also choose staying in home because they think helping communities is hard.

Admittedly, helping communities is a good chance to develop responsibility. What more, with this experience, young people can always be proud. However, the reality indeed doesn’t allow young people to pay enough time to helping communities.

It has been a fact that young people nowadays do not give enough time to helping their communities. The only way to change this fact is reduce their pressure and instill them the advantage of helping communities.