
Recommendation Letter Oct20.2011

English Teacher : Gaofang

Student Name: Denglu Date of Birth:

To Whom it may Concern:

After serious consideration, I recommend Denglu to your university for further study.

It is a pleasure to have such an excellent student as Denglu in our class. She is

intelligent, diligent, attentive and has a strong enthusiasm in learning. With class work she is conscientious, alert and focused on the tasks. Her homework is thorough and punctual for she well understands the importance of this work in assisting her with her learning and she has developed competence in her exam technique with excellent time management skills.

In her English learning, she has a particular talent. Her vocabulary is broad and she is keen to both learn and use new words as a means of extending it. It is her aim to improve her speaking even though she is quite fluent. She reads well; is able to effectively scan and skim passages; and she appreciates the tone and attitude of the writer. As she enjoys writing, she is able to express her ideas clearly; to carefully argue a case; and her sentence and paragraph organization is excellent. Additionally, she not only works hard in English but also in all her other subjects. She actively takes part in class activities and is capable of learning by herself after class.

Deng is a friendly and well-mannered student with a great sense of humor, so she is very popular with others. She has obvious leadership qualities and she is always willing to make a positive contribution to class activities. In my English class she often has a great deal to offer her classmates and readily shares her understanding of language situations. She has been English homework and task monitor for more than two years and I really appreciate her assistance in my English teaching. Moreover, I am deeply impressed by her persistence, work efficiency and huge sense of responsibility.

Meanwhile, Deng enjoys participating in a diverse range of activities such as the

School Science Festival, the Sports Meeting and the Basketball Matches. We are very proud of her due to her wonderful performances in these activities as well as the

academic field, which always bring her lots of brilliant prizes. What has impressed me most is her exceptional speech in the 2009 School Opening Ceremony which she delivered as the only representative on behalf of all the students.

As far as I am concerned, Deng not only has an outstanding learning talent, but has the

confidence and ability to continue to develop this talent and if she maintains her ambition, she will become a highly competent student in the internationally academic environment. Therefore, I sincerely recommend Denglu to your university.





1 绝大多数推荐信实际上是学生自己撰写的,只要让推荐人大笔一挥,签上名字即可

2 反正所有人的推荐信里都会夸夸其谈,说被推荐人是如何如何优秀,我只要一样照做就好了

3 推荐信只是个形式,美国大学要不要录取我,还是要看我的考试分数说了算


一 什么是“好”的推荐信?







二 大学录取材料里为什么必须包含推荐信?招生官希望从推荐信里得到什么信息?


1 你在申请材料里讲述的是否都是事实


2 你的成就是否足以给别人留下深刻的印象


3 为申请材料中的“疑点”提供解释的机会


4 对申请文书的内容做补充

这对于高中申请本科的同学尤其适用。在common application中,有一个小文书是非常难于处理的,那就是“在你列出的活动中,哪一项对你最有意义,为什么?”这篇文书仅限150字。你会不会因为篇幅不够而感到苦恼?会不会因为没有写出你自己的全部想法而感到遗憾?这个时候,推荐信会是一个很好的补充 5 为招生官客观的评价你提供全面的背景信息


