全新版 大学英语教案





课 时:64课时

教材:大学英语综合 学生:2级学生

Unit 4 The Virtual World

Language Points

1. Virtual: 1) created and existing only in a computer 1

virtual displacement (物) 虚移位

virtual focus (物) 虚交点

virtual height (物) 虚高(电离层中一层的视高度)

virtual image (物) 虚像

virtual memory (计) 虚拟存储器

virtual storage (计) 虚拟存储(器)

virtuality n. 1. 实际、本质 2. 内在、潜在

2. being or acting as what is described, but not accepted as such name or officially The once elegant temple lay in virtual ruins.


2. interpret:

1) understand (sth. said, ordered, or done)

She interpreted his look.


2) give or provide the meaning of, explain

interpret a dream 圆梦

Poetry can hardly be interpreted.


Literature helps to interpret life.


3) translate what is said in one language into another.

e.g (teacher’s book page41)

interpretable 可解释的 a. interpretation n. interpretative 解释的 a. interpreter n. interpretress

3. tone: a particular quality or intonation of voice

eg. a voice with full clear tone 洪亮清晰的嗓音

an angry tone of voice 愤怒的嗓音


tone arm (唱机的) 拾音器臂

tone cluster (音) 音族

tone colour (音) 音色

tone control 音调调节(器)

4. stretch: (cause to) become longer, wider, etc. without breaking

He yawned and stretched himself. 他打个哈欠,伸一伸懒腰。

He stretched his arm up as far as he could 他把手臂尽量往上伸。

Stretch out a friendly hand to sb. 向某人伸出友谊之手。

Stretch – out a. 伸出的、展开的、延伸的

Stretcher n.

Stretcher-bearer n. 担架手、担架兵

5. submit: give (sth.) to sb. so that it may be formally considered (followed by to) submit one’s application to sb. for his consideration


Submit the names to the Senate for conformation.


Submit an article to the editor of a magazine.


More eg. (teacher’s book page 41)

6. edit: revise or correct

edit the complete works of Allen Poe

编艾伦? 坡作品全集

edit one’s thoughts before speaking


edit a daily newspaper



edition deluxe (法)(书籍的)精装版本,豪华版


editorial n. 社论

7. at times: sometimes

8. take in: absorb (sth) into the body by breathing or swallowing

eg. (TB page 42)

Fish take in oxygen through their gills.


9. spit: send (liquid, food, etc.) out from the mouth

spit sth (out)(at/on/onto sb./sth.)

He was spitting blood after being hit in the mouth.

他的嘴挨了打 之后,吐出血来。

In many countries it is considered rude to spit in public.


He is inclined to spit when he talks quickly.


10.on line: connected to or controlled by a computer (network)


eg. (teacher’s book page 43)

11. symptom:

1) sign of the existens of sth. bad (坏事的) 征兆、征候

This demonstration was a symptom of discontent among the students.


2) change in the body that indicates an illness 症状

the rash that is a symptom of measles


12. conversely: in a way that is opposite to sth.

eg. (teacher’s book page 43)

You can add the fluid to the power or, conversely, the powder to the fluid.


13. but then: yet at the same time

eg. (teacher’s book page 43)

14. jar: have a harsh or an unpleasant effect (jar sth., jar on sb./sth)

eg. (TB page 43)

15. suck in: involve (sb.) in an activity, an argument, etc., usu. Against their will

(used in the pattern: suck sb. in/into sth.; suck in) 将某人卷入(丑闻、争论等)之中(通常为不情愿者)

I don’t want to get sucked into the row bout school reform.

我不愿意牵扯到 这场学制改革的争论之中。

16. in sight:

1) visible

It was early in the morning and there wasn’t anyone in sight on campus.

As the train pulled into the station my parents standing on the platform were soon in sight.

2) likely to come soon

Two months passed, and victory was not yet in sight.

The end of the economic nightmare is still nowhere in sight.

A solution to the problem of environmental pollution now seems in sight.

17.remark: thing said or written as a comment

I remarked that we mustn’t buy things we didn’t need.


A local newspaper remarked that inflation was not to be checked for the time being.


18. cue: anything that serves as a signal about what to do or say (followed by to/for) throw cues to sb. 给某人暗示

The time had come to say good night. At mother’s cue, we all ascended.

到上床睡觉的时候了。在妈妈的暗示之下, 我们都上楼去了。

The immediate cue for the military takeover 军方接管的直接信号

As if on cue 似乎接受了信号(或提示)一样

The horses reacted as if on cue.



19. routine:

1) n. 例行公事;日常工作;惯例;惯常的(或机械的)程序

start the daily (morning) routine


upset an established routine


do sth. according to routine


2) n. (经常表演的)固定节目;节目;一套固定舞步(或动作)

Performing her bold and difficult routines with consummate control, she tallied three 10s.


3) a. 例行的;日常的;惯例的;用常规的

Despite there problems, routine work is continuing.


20.rely on/upon: rely on/upon sb./sth. (to do sth.)

1) count depend on sb./sth. 指望或依赖某人(做某事)

Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help/to help us.


You can rely upon it that it will rain this weekend.


2) have trust or confidence in sb./sth. 信任或依赖某人(某事物)

You can rely on me to keep your secret.


21. abuse:

1) v. make bad or wrong use of (sth.) 滥用、芒用(某事物)

abuse one’s authority, sb’s hospitality, the confidence placed in one


2) v. trust (sb.) badly; exploit 虐待某人;剥削

3) n. wrong or bad use or treatment of sth./sb. 对某事物(某人)的滥用、妄用或虐待

drug abuse 滥用麻醉药品

4) n. unjust or corrupt practice 恶性;弊端;不正之风

put a stop to political abuse 煞住政治上的不正之风

5) abuse of sth.: wrong or bad use of sth. 对某事物的滥用、妄用

an abuse of trust, privilege, authority 辜负别人的信任、滥用特权、滥用权力 abusive: adj. (of speech or a person) criticizing harshly and rudely; insulting (指言语或人)责骂的,辱骂的

He became abusive, is began uttering angry insults, curses, etc.


Abusively: adv.

22. restore: v.

1) restore sth. (to sb./sth.) 将(某事物等)归还原主


Police restore the stolen jewels to the showroom.


2) restore sb. (to sth.): restore sth. (to sb.) 使某人(某物)恢复原先的状况 restore sb’s beauty, sight, confidence, etc.


23. flee:

1) flee (from sb./sth.) 逃跑;逃避;避开;(尤指遇到危险、威胁等)逃离 The customers fled (from the bank) when the alarm sounded.


2) 逃避,逃离(某人或某事物)

During the civil war thousands of people fled the country.


24. tune:

1) n. 曲调,曲子(尤其指有明显旋律的)

whistle a catchy tune


Modern music has no tune to it.


2)v. 为(乐器)调音,调(音)

3) (be) tuned (in) to sth. (of a radio, etc.) 调整频率等以接收某一节目

4) tune sb. to sth.

Voters always elect the candidate most tuned in to their needs.





The Richest Man in America, 全新版大学英语教案 第二册 Unit 2 Values

Down Home

制 作 人:李 华

单 位:平顶山工学院

时 间 :2008-6-2




Unit 2 Values

The Richest Man in America, Down Home

I. Teaching Plan 教学计划

1. 教学目标及基本要求:


Students will be able to:

1) learn about some useful information on Wal-Mart. and its founder Sam Walton

2) understand the main idea (despite his wealth, Sam Walton remains down-home and devoted to his team) and the structure of the text.

3) appreciate the use of indirect description in portraying a person.

4) grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text.

5) conduct a series of reading, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.

2. 教学内容及学时分配:

Time Allocation and Course Arrangement:

1) Pre-reading tasks: (1st period)

Text elicitation and background information about War-Mart and its founder Sam Walton

2) While-reading tasks: (2nd, 3 period)

Text organization and text analysis and language learning and summary about the whole text

3) Post-reading tasks: (4,5th period)

writing and homework

Speaking and Discussion thrd

3. 教学重点及难点:

Difficult and key points in teaching:

1) How to portray a person

2) The methods of indirect description

3) Important language points in the text: e.g. reserve, discount

Structure: Only in America, can a billionaire carry on like this and get away with it.

4. 教学内容的深化及拓宽:

Ability improvement

Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.


5. 教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:

Teaching methods and problems should be paid attention:

1) A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted.

2) Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction.

3) More encouragement and praise should be given to students for their voluntary answers and opinions.

4) More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.

7. 思考题和习题:

《全新版大学英语综合教程2》第一单元Text A后的所有习题。

阅读第一单元Text B,完成后面的相关练习。



II. Teaching Procedures 教学过程:

Pre-reading Activities:

1. Topic elicitation

a. Who is the richest man in the America nowadays? Is Bill Gates still the richest man? Probable answers:

After 13 years on top, Bill Gates is no longer the richest man in the world. That honor now belongs to his friend and sometimes bridge partner Warren Buffett.

Riding the surging price of Berkshire Hathaway stock, Buffett has seen his fortune swell to an estimated $62 billion, up $10 billion from a year ago.

Gates is now worth $58 billion and is ranked third richest in the world. He is up $2 billion from a year ago, but would have been as rich--or richer--than Buffett, had Microsoft not made an unsolicited bid for Yahoo! at the beginning of February. Mexican telecom mogul Carlos Slim Helú now ranks as the world's second richest person with a net worth of $60 billion.

b. Today we will learn another richest man in America, but he was the richest man 20 years ago. Do you know who he is?

Probable answers:

T will introduce some background information about Wal-Mart and its founder Sam Walton. While-reading Activities:

1. Title analysis

1.1 Explanation on the title: the richest man in America: Sam M Walton down home: the informal simple qualities of typical rural southern American people.


1.2 Ask Ss find the most important words in the title (richest, down home) and guess the style of the text from the four choices: narration, description, exposition and argumentation

2. Text analysis

2.1. Text organization

Ask Ss to skim Text A and find how many parts can this text be divided. (hint: there is a blank line between each part) and finish the Text Organization (Exercise1 on page 40) so as to grasp the main function of each part. Peer discussion in English is allowed.


2.2 Part one: Sam Walton‘s life:

a. Ss skim Part 1 and discuss the questions:

What’s the richest man life in Jamie Beaulieu imagination? (Ask Ss to answer the question then T presents it in POWERPOINT)

b. What made the waiter Jamie Beaulieu feel disappointed? (T presents it in POWERPOINT) c. Try to explain the sentence at Line5-8.

2.3 Part two: Sam Walton’s folksy ways and he has no special treatment.

a. Ss scan part 2

b. Group Discussion

Ask Ss discuss with their partner what kind of person the richest man is and ask then to give examples in their own words.


2.4 Part three: Sam Walton’s devotion to the Wal- Mart team.

a. No matter how busy he is, he will attend the Friday’s sales meetings or Saturday’s pep rally. Ask Ss to give examples and introduce the famous Wal-Mart cheer.

b. Wal-Mart stores are always on his mind (the example of tennis). His concerns for his employees are always on his mind. E.g. He set up a college scholarship fund for employees’ children, a 5

disaster relief fund to rebuild employee homes damaged by fires, floods, tornadoes, and the like. He rewarded successful and hard-wording employees.

2.5 T explains language points and give Ss practice (see Language Study)

2.6 Discourse comprehension:

a. finding synonyms or synonymous phrases for “down-home”

①T asks some Ss to explain the title of Text A in their own words.

②Ss work alone to find out synonyms or synonymous phrases for “down-home”.

③Some Ss report their findings to the class.

Para5 carry on like plain folks

Para6 folksy ways

Para7 friendly, cheerful, a fine neighbor who does his best to blend in, never flashy, never throwing his weight around

Para11 not a front-page person

Output: T reminds Ss to vary their own writings by synonyms or synonymous phrases. b. Using indirect description in portraying a person

①Ss complete Text Organization Exercise 2.

②T makes Ss think by asking Ss this question: How does the author reveal these character traits of Sam Walton? Does he come forward to tell us directly what Sam Walton is like?

③T introduces indirect description to Ss:

i To make a character portrait convincing, an author must refrain from telling readers directly what the person is like. Instead, he/she lets readers deduce.

ii the methods of indirect description------anecdotes, examples, quotes, comparison and contrast, etc.

iii T asks Ss to work in pairs to find out examples of these methods used in this text.

Quotation: the author quotes not only from Sam Walton himself, but also from his employees. e.g. “The reason for our success… is our people and the way they’re treated and the way they feel about their company. They believe things are different here, but they deserve the credit”, Anecdote: the text begins with an anecdote.

e.g. at the beginning, how waiter Jamie Beaulieu had anticipated a lavish mansion at the Waltons, only to find an ordinary-looking household.

e.g. how Sam Walton forgot his wallet and insisted on fetching it to pay the local barber.

e.g. how Sam Walton lost 4 straight games after a Wal-Mart employee asked him a question about pricing.

Example: the author uses a lot of examples to show how folksy and generous Sam Walton is. 6

Contrast and comparison: e.g. the waiter Jamie Beaulieu’s anticipation and the reality he later found out form a contrast. It reveals Sam Walton’s down-home characteristics.

e.g. when retired company president Ferold F. Arend compared Sam Walton with his previous employer, we appreciate further Sam Walton’s generosity.

v T urges Ss to adopt these methods when describing a person.

3. Summary

a. main idea: despite his wealth, Sam Walton remains down-home and devoted to his team b. structure of the text:

An essay usually can be divided into three parts: an introduction where the topic is elicited; a body part where the topic is explained in detail and a conclusion part where the main idea is repeated. This text have the introduction part ( a contrast between the richest man’s life in people’s imagination and his real life ) and the body part ( Sam Walton’s folksy ways and his devotion to his team)

c. How to portray a person:

Methods of indirect description are used such as anecdotes, examples, quotes, comparison and contrast.

Post-reading tasks:

writing and homework

1. Ask Ss to do some after-text exercises and Ss’ home reading (Text B).

2. Ss do Part IV: Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks.

3. T asks Ss to preview the next unit.


Write an composition entitled My best friend within 150 words with direct and indirect discriptive methods.

Speaking and Discussion


1. Learn how to talk about food and the expressions in restaurants.

2. Learn to talk about health.

Course Arrangement::

Stage 1

1. Deliver handout on expressions about food and restaurant and familiarize Ss with vocabulary on the topic.

2. Role Play: one acts as a diner and the other a waiter or waitress.

3. Further group discussion on food based on the questions:

1) What are the specialties of food in your hometown?

2) Discuss the pros and cons of Chinese and western food.

4. Ss’ presentation.

Stage 2


1. Deliver handout on expressions of health and familiarize Ss with vocabulary on health.

2. Distribute a survey paper for Ss to interview 2 people in the class and make some notes about their answers.

3. Ss’ presentation to the class

III. Language Study 语言学习

1. remote: far away in space or time

e.g.: The supply of electricity to remote mountainous villages is one of the local development projects in Yunnan province.

2. discount: amount of money which may be taken off the full price

e.g.: Traditional retailers who’ve opened cyberstores may offer special discounts to online shoppers.

3. only: In writing and formal speech, you can put “only” at the beginning of a sentence, followed by the word, word group, or clause it modifies, and then you put an auxiliary or “be” followed by the subject of the main clause.

e.g.: Only here was it safe to prepare and handle hot drinks.

Only when the injured limb is fully mobile will the runner be encouraged to re-strengthen it. carry on: behave or conduct oneself in a specific way

e.g.: There’s nothing unusual about them. They carry on just like everybody else.

folk: people in general (You can refer to people as folk or folks.)

e.g.: They got married and had kids and lived like other folks.

4. get away with: do sth. Wrong or risky without being caught or punished

e.g.: They claimed that they knew how to play the system and get away with it.



5. by/from all accounts: according to what everyone says

e.g.: The Chinese football team will play the Koreans tonight. It should be a match worth watching, by all accounts.

6. blend in/into: If sb. blends into a particular group or situation, or if they blend in, they seem to belong there of are not noticeable, because their behavior is similar to that of the other people involved. (used in the patterns: blend in; blend into sth.; blend in with sth.)

e.g.: What he said reinforced my determination to blend in with my surroundings.

7. throw one’s weight around: behave in an aggressively arrogant way

e.g.: Mr. Smith is not much of a manager. He always throws his weight around.

8. open up: unlock and open the door so that people can get in

e.g.: They open the school up at 7:45 a.m. so that students can have more sleep.

9. hold to: keep to

e.g.: John holds to his belief that you can be successful as long as you work hard.

10. stock: shares of a company that are sold to investors

e.g.: You’d better get professional advice before buying stocks or bonds.

11. on the run: continuously active and moving about; try to avoid being captured

e.g.: He has to be on the run from one office to another to get the permit to open a takeaway restaurant.

12. steer clear of: keep away from

e.g.: Children are told to steer clear of troublemakers.

13. make up: from the whole of (sth.)

e.g.: The college is made up of fourteen departments and five research centers.

14. liable: likely (to do sth.)

e.g.: The sports meeting is liable to be postponed until next week because of the bad weather.

15. lay down: officially establish a rule, or officially state the way in which sth. Must be done e.g.: The school authorities have issued a new booklet laying down regulations for students.

16. qualify: have or give (sb.) a legal right (to sth./to do sth.) (followed by for or infinitive to) e.g.: A few useful skills – English teaching, for example – qualified foreigners for work visas.

17. and the like: and other things of the same sort

(If you mention particular things or people and then add “and the like”, you are indicating that there are other similar things or people that can be included in what you are saying.)

e.g.: Always carry your passport, money and the like with you while you are traveling abroad.

18. cultivate: 1) make a special effort to establish and develop (sth.)


e.g.: They encourage students to cultivate special interests in theoretical physics.

2) prepare land and grow crops on it

e.g.: They cultivated 500 acres in the suburb.

19. reward: give sth. to (sb.) in return for work or services (used in the pattern: reward sb. for sth. with sth.)

e.g.: The officer is to be rewarded for his efforts with promotion to the rank of inspector.

20. come/get aboard: (AmE, infml) join

e.g.: New employees who came aboard in the last six weeks have not been tested.

21. the way they’re treated: how they’re treated

(When “the way” is followed by a defining relative clause, this clause can be either a “that” clause or a clause beginning with “in which”. For example, you can say “the way she told the story”, “the way that she told the story”, or “the way in which she told the story”. There is no difference in meaning.)

e.g.: Scientists have spent years studying the way the brain retains information.

IV. Culture Notes 背景知识

1. Rolls-Royce: any of the large, expensive, comfortable cars made by the British company Rolls-Royce. Many people recognize them by the small metal statue on the front of every Rolls-Royce car. The company was formed in 1905-1906 by Charles Rolls and Henry Royce and also produces aircraft engines. The Rolls-Royce Company was bought by the German company Volkswagen in 1988. The name is also used informally to refer to the best product of a particular type.

2. Wal-Mart: Wal-Mart Stores. inc. company that operates a variety of retail chain stores, base in Bentonville, Arkansas. Wal-Mart is the world’s leading retailers.

Wal-Mart’s operations include Wal-Mart discount stores, Wal-Mart super enters, Bud’s Discounts city stores and Sam’s club warehouse stores, selling a variety of household furnishings and appliances, clothing, electronics, sporting goods, hardware, gardening items, automotive supplies, and pharmaceutical and food items. Nowadays, Wal-Mart has stores in 15 countries including China, England, Germany, Korea, Brazil and employees over 1900,000 .

3. Wal-Mart’s basic beliefs & values

Respect for the Individual Service to our Customers Servant Leadership

Open Door


Open Communications

People Development



Strive for Excellence Continuous Improvement Dissatisfaction with the Status Quo Results Oriented Integrity Always! Competitive Spirit Sustainability Failure Allowance Friendly Atmosphere Pleasant Shopping Every Day Low Prices Aggressive Hospitality Sundown Rule Satisfaction Guaranteed Sense of Urgency 10





Listening Diversity

The 10-foot Rule Community Minded Quality Always! Risk-taking Encouraged Expense Control Change Agents Compliance with the Laws

4. Forbes: an American business magazine. It is noted for its list of the richest men and women in the business. In 2005, on the Top Ten Billionaires, Bill Gates is ranked the first, but there were five members of the Waltons entered the Top Ten list. Forbes declared Sam Walton the riches man in America from 1985-1988.

V. references主要参考书目:




