
A or B

Depending on personal experience, personality type and emotional concern, we find that some people hold the idea of A meanwhile others prefer to B, from my point of view, it is more advisable to chose A rather than B. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.

The main reason for my propensity for A is that___________________________.就理由进行解释_____________________.For instance,____________________

Another reason can be seen by every one is that____________________________.就理由进行解释___________________For example,____________________

The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because_____________________________

Although I agree that there may be a couple of advantages of B, I feel that the disadvantages are more obvious. Such as________________.

In a word, ________________________________________________.So, it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to A.

A or B

将原题复述___________________________________________When faced with the

decision of A of B, quite a few would deem that______________________, but others, in contrast, believe A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point. Among countless factors which influence -A/-B, there are three conspicuous aspects as follows.

The main reason for my propensity fo _________is that___________________

The second reason can be seen by every person that________.

In addition, these reason are also usable when we consider that_________.

There are some disadvantages in____________________另一种观点的缺点__________. In a word, _____________重复观点句并缩写理由

__________________.Takingsintosaccount of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that___________.


The answer of this statement depends on your own experience and life style. In my point view, buying computers is as important as, if not more important than, buying books. So it is sagacious to ____________.Among countless factors which influence the choice, these are three conspicuous aspects as follows.

The main reason for my propensity for__________is that____________.

Another reason can be seen by every person is that________________.


In short,_________________复述前文中的理由______________.

agree or disagree外语学习

Some people argue as if it is a general truth that a

_____________________________.But to be frank, I cannot agree with them. There are numerous reasons why I hold no confidence on them, and I would explore only a few primary ones here.

The main problem with this argument is that it is ignorant o the basic fact that______________解释本段中心___________.

Another reason why I disagree with the above statement is that I believe that______________.

What is more, some students are interested in____________.

In a word, ________________.

A or B

Some people prefer to A. others believe B. When faced with the decision of A or B, quite a few would claim that______________, but others, in contrast , deem A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point. There are numerous reasons why___________, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here. The main reason why I agree with the above statement, however, is

that_____________________. Take___________as example, ______________. There is another factor that deserves some words here. Such as ________________________. Similarly, these reasons are also usable when we consider


From the above you might got idea that I agree______________.(repeat the above three reason____________).So, it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to _______________.

People work because they need money to live. What are some other reasons that people work? Discuss one or more of these reasons. Use specific examples and details to support your answer.

Although people work to earn money, money is not the main reason people stay in their jobs. They also work because they enjoy working, they receive job

satisfaction, and they like the sense of accomplishment.

Most people work for work's sake. They enjoy going to an office, or store, or

school each day. They like to interact with other people. They like to help people solve problems, learn something, or get a product. People like to help other people.

A lot of people keep the same job because the job gives them a lot of satisfaction. They genuinely enjoy what they do. This is true for most teachers. A teacher's pay is not very great, but the job satisfaction can be very high. Helping someone learn is one of the greatest things anyone can do.

People enjoy their work because they like the sense of accomplishment. They like to know what they finished a project. People, who work in factories, take pride in the car they produce or the television they assemble. When they see a car on the street, they can feel a sense of accomplishment. They helped make that car.

Money is nice, but it is not the only reason people get up and go to work each day. I believe that people work because they enjoy the act of working; they find their work personally rewarding; and they like the feeling of a job well done.





1. 托业口语和写作考试在中国什么时候开始实施?


2. 托业口语和写作考试在哪些城市有考点?

答:中国大陆将有三个城市于20xx年12月首次实施托业口语和写作考试:北京、上海 、广州。具体时间将于近期公布,敬请关注托业中文官方网站。


答:考试方式主要基于互联网实现。通过在线测评及线上评分机制(iBT),有效地、 标准化地、公正地考察考生的口语与写作能力。

4. 托业口语和写作考试的费用是多少?


5. 托业口语和写作考试的内容如何?

答:口语考试:考试的题目分6大类型,前4个类型的题目(1-9题)的分数范围在0- 3分之间,后2类题目(10-11题)的分数范围在0-5分之间。初始评分将被转换为最终 的成绩0-200分。口语考试对考生能力的测评范围主要包括:发音、音调、语法、词汇 连贯性和内容完整性。测试大致20分钟,包含11个问题,请参考下表:


题目 内容 评估标准 测评标准

1-2 朗读 A发音B语调及重音 0-3分

3 图片叙述 A同上B语法C词汇D流畅度 0-3分

4-6 回答问题 A同上B上下文联系C回答完整性 0-3分

7-9 使用得到的信息回答问题 同上 0-3分

10 提供解决方案 同上 0-5分

11 表达一个观点 同上 0-5分

写作考试:TOEIC(托业)写作考试测评应试者的英语写作能力,通过ETS在线测评系 统实现。回答将全部通过ETS在测评系统由ETS 授权的考官进行评分。写作考试涵括 3种类型的考题,第一种类型(1-5题)的分数范围在0-3分,第二种类型(6-7题)的 分数范围为0-4分,最后一种类型(第8题)的分数范围为0-5分。初始评分将被转换 为最终的成绩0-200分。

评分者主要根据文章的整体结构,语法和词汇准确性进行评分.测试大致共60分钟,包 含8个问题。请参考下表:


题目 内容 评估标准 测评标准

1-5 根据图片造句 A语法B使用正确语句描述图片 0-3分

6-7 回答问题 A使用正确及复杂的语句B词汇C语句组织能力 0-4分 8 议论文 A提供正确的观点和案例支持论证B词汇C语句组织能力 0-5分

6. 托业口语和写作考试只涉及商业语境吗?

答:托业口语和写作考试测量考生整体的英语水平,重点涉及与工作和商业相关的场 景。托业考试(包括听力和阅读考试以及口语和写作考试)测评员工在国际工作环境 下使用英语进行交流的能力。考试内容涵盖了在工作相关的场景和日常活动中需要完 成的任务。托业的听力和阅读考试以及口语和写作考试都不要求考生具备专业的商务 知识或经验。

7.口语考试的一项评分标准是发音。我们知道,不会给交流造成障碍的发音就可以 算合格的发音。可以详细解释一下吗?

答:我们不要求考生,甚至包括最高水平的考生,向英语为母语的人的口音看齐。只 要考生的发音或口音不影响交流,比如两个母语不同的人可以用英语进行有效的沟通 ,他的成绩就不会受到影响。

8.如果一个考生在规定时间内不能把他/她想说的话完全记录下来,这会影响他/她 的成绩吗?

答:口语考试评分依据几项标准。内容只是其中的一项。所记录内容不同,成绩也会 不同。只要所录回答涵盖了评分标准所规定的全部内容,回答就被视作完整。

9.ETS建议考生达到什么样的打字速度,才能使考试成绩不受打字技巧的影响呢?对 于那些不习惯于打字的考生来说,如何才能保证考试的公正性?

答:托业写作考试考察的是考生的英语写作能力,并非打字能力。在设计考试时,我 们充分考虑了不同打字速度的考生的需求,使他们有足够的时间来完成所有的考题。 ETS相信所有的考生都会有足够的时间来完成考试,所以不给出每分钟打字字数的建 议。

ETS即将推出托业口语和写作考试的网上模拟测试,请考生随时关注托业中文官方网 站。

10.考生须既参加口语又参加写作考试,这是因为这两项考试相互关联吗?换句话说 ,口语考试的成绩与写作考试的成绩会相互影响吗?

答:口语考试和写作考试是单独的考试。因此考试成绩是相互独立的。ETS鼓励采用 托业成绩的机构和考生从全部四项语言技能上评价英语水平,对考生的英语能力作全 面的了解。


答:我们在划分英语能力等级时并没有特意定下具体的数目。当我们开始分析研究数 据时,首先尝试恰到好处地划分不同等级之间的界线──避免各个等级,尤其是相临 的两个等级之间不出现重叠或描述相左的现象。我们的目的是划分出尽可能多的等级 ,而研究数据表明,考生在口语考试中的表现可以划分为8个等级,在写作考试中的 表现则可以划分为9个等级。对每个等级的英语能力描述可以准确地说明属于相应等 级的考生的特点。

12.一份试卷会由几位评分员评阅?评分员会同时参与口语和写作考试的阅卷工作吗 ?

答:考生的试卷将由多位评分员进行评阅,以保证评审的公正性。评分员只能参与其 中一项考试的阅卷工作。








答:考生可以根据企业要求和自身情况选择参加托业听力和阅读考试或口语和写作考 试。

17.在增加口语和写作部分之后,参加托业考试的考生会有4个不同的分数。ETS计划 根据考生4部分分数总和再另外设定一个分数计算标准吗?

答: ETS没有这样的计划。为了准确地了解考生的四项语言技能,须将四部分的分数 分开来看。


