
The Pursuit of Happiness

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Hulei, coming from the Mechanical and Electrical Information limited company. The title of my speech is the pursuit of happiness, the same with a very famous American film acted by Will Smith.

In this film, Will Smith acted as a stockbroker intern named Chris Gardner in a stock company, who had neither bachelor degree nor great family background. As an intern, he was required to work at least 6 months without any salary. What’s worse, there were other 19 competitors, because only one of them could get this job. Meanwhile, due to the poverty, his wife left him away to New York. At last, he could not even pay the rent, and had to take his son and join the queue waiting for the relieving house from church. Even so, he still kept optimistic and told his son never to give up, just like the words he usually said ‘if you have a dream, you’ll have to protect it, and then happiness will come to knock by itself’. At last, the good fortune came to knock his door, and Gardner became a real stockbroker by his effort and persistence.

This film makes me understand that the chance will always favor the person who prepared well. To get a good fortune, you have to pay more perspiration and persistence for your dream up to success, regardless of poverty or difficulty.

Compared to Chris Gardner, I think I was very lucky. In May 21st of this year, I joined in Jiangsu complete equipment limited company and became an editor of the journal of Mechanical and Electrical Information. At the beginning, the strangeness of new environment and the lack of editing knowledge made me feel less belongingness

in our company. During the review of manuscripts, I could not find the mistakes effectively, and sometimes even not understand the content correctly because of the lack of specialized vocabularies. In this case, the review quality could not be guaranteed, affecting the next work procedure. However, our company provided much training about editing standards and specialized knowledge, making me gradually qualified for this job.

Until now, nearly 6 months have been away. As a new employee, I participated in many training subjects in our company, such as company culture, project management, project bidding and so on. Obeying the mission to seek happiness for the employee, the company built an extensive development platform and provided many training chances to us, making me truly integrated into this family. Just like the words in the film, ‘this is a little part in my life, but it names happiness’. Here, I would like to express my great gratitude to my superiors and colleagues.

Generally, the stabilization and development of company will promote the individual progress. In reverse, the individual should undertake some responsibility for the company’s development, and accomplish our own work as well as possible. On the way to pursue happiness, I believe I will do much better.

Thank you again.



建先进企业文化 创神剑灿烂明天! 尊敬的领导、各位评委、各位同事:


非常高兴能参加这次演讲活动。我是来自机加分厂的姬萍萍,首先,感谢各位领导长期以来的关心和支持,今天我演讲的题目是“建先进企业文化 创神剑灿烂明天!”。













建设品牌神剑,我们任重道远;畅想未来,我们激情满怀! 让我们尽情挥洒我们的才能和激情!让我们携手奋进,为共同建设神剑灿烂明天而努力拼搏吧!

最后祝愿我们公司繁荣昌盛,员工生活幸福,明天更美好! 谢谢大家!
