14 Business Proposal 商务建议书

Business Proposal 商务建议书

建议书是指单位或个人对某项事业或工作有所研究和思考,进而向有关领导、政府、企事业单位、专业团体提出改进措施和建设性意见所形成的一种书面材料。它也是英文商务写作常见的一种文体。可以将其视为报告类文书之一种,但是它与其他报告相比有其自身特点,因此英文中常用一个特定的名称 “Proposal”来界定此类文书。

Part I Occasions That Call for Writing (书写场合)

“Too many good ideas die in business for the lack of a written proposal.” 当你想就某一问题提出对策、设想、建议或行动方案时,你可以进一步考虑“是否应该起草一份建议书?”这种主动提供的建议书在英文中称为unsolicited proposal,其主旨大多在于改变现状或改善局面。因为不是受命于人,自发性建议书的内容可有很大的自由度。但这样的文章必须有很强的针对性。首先要使对方意识到现存问题的严重性或某种需求的迫切性,然后拿出你的方案,提出建设性意见。

非主动提供的建议书(solicited proposal)则指那些应对方要求而写的规划或方案,如投标书则属此列。一般此类文书均属于正式文件。收件人在审阅完建议书后往往必须做出明确答复,要么“肯定(接受、认可)”,要么“否定(否决、回绝)”。你的目标是:使对方无论从文本的外表还是内容本身都能很好体会到你作为文件呈递者所具备的高度责任感、求实敬业精神和良好的职业风范。其次,你的说理必须充分,使对方完全了解他想知道的内容,并相信你有足够的把握兑现自己的承诺,这样才能说服对方给你开绿灯。


Part II How to Write (如何书写)


√ Problem 揭示或认定问题所在

√ Objectives 提出目标方向

√ Solution 推出实施方案


√ Problem 问题

√ Proposal Solution 对策

√ Schedule 日程

√ Cost/Budget 支出/预算

√ coordination 协调

√ Benefits 效益

√ Conclusion 结束语

有时简短的建议书只需表述三个基本内容:项目规划(Proposed action)、人力配备(required personnel)和经费(fees)。


针对非自发性建议书(以其常见的项目投标书为例),其行文大体可分为四个步骤: √ Introduction 导言

√ Technical and legal details 技术及法律程序详细资料

√ Acceptance criteria 接受标准

√ Personnel and Facilities 技术力量和设备条件


√ Sales and production volume 生产和销售数量

√ Marketing and distribution 市场销售

√ Revenue Taxes 营业税

√ Market prices of products 产品的市场定价

√ License fees 执照费用

√ Start-up costs 启动成本

√ Land and building 土地和建筑

√ Cost of sales 销售成本

√ Operating expenses 运营费用

√ Local labor cost 本地劳务费用


同商务报告的分类方法一样,商务建议书还可根据其正式程度划分为非正式建议书 (Informal Proposal)和正式建议书(Formal Proposal)。商务建议书其具体书写格式和商务报告完全相同,具体可参照上一章节中关于商务报告格式的介绍。


Part III Tips on Writing (注意事项)

√ 建议书要以事实为根据撰写

√ 提出的建议要具体,操作性要强。

√ 对采纳建议能带来的好处既要写的乐观,也要防止吹嘘。

√ 非自发性建议书中的项目投标书,作为一种营运文件,用于一项任务开发之前,往往需


√ 建议书与可行性报告相比有共通之处,但 “报告”可以列举多种方案,经比较各自的优



Part IV Useful Words and Phrases(单词和短语)

A. Words (单词)









elaborate adv. 每年 n. 益处 n. 投标方 adj. 具体的 adj. 令人信服的 n. 图表 v. 取消资格 v. 节省 v.






















zoning n. 提价 v. 评估 n. 正表 adj. 有利的;积极的 n. 公式 n. 假设 adj. 公正的 n. 询价 adj. 逻辑的 adj. 负面的 adj. 可观的 v. 发价 v. 优化 n. 资格 n. 报价 n. 推荐;建议 n. 规章制度 n. 统计(数据) n. 电话会议 n. 招标方 n.


B. Phrases (常用短语) acceptance criteria 接受标准

bid opening 开标

budget forecasting 预算

constructive proposal 建设性意见

cooperative project 合作项目

costing presentation 成本核算

executive summary 建议大纲;执行总结

form of tender 投标书

general contactor 总承包商

in view of 鉴于

invitation to tender 招标

license fees 执照费用

letter of guarantee 银行保证书

local labor cost 本地劳务费用

long-range planning 长期规划

operating expenses 运营费用

primary source 原始资料

profit margin 利润率

return on investment 投资收益率

return on assets 资产收益率

revenue Taxes 营业税

secondary source 第二手资料

serial number 序列号

submission of tender 投标

terms of reference 职权范围

win the bidding 中标

Part V Useful Sentences and Paragraphs(常用语句和段落)

A. Sentences (语句)

a. This proposal recommends a solution and provides budget and time schedule figures.


b. The suggestion is based on the research I’ve done in the past few years, and I believe it will work well.


c. I hope you will adopt this proposal.


d. The following comparisons and evaluations form the basis of my recommendations.


e. What we think is to reduce the wholesale price so as to make the retail price acceptable in China.


f. If we were to do this, we might reduce the threat of loss good managerial-level staff. 如果我们做这件事,我们就会减少流失优秀管理人员的危机。

g. I recommend that we purchases a company in East China rather than establish a new one in West China.


h. This is an area that needs to be addressed in the near future.


i. I strongly hope that the next year will promise a brighter prospect for our company. 我衷心祝愿我们公司来年取得更加辉煌的成就。

B. Paragraphs (段落)

a. As we agreed in our weekly staff meeting, our current file-serving computer is damaged beyond repair and must be replaced by the end of the week. The purpose of this document is to propose that NTR PC905 would make a practical replacement for our in-house file server.

如我们在每周员工例会中提到的一样, 我们现在的文件处理计算机已经损坏并无法修复了,所以必须在这周内替换。 写这篇材料的目的就是为了证明NTR PC905是我们替代原有室内文件处理器的经济之选。

b. We always agreed that one of the keys to our success as an accounting firm has been our ability to create new services related to emerging business trends. In this era of mergers and acquisitions, we anticipate a growing need for management advisory and support services on the part of many companies vulnerable to takeover or buyout. Therefore, I proposed that we create a special management consulting team whose goal would be to help such companies remain independent.


c. This project will certainly support sustainable development. But it must not be forgotten that our future rests mainly upon urgently needed mental changes, and that the pedagogic effort required for that aim will play an utmost important role.


Part VI Sample Letter (信函范文) a. A Proposal for the Feasibility of something

To: Dr. John Lannon

From: T. Sorrells Deswoody

Date: March16, 2000

Subject: A Proposal for Determining the Feasibility of Marketing Dead Western White Pine

Over the past four decades huge losses of western white pine have occurred in the Northern Rockies, primarily attributable to white pine blister rust and attack of the mountain pine beetle. Estimated annual mortality is 318 million board feet. Because of the low natural resistance of white pine to blister rust, the high mortality rate is expected to continue indefinitely.

White pine mortality results in a reduction in value of white pine stumpage, since the commercial lumber market will not accept it. The major implications of this problem are two: First, in the face of rising demand for wood, vast amounts of timber are not being used; second, dead trees are left to accumulate in the woods, where they are rapidly becoming a major fire hazard.

One possible solution to the problem of white pine mortality and waste is to search for markets other than the conventional lumber market. The last few years have been a burst of popularity and a growing demand for weathered barn board and wormy pine for interior paneling. Some firms around the country are marketing defective wood as specialty products (Note: These firms call the wood from which their products come “distressed”. This term will hereafter be used to refer to dead and defective white pine. ) There is a good possibility that distressed white pine might find a place in such a market.

My primary data sources will include consultations with Dr. James Hill, Professor of Wood Utilization, and Dr. Sven Bergman, Forest Economist — both members of the College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Range. I will also inspect decks of dead white pine at several locations and visit a processing mill to evaluate it as a possible base of operations. I will round out my primary research with a letter and telephone survey of processors and wholesales of distressed material. Secondary sources will include selected publications on the uses of dead timber, and a review of and ongoing study by Dr. Hill concerning the uses of dead white pine.

I have been following Dr. Hill’s study on dead white pine for two years. In June of this year, I will receive my B. S. in forest management. I am familiar with wood milling processes and have had firsthand experience at logging. My association with Dr. Hill and Dr. Bergman creates the opportunity for an in-depth feasibility study.

Clearly, something should be done to reduce the vast accumulations of dead white pine in our forests. The land on which they stand is among the most productive forestland in northern Idaho. By addressing the six areas of inquiry mentioned earlier, I can determine the feasibility of directing capital and labor to the production of distressed white pine products. With your approval I will begin my research at once.

收件人:John Lannon博士

发件人:T. Sorrells Deswoody






由于木材市场拒绝接受五棵松立木,五针松的高死亡率进而导致其价格大幅下跌。这个问题会导致两个后果:第一,尽管对木材的需求在不断增加,但却有大量的木材却不能被使用。第二,大量枯死的树木堆积在森林中,它们很快就会成为一个主要的火灾隐患。 建议解决方案

突破常规,寻求新的市场是解决五针松死亡率带来的大量浪费的这一问题的一个可行性方案。这几年的流行时尚使得人们对谷仓挡风板及有蛀虫的松树内墙板的需求大大增大。国内的一些工厂把销售有缺陷的木材作为特色(注:这些工厂用“仿古磨损的”这个词来称呼这些他们产品的木材原料。 这个词以后就被用于指枯死及有缺陷的五针松)。 这为仿古磨损的五针松在这个市场找到一席之地提供了绝佳的机会。


我的第一手资料将包括木材利用专家James Hill博士和森林经济学家Sven Bergman博士所提出的建议。他们两个人都是森林、野生动物及山脉学院的成员。我同样会检查用在不同用途的五针松枯木覆盖板的质量,并且参观加工厂进而确定此方案实施的可能性。我将通过发送信件及电话询问的调查方式,从加工仿古磨损木材的工厂及批发商处得到第一手资料。第二手资料将来自于关于枯木再利用的相关文章,及Hill博士关于五针松枯木再应用的已完成及在进行的研究成果。




显而易见,解决森林中五针松枯木大量堆积的问题非常必要。这些枯木占据的北爱达荷州是最多产的林地。通过我前面提到的已完成的对六个区域的调查,我确信将资金及劳动力投入到仿古磨损的五棵松产品的生产上具有可行性。 如果能得到您的支持,我将立刻着手研究。

b. A Proposal for the Feasibility of something

Mary Wilson

Senior Education and training Officer

XYZ Corporation

69 North Charles Boulevard

Cambridge 02139

January 16, 2000

Dear Mary,

Thanks for sending along the outline for your writing workshop. Understandably, such an ambitious plan for eight hours of contact time would not likely produce noticeable results. Here’s what we’re doing on our end to design an approach that should be realistic and gratifying.

After conferring with technicians in both Jack’s and Terry’s groups, and analyzing their writing samples, we identified the following limited hierarchy of common needs:

— improving readability;

— achieving precise diction;

— summarizing information;

— organizing a set of procedures;

— formulating various memo reports;

— analyzing audience for upward communication;

— writing persuasive bids for transfer or promotion;

— writing persuasive suggestions

Based on the above-listed needs, we have limited our instruction package to eight carefully selected and readily achievable goals.

Our eight 2-hour sessions are structured as follows:

1. achieving sentence clarity;

2. achieving sentence conciseness;

3. achieving fluency and precise diction;

4. writing summaries and abstracts;

5. outlining procedures and manuals;

6. editing procedures and manuals;

7. formulating various reports for various purposes;

8. analyzing the audience and writing persuasively.

The first three meetings will be lecture-intensive. So students can apply the material covered in our sessions, we will assign weekly exercises to be done at home and edited collectively in class. The remaining five weeks will combine lecture and exercises with group editing of work-related documents. Our intent throughout is to remain flexible enough (within the course outline) that we can respond to emerging needs.

If you have any suggestions for refining this plan, please let us know.

Best wishes,

Carl Winston

Mary Wilson




剑桥 02139





通过与Jack 和Terry组的指导教师交换意见,及分析成员的写作样本后,我们发现以下几个共同需要解决的问题:

— 提高可读性;

— 运用准确的措辞;

— 总结资料;

— 使文章有条例;

— 详细讲解各种备忘录体报告

— 分析读者需求,期望得到更深层次的交流;

— 书写具有说服力的理由,以达到调动或升职的目的;;

— 书写具有说服力的建议
















c. A Proposal for training plan

March 20, 2000

Dear Mrs. Weston,

As a follow-up to our discussion of the need for training in the area of oral and interpersonal communication for your supervisory and middle management personnel, I am pleased to present the following proposal.

Management has perceived a need for improved communication performance on the part of supervisory and middle-management personnel to strengthen relationships between them and their subordinates.

Based on our experience, the following broad concept should be effective in producing better understanding and improved performance:

Teaching-learning Method

The acquisition of interpersonal skills results from an activity-oriented training in which students have an opportunity to apply theory through role playing, case discussion, and critical feedback.

In this approach, the instructor is a learning facilitator rather than a lecturer. Frequent use of our video playback accompanied by instructor and group feedback reinforces learning.

The following topics constitute the content core of the program:

1. Perception and self-concept;

2. A positive communication climate;

3. Sending skills;

4. Receiving skills;

5. Nonverbal skills;

6. Reducing communication barriers;

7. Resolving conflict;

8. Interviewing;

9. Small-group communication;

10. Power and persuasion.

Because students seem to feel more comfortable when they have a textbook to guide them, we use the Verderber book, Interact. Additionally, case-problem handouts are provided for role and discussion.

The course consists of twelve 2-hour sessions over a six-week period.

Because of the activity orientation of the program, a maximum of 12 students (participants) is desirable.

All teaching-learning materials will be provided by us and include textbooks, handouts, video camera and playback equipment. Based on 12-session, 12-partcipant program, the total cost is $1,800.

Should you like to discuss implementation of the program, I will be pleased to meet with you at your convenience.


R.M. McNitt













1. 理解与自我概念

2. 积极的交流气氛

3. 给的技巧

4. 接受的技巧

5. 无声的技巧

6. 减少交流壁垒

7. 解决争端

8. 面试

9. 小组讨论

10. 权利与说服力 学习资料

因为学员们通常会在有教科书在手的情况下感到更安心,所以我们使用Verderber 写的书《互动》作为教材。补充一下,印有案例及难题的免费印刷资料用于角色扮演和讨论。 课程长度

课程的时间为六周,共十二节课,每节课两个小时。 参与人数

由于课程具有活动取向性,所以每个班最多可容纳学生(参与者)12人。 成本

所有教学的材料都由我们提供,这些材料包括课本,免费的印刷资料,摄像机和回放设备。 全部课程包括12节课和12 个参与环节,共需要缴费1800元。



R.M. McNitt

Part VI Exercises (练习)

1. 假设你是你所就读学院的员工。你观察到学院里经常有浪费水和电的现象。虽然你经常在离开办公室的时候关上灯和水龙头,但是你认为浪费资源这件事应该让上级领导了解、引起重视,并进而得到解决,所以请你就资源浪费一事写一篇建议书给上级领导。

2. 不要放弃你白天的工作。作为正在奋斗的学生或创业者,你打算非全职地为一家公司工作(网站设计、文字处理或其他类似的业务)。在你的城市找到可能需要你的服务的一家公司或一位职业人士;评估你的技能和设施;察看市场的竞争对手情况,竞争对手在提供什么服务,他们收多少钱?你的任务。写一封信函项目建议书给某个人,建议向他提供你的服务。
