


D 人口环境类

简介: 人口的失控增长是近几十年来全球的热点话题之一。人口的扩张不是一个简单的问题,而是涉及空间、资源控制、生态平衡、环境污染、经济发展、社会保障和福利等等一系列问题。当今世界上的许多疾病、矛盾、甚至是战争,都是由于人口爆炸而引起的。此外,人口问题还涉及人口质量、身体健康、性别比例、人口增长与财富分配、老龄化等常见话题。考生可以在平时的新闻报道中找到足够的信息,也可以多找一些报纸杂志上的评论文章来阅读,为自己积累论点和论据等。


abate the city noises减少城市噪音

abundant resources of natural gas丰富的天然气资源

abuse water supply滥用水资源           afforestation 植树造林

blizzard暴风雪                        car emission standard汽车排放标准

carbon dioxide二氧化碳                 conserve natural resources保护自然资源

deforestation滥砍滥伐                  desertification沙漠化

deterioration恶化                      devastate/ruin/destroy毁坏

discharge of major pollutants排放主要的污染物

disruption of ecological balance生态失衡   drought旱灾dust storms沙尘暴

earthquake地震                  ease environmental pressures缓解对环境的压力

ecosystem生态系统                    eco-friendly生态友好型的

endangered species濒危物种             energy crisis能源危机

energy-saving measures节能措施         environmental pollution环境污染

environmental awareness环保意识        famine饥荒

garbage disposal垃圾处理               global warming全球变暖

greenhouse effect温室效应              harmful chemicals有害化合物

hazardous nuclear waste有害核废料       industrial waste工业废料

inexhaustible取之不竭的                landslide滑坡/泥石流

natural disaster自然灾害                 natural habitat自然栖息地

non-renewable energy sources不可再生能源  occupy cultivated land占用耕地

overgrazing过度放牧                   pest rampancy害虫猖獗

poisonous/toxic gases有毒气体    pollution prevention and control污染防治和控制

radioactive pollutants放射性污染物       recyclable product可循环产品

renewable resources可再生资源          rescue and relief work抢险救灾工作

resources exhaustion资源枯竭            sewage treatment污水处理

shortage of water resources水资源短缺     soil erosion土壤侵蚀

survival of the fittest适者生存            tap natural resources开发自然资源

technical upgrade技术革新               tempest暴风雨

the forest coverage rate森林覆盖率        tropical rain forests热带雨林

water and soil conservation水土保持       wildlife extinction野生动物灭绝


※ The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our descendants.


※ The gas provokes respiratory problems among children and elderly people.


※ The nations of the world have never agreed on how to halt the destruction of rain forests or save endangered species.But when it came to saving the ozone layer,which screens out the sun’s harmful destruction rays,they knew just what to do.


※ Deforestation results in the increase to global temperature and unpleasant change of climate.


※ Scientists and experts are working together to find ways to prevent harmful gases from getting into the air.


※ The only way to slow down global warming, almost every scientist agrees,is to restructure the way we produce energy.


※ By increasing conservation and energy efficiency and aggressively using these clean energy technologies,we can reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by significant amounts in the coming years.


※ For now the world has a more urgent mission:to stop the planet from overheating,and do it in a hurry.


※ Climate change,with its potential to impact every corner of the world,is an issue that must be addressed by the world.


※ Many factories discharge enormous harmful chemicals into air and rivers every day.To

kill insects,farmers use a large amount of insecticide so as to have a bumper harvest.As

a result, they pollute the air, water, and land.


※  The rapid increase of the population in the world has been creating a series of problems,

ranging from food shortage to traffic and housing problems.


※ At the present time, no nation on earth is supporting its present population on its own sustainable flow of renewable resources.


※ If we fail to recognize the severity of these problems and to implement appropriate solutions. The future of the human species will be in great danger.The choice is ours to make and we must make it now.


※  Rapid population growth can affect both the overall quality of life and the degree of

human suffering on Earth.


※ Many countries lack adequate supplies of basic materials needed to support their current population.


※ More people means heavier traffic.Moreover,because more space has to be used to meet the needs of the housing problems,it is almost impossible to widen the streets,which makes the situation even worse.


※ In the poorest countries,massive efforts are needed to keep social and economic conditions from deteriorating further;any real advances,in well-being and the quality of life are negated by further population growth.


※ Our objective should be to assure that developing countries make family planning information,education and means available to all their peoples.


※ The key factor,though not the only one,in dealing with population problems is sustainable social and economic development.


※ More public education is needed to develop more awareness about population issues.Facts like the size or the growth rate of the human population should be in the mind of every citizen.



The above pictures present us with two situations with sharp contrast. In the first picture , we learn that ________ (第一幅图片的内容) . On the contrary , __________ (第二幅图片的内容) . It is apparent that __________ (图片的主题) .

The purpose of the pictures is to tell us that due attention has to be paid to __________ (图片提示的现象) . For example , __________ (举例说明) . Consequently , __________(现象造成的结果) .

Therefore, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to deal with the urgent problem .First and foremost , __________ (措施 1 ) . Furthermore , __________ (措施 2 ) .




 Study the following picture carefully and write an essay within 160 - 200 words clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2

Your essay should meet the requirements below:

      1. describe the picture;

      2. present the severe results of the problem;

      3. suggest countermeasures. (20 points)






①It's well accepted that our living conditions are getting worse and worse because of the destruction of our environment. According to the picture, our land is covered with an unbelievable amount of household waste and industrial trash, polluting air, water and earth. ②However, garbage pollution arouses little public attention.③ People just enjoy the sources now available, they think little about how difficult and how long the plastics and glass can be decomposed through natural processes.

Waste water running out of factories has polluted lakes, rivers and seas. Waste gases coming from factories and cars have made the air dirty. Both polluted water and air are harmful to our health and are unfavorable to the growth of other living things. Birds cannot live in polluted areas; fish in rivers are becoming fewer; some trees are dying. The denudation of forests and the opening of wasteland without a definite plan have led to disastrous consequences, such as drought or flood. Man has destroyed the balance of natural ecology.

④Considering the seriousness of this problem, people are starting to take measures such as treating waste gases, protecting water sources, and purifying waste water. But I think this problem cannot be solved effectively until everybody knows the importance of protecting our environment.










①      ...are getting worse and worse使用现在进行时强调“越来越”,表示渐变的动词还有:get, grow, become, turn, run, go, begin, etc.  如:The leaves are turning green. It's getting warmer and warmer.

②      熟记此句式:...arouses little public attention.表示某问题没有引起公众的足够关注。考生还可学习相关表达方式:1) ...attract relatively little attention. 2)...has/have come into public notice.3)...deserve to be taken seriously.4)To offer( an idea/a suggestion, etc.) for public consideration.公开发表提供(观点等)以引起公众注意5)attach weight to sth.; take sth. seriously重视

③“They think little about...”意为“他们很少思考”,可用同义结构替换:They seldom think/consider/regard...或It's( nearly)  out of their consideration( that)…

④ “Considering the seriousness of the problem” 表示考虑到问题的严重性。类似表达方式:in view of, in consideration of,etc.考生应掌握这类句式。


(1)be harmful to对……有害 (2) denudation n.砍伐

(3) drought n.旱灾 (4)the balance of natural ecology自然生态平衡

(5)take measures采取措施




Directions:Study the following picture carefully and write an essay of l60~200 words in which you should

1)describe the picture;

2)deduce the purpose of the drawer of the picture;

3)suggest counter measures.





How to Deal With the Discarded Batteries

The picture describes that both the battery producers and the Environmental Protection Bureau [l] say no to the used batteries,making old batteries nowhere to go.Actually,the used batteries[2] impose a great impact on the environment as well as on people’s health,and everyone should take part in the fight against battery pollution.

Batteries are widely used in our daily life,such as in cameras,mobile phones,cars,etc.[3]Once used,they are [4]littered everywhere and thus cause great damage.[5]One single AA battery can make a square meter of land harvestless,[6]let alone the harm of the numerous discarded batteries to men’s health.[7]Moreover,substances seeping out of the batteries may pollute the soil and the water sources,enter the human body again through the

crops,and contribute to many serious illnesses even cancer.Therefore,[8] it’s urgent for US to take measures to deal with the discarded batteries.

On the one hand,both the battery producers and the Environmental Protection Bureau should realize the importance of the issue and make more recycle bins available for every useless battery.On the other hand,it’s everyone’s responsibility not to discard used batteries [9] at random.All in all,we must[10]bear in mind the seriousness of the battery pollution.


1.佳句:Actually,the used batteries impose a great impact on the environment…


2. 佳句:0ne single AA battery can make a square meter land harvestless, let alone the harm of the numerous discarded batteries to men’s health.


3.佳句:Therefore,it’s urgent for us to take measures to deal with the discarded batteries.





    Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay in which you should

    1) describe the set of drawings , interpret its meaning , and

    2) suggest counter-measures.

You should write about 200 words neatly.


Directions: Write an essay of 200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

    1) describe the drawing briefly,

    2) explain its intended meaning, and then

    3) give your comments.

(P M   空气中微粒含量)



In the essay you should

1) describe the chart,

2) give the possible reason for the phenomenon, and

3)give your comments

You should write should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (15 points)

(繁荣的旅游经济  城市农村每年人均花费 /元)



Study the two pictures below carefully and write an essay entitled “On the Relationship between Environment and Economy”. In the essay, you should

1)      Describe the pictures and interpret their meanings.

2)      Give your opinion with some proof, and

3)      Give your conclusion.

You should write 150 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.( 15point)

