
Examples of Abstract

I. (Informative Type)

This paper attempts to apply recent theories of systemic functional linguistics to the analysis of metaphorical use of language at the grammatical level. The paper first gives a definition of pragmatic metaphor and then examines two major kinds of pragmatic metaphors: Dysphemistic metaphors and Euphemistic metaphors. The former means the use of good-sounding, positive and polite language to express attitudes of disrespect towards the listeners or audience in communication. The latter, on the contrary, refers to the use of aggressive, impolite and irregular language with good, friendly and even affectionate feelings from the speaker.

II. Descriptive abstract example

Translation is not only a linguistic transference, but also an intercultural communication. For quite a long time, translation studies have been concentrated on the prescription translation methods, with scant attention paid to the description of macro-cultural factors involved in the translating. In this paper, the writer contends that the study of the macro-cultural factors will surely enlarge the scope and enrich the content of translation studies. The paper is largely a rudimentary step, both in theory and practice, to expose some of the factors influencing Mr.

Fu’s translation of “Gone with the wind”, with a historic and descriptive approach employed.

Useful Expressions used in Abstracts

?This paper presents…

?This paper discusses (studies, concerns, deals with tells of)… ?This paper introduces, (reports, explains)…

?This paper argues (demonstrates)….

?This paper develops the theory….

?The paper is related to…

?This paper is presented as a counterargument of the paper by… ?This paper, on the basis of… reveals…

?The author tries to give an account of…

?In the light of …theory, discussion is made about… ?In this paper, we point out…

How to write a good introduction

? A good introduction should:

– 1.attract the reader’s attention

– 2.hold the reader’s attention and make the reader receptive to the writer’s ideas.

– 3.move gradually from general opening statements to a specific controlling ideas.

– 4 delay the blunt presentation of the thesis statement.

The strategies to begin an introduction ? If your reader lacks the background needed to understand your paper, try one of the following strategies:

– Define terms

– Present a brief history

– Explain the different sides of a controversy

? If your reader knows something of your subject, devote your space to stimulating the reader’s interest:

– Raise a provocative question or series of questions.

– Tell an anecdote that relates to the topic.

– Ask your readers to imagine

– Refute a commonly held idea

? Introduction usually includes three components: – A general description of your study

– The need for the study

– The overall structure of the thesis

? The simplest way to begin the first component ( a general

description of your study) is:

– The study was undertaken to find out…

– The research questions to be addressed in the study are the following…

? For the second component( the need of your study), you may refer to one or more previous studies that motivated you to choose this research topic. However many references are not necessary because this is not the place to do the literature review.

? When describing the overall organization of the thesis, the chapter headings should be covered.

? Although the introduction is the first chapter in the manuscript, it is written when the other chapters have been finalized.


review a literature

What is the review of the literature?

A literature review is an account of what has been published on a topic by famous scholars and researchers.

A literature review demonstrates the writer’s conceptual understanding of the research topic . This is the best place to ? ? ?

see the researchers ‘s organizing ability to put the relevant materials together to develop an argument.

? In writing a literature

review, your purpose is the convey to your reader what knowledge and ideas have been established on a topic, and what their strengths and weakness are.


? It is not just a descriptive list of the material available , or a set of summary. It must be defined by a

guiding concept( your research objectives,the problem you are discussing,or your argumentative thesis.

A literature review must do these things:

.be organized around – ?

– and related directly to the thesis or research questions you are developing. Synthesize results into a summary of what is and is not known. Identify the areas of controversy in the literature Formulate questions that

need further research

? Ask yourself questions

like these:

What is the specific thesis, problem that my literature review helps to define?

What type of literature am I conducting?

What is the scope of my literature review?

Have I critically analyzed the literature I use?

Have I cited and discussed studies – – – – –

– contrary to my perspectives? Will my readers find my

literature review relevant ,appropriate and useful?

? Ask yourself questions

like these about each book or article you include:

Has the author formulated a problem/issue? –

– Is it clearly defined? Is its significance clearly established? Could the problem have been approached more effectively from another perspective? What is the author’s theoretical framework? What is the relationship

between the theoretical and research perspectives?


(1) 准备好选题方面的提问

(2) 准备好对资料研究方面的提问

(3) 准备好立论依据方面的提问

(4) 准备好写作过程方面的提问

(5) 准备好工作规模、方式、工作量的提问

(6) 准备好论文学术意义方面的提问


(1) 选题的决定因素:why do you chose this topic in your graduation paper ?

(2) 文献资料的研究处理

(3) 立论的说明(含观点、见解、独创性、学术意义等)

(4) 论证过程

(5) 主要问题


(1) 有的问题可能涉及到考查论文作者的综合能力。

(2) 有的问题可能涉及到考查论文作者的分析能力。

(3) 有的问题可能涉及考查论文作者的应变能力。

(4) 也可能直接就论文中的某些不清楚、 不确切的地方提问。

(5) 也可能就论文作者阐述的某一观点,原则紧追不舍,连续发问。 另外,对答辩中所提的问题,作者也可以争辩,否定对方观点,坚持自己的观点,但必须要有说服力。


(1) 答辩开始后所作的阐述,最好写成提纲。

(2) 回答问题时,切忌紧张。

(3) 不要忘了带上论文底稿以及参阅使用过的主要文献资料,以便“应付”特殊情况。

(4) 带上纸和笔,随时记录老师的提问和发言的要点,以备对答。

(5) 注意听清答辩小组教师提出的问题。

(6) 若对提出的问题有不清楚的地方,先把问题问清楚再答。

(7) 对于实在回答不出来的问题,也要作如实回答,不要东扯西拉,文不对题地随意对答,以求过关。

(8) 回答问题不要罗嗦,语言要简洁,说明要简明扼要。





摘要置于主体部分之前,目的是让读者首先了解一下论文的内容,以便决定是否阅读全文。一般来说,这种摘要在全文完成之后写。字数限制在100~150字之 间。内容包括研究目的、研究方法、研究结果和主要结论。也就是说,摘要必须回答“研究什么”、“怎么研究”、“得到了什么结果”、“结果说明了什么”等问 题。


例文摘要仅有5句话,第一句话是假设,第二、三句话是研究内容,第四、五句话含盖了研究方法和研究结果。这里省去了研究目的。如果补充研究目的,可在摘要 前增加一句,如“空间曲线主缆悬索桥的施工控制计算是确保实现成桥设计线形和内力的关键。”从摘要中,我们可以看出本文主要工作是建立了空间曲线主缆悬索 桥施工控制计算的新模型,通过算例验证了新模型的正确性。










我 们可以将引言的内容分为三到四个层次来安排。第一层由研究背景、意义、发展状况等内容组成,其中还包括某一研究领域的文献综述;第二层提出目前尚未解决的 问题或急需解决的问题,从而引出自己的研究动机与意义;第三层说明自己研究的具体目的与内容;最后是引言的结尾,可以介绍一下论文的组成部分。

值得注意的是,引言中各个层次所占的篇幅可以有很大差别。这一点与摘要大不一样,摘要中的目的、方法、结果、结论四项内容各自所占的篇幅大体比例一样。而 在引言中,第一个层次往往占去大部分篇幅。对研究背景和目前的研究状况进行较为详细的介绍。研究目的可能会比较简短。



比较简短的论文,引言也可以相对比较简短。为了缩短篇幅,可以用一两句话简单介绍一下某研究领域的重要性、意义或需要解决的问题等。接着对文献进行回顾。然后介绍自己的研究动机、目的和主要内容。至于研究方法、研究结果及论文的组成部分则可以完全省略, 可见,引言一般分为三到四个层次。每个层次都有各自的任务与目的。而在语言上也有各自的特点,掌握这些特点会使写作过程化难为易。下面将对引言各层次的写作特点和技巧分别加以介绍。









