


( 本人只提供模版 ,个人信息自己填写 )

实践课程名称: 专业实践和社会调查

学 科 部: 外语

专 业 班 级:

指 导 教 师:

学 生 姓 名:

学 号:

时 间: 20xx年6月-20xx年7月

地 点:

20xx年7月1 日

一、目的: 作为大二的学生,我觉得我们的社会实践不能再停留在懵懵懂懂的去参加工作挣自己的生活费的标准下了,我们要学会如何将自己的专业知识和社会实践相联系,甚至于在将来的就业择业中有一定的了解和把握,社会实践应在结合我们实际情况,才能真正从中得到收益,而不是为了实践而实践,为了完成任务而参加社会实践可能不仅仅是在身心上对自己的锻炼,甚至可能会在今后的就业观,人生观和生活观中产生一定不好的影响。因为没有正确的学习和实践观念,会掉进盲目的理解社会与学习的关系。我觉得我们在进行社会实践之前应该有一个明确的目标,为自己制定一个切实可行的计划。应注重实践的过程,从过程中锻炼自己、提高能力。我想通过亲身体验社会实践让自己更进一步了解社会,在实践中增长见识,锻炼自己的才干,更为重要的是检验一下自己所学的东西能否被社会所用,自己的能力能否被社会所承认。想通过社会实践,找出自己的不足和差距所在。只有亲身经历过才会有那种超乎平常的感觉。学校要求我们参加社会实践 , 无非是想让我们提前接触社会 , 了解社会 , 这样才能对生活和社会,学校,自己的未来定位之间有更多了解和思考,然后再在学习生活中按照暑假的理解去合理安排自己的学习,有的同学也许就此产生了去兼职,或者考研,或者考公务员的想法和为此付出,吃苦的精神的锻炼。






A .外企B.联营 C.国企 D.私营(56人)


A.部门经理 B.翻译(56人)C.报关员D.市场营销(56人)E. 中英文秘书 F.外贸业务员(56人)


A.管理型 B.技能研究型C. 技能应用型(56)D. 接待员E.一般服务型


A.供过于求(12人)B.供不应求(5人)C. 符合要求的不多(33人)D. 不清楚(6人)


A .十分乐观(5人)B.乐观(5人)C.一般(40人)D.严峻(4人) E.十分严峻(2人)


A.酒店(2人)B. 旅游(17人)C. 餐饮(4人)D. 外贸行业(17人)E.制造业(5人)F. 各类培训机构(11人)


A.听说读写综合能力(9人)B.口语能力,能够有效沟通(28人)C. 翻译能力,包括口头和笔头(15人)D.读写能力,能够收发邮件(4人)


A.教师资格证书(5人) B.涉外秘书证书(6人) C.国际商务师资格证书(5人) E.英语专业四级和八级证书(40人)


A. 学习成绩(3人)B. 学校名气(8人) C. 综合素质(30人) D. 相关证书(9人)E. 工作经验(6人)







第二阶段:接触业务和工作,在一周后我开始对订单翻译,有时候我的水平没有达到那个层次,一些单词我还不知道,但是我的朋友和同事都照顾我,教了我一些专业知识和产品名,订单内容的翻译,比如卸装水: makeup remover,护肤霜: moisturizers and creams,我学到了这方




虽然暑假结束了,但是老板,上司和同事们对我的教导,帮助,关心,是我最难忘的,我学到了很多在学校里学不到的东西。我也将终身受益。感谢学校的安排,和我的公司领导,同事们。 第三:实习总结:








③ 考取就业资格证书,提高毕业生就业竞争力,通过在人才市场的多次碰壁使我了解到,现在大学生每年几百万毕业,竞争将异常激烈,过去只要有学历就可以就业,但现在大学生也不是天之骄子,现在和以后的趋势是既要有学历,又要有某个职业资格证书才能进入人力资源市场,所以,要根据专业特色,相对应地考取商务英语等级证、计算机等级证、专业英语四六级和八级等。


年 月 指导教师批阅意见:(要有具体的评阅意见) 日





实 习 报 告

二级学院: 英语学院 专 业:

班 级: 1105 姓 名: 蒋梦琪 学 号: 33

指导教师: 李丹



I entered from the talent market , the company is not, but the volume of business is busy. Mainly engaged in the business: mall advertising design, advertising design printing , business celebrations, rituals, wall advertising several parts. From what I joined the company to leave , the company employs about 10 people in stable , long-term stability of which there are 10 or so clients , including some unknown customer base, there are mall events, company celebrations, opening ceremony , while the company also contract some government conference layout, large-scale events , such as the opening ceremony . Because the company is small, flexible cross internal staff can operate during the internship , I have also been involved in a number of customers copywriting , creativity, customer service and other aspects of the mission , get a lot of great learning and training opportunities.

The first day came to advertising companies, who in an interview conducted with a simple interview , a general understanding of the situation after me , and he let me familiarize yourself with the environment , to understand what the company's situation , including its size, sector , division of labor , etc. , a brief introduction about the situation . Then let me to take part in the tenth anniversary of the company brochure design and planning . Involved in the design project is a very good opportunity to practice operations . Let me first vice president expressed the idea , and then the actual software operation , in fact, learned Photoshop cs school and CorelDraw12, this may just get the chance to ask my colleagues , and they let me do some simple imitation tutorial picture , there do not know to ask, which has benefited me greatly. So, I apply their knowledge , and soon in one day to make a few different options, including copy writing , layout and design . Write copy let me learn a lot , I started to write the copy manager are not satisfied, feel too written , too rigid , because creativity is the soul of advertising . Here is what I go through several revisions and eventually hired some of the copy : "management of the road , like Zuoren , we value lies not issue a matter of interest on gains and losses, but the process of cooperation with customers nausea cracking blood to creation, carefully treat every design project in your rapid development of the road and your companions to your success as our greatest success to your joy as our hearts the joy of the most thorough and we pay more attention to and cherish in the cooperation process friendship with our customers . advertise, make friends , and we look forward to working with our customers , including with your cooperation, we cherish every day you get along , we uphold the " honest and trustworthy, hardworking and efficient, the pursuit of

excellence ," the purpose , professional system stop , and sincerely hope exchanges and cooperation with all friends . " after that, one after another with colleagues familiar with post-production aspects of the relevant issues, including how to use the photo machines print inside the picture , and how to use cutting plotter , etc., let me know and familiar with a work from the planning, design, to the finished product out of the entire process. Colleagues are very enthusiastic to teach me how to use the software after a few days , what their own weaknesses and shortcomings , we know very clearly , because the actual time in the school the opportunity to exercise less, opportunities in the software operation is very small , and not very practical guidance. What software would not I , in my colleague also led by the teacher , and slowly learned to use PhotoShop, and CorelDraw, and these two software is their most widely used .

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After several days of training design task , so I learned a lot of textbooks can not be involved in the content . Because the work that is in direct contact with customers , the purpose of our work is to make customer satisfaction , of course, not a lack of creativity , we must also take into account its market. Not to say that there are creative design will certainly adapt to market competition , which involves advertising the importance of marketing and management .

Similarly, in school , we learned about marketing and advertising related to business management and advertising psychology course as an advertising man alone will design or planning an ad is not enough. During the internship , the harvest is very large, including how to get a client , and the development of potential customers , which requires advertisers have higher overall quality of it.

Internship Summary : Due to the limited time internship , at work, on their own is a good exercise to improve their practical ability . Through this internship , I realized that a lot of the books or the teacher in their own neglect or some doubts about the place , from the actual observation and guidance among colleagues got more valuable experience. I also realize how important teamwork is , a design team is excellent , first look at the management and allocation of its design , the most appropriate person arranged in the most appropriate location ; teamwork equally embraced in Jingwei very little work attitude, I will also be listed separately team this point , on the tenth anniversary of the brochure , the boss is also very much agree with

the importance of teamwork . Therefore, a large joint planning project, be sure to communicate regularly with colleagues , exchange, discuss the common problems found , solve the problem. To discuss the process in a very easy to touch a new bright spot , so that more comprehensive planning project .

Through this internship in advertising design and the actual operational aspects I felt there had been some gains. This internship is an integrated capabilities played a catalytic role in enhancing the competitiveness of the future , in order to add a foothold in the future a cornerstone . Internships colleagues also gave me many opportunities to participate in their design tasks. So I know many previously intractable problems , such as: pre-planning and post-production , and how to communicate with customers and so on.

This internship has enriched my knowledge in this area , so I forward to a deeper level , for me in the future societies based on a certain role , but I also realize that to do this work alone this internship is not enough these days , I realize that in the future we need to better improve their practical skills, as well as more flexible thinking and good communication skills. Only do their work in order to better. Work place is a melting pot of ideas , the work will have very different opinions , do not listen to the views of others , some more than think about it, might be his inspiration , the only way you will progress . More exchanges and listen to the views of others , your thoughts will be higher altitude , will do more meaning , thinking, and let nothing match. In a company , to learn to adapt to this organization , groups need more teamwork and work together style of doing things , " strength in numbers " is not without reason, this group has its style of doing things , have it work atmosphere , with its working style , slowly to understand it all , and do not think you will not be prominent in the group obviously , people should think more for others . After this , I was deeply felt need assiduous efforts to be successful , will become an outstanding talent . While recognizing the importance of learning and have sex , practice and knowledge of mutual penetration , will make you perfect . This practice , learned a lot, but also recognize that a lot, will be my college memories. I believe that in later years , I was able to do better. They have had a lot of work experience, and more than a month to bring their own practice is not just a feeling , it is an affirmation before me , I firmly believe that their college graduation efforts will be greater success !
