
人们常说:眼睛有神龙会飞,标题有神文添彩。考场作文简洁、新颖、生动、切合文意的标题,常常会赢得阅卷老师的青睐,当然考场作文快速拟题的方法很多。其实,把影视剧片名、歌曲名、诗词名句、俗语、谚语、歇后语、广告语、歌词等适当改动,进行套装借用作为文章的题目,不仅是考场作文快速拟题的高明之举,而且常能使文章熠熠生辉,妙趣横生,所以说作文套装拟题,没有什么不可以,在此我向大家推荐100个可以用来套装的题目,供大家参考: ⒈《____是一道靓丽的风景线》 ⒉《______,我永远的天空》

⒊《都是______惹的祸》 ⒋《笑傲______》

⒌《生活需要______》 ⒍《何以解忧,惟有______》

⒎《假如我是______》 ⒏《告诉你,我很______》

⒐《我眼中的______》 ⒑《生活需要______》

⒒《______在我的身边》 ⒓《______也是一种美》

⒔《______是最美的行囊》 ⒕《与______同行》

⒖《______伴我成长》 ⒗《______三步曲》

⒘《______和我有个约会》 ⒙《我发现______》

⒚《真想做个______》 ⒛《世上只有______》

21.《我______故我在》 22.《永远的______》

23.《______,我恨你》 24.《______,做我自己》

25.《______的风波》 26.《我和______的距离》

27.《______着并快乐着》 28.《给自己找个________》

29.《永远说________》 30.《那一次,我________》

31.《________不同情眼泪》 32.《带上________上路》

33.《我与________面对面》 34.《________是一盏明灯》

35.《那段________的日子》 36.《一个_____的心灵独白》

37.《________,让我欢喜让我忧》 38.《爱上______》

39.《欣赏________》 40.《我眼里的________》

41.《那__那__那__》 42.《想起________》

43.《______—的遐想》 44.《第一次______》

45.《给心情涂上________》 46. 《人生路上_____多》

47.《______,我的最爱》 48.《________的故事》

49. 《________是一种养分》 50.《那年,我________》

51.《和________赛跑》 52.《我_____,我______》

53.《有________才有远方》 54.《_____在,梦就在》

55.《还有多少______可以重来》 56.《明天,我________》

57.《我的______我做主》 58.《______,是这样炼成的》

59.《不想________》 60. 《将________进行到底》

61.《人生没有______》 62.《______是一瞬间的事》

63.《有一种________叫成功》 64.《______伴我少年行》

65.《带上________上路》 66.《________是一首歌》

67.《________是一种美丽的痛》 68.《______的回忆》

69.《有______陪伴的日子》 70.《_____,没有什么不可以》

71.《与______一起走过》 72.《________,让我欢喜让我忧》

73.《拒绝________》 74.《让____为_____着色》

75.《我________故我在》 76.《________,妙不可言》

77.《读懂________》 78.《我总是________》

79.《________一族的幸福生活》 80.《______拍卖会》

81.《______永不下岗》 82.《那次,我与______擦肩而过》

83.《________在我胸》 84.《________是一种牵挂》






different things. My father was watching a basketball match the news on his mobile phone. My mother was reading a book about animals. Then she called her good friend and told her about it. They talked on the phone for a long time. My sister was playing the piano at 8:00pm, then she stopped to play with her pet dog. She loves it so much because it’s so cute. What was I doing? When the light went out, I was doing homework.



The Fox and Goat

One day, a goat went out for a walk. When he walked past a well, he saw a fox in it . He asked the fox what he was doing there. “Oh, haven’t you heard?” said the fox, “There is going to be a great drought, so I jumped down to get some water, why don’t you come down here,too?” The goat believed his words and jumped down into the well. But the fox jumped on the goat’s back at once and up to the edge of the well. “ Goodbye, friend.”

said the fox. Then he went away happily.

The story told us that never believe the advice of a man in difficulties.

Unit 7

你知道许多动物已经濒临灭绝了吗? 你知道我们为什么要保护野生动物吗? 请以“We Should Protect Wild Animals” 为题,写一篇英语短文。词数70词左右。 We Should Protect Wild Animals

Many animals are in danger in the world. Tigers and pandas are examples of them. When people cut down trees, tigers have no place to hide in or hurt for food in. Some people kill tigers for their fur. Also, there are fewer and fewer places for pandas to live in.

We are not alone in the world. We could not live without plants and animals around us, so protecting them is very important. And we must stop people from killing animals. If each of us can plant a tree and build a birdhouse, the world will be more beautiful.
