
Study and Career Plan

Thank you for evaluating my study permit. My name is XXXXXX and I was born on XXXXX in ShenYang, LiaoNing Province. I have been dreaming to a big figure in the life science. To develop myself better, I do hope I may be bestowed a chance to study in your esteemed country.

My Academic Background

I majored in clinical medicine at XXXX University from 1998 to 2003 and received my bachelor’s degree successfully. During five years study, it brings me very strong interest on research of the pathogenesis. Then I worked as a military doctor from 2003 to 2007. In the working period, I realized that finding the mechanism of the disease was the key points to fight them. So I started a master degree majored in biochemistry and molecular biology at XXXXUniversity from 2007 to 2010. After graduating from XXXXX University, I got a job opportunity to continue my research as an experimentalist at College of Basic Medical Sciences, XXXXXXX. My main duty was to conduct molecular or biochemical studies and experiments in genetic expression and gene manipulation of some diseases. But soon I found that my knowledge in this area was limited. In order to train high-level person and promote the development of our college, I was agreed by the our university to entrust directional graduate training at XXXXXXXXUniversity(SPU) at September 3rd, 2010. In the third years of my Ph.D program, I contacted XXXXXXX at University of Ottawa (UO) because he had more experience in this field and was so kind of supporting me an exchange Ph.D program at UO because of similar background with him. After dedicating fifteen years towards fulfilling my objective of becoming a fully-fledged authority on life science, I felt well prepared for an exchange Ph.D program. UO offers me the best possible opportunities to acquire leading edge knowledge and later contribute to life science advancements in China.

Why UO

Firstly, the Ph.D program in biochemistry and immunology department at UO suits my interests very well. It is strong in the fields of biochemistry and I am interested in this area. For instance, I studied stem cell in my master program and now I may study in-depth.

Secondly, there are abundant resources for me to do research. The Department of Biochemistry and

Immunology at UO is responsible for editing the Journal of stem cell and has many publications in world-class journals. So I will be able to publish related papers and promote the development of our college after studying in UO.

Last but not least, English is really important in China and I want to improve my English level. I practiced a lot but my progress is little. Now I find a way that will not only improve my English quickly, but also can apply what I learn into work.

Detailed Study Plan

I plan to start my exchange Ph.D program at UO from July, 2012 to July, 2014. According to the program requirements, I will arrange my time and courses as follows.

Year 1

Assistantship Required Work:

Carry out the assignment required by the department as a RA

Research Arrangement:

Follow the instruction from advisor; Learn related papers and study practical cases. Try to join in the projects related to stem cell-based approaches such as endothelial progenitoer cells appear quite promising in the treatment of ischemic heart disease and stroke.

Year 2

Assistantship Required Work:

Renew the assistantship as a TA or RA

Research Arrangement:

Doing research and working on the Ph.D dissertation with the guidance from my advisor; write papers as much as I can and try to get them published.

My Career Objective

My overall educational objective is to use the exchange Ph.D program as a vehicle to become a world-class specialist in life science, especially underground stem cells and promote the development of our college. I will furthermore use my education to help our college integrate itself with the global academic environment, because I will present papers at seminars and international conferences.

Financial Support

My financial support comes from the kind help ofXXXX He will support $CAD XXXX for my living expenses. Besides, our university will support basic income(including basic salary and subsidy) about no more than RMB 20,000 /year. In addition, there is no tuition for an exchange Ph.D student at UO.

Why Still Return to China

Firstly, this is an exchange Ph.D program and Ph.D degree will be awarded by SPU if meet the requirement of graduating. I must return toXXX to take oral defense otherwise I could not get Ph.D degree. So I will be back on time. Secondly, my employer, XXXXXX, will retain my position at the college of basic medical sciences from July, 2012 to June, 2014 and support basic income in order to train high level talented person. I can not live up to the training from my university. However, if I choose to stay at Canada where I have no language advantage and relationship, I have to make a fresh start in an unfamiliar enviroment and also be punished by our college in economic and lost my position at the college. It will be a nightmare for a middle-aged person.

Lastly, my wife and aging parents are still in China. As for me, I am eager to feedback them. They offered me so much while never want something from me. My wife works as a XXXXX in a school and has stable income. My aging parents have retired for many years. It is unnecessary for them to live in an unfamiliar environment, so I will be back to stay with them as soon as possible.

Thank you for your assessment. I am looking forward to your favorable consideration. May you all the best!

Yours sincerely,


April 26, 2012




● 护照 (原件)

1. 护照必须旅途结束后,至少180天有效,空白签证页2页以上,护照末页需本人亲笔签名,(不可用铅笔)


2. 若申请人有旧护照,则必须提供原件

3. 若申请人旧护照遗失,则必须提供旧护照的遗失证明

● 照片(原件) 3张

1. 申请人最近半年内的2寸(边框大小至少是35毫米x45 毫米)白底彩照;背面写上姓名和生日;如果所提


● 户口本(复印件)

1. 完整的全家户口本复印件(包括首页,备注页,不能有缺页)

2. 若夫妻不在同一户口本上,请提供配偶的完整户口本复印件(包括首页,备注页,不能有缺页)

● 个人资料表(原件)

1. 字迹清晰、内容真实无误、填写完整的个人资料表(范例或样板可联系我们索取!)

身份证复印件 材料一:个人身份证明

材料二:工作证明 ● 营业执照(复印件+盖公章)

1. 申请人公司的营业执照复印件,如果申请人单位是非营业性机构,政府机关,事业单位则提供清晰的组织机构代码证复印件并盖公章(须体现出上一年的年检章或组织机构代码证复印件并加盖公章)

● 在职证明(原件)

1. 申请人所在公司的正式在职原件(要有供领馆查询的单位地址、单位电话)并用英文打印,手写无效有公司名称抬头、公司地址、电话及传真、右下角加盖公司公章、公司负责人签名(范例或样板可联系我们索取!)

材料三:资产证明 ● 存款证明(原件)

1. 由银行出具的本人存款证明原件,至少冻结至旅途结束日期后三个月,金额必须在五万人民币以上

● 银行对账单(原件)

1. 最近半年以上的资金进出记录,可提供活期存折的整本的复印件(不能少页)或者是银行卡,工资卡或储蓄卡对帐单 对账单上必须体现出申请人的姓名并加盖银行红章,余额尽量多些(建议一万以上),有工资对账单最佳,信用卡对帐单领馆基本不做认可。

● 房产证(如有) (复印件)

1. 房产证复印件,若不止一套,请多多提供重要!

● 所得税证明(如有) (复印件+盖税务局章)


● 车产证、股权证、国库券等其他资产(如有) (复印件)


材料四:其他 ● 法人:税务+营业执照(复印件)

1. 法人请提供营业执照副本的原件

2. 公司税务证明

● 已婚人士:结婚证(复印件)

1. 申请人为已婚身份,请提供结婚证复印件(特别是使用了配偶名下的资产证明)

● 离婚人士:离婚证(复印件)

1. 申请人为已离婚身份,请提供外办认证的离婚证明和复印件

● 退休人员:退休证(复印件)

1. 退休人员需要提供退休证复印件(在职证明及营业执照复印件不需提供)

2. 70岁以上客人需提供市级医院开具的健康证明或近期体检单!

● 在校学生:(原件)

1. 学校抬头信笺纸打印的英文在读证明原件,需要学校领导签字、盖章。(手写无效)(在职证明及营业执照复印件不需提供)(范例或样板可联系我们索取!)

2. 学校组织机构代码证复印件加盖公章;

3. 学生证

● 未成年人:(原件+复印件)


● 非江浙沪皖地区人员:暂住证(原件+复印件)

1. 若护照签发地为非上海领区且在上海领区工作,请提供在上海领区范围内城市,半年前申办且有效的暂住证,临时居住证或者居住证复印件;如真实在某地生活半年以上,但是没有及时办理暂住证的,可去当地派出所开具证明,证明申请者在某地生活半年以上的证明,居委会开具的证明领馆不作认可!

● 酒店、机票、行程

1. 提供机票预订单,酒店预订单
