

一、 未收到货


the usps only provide a delivery confirmation number instead of tracking number. therefore, the pakcage may not get updating even it is already on the ways, please wait 3 days more, if you do not receive it in 3 days, please email me back


this order is shipped out right after you paid. however, the usps do not provide a tracking number instead of the delivery confirmation number.

if you don't receive the item in 10 days since you paid. we will believe the item is lost in transporation. and we will give u refund or resend another one to as you like.


i understand it has been a while since you placed the orders from us, we have no idea just like u why the usps tracking info does not updated it at all. we will assume your package is lost, do you want to us either refund you or resend another one to u.

4.因缺货而延迟发货的定单 (10天以上)

we contacted with the usps immediately after you told us the shipping updatus has not been updating. i was told that the package is mishand in their warehouse. after we filed up a claim, it is on the right track now. sorry again


because this item under $5, it shipped with out delivery confirmation number. it is hard for us to deal with this transaction since it is under 5 dollar and the cost by usps first class mail is cost more than 2 dollar. so we have no choice to ship it out by usps first class letter. we have no reason to cheat on 3 dollar. we definitly shipped it out but we can not track on it.


I see that the tracking information says the shipment has been delivered. but it looks like it was miss delivered. that is not our fault. Some of our customer got the same trouble and they can find the package by contact the local post office or their neighbour


No tracking info for first class or priority mail. A customs declaration number LNXXXXUS will be displayed in your order. it usually take 14-21 business day to Canada, and EU countries, and 21-30 business day to other countries. please contact us when you do not receive your item within this range only. otherwise, we will ask you to keep waiting.

it is international shipping, so the package may be stuck in the customs, please wait a few more days. thank u

二、 收到货与描述不符

1. 数量不对,漏发工具等。重新安排发货

I am sorry for this issue, we are going to resend the missing items to u. the tracking# is xxxxxxxxx

2. 发错货,请客户退回。重新安排发货

i am apologize for this issue. please return the item back to us by following instruction at /id/techtreasure, and write ra# on the box. please use first class mail, and add tracking number on it. the item must be returned in good package.

we will resend a new one to u as soon as we receive the delivery confirmation number from u. please also show me a picture of the item you received to help us to identify the problem. thanks

3. 产品有缺陷,可以使用。与客户商量部分退款

4. 产品有缺陷,影响使用。退回重新安排发货或退款

5. 产品不工作。 退回重新安排发货或退款

6. 可能是欺诈的客户。 退回重新安排发货或退款

all the items have our own marks, and they are been double checked to ship. i would like to get this item back to identify the problem. if we have shipped the wrong item, I will issue full refund to you.

7.可能在安装中损坏的产品。 退回重新安排发货或退款

All of our items are fully tested. However, we recommend our customer check the qaulity and tested funcationality of the parts in the motherboard first instead of installing it. because warrenty will be expired if the item is returned at broken or installed condition.

We offer exchange or refund to all of items come as broken, factory defective, or different with the item description. the customer must return the item back to us first in order to receive the exchange or refund. no exception!!

we will physically inspect this defective parts. if there is no any man-made damage such as broken ribbon which is caused in installing. we will issue full refund to you

if this parts is damage by installing, we will take a few picture to you, so you can file a claim with repair center. if you think this is fair, please go ahead to return it back to us. thank u


sent the exactly item what you order from us, if you do not want to keep it. it is fine to us to accept your return. however, we only charge you $2.5 to cover our shipping cost since we have no fault in this transaction compared to other seller charge percent of restock fees. if you think this is not fair, please email us back


the manufacture offer warranty to this parts. if you return the item back to us, we will get full refund from the manufacture, so we prefer you return this item back to us, and we will issue full refund to you




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