

要么不讲故事,要讲就要讲好。 要讲好,必须首尾呼应,并与文章的主题紧密联系。

"Why on earth does anybody want to do 5000-meter heel-and-toe walking race for a sport?" This is the question people invariably ask when they see me practice or compete on the track field. My response to that question is often a simple one: "Why not?"

Yes, why not! I have built good physical stamina because of it; I have made friends through competition; I have learnt valuable lessons about persevering and never giving up. Above all, I enjoy winning the game. It is true my favorite sport is not as graceful as gymnastics or as exciting as 100-meter dash, at least not so according to popular belief. But this sporting event has helped me through the years as I plod along as a student and as a researcher.

Ever since I was a child, I have taken a liking to reading. Science was, and still is, my passion. I remember spending long hours reading Science, Nature, Polymer,

Macromolecules, Physical Review and an assortment of other science books and journals. The more I read, the greater my appetite for learning. Despite the heavy workload from school, I always managed my time carefully so that I could explore science above and beyond what the school curricula covered. I did not limit myself just to science, however. I read Chinese and English novels and derived much pleasure from the fictitious world. I also devoted much of my time learning to write and speak English, another favorite subject matter of mine at school.

While an undergraduate, I majored in organic chemistry. One of the projects required that I synthesize PE-PP copolymer by using Ziegler-Natta catalyst. I gained much hands-on experience as I worked on various experiments. Later, I joined in the feasibility analysis of a PC engineering plastic, a project that provided an opportunity to learn

about literature search, data gathering and research tools.

For my graduation thesis, I chose to work on the preparation of high modulus PAN carbon-fiber. It was a challenging topic because nobody in the college had ever tackled it. Together with my advisers and my fellow students, I spent numerous hours in the lab brainstorming, recording, observing and experimenting. There were frustrating moments of course, but we were able to come up with creative solutions and make significant headway in the research. Even though I was not the only one participating in this huge and on-going project and I did not stay long enough to see its completion, I was proud of my contribution as well as the accolades I earned from my professors for my thesis. My GPA was consistently among the highest in my class.

In 1996, I was enrolled at Beijing Institute of Clothing as a graduate student majoring in chemical fiber, with a special research focus on the structures and properties of PET-PA6 blend fiber. There, I was fortunate to be working in a well-equipped research environment with experienced specialists and sophisticated instruments. Much of my time was devoted to the study of polymer physics and instrumental analysis of polymer involving NMR, X-ray, DSC and SEM.

To be sure, China still pales in comparison with the United States in the area of polymer research and application. And yet, it is such a promising area. I personally believe that functional polymers, polymer blends, polymer rheology and the study of polymer structure hold very bright future. There is a wealth of information available in the States that I can tap into; a great many best-in-class research facilities to choose from and some world-renowned experts to work with. It is an ideal place for aspiring polymer scientists to keep current with the latest technologies, to set research trends, and to make innovations.

It is against this backdrop that I am applying for the doctoral program in Polymer Science

at Pennsylvania State University. I know the University has one of the best NACC football programs and I am curious to learn about the game. But it is the program offerings at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Material Science that capture my interest because they fit uniquely into my academic and research plan.

Given my solid grounding in mathematics, polymer chemistry and polymer physics, I can concentrate and excel in the following research areas:

(1) Polymer Characterization

(2) Polymer Computer Simulation

(3) Functional Polymer Synthesis

(4) Polymer Processing, Rheology

(5) Structure-Property Relationships of Polymer

Determination, dedication and confidence, these are the qualities that I developed over the years on the running track. These are also the same qualities that I will bring to the more challenging work ahead of me as I seek to pursue my further studies in the U.S.







上学以后,我读了很多故事,比如,新白娘子传奇、红楼梦、三国演义、明朝那些事儿、大秦帝国、傲慢与偏见、简爱、安娜 卡列尼娜、复活等,这些故事就复杂的多了,有意思的多了,有小说、有历史、有名著,一本书浓缩一个人的人生、一个朝代的更替,从这一点上看,作者也达到了浅层目的,让历史得以流传。更有意思的是故事中的故事,比如大秦帝国里面有一则“焚书坑儒”的故事,“李斯观老鼠而奔秦国”的故事,这些故事在还原历史真相的同时,笔者站住当时、当事人的角度加以推理,甚至从人性和政治的角度去剖析,即背后的故事,能读到这里,作者到了深层次目的,借鉴历史人物故事,功过是非,端正人生态度,树立目标,励志人生,做人做事的道理等。

21世纪,作为80后新人,我每天都能听见看见全世界的故事,相信在座的大多数人都和我一样,有自己获得故事的方式,比如我早上刚刚看到的一个故事,题目:“你被微信套住了吗?”.内容很短区区几十字:“全国四亿微民,每四分钟低一下头,看微信。2,每天早晨,人类从微信中醒来,不刷牙、不洗脸、不下床??第一件事,用各种各样的安卓、IOS、Phone、Pad、三星、HTC、联想、OPPO??奔向同一个APP:微信。3,微信,其实给我们带来了无穷的方便——全家建个群、公司建个群、哥们建个群、盐帮汤酱建个群、九重天建个群、作家建个群、玩石头的建个群、PE们建个群、开会建个群、旅游建个群??无所不微,无所不信。 这个故事是一个广告,但是故事的目的达到了,至少我了解了如果谁不用微信,谁就OUT了。

而我毫不夸张的说,我们现在的阅读量、阅读速度、阅读方式都在日新月异,信息过剩的信息时代,如果我们不能与时俱进,更加冷静理智的去听故事、 说故事、传故事,那么,最终你将迷失在混乱信息里,所以,带着好的目的去说故事,会带来积极的影响,只有好的记者才能说出好的故事,带来正能量。
