


因而笔者选择研究教师在课堂上是否采用英语教学的方式对小学生英语学习的影响作为研究课题。此处需要说明的是,教师指的是小学在职英语教师;英语教学的方式指的是在上课过程中选择用英语授课而不是用中文讲授英文知识;小学生包括我国小学一年级到六年级的在读学生。小学生英语学习:从言语要素上来说,包括单词、语法、句子、文章,从语言的效用上来说,还要包括文化。表现在语言能力上来说,包括听、说、读、写、译五种能力。 理论:内隐学习理论,即人们在没有意识到环境刺激潜在结构的情况下,也能了解并利用这种结构作出反应。语感在人类的认知活动尤其是语言学习中处于核心地位,语感是对语言从形式到内容, 包括语音、 语义、 语法、 语用在内的综合的感知、 领悟和把握的能力。它是语言使用者在语言的习得和学习过程中产生的对言语理解、 言语生成的综合全面的直觉能力, 其形成和结果及其运用的过程是自动的、 无意识的。结合心理学家对内隐学习的研究我们可以看出, 语感的获得更多地要凭借内隐学习, 语感获得后人们就能够对语言规则进行迁移, 从而在以后的言语活动中更加自如地运用这些规则。

母语学习和英语学习同属于语言学习的范畴, 在有些地方有共通之处, 可以互相借鉴。母语的学习过程表明, 语言学习不一定非要按 “ 语法规则+例子” 的模式进行。如果只重视规则化、 逻辑化的传授和操练, 只靠外显学习方式去学习英语, 显然是不符合人类的认知规律的。在英语学习中, 学习者应该最大频次、 最多形式(例如听、 读、 写)地与词汇进行接触; 在学习语法结构时, 更应该反复实践自然而然地掌握语法规则。

在儿童早期母语获得的过程中, 内隐认知发挥着重要作用。著名的语言学家 Krashen将其概括为语言获得的 “ 可理解的大量输入” 前提。在正常情况下, 生活于自然语境中的儿童到 3 岁左右就基本掌握母语。对于已经获得的语言, 儿童能自如加以运用却不能明确说出其规则, 因此母语获得的过程很多是符合内隐学习的非目的性特点的。一些研究者将母语获得的研究结果推论到第二语言学习上, 研究者强调在第二语言的学习中必须充分重视利用内隐认知机制, 重视帮助学习者通过大量可理解的输入来掌握目标语言, 并发展了各种第二语言学习方案力图提高个体第二语言学习的质量。其中, 浸泡式教学法是内隐认知机制在第二语言教学领域内成功运用的范例。在学前双语教育的实施过程中, 浸泡式教学法得到广泛的提倡和应用。从幼儿园的小朋友到成人, 学习英语都需要良好的语言环境。良好的英语语言环境可以激发学习者用英语表达的愿望, 使学习者感受到浓厚的英语文化氛围, 在不知不觉中掌握语言的内在规则。在教学中, 教师要尽量用英语组织课堂教学, 指导学生语言实践;要更多地关注内隐学习的特点, 采取更为轻松的方式, 创造良好的英语学习环境, 调动学生的内隐学习, 让学生在更为自如、 有效的环境中获得知识。教室英语环境的创设对学生的内隐认知也能起到重要的促进作用。

英语学习不可忽视内隐学习的作用内隐学习在语言学习中的作用不容忽视。语言是个高度复杂的符号系统, 有可以找出依据的一面, 也有说不清的地方。内隐学习恰恰可以在没有意识努力的条件下去发现语言的隐含规则和潜在结构。在英语学习过程中, 内隐学习可以说很普遍。只要是在非规则教授或主动学习的情况下, 都包含了内隐学习。内隐学习可以巩固外显学习的结果, 并可以扩大学习的范围, 根据认知心理学所揭示的原理, 人的一切经验和体验

都会在不知不觉中形成认知模式和范畴能力, 在无意识的学习过程中, 学习者可以接触到大量的语言现象和知识, 这些都会以某种方式储存在长时记忆之中。




2、 教师在课堂中用英语教学对小学生的语言能力的表现的方面即听、说、读、写、译有







1、 教师用英语进行授课有助于小学生单词的积累、语法的学习、句子的学习、文章的撰写。

2、 教师用英语教学对小学生的语言能力的表现方面有促进作用,有利于其听说读写能力的













1、你对英语感兴趣吗? ( )

A.特别感兴趣 B. 比较感兴趣 C.不太感兴趣 D.一点也不感兴趣

2、你最喜欢英语学科的原因是: ( )

A. 有趣 B. 轻松 C. 容易掌握

3、你对你的英语学习满意么?( )

A.很好 B.一般 C.不好

4、你在家或课外听英语磁带吗?( )

A.经常 B.有时 C.从来没有

5、在家里家长能辅导你学英语吗?( )

A.能 B.不能

6、在学英语中,你遇到的主要困难是什么?( )

A.听力 B. 口语 C.写作 D.阅读 E.语法

7、在英语课堂上,你经常回答问题吗?( )

A. 经常 B. 有时 C.很少 D.从不爱发言

8、学习中遇到困难,你会怎么样? ( )

A.主动请教老师 B.请教同学

C.自己查有关资料,参考书目 D.不请教任何


9、你觉得学英语的目的是什么? ( )

A.为将来更好的学习打好基础 B. 为了应付考试

C.为了出国 D. 为了老师和父母

10、在学习中,你以什么方式记忆最有效?( )

A.活学活用 B.死记硬背 C.只看不写

D.只写不看 E.多听录音 F.边读边写 G.其他方式

11、你经常以什么样的学习方式学习? ( )

A.课前预习 B.课堂认真听讲 C.课后认真复习 D.自学

12、你喜欢老师布置的作业依次是 ( )

A.听课文磁带 B.背单词和句子

D.做练习或练习卷 E. 和同学一起编对话


13、你觉得自己在英语中最好的是 ( )

A.听力 B.口头表达 C.书面能力

14、你觉得自己在英语中较差的是 ( )

A.听力 B.口头表达 C.书面能力

15、你最喜欢的测试方式是 ( )

A.卷面 B.口头 C.创设情景进行测试

16、你希望老师加强 ( )训练.

A.听力 B.口头 C.书面

17、你对你的英语老师满意吗? ( )

A.非常满意 B. 满意 C. 较满意 D.不满意

18、你愿意与老师经常交流学习英语的体会吗? ( ) A.愿意


19、课堂上,你愿意参加什么形式的英语活动? 人,不会就 B.不



11级教育学(师范) 陆亚萍 1118402010




Hi! Good morning/ afternoon.

Good morning/afternoon, class./boys and girls.

It’s so nice/I’m so happy to see you again.

Good , you look great/ wonderful today.

How are you doing?

How’s it going?

You look so happy, any good news?

OK, class/ boys and girls , are you ready to have class/begin? (Instead of saying: “You”)

May I know your name?

(That’s a nice name.)

Could you tell me your name, please?

(You’ve got a beautiful name. I really like it. )

Shall we begin our lesson now?

Let’s start our class, shall we?


Who’d like to answer the question?

Who can answer the question?

Who knows the answer?

Who’d like to have a try?

Would you like to try, Mary?

Tim, would you like to have a try?

Do you want to try, Lee?

Would you like a second try?

Would you like someone to help you? Who’d like to help?

Who’d like to read the text?

Who can spell the word “…”?

Can you spell the word “…”?

Do you know the Chinese/English of the word…? What’s the English/Chinese for “…”? Any volunteer?

Any one/ boy/ girl?

Have I made it clear?

Is it clear to you?

You see the point?

Got it? / Did you get it?

Are you alright with it?

Are you OK with the practice?

Have you done/finished your work/exercise yet? 3,反馈语

Not bad. Thank you. (I’m sure you can do better next time.) Good!Thank you. (I could see you’ve practiced a lot.) Good boy/ girl . That’s a good answer. Thank you. Quite good! (I really appreciate your effort.)

Very good!(I really enjoy it.)

Great! (You did a good job.)

Excellent! (Let’s give him/her a big hand!)

Wonderful!(I’m so proud of you.)

Well done! (Good boy/girl.)

Your answer is very good! (I admire your work.) Nice going! (You make a great progress.) What a bright idea! Thank you.

That’s a great answer. (I really like it.) You did a good job! (We’re so proud of you!) Good point! (I really enjoy it.)

Good job! (I'm very pleased with your work.) Smart! (What an adorable baby!)

Clever! (I envy you very much。 )

Perfect! (You're very professional.) You are such a smart boy/girl!

You got sharp eyes/ears.

I couldn’t believe my ears!

Is it good?

Isn’t it a good answer?

Do you like his/her answer/reading?

Did he/she do a good job?

That’s a fantastic answer, isn’t it?

He/she did an excellent job, didn’t he/she?

That’s very close. Go on!

It’s almost right. Try again, please.

Come on! Think it over. I’m sure you can do it.

I’m sure you can do it if you really try. (See? You did it really well.) Sorry, I’m sure you can do it better next time.

I’m sorry. Would you like a second try? /Would you like to try again? Not bad. Go on, please.

Come on, It’s very close.

It doesn’t matter. I’m sure you can do it better next time.


Now class/ boys and class, class begins.

Today, we’re going to learn …

Now, open your books, please. Turn to page ...

Now, class/ boys and girls/ children, please look at the blackboard/picture/your books/ page five.

Please read the … together. One, two, three, go!

Now, let’s sing the song… together.

Now, let’s enjoy the song from the tape.

Well, let’s go on. Please look at page …

This time, you do it one by one.

Now, listen to the tape.

Now, listen to me, please.

Now, I’ll read the …, please follow me.

Now class/ boys and girls/ children , read after me/ the tape. Follow me, please.

Just follow me, class .

Yes, please. (To answer “ Let me try or let me answer the question ”) Please show me how well you can do/ read it.

Come to the front, please. / … please come to the front . Thank you. Thank you. Please go back to your seat.

Thank you. You can go back now.

It’s your turn, Sue.

OK, class/ boys and girls/ children , please stand up.

Please sit down.

Please do it now.

OK, go!

Please work in pairs/ in groups/ individually/ by yourselves.

Now, class/ boys and girls/ children, write/put the Chinese/English under/next to each word/picture.

Now, let’s do the exercise.

Now, class/ boys and girls/ children, find a partner and role-play the conversation.

Work with your partner and answer the questions.

OK, class/ boys and girls/ children, time is up. Please stop working/ talking now.

Please stop here.

Now, break time.

Let’s have/ take a break.

Good class/ boys and girls/ children, be quite, please.

Now class/ boys and girls/ children, here’s your homework. Please do … and …

Don’t forget your homework. It’s … on page …, …on page… 5,告别语





教师的课堂教学实际上从其走进教室的那一刻起就开始了。A good beginning makes a good ending. 一个好的开端对于一堂课来说非常重要。教师主动、友好地同学生打招呼,不仅可以唤起学生的注意力,使其为开始上课作好准备,还可以创造一个平等、和谐、愉快

的学习氛围, 以保证课堂教学的顺利进行。


Hi! Good morning/ afternoon.

Good morning/afternoon, class./boys and girls.

It’s so nice/I’m so happy to see you again.

Good , you look great/ wonderful today.

How are you doing?

How’s it going?

You look so happy, any good news?

OK, class/ boys and girls , are you ready to have class/begin? (Instead of saying: “You”)

May I know your name?

(That’s a nice name.)

Could you tell me your name, please?

(You’ve got a beautiful name. I really like it. )

Shall we begin our lesson now?

Let’s start our class, shall we?


教师在提问时态度和声音要和蔼、可亲。提问语的使用要注意体现对学生的尊重, 不要让学生感到紧张,有压力。注意提问语的使用策略可减轻学生的学习焦虑情绪,保护学生的学习积极性。


Who’d like to answer the question?

Who can answer the question?

Who knows the answer?

Who’d like to have a try?

Would you like to try, Mary?

Tim, would you like to have a try?

Do you want to try, Lee?

Would you like a second try?

Would you like someone to help you?

Who’d like to help?

Who’d like to read the text?

Who can spell the word “…”?

Can you spell the word “…”?

Do you know the Chinese/English of the word…? What’s the English/Chinese for “…”?

Any volunteer?

Any one/ boy/ girl?

Have I made it clear?

Is it clear to you?

You see the point?

Got it? / Did you get it?

Are you alright with it?

Are you OK with the practice?

Have you done/finished your work/exercise yet?


Not bad. Thank you. (I’m sure you can do better next time.) Good!Thank you. (I could see you’ve practiced a lot.)

Good boy/ girl . That’s a good answer. Thank you. Quite good! (I really appreciate your effort.) Very good!(I really enjoy it.)

Great! (You did a good job.)

Excellent! (Let’s give him/her a big hand!) Wonderful!(I’m so proud of you.)

Well done! (Good boy/girl.)

Your answer is very good! (I admire your work.) Nice going! (You make a great progress.) What a bright idea! Thank you.

That’s a great answer. (I really like it.) You did a good job! (We’re so proud of you!) Good point! (I really enjoy it.)

Good job! (I'm very pleased with your work.) Smart! (What an adorable baby!)

Clever! (I envy you very much。 )

Perfect! (You're very professional.)

You are such a smart boy/girl!

You got sharp eyes/ears.

I couldn’t believe my ears!

Is it good?

Isn’t it a good answer?

Do you like his/her answer/reading?

Did he/she do a good job?

That’s a fantastic answer, isn’t it?

He/she did an excellent job, didn’t he/she?

That’s very close. Go on!

It’s almost right. Try again, please.

Come on! Think it over. I’m sure you can do it.

I’m sure you can do it if you really try. (See? You did it really well.) Sorry, I’m sure you can do it better next time.

I’m sorry. Would you like a second try? /Would you like to try again?

Not bad. Go on, please.

Come on, It’s very close.

It doesn’t matter. I’m sure you can do it better next time.


Now class/ boys and class, class begins.

Today, we’re going to learn …

Now, open your books, please. Turn to page ...

Now, class/ boys and girls/ children, please blackboard/picture/your books/ page five.

Please read the … together. One, two, three, go! Now, let’s sing the song… together.

Now, let’s enjoy the song from the tape.

Well, let’s go on. Please look at page …

This time, you do it one by one.

Now, listen to the tape.

Now, listen to me, please.

Now, I’ll read the …, please follow me. look at the

Now class/ boys and girls/ children , read after me/ the tape. Follow me, please.

Just follow me, class .

Yes, please. (To answer “ Let me try or let me answer the question ”) Please show me how well you can do/ read it.

Come to the front, please. / … please come to the front . Thank you. Thank you. Please go back to your seat.

Thank you. You can go back now.

It’s your turn, Sue.

OK, class/ boys and girls/ children , please stand up.

Please sit down.

Please do it now.

OK, go!

Please work in pairs/ in groups/ individually/ by yourselves.

Now, class/ boys and girls/ children, write/put the Chinese/English under/next to each word/picture.

Now, let’s do the exercise.

Now, class/ boys and girls/ children, find a partner and role-play the conversation.

Work with your partner and answer the questions.

OK, class/ boys and girls/ children, time is up. Please stop working/ talking now.

Please stop here.

Now, break time.

Let’s have/ take a break.

Good class/ boys and girls/ children, be quite, please.

Now class/ boys and girls/ children, here’s your homework. Please do … and …

Don’t forget your homework. It’s … on page …, …on page…


OK, class/ boys and girls/ children, that’s all for today. I’ll see you next time.

Let’s call it a day today. I’ll see you the day after tomorrow. Alright class/ boys and girls/ children. We’ll stop here today. We’ll end up the class now.

Class is over.

Class dismissed.

See you next time, class/ boys and girls/ children. See you.

See you later.

Goodbye, class/ boys and girls/ children. Bye, class/ boys and girls/ children.

Wish you a good weekend.

Have a good weekend!

Have a nice day!
