











I will go to college in the near future. ______________________________



1. set a new target for learning

2. improve my study method

3. learn how to live on my own

4. take part in different kinds of after-class activities

5. get on well with my classmates


1. set a new target for learning—find a better way to study my lessons/ try to reach a new goal/ aim at a new goal…

2. studying methods— learning skills/ ways of learning…

3. live on my own —make myself independent/ depend on myself…

4. after- class activities—school activities/ activities in my spare time…

5. get on well with— work well with/ communicate successfully with…


造简单句就是在短语的基础上先造出简单句,在写作过程中,首先要把句子写的简单明了,不出现语病,“The simple,the better”。 尤其是对于基础知识尚不是很好的考生,应尽量避免使用繁冗复杂的句式,多用自己有把握的词汇、句式。

1.I would like to set a new target for my studies.

2. I want to improve my learning skills.

3. I am willing to learn how to live on my own.

4. I plan to take part in different kinds of after- class activities.

5. I hope that I can get on well with my classmates




1.I would like to set a new target for my studies after I enter college.(添加状语从句)

2. I want to improve my learning skills and work even harder at my lessons.(补充细节)

3. I am willing to learn how to live on my own as life at college is quite different from that in middle school/ such as doing some cleaning or washing by myself.( 添加状语从句或通过举例来补充细节)

4. I plan to take part in different kinds of after- class activities in order to get some more experience and learn more about the world.(添加目的状语)

5. I hope that I can get on well with my classmates by helping them and learning from each other.(添加分词作方式状语)



首先,在词汇选择上,高分作文往往用“较高级词汇”来代替常见词汇。如要点2:I want to improve my learning skills and work even harder(and more efficiently) at my lessons.要点4:I plan to take part in different kinds of after- class activities in order to get some more experience and learn more about the world.如将本句替换为“broaden my horizons”或“enlarge my knowledge”,就显得比较生动。在写作时,在表达自然贴切的前提下,尽可能地使用高级词汇。

其次,在句型运用上,优秀作文常选择“较高级结构”来表达同一思想内容。如要点3还可利用it 作形式主语:It is necessary for me to learn how to live on my own as life at college is quite different from that in middle school;要点4前还可以再添加“if possible”。 要点5可以添加do 来加强语气。总之,我们可以灵活巧妙地运用 “it” 句型(如:强调句、形式主语或宾语)、倒装句、省略句等,使文章句式丰富多彩、行文自然流畅。



文章是由一组共同表达一个中心思想的许多句子构成的,要注意句子之间的前后连贯要在谋篇布局上下功夫。学会运用各种关系的过度词语(见下面温馨提示),使上下文和段落合理,承上启下。 现将文章的五个要点,通过添加连词及细节连句成篇,全文如下:

I will go to college in the near future.(原题已给出) Therefore(连接词).I would like to set a new target for my studies after I enter college.(要点1)I want to improve my learning skills and work even harder at my lessons(要点2). What’s more(连接词), it is necessary for me to learn to live on my own as life at college is quite different from that in middle school (要点3). If possible(连接词), I plan to take part in different kinds of after- class activities in order to get some more experience and learn more about the world(或broaden my horizons)(要点4).Finally(连接词)I do hope that I can get on well with my classmates by helping them and learning from each other. (要点5)I believe I will have a wonderful life at college(结尾句).







1.休息;2.读书; 3.陪伴父母;4.参加社会活动

注意:1. 词数100左右,信的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数)



高考-college entrance examination

社会活动- social activities

Dear Henry,

I’m glad to receive your letter. ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Best wishes!

Hi Hua



1. have a rest

2. read some books/ do some reading

3. stay with my parents

4. take part in social activities



1. I want to have a rest

2.I would like to read some books/ do some reading.

3.I plan to stay with my parents.

4.I want to take part in social activities.



1. I want to have a rest as I have worked so hard for so many years. ( 增加状语从句).

2. I would like to read some books/ do some reading that I really feel interested in/ that I couldn’t spare time to read before. 或I would like to do some reading in order to enlarge/increase my knowledge. (增加定语从句/增加不定式做目的状语)

3.I plan to stay with my parents, chatting with them and helping them with some housework. You see, I love them deeply(增加分词作状语及一个表示原因的简单句)

4.If I have chance, I want to take part in social activities so that I can get more experience and learn more about the outside world. (增加状语从句)



1. have a rest可改为: get relaxed/ get some relaxation/ free oneself from hard work/ find some pleasure in life.

2.would like to read some books可改为: enjoying myself by reading some books .

3.plan to可改为: intend to.

4.want to可改为: be willing to .


本文是一封书信,要求开门见山,直接说出写信的目的,所以开始句应为主题句,即my plan for the vacation after the exam。我们可以运用“it”句型及添加定语进行要点扩充: 3

1. _______________ my plan for the coming summer vacation after the college entrance examination. 现在,我们可以将主题句(topic sentence )及已经列出的提纲要点,通过添加连词连句成篇,全文如下:

Dear Henry,

I’m glad to receive your letter. 1._______________________________ my plan for the coming summer vacation after the college entrance examination.

2. ______________ (连接词),_____________(要点1)3._____________________ (连接词),_____________________(要点2).4.___________________ (连接词),_________________________(要点3).(连接词)_________________________(要点4)

Best wishes!


Li Hua

Dear Henry,

I’m glad to receive your letter. It’s a pleasure for me to write to you about my plan for the coming summer vacation after the college entrance examination.

First of all, I want to get relaxed as I have worked so hard for so many years. At the same time, I would enjoy myself by reading some books in order to enlarge my knowledge and broaden my horizons. You see, my parents have done so much for me so I intend to spend some time helping them with some housework such as washing, cleaning or cooking. If I have the chance, I’m also willing to take part in some social activities so that I can improve my understanding of the outside world.

Best wishes!


Li Hua

2. 联合国教科文组织某考察团正在我国某乡村参观考察.假定你是接待人员,请根据下列提示以发言稿的形式简要介绍这个村的情况:








? 根据试题中所提供要点,将所需要的语言材料准备好。可以只列出主要的词、词组、短语及 4


要点:① 100 families and 500 people

② used to be very poor/ change a lot/ richer than before/ take on a new look ③ was very small/ have been rebuilt

④ newly-built/have 4 storeys/ most beautiful building

⑤ school-age children/ enjoy free education

? 扩展成句,连句成篇;注意体裁、格式。本文为一篇发言稿,其格式与口头通知大体相同。因此,短文应有称呼,开场及结束语。既然介绍的是小村,所使用的人称应为it。应注意时态,语态的正确运用,并适当使用一些连接成分将所列的语句连成完整的语篇。全文应结构紧凑,前后连贯。

Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to our village! ①This village is very small. It has nearly 100 families and about 500 people. It used to be very poor. ②It has changed a lot since 1978 ③. People here ④are richer than before. Now it is taking on a new look.

In the past, the school here was very small⑤. ⑥Now it has been rebuilt. ⑦The newly built teaching building. ⑧has 4 storeys and it is the most beautiful building in the village. All the school-age children can study here. ⑨They enjoy free education in it. ⑩Thank you.

我们可以看到,现在这篇书面表达要点齐全,表达也没语法错误,但语言平淡,表达方式单一,逻辑性也差,因此很难在考试的评分中得到较高档次。如果使用一些恰当的连接词,并尽量使用较高级的词汇和较复杂的语法结构,这个平淡的文章就会有很大改观,甚至会变得更精彩。 Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to our village! ①This village is a small one with/which has nearly 100 families and about 500 people. It used to be very poor. ②However, it has changed a lot since 1978 ③and has been developing very fast. People here ④have/live a 5

much better life than before . Now it is taking on a new look.

In the past, the school here was very small ⑤and most children couldn't afford to go to school. ⑥But now it has been rebuilt ⑦and the newly built teaching building ⑧which has 4 storeys is the most beautiful one in the village. All the school-age children can study here. ⑨What's more/Also, they enjoy free education.

⑩May you enjoy your stay here/May you have a pleasant time here! Thank you. 评析:

① 用介词短语作定语或用含定语从句的主从复合句。

② 语句间缺少连接成分However。

③ 表现作者对现在乡村的发展的喜悦心情,也起到承上启下作用。

④ 较高级词汇。

⑤ 作者对过去孩子们上不起学表示遗憾和同情。

⑥ 语句间缺少连接成分,添加But。

⑦ 语句间缺少承上启下连接成分and。

⑧ 用含定语从句的主从复合句。

⑨ 此处应添加一个承接上下文的过渡性词语,如“What's more/Also”,这样,前后就显得更加连贯了。

⑩ 如能适当发挥,在结尾处添加像“May you enjoy your stay here/May you have a pleasant time here!”的表希望,祝愿的语句,会使全文更加完整,使文章读起来更亲切,完全达到与读者进行交流的目的,从而收到更佳的表达效果。




③⑤⑩适当增加句子的感情色彩,增加一些人情味,使文章读起来更亲切,完全达到与读者进 6





first, second, then, finally/at last, immediately, suddenly, soon等。


here, there, on the right/left, on one side,on the other side, in front of, at the back of, next to等。


for one thing, for the other thing, on the one hand, on the other hand等。


or, and, also, too, as well (as) 等。


but, however, while, though, otherwise, on the other hand等。


because, therefore, consequently, as a consequence, since, as, thanks to, due to, as a result ( of ) 等。


as long as, so long as, on condition that, if, unless等。


though, as, even if / though, whether, who(what、when、 where) ever等。


what's more, besides, what's worse, to make the matter worse,in addition等。


I think, I'm afraid, you know, As we all know等。

11. 表归纳总结的连接代词有:

in short,to sum up,in conclusion, in a word, on the whole,in brief,all in all,to conclude等。

