

电子信息工程 专业 学生 柳 咏 学号 1204451148


一. 锥体上滚



















在这短短的一次物理演示实验中,我学到了许多在平时学习中学习不到的东西,收获很大。老师演示的一个个物理实验,奇妙的现象让我们感受到伟大的自然科学的奥妙,可以说这次的演示实验让我对物理学的认识有了进一步的提高。以前我们普遍认为大学物理抽象难懂、深奥复杂、枯燥乏味。物理演示实验能够将抽象、深奥的物理知识转变为具体、简单的趣味内容, 使模糊、枯燥、复杂难懂的内容变得清晰、生动、津津有味。另外, 物理演示实验能把我们在生产、生活中看到的和听到的现象, 通过实验手段再现出来。实物演示真实、直观, 能给人身临其境之感,极大地调动学习的积极性, 主动性以及激发创造的潜能。

老师让负责操作的同学明确注意事项后,亲自动手操作,使我们具有获得成功的自豪感, 并培养了我们的自信心和学习兴趣。





The Report Of the College Physics Experiment

Experiment 1:

optical lever mirror method to measure Young's modulus of the metal


1. Master the principle of measuring the small length changes with optical lever mirror.

2.Learn how to eliminate the systematic errors with symmetric measurement.

3.Learn how to estimate the errors to each measured value in accordance with the actual situation.

4.Train to deal data with different methods and construction.


Objects should engender deformation more or less by the external force. It is the elastic deformation which will disappear promptly after withdrawing the external force when the force is no more than a certain limits. The objects will restore a restituted internal stress after occurring elastic deformation.

There is a section S, length L0 of the equably rod- like (wire-like) material, when it stretched by the pulling force F, it elongates, stress is measured as                    the force per unit cross sectional area of; and strain     

is the increase in length of unit length of.

According to Hook’s Law, the strain rod-like (wire-like) material burdened is proportional to the burdened stress:    

                                              Fig. 1 the optical lever                          

Where Y is the coefficient depended on the characterization of the materials .The modulus is then        Fig. 1 the optical lever

 known as Young’s modulus (Y). and hence:


This experiment is to measure the Young’s modulus of a kind of model steel, in which F can be determined by the calculated weight of weight, sectional area S can be get by calculating the diameter of the wire measured with micrometer screw gouge,  can be measured by conventional measurement apparatus such as meter and so on. But is difficult to measure accurately for its small length change used ordinary apparatus. So we choose amplification——“optical lever mirror” to measure this small change. The optical lever mirror physical diagram is Fig. 1


                 Fig.2 the principle of optical lever mirror

Fig.2 is the principle chart of measuring the tiny length change by optical lever mirror. The left curled object is the optical lever mirror, M is a reflector, b is the so- called short – optical lever mirror arm length, O is fixed- side of b-side, the other side b will rise or fall when the measured object elongating or shortening, and change the direction of normal line of M. The original wire length is, from the right adjusted telescope we can see the reading of scale imagine of M of, while the steel is elongated, from the telescope we can see the reading of scale imagine of M: . In this way, the tiny wire elongation is, the corresponding angle change of the optical lever mirror is, and the reading change of scale imagine of M is. Be reversible by the optical path that light lever angle should be   . Using the geometric method in Fig.2 we can get:



Hence                                                (4)

Where, equivalent to the displacement of the long arm of optical lever mirror.  is the magnification of optical lever mirror, as D >>  b, son >> L, that means we get linear amplification of the small amount, and enhance the measurement accuracy of.

This measurement is known as amplification. This amplification has a wide range of applications in designing all kinds of testing equipment for its advantage of stable performance, high precision, linear amplification and so on.

Taking into account the wire by the external force there is a lag effect of flexibility, as to say that the steel can’t be due immediately to the elongated length of () when it is elongated, but only to the elongation of . Similarly, the steel can’t be reduced to the length of Li when once the stretching force of the wire has been reduced, but only reduced to. Therefore the measured length of the wire by the experiment is not the actual elongated or contracted length. In order to eliminate the systematic errors by the lag effect of flexibility, the measurement should be included a symmetrical measurement process of increasing the tensile strength and reducing the tensile strength. To the experiment, we can get this to increase or reduce the weights, we can take average amount of the stretching of wire as long as increase or reduce a corresponding weight to eliminate the effects of lagged volume. That is:


(1)Attach 2kg hanger for weights to end of the wire to remove any irregularities. Adjust the three foot screws under the Young’s modulus chassis, and observe the standard ruler on the platform at the same time until the middle of the platform is at the level of state.

(2)Regulate the location of the optical lever mirror. Take the optical lever mirror on the platform, the two front feet on the cross- platform, the rear foot on the cylindrical casing of the lower end of the fixed wire (the rear foot must be placed on the edge of the metal casing, but not on the location of the gap),and let the mirror of optical lever mirror to be basic vertical or slight angle, as shown in Fig. 1.

(3)Adjust the telescope. Place the telescope about 2m away from the optical lever mirror. Loose the fixed screw of telescope and move up or down to let the mirror of optical lever mirror and the telescope are on the same height. Take aim at the mirror of optical lever mirror along the tube axis above the telescope. Shift the fixed position of the telescope until we can see the scale imagine from the optical lever mirror. And then observe from the eyepiece. Adjust the eyepiece to see the cross wire clearly and finally revolve the focusing hand wheel to flexible the telescope in the tube until we can see the ruler scale clearly from the telescope.

(4)Observe the stretch change. Attach 2kg hanger for weights to the end of the wire as the beginning, and take the telescope reading of. Load the measured wire with successive kilogram weights, taking the telescope reading after each addition——. Unload kilogram by kilogram, and read the telescope at each stage——.

Note: Add or subtract the weight lightly to avoid a relatively large vibration. After adding or subtracting the weight, the wire will have a scalable micro-vibration, and we should read after the steel gradually becoming stable.

(5)Measure the distance b from the front foot to the rear foot of optical lever mirror. Rent the 3 feet of the optical lever mirror in white paper. Draw the connection of the two front feet and then measure the vertical distance from the rear foot to the line with the vernier scale.

(6)Measure the diameter of the wire at several points about 3-5 times along its length and find a mean value. This measurement must be done carefully with a micrometer screw-gauge and note the zero error each time.

 (7)Use meter ruler to measure the distance D from the plane mirror to the scale.

(8)Use meter ruler to measure the original length of wire.


①The wire must be clamped tightly at the both side, at one hand to reduce the system error, and at the other hand to avoid falling down to damage the test devices.

②Don’t move the telescope and the table in the measuring and reading process, or you must start measuring again.

③Keep the measured wire straight so as to avoid misusing the measuring process for the elongation, resulting in measurement error.

④Keeping the weight should be 1kg and don’t touch the mirror in the measuring progress.

⑤You must adjust the telescope in a certain scope to avoid damaging it.

Data and the results

           KG        x=0.05 CM

镜尺距(he distance from the ruler to the mirror)

 D =150 mm ; x = 0.05 CM

The wire length:

The diameter of the wire:

First record=0.02 mm  ; d=0.004 mm

光杠杆常数 b=85.17 mm  ;b=0.002 mm

graphical method:

The discuss of this experiment and my experiment:

After this experiment I know that we should use plot to obtain the value of Y in this experiment.Eliminating the systematic errors in the experiment is also very important.I think that I have learned how to eliminate the systematic errors with symmetric measurement.I also have learned that how to estimate the errors to each measured value in accordance with the actual situation.To deal data with different methods and construction is the purpose that we must get.
