


1. 投资及经营理念方面,事前没有经过专业化的酒店设计,使工程在施工过程中不断的修改,不停的调整,使投资预算不断增加的现象。

2. 工程施工中,酒店建筑、空调、给排水、强弱电、装饰等方面交叉作业,工程总体计划协调不够,施工中相互制约,使工程进度延长,工程资金不断增加。

3. 酒店设备安装、装饰施工等方面的各项建筑、安装、装饰材料和各项设备等,因各种原因不能及时供应等,都是影响工程进度的瓶颈、延期和增加资金。



1. 确定酒店整体建设的主要目的(星级标准)、类型(商务型、度假型或接待会议型等)和今后经营管理的目标。

2. 进行建筑、装饰施工、设备安装等项工程的施工招标工作。

3. 进行酒店建设、装修的总体布局、酒店建设方案规划,酒店各项服务功能、经营流程(客流、人流、物流和交流)和酒店整体装饰效果的设计。

4. 以及酒店各项系统设备,如空调、给排水、强弱电、厨房、洗衣、电梯、通讯、电脑等方面的设备设施的设计。

5. 组织投标单位进行设计图纸答疑和工程施工要求。

6. 制定酒店建设设计、装修设计,预计需投资的总体费用。

7. 按照设计、对酒店整体建设或改造的各系统分项目进行工程预算,作好资金筹备和工程款项的计划工作。

8. 编制酒店建设和装饰工程的总体施工方案和施工工期计划等。

9. 根据各项工程的设计,编制各项材料、物品、设备等方面的采购计划工作,并进行选材、询价、招标、采购等工作。







面墙纸吗?其实不然,客房的设计是体现酒店为客人硬件服务最重要的地方。 客房运行成本低,收益回报丰厚,是酒店利润的重要“产地”。相应地,它也应成为酒店设计中的最具有挑战的环节之一。其包括以客人为上帝的服务理念、当地文化特色、由房价体现的客房档次、人体功学、地毯、墙纸的选择、家具、灯具的设计或选择、窗帘的选择、灯光的配制、洁具的选择等等。正所谓麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。











〈4〉请勿打扰开关:设在客房小过道的墙上,选择有文字显示的开关。 〈5〉电视机靠遥控器控制。

〈6〉床头灯开关:设床边,床边增设不停电插座,供客人手机充电。 〈7〉卫生间开关:设在卫生间门外。


〈9〉卫生间设有“请等候”按钮及“呼救” 按钮。










































对外经济贸易大学   黄震华


一、   课程的性质与任务


二、   教学要求


  · 充分考虑各种可行性条件,选择项目宜小,要尽可能密切结合个人工作实践,以便在规定的时间内,独立按步骤用英语完成项目计划设计的各阶段任务并提交计划书。

  · 运用所学的调查方法,到现实中进行调查研究,以便发现合适的商业机会,避免闭门造车,随心所欲编造数据。如果在调查取样中涉及商业机密问题而无法获取真实数据,可对已有经营状况进行估计,推导出所需数据。

  · 运用所学的分析方法,综合分析各种调研结果,提高决策能力。

三、   教学内容






四、   教学安排

第一阶段    2周

第二阶段    4周

第三阶段    4周

第四阶段    2周


五、   成绩评定



  · 顾客状况分析             5%

  · 核心小组座谈       5%

  · SWOT分析        10%

  · 项目实施流程图     5%

  · 项目框架图         10%

  · 风险分析           5%

  · 项目计划书        60% (具体分值分布另定)






项目报告及各项附件必须电脑打印,格式统一为:使用Word 6.0及以上文字处理软件;正文字体Times New Roman,字号为12P,版心高22cm,宽16cm,页码在外;A4幅面,每页32行(不含面码),激光或喷墨打印。指导教师不审阅手稿和不符合格式、版式的打印稿。


1、            20##年度学生“设计”总的评价



l  有些设计的项目(如My Fresh)与课本的样本距离太近,不仅选题很相似,而且有不少段落的安排和文字也和课本雷同,说明学生对课程尚未完全掌握,还停留在依葫芦画瓢的阶段。而且向同学们指出这一点很重要,以避免以后在撰写科研文章时出现“剽窃”的问题。

l  有的设计(如Logistics)有自己的选题,课程所要求的内容和要点也都已经包括在内,但语言问题相对较多,说明学生的英语水平尚未达到运用纯熟的程度。不完整句、主谓语不一致、非谓语动词、时态、介词、词性、名词单复数等是发现的主要问题。语言上的错是看到的各设计中普遍存在的问题。

l  送来的作业有的多达35页,把平时的6项(有的有10项)也都包括在内,似过于繁琐,重复之处太多。我认为,平时的6次作业是为最后总设计做准备的,是一个学习过程,同时也是过程考核的一种手段。建议导师加强对平时作业的辅导,给学生以具体的指导和帮助,同时对学生提出严格要求,要求学生一定要按时、按要求完成。这6次作业记为平时成绩,同时作为最后总体设计的素材,最后只交总的设计及其摘要说明即可。

l  内容上的问题包括:

SWOT 分析不够详细,(如Human Resource),对下一步如何开展业务展开不够。



内容与现实有较明显的距离,如(Human Resource)每人平均月工资才500元,对猎头公司而言不太现实,设计的办公房间也太小。


SMART是对设计的要求,应体现在设计文本的各个方面,不必单列一项(Piano Bar)。

2、            对指导教师的几点建议

l  根据各地方电大的反映,每一名指导教师每次以指导十名学生为宜。在目标指导和过程指导之间,应以过程指导为主。首先,应帮助学生树立信心。虽然这是一门新课程,内容和方式同学们不太熟悉,但总的说来并不难。告诉学生不必紧张。如果对课本能基本理解,加上教师的指导,平时6次小作业(占总分的40%)应能得到不错的分数,这又为总设计打好了基础,总评成绩达到及格以上应当说是不难的,(当然,得高分既要有好的基础,又要认真下功夫)。

l  总的设计应包括对现在业务情况的分析(或市场分析),包括存在问题,通过对市场、顾客及优劣势分析,做出初步设想。




l  根据该课程时间为12周的安排,建议最好在第三周结束前基本确定项目的选择。第一至第二周为阅读全书熟悉内容的时间,在此期间应与学生见面一次,了解学生对课程内容还有哪些问题,并对学生的选题提出反馈意见。第三周应把项目大体确定下来。

第四至第六周,学生应精读第二到第五单元,并每周完成一次小作业(顾客情况、Focus Groups 调查和SWOT分析)。导师应在第六至第七周给学生反馈,根据SMART的要求指出学生作业中内容和语言上存在的问题,记录学生分数,不及格的学生可以给他们一次重做的机会。



l  辅导重点:




第四单元: SWOT分析,即对企业的优势、弱势、机会和风险进行分析,这是对前三个单元的一个小结和对积累素材的进一步分析,也是第三次小作业,应当作为一个重点。









l  学生最好选择自己比较熟悉的题目,项目不宜过大、过复杂。项目以现实的为好,如确有困难,学生也应作必要的调查,以使数据尽量接近现实。

l  学生在确定项目实际选题时,应听取指导教师的意见,必要时应有几次会面。


l  要求学生独立完成:业务分析,顾客调查报告,SWOT分析,计划进程,风险分析和设计框架等作业。

l  学生在完成上述作业外,还应做好目标分析和成本分析等,供最后撰写总报告时用。

l  目标分析应有总体和细项,并符合SMART要求。如能用电脑设计一些图表作为辅助,则效果会更好。

l  成本分析应包括初始投入及运营投入。初始投入视项目不同应包括:建筑、装修、家具、设备、材料等。运营投入包括租金、劳力、银行利息、折旧、通讯、水电、维修、出差、咨询、公关、市场调研等。

l  利益关系人分析应照顾到可能涉及的方方面面。

l  风险分析应包括:与人相关,与时间相关,与产品/服务相关等方面。

l  还要包括对项目实施的监控。


l  它大体应包括:附信、封面、摘要、介绍、正文、预算、申请人资历与经验、附录等部分。正文是其中的重点。

l  附录可包括项目涉及过程中的一些素材,如调查会纪录等。附录的目的主要是提醒学生在实际工作中, 原始材料都要妥善存档。课程评分这部分不作为重点。







专业倾向 ______________________




指导教师 ______________________


Title: Campus Bookshop Expansion Project

      Proposal for Bookshop Expansion  

Submitted to:

         Mr.Xiaoping Wang


           Yinghua Branch Office

           Bank of Communication

Prepared by:

             Zhang Yun


                 Bank of Communication

        Tel:  88078549

           Fax: 5602243

           Email: wou@yahoo.com

           Date: July 12, 2002



4.      两份样本

   现提供Beesee Shop 和 Snow Fall 两篇作为参考样本(已做修改)。


Proposal for a New Expanded Beesee Shop Ningbo
Executive Summary

Beesee Shop Ningbo plans to close the present shop in the Drum Tower Business Center on August 17 and open the new one in the TianYi Square on August 18 in 2002. The main reason to expand the present shop is that the shop is too small to meet the customers’ demands. Furthermore, the present site of the shop is not the most ideal place to sell ladies’ clothes in Ningbo.

The new shop will be situated in the largest new shopping mall TianYi Square. It is on the first floor of the shopping mall and occupies an area of 50 square meters.

The project will bring increases in revenue and profit by around 300% in the first year and will be even more successful in the years to come.

The new shop needs an investment of RMB291, 200 in the first year to rent the premises, decorate the new shop, purchase the new equipment and furniture, stock the new clothes and offer new services.

Our investigation indicates that the new shop will meet the customers’ needs, greatly increase the turnover and profit, and improve the financial statements.


Beesee Shop Ningbo is a privately owned clothing shop. It is located on the main road in the Drum Tower Business Center and mainly sells women’s formal and casual clothes of Beesee brand. It attracts a large number of female customers between 20 and 35 in the local area.

However, the present Beesee Shop only occupies an area of 20 square meters, which is hindering the shop from expanding its services. The management planned to offer a wider range of services but the limited space has constrained the implementation. Some customers complained about the insufficient stock and staff, limited range of clothing, narrow space, and improper interior layout.

The best solution to the problem is to expand the present Beesee Shop so that the management can hire two more employees to handle more stock and offer better services. The shop expansion project needs RMB291, 200 to decorate the new shop, install new equipment, enlarge the stock, hire new employees and train the staff. RMB100,000 would be invested by the Head Office of Beesee Fashion Company as agreed and the rest would be provided by the owner of Beesee Shop Ningbo.

The new Beesee Shop would allow us to increase the profit by three times. The turnover of the new shop would be around RMB700, 000 by the end of the first year, and would be better for the years to come.

New Premises

The new Beesee Shop will be located in the new largest shopping mall in Ningbo, which is called Tian Yi Square. It is on the first floor of the shopping mall and has an area of about 50 square meters, and has the following features:

* The new shop is spacious so that the aisles are wide enough for several customers to walk along.

* The interior remodeling is simple but comfortable.

* The shopping environment is good.

* Lighting and ventilation is of the first class.

New Services

The new shop will provide the following new services based on the customers’ requests and suggestions:

* Stock larger varieties of clothes so that customers will have more choices.

* Add more colorful and large sized clothes for plump ladies.

* Order tailor-made clothes for special-build customers.

New Facilities

* Order new clothing stands and models.

* Install two change rooms in the new shop.

* Install an air conditioner.

* Purchase a second- hand cashier machine.

* Purchase some comfortable armchairs for customers.

Cost Breakdown

Rental cost: The new shop would cost RMB 200,000 to rent each year.

Remodeling: The purchase of building materials and the labor costs for the new shop would be about RMB 33,400:

             Labor costs                                        15,000

             Flooring                                           5,000

             Ceiling                                            2,000

             Paint                                              1,500

             Cement & Putty                                       700

             Lighting                                           2,500

Timber                                            5,000

Glue & tools                                         400

Glass                                               800

Mirrors                                              500

Equipment & Furniture: The cost of equipment and furniture in the new shop would be about RMB 17,400.

             Clothing stands                                     8,000

             Models                                           1,000

             Second-hand cashier machine                           900

             Air conditioner                                     5,000

              Furniture in the shop                              2,000

              Other supplies                                     500

Budget: The annual increase in the operating budget would be around RMB 40,400.

              Wages                                         24,000

              Utilities                                         2,000

              Equipment Maintenance                             800

              Advertisement                                    1,500

              Market Research                                    600

              Tax                                             2,500

Contingency Fund                                 9,000

Total Cost of Project

Initial costs:    Remodeling                                     33,400

              Equipment and Furniture                          17,400

              SUB-TOTAL                                   50,800

Recurrent costs: Rental                                         200,000

Operating budget                                  40,400

SUB-TOTAL                                    240,400

TOTAL COST                                   291,200



On the basis of the business available in the Drum Tower Business Center and our surveys of similar clothing shops near the Tian Yi Square, the turnover of the new Beesee Shop is expected to be around 700,000 yuan in the first year and it will be increased by 7% in the second year.

The customers would find our shop assistants are more helpful than before and the shopping environment has been improved a great deal. They can always find the right clothes with right sizes in the new Beesee Shop.


The project will start at once after it is approved and the budget is available. It will take about two months to finish it, with six weeks needed to sign the contracts, remodel the new Beesee Shop etc., one week to train the staff, two weeks to make the final preparation for opening the new shop in TianYi Square. Here is the action plan:

By the end of Week One

* Negotiate the rental of the new premises.

* Sign the contract with the contractor.

By the end of Week Two

* Design the layout of the new Beesee Shop.

* Choose a remodeling company with good reputation.

By the end of Week Three

* Sign the contract with the remodeling company to decorate the new shop.

* Order new clothing stands, equipment and furniture.

By the End of Week Four

* Start remodeling the new shop.

* Order new clothes.

* Hire two new shop assistants.

* Design some leaflets to tell our customers our new shop’s address and the date of its opening ceremony etc.

* Find a printing House and sign the contract with it.

By the end of Week Five

* Get the leaflets delivered.

* Dispatch the leaflets in our present shop.

*Check the remodeling project.

By the end of Week Six

*Check and accept the remodeling project.

* Train the new shop assistants.

By the end of Week Seven

*Get the new equipment delivered and installed in our new shop.

* Install the clothing stands and furniture. 

* Clean the new shop.

By the end of Week Eight

* Do some advertisements of our new shop in the local newspaper.

* Pack up stock in the old shop.

* Close the present Beesee shop and move everything to the new shop.

* Get the new stock delivered and put all the stock on the clothing stands.

* Hold the opening ceremony on August 18.

I strongly believe that this expansion would not only meet the demands of the local customers, but also of tourists from other cities and places because the TianYi Square is not only the best and largest shopping center, but also the best leisure place in Ningbo. Furthermore, the prices of the Beesee clothes are very competitive compared with the same shops nearby.

Lastly, I would like to meet with you at any time this week to discuss the details of this plan and will be happy to provide any additional information that you may be interested in. Please tell me the most suitable time for me to call on you.


Proposal for Remodeling Snow Fall Restaurant


Snow Fall, a privately owned restaurant on the Fifth Street, mainly carries fast foods, snacks, common dishes, prepared raw dishes, and beverages. It is now the only decent restaurant in Jin Garden Residential Complex and attracts lots of customers.

However, due to the improvement of living standard, the restaurant does not meet the heightened demands of the customers in Jin Garden. People want to get comfortable dining atmosphere, reasonable prices and good quality services. Therefore, customers complained that our services fell short of their expectations.

In order to solve the problems, a survey was conducted through interviewing customers and a focus group discussion. For the focus group discussion, we invited 32 customers: 10 young residents, 10 middle age residents, 8 proprietors or their employees, 4 staff members who take care of Jin Garden. It explored the structure of the customer groups, and investigated customers’ satisfaction or dissatisfaction degree over the dining circumstances, services, stock, product items and so on. Customers showed their concern for the restaurant, suggesting that licenses should be posted on the wall, furniture and tableware be changed, quantity of per dish be increased, background music and elegant ornaments be set, business hours be prolonged, remodeling work comfortable and dishes delivery be quicker.

From these findings, we come to the conclusion that it is necessary to improve the restaurant by remodeling and staff training, etc. The improvement will enable us to provide clean and comfortable dining atmosphere and good quality services at reasonable prices to raise restaurant profile, attract more new customers and prevent losing the existing customers. The restaurant improvement plan needs a sum of 200,000 yuan to remodel the restaurant, furnish the dining rooms, train the staff and so on.

The improved restaurant would make it possible that the revenue and profit be increased by 20% annually. And, in the first year when the restaurant is improved, net profits after tax will be increased to 90,000, compared with 75,000 at present.



It is felt that there are good opportunities for us to improve our restaurant. These can be illustrated in the following factors:

l  No competitive restaurants in Jin Garden now.

l  Good relationship with the head of community center.

l  Improved living standard and dining concept of customers.

l  Favorable policies to private-owned businesses.

l  Exclusive right to supply fast food or refreshments all day round.

l  More customers from facilities to be established in Jin Garden next year.


We think that the strengths are vital in developing our restaurant. Therefore, we should take advantage of the existing strengths thoroughly to make further progresses. These strengths can be illustrated in such factors as:

l  Low labor costs.

l  Relatively cheap source of stock.

l  Excellent location (near the fruit and vegetable market).

l  Non-interest funds.

Improved premises

The improved restaurant, situated at its original place in Jin Garden, has the following new features:

l  The remodeling of restaurant facade is eye-catching and in good taste.

l  The interior remodeling is simple but cozy.

l  Lighting and ventilation of the restaurant is the first-class.

l  Floor and wall painting of the restaurant is waterproof and easy to clean.

l  Two additional boxes are elegant.

Improved services

The restaurant will offer better services based on customers’ requests and suggestions. The improved services are as follows:

l  Prepare diversified food and beverage items, which will provide customers with more choices.

l  Put the necessary licenses on the wall to show the standardization of catering trade.

l  Prolong the business hours at weekend to provide nighttime snacks.

l  Deliver food faster by recruiting one more waitress.

l  Provide warm and attentive human services by training the staff.

l  Provide background music to create a pleasant atmosphere.

New products

In addition, the restaurant will also provide some tentative products to cater to different customers.

l  Launch a series of new dishes and refreshments to satisfy customers’ requirement for diversification of the food items.

l  Launch a new menu that lists elaborately named food items or dishes and clearly marked prices based on the information gathered at the focus group discussion.

New facilities

After selling the old furniture and tableware at reduced prices, the restaurant will order space-saving tables and chairs and new-style tableware. Besides, it will purchase air-conditioners, a set of hi-fi equipment, a register, etc. The restaurant will also install some ornamental items.

Cost breakdown

According to the estimation, the restaurant will need 200,000 for remodeling, furnishing and offering new services. Expenses for specific items are listed as follows:

Remodeling:  The purchase of building materials and the labor cost for the improvement of the restaurant would be RMB 150,000 yuan.

Labor costs           60,000

Cement               5,000

Lumber               6,500

Paint                 6,000

Lighting & pipes       13,000

Ceiling              10,000

Flooring             30,000

Walls                6,100

Glue & Tools          1,400

Windows & doors     12,000

Equipment: The cost of equipment in the improved restaurant would be 38,000 yuan.

Video player                1,000

Hi-fi equipment              9,000

Tables & chairs              8,000

Tableware                  4,000

Air conditioners            10,000

Ornaments                 3,000

Register                    1,000

Microwave ovens            1,000

Staff uniforms               1,000

Budget: The annual increase in the operating budget would be RMB 12,000 yuan.


Wages                       7,000

Consultants fees               2,500

Equipment maintenance         1,000

Electricity cost                1,500

Furthermore, we should add more items to the total costs as well:

 Public relations                   4000 yuan per year

 Market research                  1000 yuan per year

 Contingency allowance            1.5% of the annual profit

 Interruption to the existing business   15,000 yuan



Provided everything is in normal progress, the restaurant is supposed to increase the revenue by 100,000 yuan the first year when the project has been completed. In pace with the development of Jin Garden, the revenue is expected to increase by 700,000 yuan in the following year. Net profit after tax will increase by 90,000 yuan the first year and approximately 108,000 yuan the following year, an increase of about 20% per year.

Furthermore, the restaurant will offer various services to the customers, so they would not worry about the hygiene of the food. They can expect the ordered food to be quickly delivered instead of being terribly annoyed by waiting. They can also enjoy having dinners in comfortable dining rooms. They will find all the dishes are at reasonable prices.


This project will take approximately two months to finish. It will start one week after it is approved and the budget is made available. In the process of this project, it needs four weeks for the preparation for remodeling, which will not interrupt the existing business. It will take one week for removing and selling the old equipment, four weeks for the remodeling, three weeks for staff training, and two weeks for the arrangement of the opening ceremony. (The last two items will be carried out simultaneously with the remodeling). All these five weeks will interrupt the existing business.

Risks and management plans

However, we should also consider the risks we have to face before we put the project into practice. This project has to disrupt the existing business. Although it is impossible to eradicate all these risks, controlling and managing them is really necessary. Measures, which we have to take in case the risks occur, are as follows:

l  Put up posters about the prices of all items to assure the customers that there is no rises in prices.

l  Keep good relations with the tenants and the staff who are in charge of Jin Garden Residential Complex to prevent them from putting rigid provisions on the project.

l  Carry out market research for the customers’ assessments towards the provided goods to guarantee the popularity of certain staple food items.

l  Use temporary buffets to sell fast food and refreshments if the remodeling project could not be finished on time.

l  Apply for loan in case conditions of the friend’s father who provides funds for the restaurant get worse.

l  Set aside a certain percentage of the total budget as contingency allowance to cover the perished food loss, the delayed-action expense, etc.


As a conclusion, the author thinks the restaurant improvement project is practicable and promises considerable profits. It will enable us to meet the demands and needs of the customers in Jin Garden Residential Complex. Since there is no competitive restaurant in this area, the improved Snow Fall will attract more customers to dine or even reserve boxes for dining in more private and comfortable atmosphere. The author hereby recommends that the restaurant should take immediate actions to carry out the project within a short period of time.

I would like to meet with you at your convenience to discuss this plan thoroughly. At the same time, I would be willing to explain any details or your doubtful points and provide you with any additional data that you may require. Please call me when it is convenient for you as I know that your have a very tight schedule.




                     A final Report


Snow Fall, a privately owned restaurant on the Fifth Street, mainly carries fast foods, snacks, common dishes, prepared raw dishes, and beverages. It is now the only decent restaurant in Jin Garden Residential Complex and attracts lots of customers.

However, due to the increase of living standard, the restaurant does not meet the satisfaction of the customers in Jin Garden. People want to get comfortable dining atmosphere, reasonable prices and good quality services.

Therefore, customers often express their dissatisfactions, revealing their complaints on chaotic dining room, disrespectful staff, insufficient stock and products, relatively poor services and unacceptable prices.

In order to solve the problems, a survey of customers was conducted through interview and focus group discussion. It explores the structure of the customer groups. It also investigates customers’ satisfaction or dissatisfaction degree over the dining circumstances, services, stock, product items and so on.

In addition, customers also show their concern for the restaurant, suggesting that licenses should be posted on the wall, furniture and tableware be changed, quantity of per dish be increased, background music and elegant ornaments be set, business hours be prolonged, remodeling work comfortable and dishes delivery be quicker.

All these information of suggestions for this project is gathered from interviews and focus group discussion with 32 customers: 10 young residents, 10 middle age residents, 8 proprietors or their employees, 4 staff members who take care of Jin Garden

It is necessary to improve the restaurant by remodeling and staff training, etc, by which it can provide both clean and comfortable dining atmosphere and good quality services at reasonable prices to raise restaurant profile, attract more new customers and prevent losing the existing customers. The restaurant improvement plan needs a sum of 200,000 yuan to remodel the restaurant, furnish the dining rooms, train the staff and so on.

The improved restaurant would make it possible that the revenue and profit can be increased by 20% annually. And net profits after tax will be increased to 90,000, comparing to present 75,000 in the first year when the restaurant is improved.



It is felt that there are good opportunities for us to improve our restaurant. These can be illustrated in the following factors:

l  No competitive restaurants in Jin Garden now.

l  Good relationship to the head of community center

l  Improved living standard and consuming(dining) concept of customers

l  Favorable policies to private running businesses

l  Exclusive right to supply fast food or refreshments all day round

l  More customers from facilities to be established next year in Jin Garden


We think that the strengths are vital in developing our restaurant. Therefore, we should take advantage of the existing strengths thoroughly to make further progresses. These strengths can be illustrated in the factors such as:

l  Low-price labors.

l  Relatively cheap source of stock

l  Excellent location (near the fruit and vegetable market)

l  Non-interest funds

Improved premises

The improved restaurant, situated at its original place in Jin Garden, has the following new features:

l  The remodeling of restaurant facade is eye-catching and in good taste

l  The interior remodeling is simple and comfortable

l  Lighting and ventilation of the restaurant are first-class.

l  Floor and wall painting of the restaurant is waterproof and easy to clean

l  Two additional boxes are elegant.

Improve services

The restaurant will offer better services based on customers’ requests and suggestions. The improved services are as following:

l  Prepare diversified food and beverage items, by which customers will have more choices

l  Post the necessary licenses on the wall to show the standardization of catering trade

l  Prolong the business hours at weekend to provide nighttime snacks

l  Deliver food faster by recruiting one more waitress.

l  Provide warm and attentive human services by training the staff.

l  Provide background music to promote an pleasant atmosphere

New products

In addition, the restaurant will also present some tentative products to cater to different customers.

l  Launch a series of new dishes and refreshments to satisfy customers’ requirement for diversification of the food items.

l  Launch new menu which lists elaborate-named food items or dishes and clearly marked prices based on the decision made at the consultant meeting

New facilities

After sell the old furniture and tableware at reduced prices, the restaurant will order space-saving tables and chairs and new-style tableware. Besides, it will purchase air-conditioners, a set of acoustics, a register, etc. The restaurant will also install certain items for ornaments.

Cost breakdown

According to the estimation, the restaurant will need 200,000 for remodeling, furnishing and offering new services. Expense for specific items are listed as following:

Remodeling: The purchase of building materials and the labor costs for the improvement of the restaurant would be RMB 150,000

Labor costs           60,000

Cement               5,000

Lumber               6,500

Paint                 6,000

Lighting & pipes       13,000

Ceiling              10,000

Flooring             30,000

Walls                6,100

Glue & Tools          1,400

Windows & doors     12,000

Equipment: The cost of equipment in the improved restaurant would be 38,000

Video player                1,000

Acoustics                   9,000

Tables & chairs              8,000

Tableware                  4,000

Air conditioners            10,000

Ornaments                 3,000

Register                    1,000

Microwave ovens            1,000

Staff uniforms               1,000

Budget: The annual increase in the operating budget would be RMB 12,000


Wages                       7,000

Consultants fees               2,500

Equipment maintenance         1,000

Electricity cost                1,500

Furthermore, we should add more items to the total costs as well

 Public relations                   4000 yuan per year

 Market research                  1000 yuan per year

 Contingency allowance            1.5% of the annual profit

 Interruption to the existing business   15,000 yuan



Provided everything is in normal progress, the restaurant is supposed to increase the revenue by 100,000 yuan the first year when the project has been completed on the basis of the business available in Jin Garden. In pace with the development of Jin Garden, it is expected to increase the revenue by 700,000 yuan to 720,000 yuan in the following year. It will increase net profit after tax by 90,000 yuan the first year and approximately 108,000 yuan the following year, increased by about 20% per year.

Furthermore, the restaurant will offer various services to the customers. By improvement, sophisticated customers would not worry about the hygiene of the food. They can expect the ordered food to be quickly delivered instead of being terribly annoyed by waiting. They can also enjoy having dinners in comfortable dining rooms. They will find all the dishes bid by the consultants on marketing restaurant are at competitively reasonable prices.


This project will take approximately two months to finish. It will start one week after it is approved and the budget is made available. In the process of this project, it needs four weeks for the preparation for remodeling, which will not interrupt the existing business. One weeks for removing and selling the old equipments, four weeks are necessary for the remodeling, three weeks for staff training which is carried our simultaneously with the former one, two weeks for the arrangement of the opening ceremony. All these weeks must interrupt the existing business.

Risks and management plans

However, we should also consider the risks we have to face before we put the project into practice. This project has to disrupt the existing business. Although it is impossible to eradicate all these risks, controlling and managing them is really necessary. Measures which we have to take in case the risks occur are as following:

l  Put up posters about the prices of all items to assure the customers that there is no rises in prices.

l  Keep good relations to the tenant and the staff who are in charge of Jin Garden Residential Complex to prevent them from putting rigid provision on the project

l  Carry out market research for the customers’ assessments towards the provided goods to guarantee the popularity of certain staple food items.

l  Use temporary buffets to sell fast food and refreshments if the remodeling project could not be finished on time.

l  Apply for loan in case conditions of the friend’s father who provide funds for the restaurant turn to bad.

l  Set aside a certain percentage of the total budget as contingency allowance to cover the perished food loss, the delayed-action expense, etc.


As a conclusion, the author thinks the restaurant improvement project is practicable and has promising considerable profits. It will enable us to meet the demands and needs of the customers in Jin Garden Residential Complex. Since there is no competitive restaurant in this area, the improved Snow Fall will attract more customers to dine or even reserve box for dining in more private and comfortable atmosphere. The author thereby recommends that the restaurant should take immediate actions to set up the project in short period of time.

I would like to meet with you at your convenience to discuss this plan thoroughly. At the same time, I would be willing to explain any details or your doubtful points and provide you with any additional data that you may require. Please call me when the time is suitable for me to come.


Proposal for Beesee Shop Ningbo Expansion

Executive Summary

Beesee Shop Ningbo plans to close the present shop in the Drum Tower Business Center on August 17 and open the new one in the TianYi Square on August 18 in 2002. The main reason to expand the present shop is that the shop is too small to meet the customers’ demands. Furthermore, the present site of the shop is not the most ideal place to sell the ladies’ clothes in Ningbo.

The new shop will be situated in the new largest shopping mall TianYi Square. It is on the first floor of the shopping mall and occupies an area of 50 square meters.

The project will bring increases in revenue and profit by around 300% in the first year and will do more in the years to come.

The new shop needs the finance of RMB291, 200 for the investment of the whole project in the first year to rent the house, decorate the new shop, purchase the new equipment and furniture, stock the new clothes and offer new services. It needs RMB240, 400 a year from the second year.

The new shop will surely meet the customers’ needs, increase the turnover and profit, and improve the financial statements.


Beesee Shop Ningbo is a privately owned clothing shop. It is located on the main road in the Drum Tower Business Center and mainly sells women’s formal and casual clothes of Beesee brand aging from 20 to 35 years old and attracts a lot of female customers in local area.

However, the present Beesee Shop only occupies an area of 20 square meters, which is hindering the shop from expanding its services. The management planned to offer a wide range of services but the limited space has constrained the business.

Some customers often complain about the insufficient stock and staff, limited range of clothing, narrow space, and improper interior layout.

The best solution to the problem is to expand the present Beesee Shop, so that the management can hire two more employees to handle more stock and offer better services for the customers in a larger place. The shop expansion project needs RMB291, 200 to decorate the new shop, install new equipment, enlarge stock, hire new employees and train the staff. RMB100,000 would be invested by the Head Office of Beesee Fashion Company as agreed and the rest of money would be provided by the owner of Beesee Shop Ningbo.

The new Beesee Shop would allow us to increase the profit by three times. The turnover of the new shop would be around RMB700, 000 by the end of the first year, and would be better for the years to come.

New Premises

The new Beesee Shop will be located in the new largest shopping mall in Ningbo, which is called Tian Yi Square. It is on the first floor of the shopping mall and has an area of about 50 square meters, and has the following features:

* The aisles of the shop are wide enough for several customers to walk along.

* The interior remodeling is spacious, simple but comfortable.

* The shopping environment is good in the new shop.

* Lighting and ventilation of the new shop is of the first class.

New Services

The new shop will provide the following new services based on the customers’ requests and suggestions:

* Stock more different kinds of clothes so that customers will have more choices.

* Add more colorful and large sized clothes for the plump ladies.

* Order tailor-made clothes for the special build customers.

New Facilities

* Order new clothing stands and models.

* Install two change rooms in the new shop.

* Install an air conditioner.

* Purchase a second- hand cashier machine.

* Purchase some comfortable armchairs for customers.

Cost Breakdown

Rental cost: The new shop would cost RMB 200,000 to rent each year.

Remodeling: The purchase of building materials and the labor costs for the new shop would be about RMB 33,400.

             Labor costs                                        15,000

             Flooring                                           5,000

             Ceiling                                            2,000

             Paint                                              1,500

             Cement & Putty                                       700

             Lighting                                           2,500

Timber                                            5,000

Glue & tools                                         400

Glass                                               800

Mirrors                                              500

Equipment & Furniture: The cost of equipment and furniture in the new shop would be about RMB 17,400.

             Clothing stands                                     8,000

             Models                                           1,000

             Second-hand cashier machine                           900

             Air conditioner                                     5,000

              Furniture in the shop                              2,000

              Other supplies                                     500

Budget: The annual increase in the operating budget would be around RMB 40,400.

              Wages                                         24,000

              Utilities                                         2,000

              Equipment Maintenance                             800

              Advertisement                                    1,500

              Market Research                                    600

              Tax                                             2,500

Contingency Fund                                 9,000

Total Cost of Project

Initial costs:    Remodeling                                     33,400

              Equipment and Furniture                          17,400

              SUB-TOTAL                                   50,800

Recurrent costs: Rental                                         200,000

Operating budget                                  40,400

SUB-TOTAL                                    240,400

TOTAL COST                                   291,200



On the basis of the business available in the Drum Tower Business Center and our surveys of similar clothing shops near the Tian Yi Square, the turnover of the new Beesee Shop is expected to be around 700,000 yuan in the first year and it will be increased by 7% in the second year.

The customers would find our shop assistants are more helpful than before and the shopping environment has been improved a lot. They can always find the right clothes with right sizes in the new Beesee Shop.


The project will start at once after it is approved and budget is available. It will take about two months to finish it, with six weeks needed to sign the contracts, remodel the new Beesee Shop etc., one week to train the staff, two weeks to make the final preparation for opening the new shop in TianYi Square. Here is the action plan:

By the end of Week One

* Negotiate the rental of the new premises.

* Sign the contract with the contractor.

By the end of Week Two

* Design the layout of the new Beesee Shop.

* Choose a remodeling company with good reputation.

By the end of Week Three

* Sign the contract with the remodeling company to decorate the new shop.

* Order new clothing stands, equipment and furniture.

By the End of Week Four

* Start remodeling the new shop.

* Order new ranges of clothes.

* Hire two new shop assistants.

* Design some leaflets to tell our customers our new shop’s address and the date of its opening ceremony etc.

* Find a printing House and sign the contract with it.

By the end of Week Five

* Get the leaflets delivered.

* Dispatch the leaflets in our present shop.

*Check the remodeling project.

By the end of Week Six

*Check and accept the remodeling project.

* Train the new shop assistants.

By the end of Week Seven

*Get the new equipment delivered and installed in our new shop.

* Install the clothing stands and furniture. 

* Clean the new shop.

By the end of Week Eight

* Do some advertisements of our new shop in the local newspaper.

* Pack up stock in the old shop.

* Close the present Beesee shop and move everything to the new shop.

* Get the new stock delivered and put all the stock on the clothing stands.

* Hold the opening ceremony on August 18.

I strongly believe that this expansion would not only to meet the demands of the local customers, but also of those tourists from other cities and places. Because the TianYi Square will not only be the best and largest shopping center, but also be the best leisure place in Ningbo. So it will certainly attract local people as well as tourists from other places. Furthermore, the prices of the Beesee clothes are very competitive compared with the same shops nearby.

Lastly, I would like to meet with you at any time this week to discuss the details of this plan and will be happy to provide any additional information that you may be interested in. Please tell me the most suitable time for me to call on you.
