

所谓 “高效课堂”就是要用尽可能少的时间获取最大教学效益的教学活动,我们现在所提倡的“高效课堂”研究,就是要做到两个减轻, 两个提高。即减轻教师的教学负担,减轻学生的学业负担,从而提高教师的教学效益,提高学生的学习效益。最终达到提高教育教学的整体水平和质量的目的。








首先我给每个班的学生讲明预习的要求,并结合教学内容教给他们预习的方法。如对于我区现行使用的川教版《Hello English》(新纪元英语)来说,每个章节基本上都是由词汇、句型、阅读及复习巩固等四大模块组成。于是在布置预习任务时,我要求学生:一要先听一听(听录音),再读一读(跟读、模仿读);二要针对预习的内容,先看一看(看看那些能看得懂的,能理解的),再找一找(找找预习内容中看不懂的,把它勾画出来);三要想一想(想想所预习的知识要点,或对于预习内容,有什么想法等等)。这样让每一个学生面对新知识之前都有一个充分的知识与心理准备。课堂上学生会讲的让学生讲,学生会做的让学生做,学生能完成的让学生自己完成,我把课堂教学的重点就放在学生存疑、模糊的地方,使教学过程做到有的放矢,这既提高了课堂学习效率,又能调动学生参与的积极性。 教学是教师与学生的双边活动,课堂效率的提高需要教师与学生的共同努力,而课前预习恰好可以充分调动教师和学生的积极性。当然,教师布置的预习问题要有很强的针对性,并要充分考虑学生的实际情况,既不能太难也不能太简单。这就需要我们教师在布置学生进行课前预习前,自己先要做精心的准备,要对新课内容有充分认识,预习题目要精心准备反复斟酌,以求真正达到预习目的。 自主学习使学生扫除了课堂学习的障碍;







(1)以单元的话题为中心,进行单元重组整合来设计教学活动 川教版《Hello English》(新纪元英语)是一套集思想性、教育性、科学性、趣味性与实用性为一体的教材。每个章节涉及一个话题(Topic),围绕此话题下设四个模块,每个模块之间互为依托,环环相扣。根据教材特点,我在教学3A Chaper5 Weather and season的 F部分时,以开展小组活动为主线,引导学生先谈论What's the weather like today? What do you like doing? 然后再谈论What's the weather like in spring? What do you like doing in spring? 我把教学重点放在句型的口头交际运用和短语的复习巩固上。刚



贴近学生真实生活的活动最容易使学生产生身临其境的感受,也最能引发学生的学习兴趣和调动学生参与课堂活动的积极性与主动性。如:在教学3BChapter4 School rules时,我首先根据教材中所讲到的You should walk in the corridor. You shouldn't play in the hall. You shouldn't eat in classroom. You should keep quiet in library.让学生充分了解should和shouldn't的意思和用法。然后结合学校所提出的校园文明安全要求,特别是四月着重抓好课间文明休息,试着让他们小组讨论,为课间的文明休息定下一些规定。由于是学生们生活中的事例,所以大多学生都能用本课时知识进行表达:You should walk in the corridor. You should keep quiet in the corridor. You

shouldn't run in the corridor. You shouldn't play in the corridor.接下来,我通过CAI课件,带领学生们参观学生的各个地方,如:library, playground,

classroom, canteen, music room,computer等等,然后为所参观过的地方制定一些规则。这时学生们更是兴趣盎然,畅所欲言,小组内谈论热烈,班级内交流充分。如同学们所谈到的Rules for the classroom.他们不仅谈到了我们一般能想到的You shouldn't eat in the classroom. You shouldn't run in the classroom. You shouldn't play in the classroom. You should walk in the

classroom. You should keep quiet in the classroom. 而且,他们结合自身的学习生活实际及知识能力和水平还谈到了You should listen carefully in the classroom. You should hand up in the classroom. You shouldn't laugh in the classroom. You shouldn't sleep in the classroom.等等。


于探索和创造的精神,促进了英语高效课堂的形成。 总之,要实施高效的英语课堂,作为教学主导者的教师首先要不断转变自己的教育教学观念,改变自己的教育教学方式,建立起一个民主、和谐、宽松的教育教学氛围。同时要在自己的教育教学实践中不断探索,促使学生主动、有效地参与教学活动。这既是新课改的需要,是素质教育的需要,也是师生共同发展的需要。我认为也只有这样,我们的英语课堂才能走向和谐、高效!



Unit 3 We love animals课堂实录(一)


1、知识目标:掌握新单词Monkey ,dog ,duck ,panda, cat ,rabbit

2、能力目标:学会表演。(Can act like some animals.)

3、情感目标:爱动物、保护动物的情感。(Can love the animals and protect the animals.)

教学重点:听说认读单词Monkey ,dog ,duck ,panda, cat ,rabbit 教学难点:谈论喜欢的动物。


T: Let's sing a song. The song's name is 《One little finger》.



T: Class begins! Hello, everyone!

Ss: Hello, Miss Cai!

T: How are you to day?

Ss: We're fine, thank you.

T: What's the weather like today?

Ss: It's fine.



T: A lovely today, isn't it? I have a good news for you. We're going to visit the zoo. Are you happy?

Ss: Yes!

T: Today we'll learn a lesson about the zoo. Please tell me. Which lesson shall we learn?

Ss: Lesson 9

T: OK! Now, let's count from one to nine!



T: Well, who can tell me what you can find in the zoo?

Ss: Monkeys, tigers, and hippos….

T: Oh, we'll see so many animals. That's great! Now, please look here. We'll meet many animal friends today. What's this?(出示动物头饰)

T: Do you have a monkey?

S: No, I don't.

T: Oh, Don't worry. This monkey is for you!


(以下 lion, hippo, tiger, panda, elephant, dog, goat同上)

T:Now, we have so many animals, they are our best friends! But look there, there is 1

another friend. She's waiting to meet us. Who's she?(指向长颈鹿玩偶) Ss: Changjinglu.

T: Yes, it's a Changjinglu, but in English it's a giraffe. Now, please say after me, “giraffe”!

T: Look there, I have a beautiful picture, what's this?(贴出长颈鹿图)

Ss: Giraffe.

T: Yes, but how to spell it?(出示单词卡)

Ss: “g-i-r-a-f-f-e”

T: Let's sing a song, make a giraffe in the air.(师生同唱并拼写,教师指图) T: What's this?

Ss: It's a giraffe.

[评:运用头饰这一简单的教具,将学生喜爱的动物请到了课堂上来,使学生产生了浓厚的兴趣,使抽象化的词汇学习具体化,易化了词汇这一教学难点。] T: We met so many animal friends. And would you like to go to the zoo with Tutu? Are you ready? Let's go! OK?

Tand Ss: One, Two, Three, go.(师生同看多媒体投影)


T: What did Jack say?

Ss: "Look there!"

T: Yes, Jack说“看那儿”,in English we should say, "Look there."

T: Now, look at me please. Look there! It's a monkey. Look there! It's ahippo. Do you under stand? Please say after me.(教师手指教室内戴头饰的学生)

T: Now, let's sing a song《One little finger》,but this time please sing that like me.(师生共同唱并手指相应的动物头饰)。

T:Now please point to ananimal, ask and answer in pairs.


T:Well, please look at me please. Look there!(指向猴子)It's a monkey. I like monkeys(拿出心形单词卡)Do you under stand? What does it mean in Chinese? Ss:Xi huan.

T:Yes. Please follow me. I like monkeys.

(板书 : like monkeys )

T:OH. Now look there. There is a“s”, but why?(拿出单数卡)There is a monkey. Only one! So there's no“s”.(拿出复数卡)Wow, there are so many monkeys, then, we must addan“s”(利用多张卡片领学生练习这区分单词的单复数) T: Now, every one make a sentence like me, please.

Ss: I like monkeys. I like elephants…

T: Well, please listen to me carefully. Do you like monkeys? If you like, you can say ,“Yes, I do.”(师生练习句型)

T: Let's play a game. I'll ask you “Do you like…?”If you like it, please stand up.


T: Your pronunciations are fine. Now let's listen to the tape and read after it.(Listen and speak)



T: Ok, good job! But I'd like to know which is your favorite animal, so let's ask each other.(由学生进行调查练习)


T: We all like the animals, but the zoo isn't really the animals home town. Where is their real home town?


T: Yes! Let's look at the animal in nature. OK?(观看多媒体影片)

T: Do you like animals?

Ss: Yes!

T: The earth be longs to both animals and human beings. We should live peacefully together. We should try to give them a better living environment, and protect them from being hurt. Do you think so?

Ss: Yes!

T: OK! Let's begin from now on!

T: The time is up. Good-bye everyone!



《What would you like》课堂实录(二)



1、会认读水果类单词pear peachorange water melon;







教学光盘: 课件、卡片

1、第一册Unit3B 部分Let’sing

2、本课Let’s learn部分

3、本课Let’s play部分






Step 1 Leading in

T: Hello, boys and girls. Do you like animals?

Ss: Yes.

T: What animal do you like?

Ss give their answers.

T: Ok! Please listen and guess what’s this.

(CAI)Listen to the sound of the tiger. ( The Ss give their answers)

T: Yes, it’s a tiger. Look, what’s this? (Look at the shadow of a rabbit)

Ss: It’s a rabbit.

T: Yes. You’re very excellent. Today I will tell you a story about the tiger and the rabbit.


Step 2 Presentation

1. The students watch the CAI(多媒体演示动画故事)

( In a forest, there is a tiger and a rabbit)

T: I’m hungry.

R: Tiger, can I help?

T: Yes, I’d like some food.

R: Follow me. Please.

(before a house---enter the house---they see many tableware on the table: fork, knife, chopsticks, spoon and plate)(The tiger follows the rabbit. They come to a house. They see many tableware fork, knife, chopsticks, spoon and plate, but they can not see the food.)


T: Oh, no food.

R: Let me go inside.

(The rabbit goes into the house, she sees many foods on the table: cake, soup, vegetable, hamburger…)

R: Wow, so many foods.

T: Rabbit. Can I help?

R: Yes, pass me a knife, please.

T: Knife? Knife? Oh, here you are. Knife!

( The rabbit uses the knife to cut the cake)

T: Rabbit. Can I help?

R: Yes, pass me a plate, please.

T: Plate? Plate? Oh, here is a plate.

(The rabbit put the cake on the plate)

T: Rabbit. Can I help?

R: Yes, pass me a fork, please.

T: Fork, fork, here you are, fork.

( The rabbit uses the fork to eat the cake.)

R: Tiger.

T: Can I help?

R: Yes, pass me the spoon, please.

T: Spoon, spoon, here is the spoon.

( The rabbit uses the spoon to eat soup)

T: Hi, rabbit.

R: Pass me the chopsticks, please.

T: Chopsticks, chopsticks, here you are. Chopsticks.

( The rabbit uses the chopsticks to eat vegetables. The tiger hears the sound and runs into the house. The tiger is very angry. The rabbit is scared.)

R: Tiger, can I help?

T: Yes, Give me s spoon.

R: Spoon.

T: Pass me a fork and a knife.

R: A fork and a knife.

T: Pass me the chopsticks.

R: Chopsticks.

T: Wash the plate.

R: Ok.

(The rabbit wants to wash the tableware. But she falls down and all the things are in the pool now. There are five lighting spots in the pool with the letters: k, s, f, p, c.) R: Oh, my god.

The CAI stops.


Step 3 Drills and words learning


1. Learn : knife

(1) watch the CAI

(2) Take out the knife. Look, this is a “knife”.

(3) Correct their pronunciation.(猜拳)

(4) Knife, knife, cut with the knife. Knife, knife, pass me a knife.

(5) Now I am tiger and you’re rabbit. “Teach pass me a knife.”


2. Learn: plate.

(1) watch the CAI

(2) T: Hello, rabbit. Can I help?

Ss: Yes, pass me the plate, please.

(3) Plate, plate, wash the plate.

(4) Now, I am rabbit. And you’re a tiger. (Hello, rabbit. Can I help?)

把plate放在Wash the plate.当中,为接下来的chant(韵律诗)学习做好铺垫。

3. Learn: fork

(1) watch CAI

(2) Ask two students to act as tiger and rabbit.

(3) Teach fork. Fork, fork, give me a fork.

(4) Pair work, act out the story.


4. Learn: spoon.

(1)watch CAI

(2)T takes out the spoon. This is a spoon.

(3)Pass me the spoon, please.

(4)Pair work and act out the story.


5. Learn: chopsticks

(1) watch the CAI.

(2) I can use the chopsticks.

(3) Correct the pronunciation.

(4) Game: Use the chopsticks.

(T: Come here, please. Use the chopsticks to pick up the tomatoes, please. And put the tomatoes on the plate. Let’s say “ use the chopsticks” together.

Play the game the whole class.

Do you want how to play the game? Now let’s play the game in groups. When I say “ one two begin” You begin to pick up the tomatoes. When I say “ stop” , you must stop. Are you ready? Go.

Count the number. And who is the winner.)

由于chopsticks 的发音是难点,因此通过这个游戏来突破难点能寓教于乐,也能给紧张的学习注入轻松愉快的气氛,另外通过小组活动能增强小组间的凝聚力。

6. Play a game: dice

Now let’s play a game. I have a dice. What’s this? ( Ss say out the new words.) 6

T goes to a group. “I think it’ll be chopsticks. What do you think? Ok, when I say 1 2 begin you say out your words. Throw the dice. Oh, yeah, chopsticks. Oh, no fork. Now stop.

Do you want to play the game?

Play the game in groups.


7. Show the word forms.

(1) Show the word form.

(2) Ask the children to pass the word card to the teacher.

T: Who can help me?

Ss: Can I help?

T: Yes, pass me the …. Please.

8. Guess what’ s in the water.

(1) Look, what’s in the water? (每一个单词都有第一个字母帮助提示)

(2) Ss say out the words.


9. Help the rabbit get the things from the water.

(1) watch CAI

Tortoise: Hello, Rabbit. Can I help?

R: Yes, pass me the spoon, please.

Tor: OK, here you are.

R: Thank you.

Tor: You’re welcome.

(2) Act like the tortoise and the rabbit.

(3) Make a model.

Ss: Hello, rabbit. Can I help?

R: Yes, pass me the fork, please.

Ss: Here you are.

R: Thank you.

Ss: You’re welcome.

(4) Practice in pairs. Pairs work.

(5) Act out the story.


10. Learn the chant.

(1) Now the rabbit get all the things. What are they?

(2)They are very happy. Let’s see. They are chanting.

(3) Listen to the chant.

Pass me the fork.

Give a spoon.

Wash the plate.

Use the chopsticks.

Cut with a knife.


(4) Follow the chant.

(5) Say the chant.

Step 4 Development

(1) The rabbit is very happy. He goes to Macdonald’s. Do you want to go?

(2) Now I am a waitress. (food and tableware)

Hello. Can I help?

Yes, pass me the … please.

(3) Who want to try? Ask eight students to act as the waiter or waitress. Others act as the customers.

(4) Turn on the music.





(A) Warmer up:

(The pupils come to the seat.)

T: Hello, where are you from?

Ss: I’m from xx Primary School.

T: Welcome.

(Show a cartoon picture of the teacher on the screen.)

T: Can you guess who’s she?

Ss: Cindia.

T: Yes, it’s me.

(The pupils come to the seat and sit well.)

(B)New Teaching.

(Teacher plays the music of Beijing Opera.)

T: Beijing is a beautiful city. We’ll go to Beijing tomorrow. What will we watch? Ss: We’ll watch Beijing Opera.

T: What will we eat?

Ss: We’ll eat rock duck.

T: Tomorrow it’ll be Wednesday. We’ll go to Xiangshan on Wednesday. What will we do on Thursday?

S1: We’ll go to Tian’an men.

T: What will you do on Friday?

S2: We’ll go to the Great Wall.

T: Saturday?

S3: We’ll go to the Summer Palace.

T: We’ll watch Beijing Opera on Sunday.

T say a chant: We’ll go to Beijing. We’ll eat there. We’ll go to the Summer Palace. We’ll have good time there.

Ss say the chant again.

T: Beijing is a good place. (Then teacher show a VCD: Succession of Beijing’s application for Olympic Games.)

(Teacher shows a fan and act as a beautiful girl in Suzhou.)

T: Where am I from?

Ss: Suzhou.

T: Where have you visited in Suzhou? Can you say something?

S1: LiuYuan.

S2: Shi Zilin.

S3: Han Shansi.

T: You have some pictures on your desk. You can say where you will go.

(The pupils say the sentences in the groups.)

T: Where will you go?

S1: I’ll go to Liu Yuan.


T: What will you see?

S1: I’ll see many flowers.

T: There are many beautiful places in Suzhou. Have you got friends in other city? Ss: Yes.

(Teacher shows a postcard.)

T: Look at the postcard. On the postcard what can we write?

S1: We are in Suzhou.

(Teacher writes the sentence on the card.)

T: Suzhou is a beautiful city. There are lots of trees. I love this city.

(Ss write the postcards in groups and teacher plays the tape of the music.)

Then each group give a report.

(Teacher shows a picture of Hanshan Temple.)

T: What’s this?

Ss: Hanshan Temple.

T: I love the place. Do you know why? (Play the tape of music)

T: Do you want to Hanshan Temple? Look at the map of Suzhou. Hanshan Temple is here. (Show the map of Suzhou and Hanshan Temple.)

T: How can we go there? Walk there? By foot? No.

S1: We’ll go there by car.

S2: We’ll go there by bike.

T: And?

S3: We’ll go there by motorcycle.

S4: We’ll go there by car.

T: Look, this is a plan for visiting Suzhou. Let’s finish this form together.

(Show a big form on the blackboard.)

A Plan For Visiting Suzhou




photos card

(Teacher and the pupils finish the form together. And the pupils come to the front and stick

the photos and cards in the form. Then pupils give a report.)

T: Welcome to Suzhou.




Ⅰ.Warming up:

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, teacher.

Ⅱ.New Teaching:

T: What do you know about some festivals?

S1: Children’s Day.

T: Good.

S2: Teacher’s Day.

T: Wonderful.

T: What is the most important festivals in China?

S3: Spring Festival.

T: What is the most important festivals in USA?

S3: Christmas.

T: Let’s say something about Christmas.

S4: Snow.

S5: Tree.

S6: Presents.

S7: Food.(板书)

T: I have a student. His English is poor. His name is Jason. Now there is a letter. Let’s read it and help him.


T: Tell the main idea about the letter.

S8: The letter is about Christmas.

S9: …


S10: Christmas is very important on 25th of December.


T: People put the Christmas tree in the house.

T: People put the parcel in the tree.

T: People put the box in the tree.

T: What’s in the box?


S11: Perfume.

S12: …


T: These presents are for Christmas.


T:Christmas cards are for Christmas.


T:The food is for Christmas.(板书)

T:Read the letter again and find more information. (板书,提示学生线索,让学生进行问答。) When is ?

What do people usually do during ? Presents for .

Food for .

T: What do you usually do during the Spring Festival? (小组讨论,教师提示单词,板书)

T: Red.

T: Red package.

T: Visit friends.

T: Complicates.

T: Fire crackers.

(屏幕出示句子,学生判断“F”、“T”。) Ⅲ. Summary:


T: Goodbye, boys and girls.

Ss: Goodbye, teacher.



Spring Festival When is ?

red What do people usually do during

red package Presents for .

Friends Food for .


fire crackers

12 Christmas ? snow tree presents food

小学英课堂实录(五) 课题:Home


T: Hello,boys and girls .

Ss:Hello,Mr wang

.T: (do action)tell me what can I do?

Ss: play football!


T(do action)What can I do?

Ss:play basketball!


T:( do action)What can I do?

Ss:play piano!

T:You are clever!Tell me what can you do?

S1:I can run!(action)

S2:I can dance!(action)

S3:I can jump!(action)

T:You are so great!

New teaching

T:Look,it’s a wonderful picture!(CAI))it’s my home,I love my home!

(show the topic and slide it on the blackboard)

(系围裙)oh,look,I can cook the meal(CAI)(do the action)

(show the cards)cook the meal!

Ss:cook the meal!

T:Look I am strong!I can sweep the floor!(CAI)(do the actiong)I can sweep the floor!(手 13


Ss: I can sweep the floor.(flow the teacher voice:low—high)

T(Show some cards)try read and remember,ok?


T:Let’s begin!go!(show the cards) cook the meal(do the action)

Ss:cook the meal(do the action)

T:water the flower(show the card, do the action)

Ss:water the flower(do the action)

T:wash the clothes(show the card, do the action)

Ss:wash the clothes(do the action)

T:Who can remember?read and act!

S1:cook the meal!(T give the card to him)

S2:water the flower! (T give the card to him)

S3:wash the clothes! (T give the card to her)

T:Oh,where’s my cards?let me guess!(ask the pupil)

T:Can you cook the meal?

S4:No,I can’t.

T:Can you cook the meal?

S5:No,I can’t.

T: Oh,I forgot! Who can help me?

S6: Can you cook the meal?

S1: Yes,I can.

S7:Can you sweep the floor?

S8:No,I can’t.

S7:Can you sweep the floor?

S2:Yes,I can.

S9:Can you wash the clothes?

S3:Yes,I can.

T:You are so cool!look ,let’s go!(手势,voice low—high) Can you wash the clothes? Ss: Can you wash the clothes?(flow the teacher, 手势,voice low—high)

T:who can do it ?(手势) come to front!

S10: Let’s go!(手势,voice low—high) Can you wash the clothes?

Ss: Can you wash the clothes?(flow the teacher, 手势,voice low—high)

T:wonderful!You should say:yes!

S10:Yes!(do the actin)

T:Who else?

S11: Let’s go!(手势,voice low—high)Can you wash the clothes?

Ss: Can you wash the clothes?(flow the teacher, 手势,voice low—high)


T:You have done a good job!Now,I will give a paper to you,listen to the tape ,then answer

the question on it,ready?


T;Go!(tape) Amy:Hello,Sam! Sam:Hello!

A:Can you water the flower? S:Yes,I can.


A:Can you cook the meal? S:No.I can’t.

A:What do your parents do at home?Can your father cook the meal? S:No,he can’t.

A:Can your mother cook the meal? S:Of course!Sometimes,my parents wash the clothes together.

T:Ok,change your ideas by yourgroup.Then answer the question.

T:Let’s look the question,together.

Can Sam water the flower?

Ss:No,he can’t.

T:Can Sam cook the meal?

Ss:No,he can’t.

T:Who can cook the meal?

Ss:Sam’s mother can cook the meal.

T:You are so clever!Now let’s play a game!

Who can come to front?(let the pupil come to the front,give a card tohim,then let him act.) S12:(Do the action)guess!

S13:Can you dance?

S12:No,I can’t.

S14:Can you water the flower?

S12:Yes,I can.

S14:Yes!(practice play football,brush teath,cook the meal,play basketball

in the same way)

T:Who can do house work in your home?

S15:my mother

S16: my mother

S17:my father


T:good we should do house work together,let’s make a house work plan,here’s the plan,finsh it by your group.

What can you do?

What can your father do?

What can your mother do?

Ss:Ask and answer in the group finsh the house work plan.

T:Let’s look the house plan of S16’s,let’s ask !

Ss: What can you do?

S16:I can sweep the floor.

Ss: What can your father do?

S16:He can wash the clothes.

Ss: What can your mother do?

S16:She can cook the meal.

T:Good plan ,a happy family!Let’s look and sing,do the actins together,OK?(CAI) Ss(look and sing do the action)Can you run?Yes,I can.

Can you sing? Yes,I can.Can you dance?No,I can’t.

T:Ok,are you happy today?



T:Let’s say yes(do action).

Ss:Yes!(do action)



PEP教材Unit 6(Book Six)

课题: Unit Six Revision

一、 Warming-up


T: Good morning, everyone!

Ss: Good morning, Hellen!

T: How are you today?

Ss: Fine, thanks. And you?

T: I’m fine, too. It’s a sunny day, isn’t it?

Ss: Yes, it is.

T: It’s a good day to go outside. Let’s go to a nature park today. Ss: Great!

2 、 Say and do

T: Let’s go with music, move your body and say the words loudly and quickly.




T: The nature park is so fun. There are many nature parks in my hometown . Can you guess where’s my hometown? Let me show you some beautiful pictures.

(教师利用CAI播放有关家乡的一些精美图片,让学生欣赏然后猜出家乡的位置) 17

T: Where is it? Can you guess?

S1: It’s in Shaoguan.

T: You’re so smart. That’s right. My hometown is in Shaoguan. It’s a beautiful city.And I live in a small village. Do you want to go to my hometown?

Ss: Sure!


二、 Presentation

1、 Pre-reading

T: Just now you have a general idea of my hometown , now can you listen to the tape and find more?

Ss: Sure!

T: (1)、Listen and find out the imformation,tick the right pictures, please.

(2)、Check the answers

T: Is there a lake in my hometown?

S1: Yes ,there is.

T: Are there any tall buildings in my hometown?

S2: No, there aren’t.

(T writes the sentences on the blackboard)

(3)、Discuss and Compare

T: I have two pictures here, one is a village, the other is a city. Tell me what’s in the village and what’s in the city? Discuss with your partner in one minute.

S1: There is a bridge in the village.

S2: There are many cars in the city.

T: (Blackboard Writing.)


T: Now boys are the in the village and girls are in the city. Please ask and answer like this: Is there a ?in the ?? Are there ?in the ?? ( boys and girls begin to ask and answer)

T: Good. (Blackboard writing—Is there a ?? / Are there any ??) Can you find the difference?(小结there be 句型的陈述句用法和一般疑问句及其回答。)



T: I write something about my hometown. Can you read?

Ss: Yes.

T: Really? Please read the passage then judge the sentences “true “or “false” and underline the key words.

( Ss read the passage quickly and judge the sentences below )

(1)、There isn’t a bridge over the river.

(2)、There are so many flowers and trees in my village.

(3)、There are not any mountains near my village.

(4)、There are some fish in the water.

T: (check the answers and tell the difference between “many” & “any”,

“some” & “any” and the usage )

3、Ss Listen to the teacher and repeat the passage

4、 Ss Read the passage together then read it individully

[评:教师把语篇作为语法点讲解的载体,语法点没有与语篇割裂,语篇中渗透突破难的语法点,这样的设计一举两得。美中不足的是讲解中没有注意引入扩展,没有以新带旧地延伸到How many??句型对比复习,没有提到可数与不可数名词的区别运用,忽略了对比学习there be \have \has三者之间的区别等]

三、 Practice and Consolidation


1、Read the passage again and fill in the blanks

T: Do you remember my hometown now? Please fill in the right words. ( My hometown is in Shaoguan. I live in a small village . There a big lake there. But there a new bridge over the river near my home. You can see fish swimming in it. There so beautiful flowers and trees. But there are not tall buildings. I like my village.)

2、Check the answers

[评:这里的语法点讲得比较细,但练习的设计没有注重有效性和层次性,要通过练习多挖掘多提高学生的能力,在处理”some” & “any”时,要进行对比改错,马上反馈有多少人错与对,随即应变地针对错得严重的地方,马上换种方式找同类题再练,做到当堂消化就更有效了]

3、 Write a short composition

(1)T: Do you want to travel to my hometown?

Ss: Sure.

T: Welcome ! Now I want to know something about your hometown. Can you tell me,please? Where is your hometown? What’s in it? (2) S1: My hometown is in . There is ?/ There are?

(3) Pairwork and talk about it

(4) Write something about your hometown in 5 minutes

(5) Share one or two student’s composition then make comments

四、Sum-up and Homework

T: We’ve learned something about our hometowns. We should love our hometowns and work hard.

Ss: OK!

T: So today’s homework is to tell something about your hometown to your partner

and write a letter. Thank you and goodbye.


Ss; Goodbye.

[评:结束语不但交待了所复习知识,同时也进行了思想品德教育和布置了运用语言的任务。] 评析(反思):




学生主动参与到求知的行列中来。 但在活动设计、信息的整合、课堂气氛的调节以及教师讲的比例尺度方面有待改善。



what can you do?


1、Have a great

T: Hello! Boys and girls, I’m glad to meet you here. At first I’ll introduce myself. My first name is Wang, so you can call me Mr .

Ss: Wang.

T: Ok. Now please show me a hand and say hello to Mr Wang. Hello! Boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Mr Wang.(手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答)

T: Hello! Boys and girls.

Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答)

T: Good!

2、 Do the actions.

T: Ok, now, this time, look at me. I will stand here and do the actions. Please say it after and let’s see who is the first. Ok?

Ss: Ok!

T do the actions and Ss say it after.

Ss: Get up.

T: You are first. One point. Ok!

Ss: Brush teeth.

T: You’re number 1. Ok. And this one.

Ss: Wash face.

T: And this one.

Ss: Have breakfast.

T: And this one

Ss: Rollerblade.

T: Yes, right. rollerblade. I like sports.

Ss: Play basketball.

T: Play basketball.

Ss: Sing a song.

T: And this one. Oh.

Ss: Play computer games.

T: Yes, you did a good job. It’s right. Now, I will play the computer.

二、 Presentation

1、Learn new phrase

T: Ok! Wow! It’s a wonderful picture. Is it nice?

Ss: Yes.

T; Is it clean?

Ss: Yes.

T: It’s my home. It’s really tidy and clean. Why? Because me. I’m very hard working. I’m very hard working.(老师边系围裙边说) Every day, I make the bed. Please wait for me. Ok. It’s so hard to—ok.(老师做出围裙很难系的样子,让学生 22

理解hard的意思) Let’s go. I empty the trash, look, I’m good. I cook meals. Look, the chair is so heavy, but I’m strong , I can move the chair. Now please look at here. (teacher write “ I can” on the blackboard) I can .Ok, now, this one ,look , sweep the floor. (teacher write “ I can sweep the floor” on the blackboard)I can sweep the floor. Ok, good, please read after me. I can sweep the floor.

Ss: I can sweep the floor.

T: I can sweep the floor.

Ss: I can sweep the floor.

T: What’s this? (T shows his hand and ask)

Ss: Hand.

T: It’s not hand. It can change the voice. It’s magic. Look, if I put my hand down , you say lowly, lowly, lowly; if I put my hand up, up, up, up, up, up, you read louder, louder, louder. Understand?

Ss: yes.

T: Ok. I can sweep the floor.(老师用手势表示,让学生由低到高,再由高到低读这个句子10遍)

T: Good. Ok. Look here. Ok, I can sweep the floor. Who can sweep the floor? You please.

S1: I can sweep the floor.

T: You are helpful at home. This is for you. But put it down. Don’t look at it. Ok, look at this. Ok ?

Now , who can wash the dishes? Ok, you.

S2: I can wash the dishes.

T: Do remember. There is it?(示意学生用话筒回答)

S2:I can wash the dish.

T: Good, dishes. Ok, now, dishes.

S2: Dishes.

T: ok, now, this is for you. And this one. Set the table, set the table, who can set the table? You please.

S3: I can set the tale.

T: I can set the tale .Ok, now, here you are. And this one. You needn’t , you needn’t, needn’t .Ok, here, who can make the bed?(手放在耳朵边上,引导学生说出Let me try,激活课堂氛围)

Ss: Let me try.(小声)

T: You please.

S4: I can make the bed.

T: I can make the bed. Ok, this is for you..

S4: Thank you.

T: And this one. Wash clothes, wash clothes.

Ss: Let me try. Let me try.(大声)

T: please.

S5: I can wash clothes.

T: Ok, now, here you are.

S5: Thank you!


T: Oh, just now I cook meals. Ok, you please.

S6: I can cook meals.

T: Now, here you are. Ok ! this one, this one, water the flowers.

Ss: Let me try. Let me try. Let me try. Let me try. Let me try. Let me try.(更大声) T: Ok, there, you please. That boy.

S7: I can water the flowers.

T: Good, only one, only one. Ok.

Ss: Let me try.

S8: I can empty the try.

T: Trash.

S8: Trash.

T: Ok, show me a hand and read after me. Trash.

S8: Trash.

T: Trash.

S8: Trash.

T: Trash, trash, trash

S8: Trash, trash, trash

T: Ok, oh, I have no card now. Get them back.


T: Now, you can look at it.

S1: Yes.

T: Can you sweep the floor?

S1: No, I can’t.

T: Can you wash clothes?

S1: No, I can’t.

T: Can you cook meals?

S1: No, I can’t.

T: Oh, my gold, can you water the flowers?

S1: No, I can’t.

T: Can you make the bed?

S1; Yes, I can.

T: Yeah, I got it. Ok, yes, make the bed. Where are my cards? Ok, put, put down. Ok, there. Can you make the bed? No, there. Can you water the flowers?

S2: No, I can’t.

T: Oh, can you? I’m sorry, who can help me? I forgot it. Help me? Ok, you please. S3: Can you sweep the floor?

T: Once more.

S3: Can you sweep the floor?

S2: No, I can’t.

S3: Can you water the flowers?

S2: No, I can’t.

T: And who can ? one point. Ok, you please.

S4: Can you cook meals?

S2: Yes, I can.


T: Do this.

S4: yeah!(做胜利的手势)

T: And here. Can you ask her? You ask her.

S5: Can you wash clothes?

S6: No, I can’t.

3、Learn new sentence

T: Ok, please listen to me. Can you wash the clothes? Every one look at here. (teacher write “Can you wash the clothes?” on the blackboard)Can—you—wash—the—clothes? Please, you should read in this way. Can –you—wash—the—clothes?↑ Remember. Can –you—wash—the—clothes?↑Can you wash the clothes? ↑(升调,老师有又夸张的手势表示,像大合唱时的指挥家一样,由慢到快)

Ss: Can –you—wash—clothes?↑ Can –you—wash—clothes?↑Can you wash clothes? ↑

Ss: Can you wash clothes? ↑(学生根据老师的指挥,由快到慢,再由慢到快,一起读了9遍)

T: Remember it. Can you wash clothes? ↑(老师又边说边做,慢速的说了一遍)Can you show your hand and have a try? Ok, come here and show your hand. Ok, I think you can you can do it.

S1: I think I can.

T: Ok, come here.

S1 do and the other Ss say.

T: Let’s go on. Remember here.

S1 do it again. Ss say it again.

T: Ok, thank you. Now give me victory.

S1: Yeah!

T: Ok , good . another student come here and do . come here , you please . S2 Do 2 times Ss say 2 times .

T: Ok .

S2: Yeah !

3、 Read and answer

T: Ok , now this time . I will introduce you two new friends here . Let’s look at it . Ok , here , look , this is Sally and that is Tom . Tom is a boy and Sally is a girl . but I have five questions ask you .look first one .

Can Tom cook meals ?

Can Sally water the flowers ?

Can Sally make the bed ?

Who can cook meals ?

Who can sweep the floor ?

Please listen and answer my questions . now .

Ss listen to tape .


Sally: You are helpful at home?

Tom: Yes, I can sweep the floor and empty the trash.

Sally: Can you cook meals?


Tom: No, I can’t. but I can wash the dishes and set the table. What can you do at home?

Sally: I can wash clothes, make the bed, and water the flowers.

Tom: That’s good. Can you cook meals?

Sally: Of course, I can. Sometimes I cook for my parents.

T: Ok , this time . Please look at the dialogue . ok , look at it . All of you have the dialogue on the paper . But , now please look at the paper and answer the question . Ok ,now let’s talk about it , ok ? Group work. Ok, talk about it . Ok .

T: First one can Tom cook meals ? You can by the answer for the line .ok ?(走向一个小组参与活动)

T: Can Tom cook meals ? No , he can’t . good . (走向另一个小组参与活动)

T: This one . talk about it . can Sally water the flower ? Yes or no ? Find the answer from the dialogue.(走向第三个小组参与活动)

S1: Yes, she can.

T: Ok, 3、4、5 you can read. Ok?

T: Ok, ok, ok, let’s wait for there.

T: Ok, first question, can Tom cook meals ? you please.

S2:No, he can’t.

T: No, he can’t. Yes, you are right. Number 2 Can Sally water the flowers ? that boy. S3: Yes, she can.

T: Yes, she can. Let me see. Good! Number 3 Can Sally make the bed ?

Ss: Let me try.

T: Ok, you please.

S4: Yes, she can.

T: Good, next one, Who can cook meals ?

S5: Let me try.

T: You please.

S5: Sally can cook meals.

T: Ok, let’s see, ok, yes. Yes, wonderful. You are right. Number 5 Who can sweep the floor?

Ss: Let me try.

T: You please.

S6: Tom can.

T: Let’s see, yes or no? Ok, Tom. Good job.


T: Ok, now, you do read job. Now let’s play a game. Where’s where are my cards? Give them back to me. 1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8good. Now I need your help. Who want to come here? You please. Ok, hold it and remember it .Let’s read.

Ss: Water the flowers sweep the floor set the table empty the trash wash the clothes make the bed cook meals

T: You hold in, I will choose one. I don’t look at it ,I guess. lf I guess right, you say yes I can , if I guess wrong you say no I can’t . Can you wash clothes?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Can you sweep the floor?


Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Can you cook meals?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Can you make the bed?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Water the flowers here. Can you come here? Guess. You come here. Choose one. Don’t look, please guess.

S1: can you make the bed?

Ss: No, I can’t.

S1: Can you sweep the floor?

Ss: No, I can’t.

S1: Can you water the flowers?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Only one time.

S1: Can you set the table?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Go back, have next time. Who can come here? Ok, let me try.

Ss: Let me try.

T: You please.

S2: Can I sweep the floor?

T: Can you can you.

S2: Can you sweep the floor?

Ss: No, I can’t.

S2: Can you make the bed?

Ss: Yes, I can.

T: Ok, next, only, ok, who want to come here? O k, you please, that boy.

S3:C an I wash the dishes?

Ss: No, I can’t.

S3: Can you set the table?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Can you sweep the floor?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Only one time.

S3: Can you empty the trash?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: 1、2、3、4 cards, you please.

T: Look at it . set the table empty the trash wash the dishes sweep the floor ok, you hold it.

S4: Can you sweep the floor?

Ss: Yes, I can.

T: You’re so clever!

S4: Yeah!

T: Ok, three, one two three, three cards. That’s very very very easy, you please. One, only one. Ok and help you.


S5: Can you set the table?

Ss: No, I cant.

S5: Can you empty the trash?

Ss: No, I cant.

T: You needn’t. only one card. empty the trash Wash the dishes hold it. T: I do it. Can you empty the trash?

Ss: Yes, you can.

T: Yeah, I’m clever .

5、Do and say

T: Now we have no cards. You go back. Who can do the action and we guess. You ask can you (T do the actions “ play basketball”)

Ss: Play basketball?

T: Can you do the actions? Come here, ok you please. Ok.

S1 do the actions.

T: Let me try, let me try. Can you sing?

S1: No, I can’t.

S2: Teeth?

S1: Yes, I can.

T: Brush teeth?

S1: Yes.

T: I think you are singing. And .

S3: Let me try.

T: You please.

T: I will sit here, this is my seat.

S3 do the action.

S4: Can you play the football?

S3: Yes, I can.

T: Good, you can do this.

S3: Yeah!

T: And you please.

S5 do the action.

Ss: Let me try.

S6: Can you play basketball?

S5: Yes, I can.

T: Ok, this time we have know I can do you can do but do you know what your mother do ?

S7: Let me try.

T: You please.

S7: My mother can play the piano.

T: Piano, wonderful, good.

S8: My mother can cook meals?

T: Cook meals ,ok , you please.

S9: She can do house work.

6、 interview your classmates


T: Ok please look here. Ok, wait a moment. Here , I will ask . Ok you please listen to me . What can you do?

S1: I can I can water the flowers.

T: Water the flowers,1、2、3, Ok here.( T write 8 on the paper)You go on. What can your mother do?

S1: My mother can set the table.

T: Oh, your mother can set the table. Where is it? I can’t find it. Ok, here. (Write 5 on the paper. )Last one what can your father do?

S1: My father can cook meals.

T: Cook meals I will write here , three. (Write 3 on the paper) Do you want to ask? You can ask your best friend in your group. Now ask and write down the answers. Ss do pair work

T: Use it .(示意学生用话筒)

T: You can stand up and ask your friend .

Who can stand up and ask your friend ?

Ss: Let me try let me try .

T: That boy you please . who’s your friend ? ok , you please

S1: What can you do ?

S2: I can cook meals .

S1: What can your mother do ?

S2: She can sweep the floor .

S1: What can your father do ?

S2: He can make the bed .

T: Good , wonderful , thank you !

Ss: Let me try .

T: Ok, you please .

S3: What can you do ?

S4: I can sweep the floor .

S3: What can your mother do ?

S4: My mother can cook meals .

S3: What can your father do ?

S4: He can water the flowers .

T: Ok , good .

Ss: Let me try .

T: You please .

S5: What’s can you do ?

T: What not what’s , what can you do ?

S5: What can you do ?

S6: I can sweep the floor .

S5: What can your mother do ?

S6: She can wash clothes .

S5: What can your father do ?

S6: He can cook meals .

T: Ok , last group .


Ss: Let me try .

S7: What can you do ?

S8: I can sweep the floor .

S7: What can your mother do ?

S8: She can wash clothes .

S7: What can your father do ?

S8: He can cook meals .

T: Ok , this time , let’s see . ok , can you see ?

Ss: Yes , I can .

T: Can you climb ?

Ss: Yes , I can .

T: Can you rollerblade ?

Ss: Yes , I can .

T: Can you dance ?

Ss: No , I can’t .


T: Ok , this time , let’s sing , ok ? please the first time . ok , just a moment , ok , sorry , please wait . now look have song for you first time listen .

Ss listen .

T: Can you sing ?

Ss: Yes , I can .

T: Let’s sing and do the actions . Ok , climb ride a bike rollerblade . ok .

Song: Can you climb ?

Yes , I can . yes , I can .

Can you sing ?

Yes , I can . yes , I can .

Can you ride a bike ?

Yes , I can .

Can you dance ?

No , I can’t . no , I can’t .

Can you swim ?

Yes , I can . yes , I can .

Can you sing ?

Yes , I can .

Can you rollerblade ?

Yes , I can . yes , I can .

Can you dance ?

No , I can’t . no , I can’t .

Ss: Sing together .

T: Ok , are you happy today ?

Ss: Yes .

T: I’m very happy. Please say hand waving


Ss: Bye .


T: Bye bye .

Ss: Bye bye

T: Bye bye .

Ss: Bye bye

T: Ok ,please stand up , and say good bye to teachers , ok .

Ss: Goodbye teachers .



一、 歌曲热身:

S: Sing a song together

T: Stop here ,stop here, good song! Just now, we learned a new song《 Hello! Hello!》 Do you remember? So, now ,let’s sing it together.

S: Sing this song together. (师生同唱)


T: First, please count numbers with me. Zero, one, two, … ten.

SsCount numbers from one to ten.

T: Good! Faster! Are you ready?

Ss: Ready! Zero, one, two, …ten.

T: Good! Faster! Are you ready?

Ss: Ready! Zero, one, two, …ten.

T: Good! Alright! Let’s play a game ‘It’s ten.’(凑十)(教师击掌两声后说出一个数字,学生则要在击掌两声后说出一个与教师数字相加得十的数)Who can play this game with me?

T: Good boy, Are you ready?

S: Yes.

T and the boy: (T: one S: nine, T: nine S: one, T: zero S: ten, T: five S: five )  T: Good! Very good!

T and a girl: (T: one S: nine, T: two S: eight, T: eight S: two, T: five S: five )  T: Good! Very good! Who can?

T and the boy: (T: ten S: zero, T: zero S: ten, T: one S: nine, T: nine S: one )  T: Altogether. Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.

T and Ss: (T: zero Ss: ten, T: one Ss: nine, T: nine Ss: one, T: three Ss: seven ) T: Very good!

二、 新授知识:


T: OK, now, please class begins. Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK, class begins.

Ss: (全体起立)

T: Good afternoon! Boys and girls.


Ss: Good afternoon, Mr. Jin!

T: Woo… good memory! You remember I am Mr. Jin. Sit down!


T: I like animals. I like cats. I like dogs. I like rabbits. I want to know what animals do you like?

What’s your favorite animals?

T: Hello, What animals do you like? (第一组的同学一个接一个回答) Ss: I like rabbit. I like lion. I like pig. I like elephant. …

T: OK, thank you. You are group 1. I will give you 1 point. Group 1! I use ‘yellow’ (用黄色粉笔在第一组标识下画半个圆)

T: And second ,now, You are group 2. Alright, this is yellow, blue, red, green. (指示学生看黑板上磁块的颜色) What colors do you like?

Ss: Green, red, green, red, blue, ? (第二组的同学一个接一个回答)

T: Thank you . Alright, you can choose a color, group 2.

T: Look there, I have a beautiful picture, what’s this?(贴出长颈鹿图) Ss: Red.

T: (用学生所选红色的粉笔在第二组标识下画半圆)

T: Group 3, let’s call out number. (用手势打出数字三)

S: Three.

T: What’s this?

Ss: Ten, one, two, three, five, ? (第三组同学依次说出教师打手势所表示的数字)

T: (用蓝色粉笔给第三组一个半圆)

T: Group 4, can you tell me? How’s the weather today?

T: Is it hot, cold, windy?

S: Cold.

S: Hot.

T: Today is hot? May be.

Ss: Snowing, windy, ? (第四组的同学也依次提出老师的问题)

T: Group 4, you can choose color.

S: white

T: OK, very special. (用白色粉笔给第四组画一个半圆)


T: Just now, you said today is very cold.(作出打冷颤的样子)I think so..(假装打了一个喷嚏)

I caught a bad cold I have to see a doctor.

T: Please look at here. (观看多媒体)

T: Where is the doctor? Oh, Look, a man. Hello, what’s your job? Are you a doctor? (与屏幕上的人物打招呼并询问职业,接触新授知识)

屏幕: I’m a doctor.

T:Oh, he said, ‘I’m a doctor.’

T: Look, ‘doctor’ (出示卡片)

T: Read it together.

Ss: Doctor. (在教师带领下反复读,快速读)


T: (在第一组原有半圆基础上添画完整另外半圆)

T: I think Anshan is very good city. It’s very beautiful. And It’s a good order, because of the very good policeman. (出示卡片)


(将doctor和 policeman两个单词卡片挂到黑板上,师生同做活动) T: I point, you say.

T: Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.

T and Ss: (教师任意指黑板上的卡片,学生根据所指图片读出单词)

T: Faster!

Ss: (这次,学生要根据教师任意所指卡片快速的反应并读出单词)

(找两,三个学生到前面分别扮演老师,学生来进行此活动以达到练习目的) T: Alright, Anshan is a beautiful city. Because there are some cleaner.(出示卡片,带领学生反复练习此单词。)

T and Ss: Do some actions of cleaner. (模仿清洁工工作的动作,边做边读出cleaner,第三组是重点,练习后给第三组的半圆添画完整)

T: 拿出第四张卡片,并读给学生postman, 学生在老师带领下反复读此单词 T: Look at my actions.(一边说This is a postman. 一边做投递信件的动作) T: Let’s do together.

T and Ss: Do it together and say postman.(第四组的同学要一个接一个的读此单词) T: 给第四组的半圆添画完整

T: Let’s play a game. (做一个小游戏,找两、三个学生到前面,一个指卡片,另外的人说单词,看谁说的快)

T: Let’s review these words.(复习新授的四个单词)

T: What’s your job? (出示任意一张卡片)

Ss: 说出卡片上的职业名称


播放多媒体课件反复练习句型:What’s your job? I’m a ?

T: Here I have some cards. (教师准备一些小卡片,每张卡片上的图都不完整,利用投影展示给学生,让学生根据一张卡片上的图说出职业,并找到表示另一半的图,拼完整)

T: Who can play cards with me? (找单个学生到前面与老师共同完成这个任务) 

Ss: Play cards by groups.  (每四人一组,每组一套卡片,进行拼图游戏)  

Few minutes later




T: Now, I like blue. When I see blue, I can see a policeman. I want to be a policeman, when I grow up. So what job do you like? What do you want to be when do you grow up?(回答老师问题,你张大了想做什么)

Ss: policeman, writer, teacher, …


T: OK, please take out your questionary.

T: What job do you like? What do you want to be grow up? Please ask your friends. (设计一张表格,利用投影展示,在全班调查一些学生所喜欢的职业,并在相应的空格内画对号)



T and Ss: review four words.

Class’s over.



Unit 1 I went there last year



1 学习语句:Did you go whith??Yes, I did/No,I didn’t. When did you go ??和I went there?。

2 能口头运用I went to Shanghai.句型。

3 能识别单词photo stay week west south ,并能书写photo grandmother west east north south。


I went there last year.

It’s in the west of China.








Step1.Warming up


North ,north,north points up.

South ,south,south points down.


East ,east ,east points right.

West ,west ,west points left.


Step2 presentation

1. 师生谈论旅游的话题,并询问学生:

师:Do you like go traveling?

Can you tell me where you went traveling?


师:What do you do when you traveling? Did you(用手势做出照相的动作)take some photos?

师:Ok. Let’s learn the new word “photo”.

师生:Photo, photo,take photos.

师:(出示课件:海南的风景图片)This is a photo. What’s the city,please? 生:It’s Hainan.

师:Very good,yes it is Hainan.


师:This is a map of China.Can you tell me where is Hainan? 生:It’s in the south of China.

师:Very good.I went there last year.Where did you go for your holiday? 生1:I went?

师:Did you go with your friend?

生1:Yes ,I did.

3、继续展示中国地图,简要说明地图上各个方向的代表城市,师生问答:师:Where is Beijing?

生:It’s in the north of China.

师:Where is Xinjiang?


生:It’s in the west of China.

师: Where is Shanghai?

生:It’s in the east of China.

Step3.New lesson



1.Lingling has got some book..( )

2.They are photos of England.( )

3.Lingling went to Xinjiang last year.( )

4.Lingling went there with her mother and father.( )

5.She went there in June.( )

6.Lingling’s uncle has two children.( )



a.Who has got some photos?

b.Where is Xinjiang?

c.When did Lingling go there?

d.Who did she go with?

e.Where does Lingling’s uncle live?


Step4.Practice and summary

师:同学之间把自己旅游过的地方写下来,然后相互运用句型“When did you go to??和”Did you go with??进行交流,询问对方,交流时用到的句子“When did you go to Shanghai/??” Did you go with your mother/??”


板书“When did you go to Shanghai/??” Did you go with your mother/??”到黑板上。




Lingling’s Travel

Lingling has got some .Xinjiang is in of China.She with her grandmother for lives there.


同学们回家后询问家里人或朋友曾经去过的旅游景点,并做好笔记。 教学反思:

在教学中应重视学生的课堂表现,善于调动学生的学习积极性,让学生积极参与活动,乐于学习,乐于探索,同时教师应该对学生加以引导,以提高学生的兴趣。 同时作业不只是一个重要的环节,英语课外作业是对课堂教学的有效延伸,是英语学习的巩固、发展、深化,是学生课外学习英语的重要手段。布置课堂与家庭作业,是英语教学的一个重要组成部分,是获取教学反馈信息的重要手段。



Unit3 What Are You Going to Do?



1、能够听、说、认读 Let’s read 部分的对话;




听、说、认读 Let’s read 部分的对话。




Step 1:温故知新,创设愉快学习氛围。,根据教材及小学生的年龄特点,我在进入新课前先让学生唱自编歌谣。如:(Chant)

GS: What are going to do? (twice each time)Play football, Play football


BS: I’m going to ply football.(如此不断替换新词)这样不但可复习大量旧词组:take pictures, play chess, play games, plant tree, watch TV, go chopping, go hiking and so on 且可较好操练新句型。”What are you going to do? I’m going to?

Step 2:站起来,你说我说大家说,提高自信心 自由问答(教师不点名,让学生勇敢站起来one by one 问答)

Step 3:Game:Guessing:”What is she /he going to do? She /He is going to ?” 增强学习的趣味性,导入新课。出示人名图片。(在背面写将要干的事情)(John, Amy.WuYifan,Zhang Peng Sarah) E.g. 一What is Amy going to do this weekend? Guess!

一 She is going to?

T: What is Sarah going to do this afternoon? Let’s have a look.(卡片后没写任何东西)

Oh, There’s nothing. Today Let’s learn.

Unis 3 B Let’s read” and find out.

Step 4:学习新课,讲究方法

1、Read and circle your new words.(学生共同找出新单词,并板书)


NW:need , else , use

plant trees \

some plants ----- 对比学习

plant shop /

2、Listen the tape and try to learn by yourself.

a.First time: Just listen.

b.Second time: listen and follow.

c. Third time:listen and follow loudly.

3、Learn the new words and sentences.(ss try .T help and explain)


a. Follow the teacher.

b. Read together

c.Read in group. (Use the way they like)





Finish the exercises(课后练习和教师增加的课外题)

More exercises: 5)What are you going to do this weekend?

6)What is your father going to do this afternoon?

7)What are you going to be in the future?

Step 5: 课外拓展,施展才华,真我风彩/你演我演大家乐!(改编或照演Let’s read 的对话)


A:Hello,Peter,What are you going to do this weekend? B:I’m going to the bookstore . I want to buy some comic books .What are you?

A:I’m going to the bookstore ,too. I want to buy some post cards.

B:Let’s go together.


B:When are we going?


A:On Saturday morning.


A:See you then.

Step 6 :小结本课内容


本节课的内容我选自人教版PEP六年级上册Unit3 What are you going to do?的最后一课时;B Let’s read,在备课的过程中,我对教材进行了一定的加工,根据学生的实际生活,延深、扩展了教材的内容。除了教授课文中的重点句型外,还扩充了句型的多人称变化及特殊疑问句what when where how在一般将来时的运用,同时让学生自主创设情境,操练所学过的语言文化知识。




一、教学内容:PartB Let’s talk Pair work


1、通过单句练习,替换练习,实际表演,角色互换等方法熟练运用be going to 句型,掌握what、 where 、when 引导的特殊疑问句并能做出相应回答。

2、能够掌握四会句子:—Where are you going this afternoon?—I’m going to the bookstore.—What are you going to buy ?—I’m going to buy a comic book.

3、能够听懂Let’s try部分的对话并完成听音选图的练习。




重点是三个特殊疑问句what where when 的问与答以及各种信息的替换与交流。


难点是让学生能运用what where when疑问句进行真实的交际以及两组四会句型的正确书写。


Step1热身/复习 (Warm-up/Review)

1、全班一起吟唱Let’s chant 的歌谣。

I’m going to buy a book .

I’m going to take a book .

I’m going to make a cake .

I’m going to walk near a lake?.


2、Speel the words.采取小组间竞赛的方式,让学生快速拼写一些短语与单词,如:next week ,this moring/afternoon/evening,comic book , post card,newspaper

3、Brain storm:classify words by shops

Magazine postcard newspaper Ss:bookstore

Sneakers sandals slippers Ss:shoestore


Apples grapes banana Ss:fruit shop

4、口语练习:T:What can you buy in the ??

在学生回答各商店所出售的物品时,教师根据其回答贴出物品的小卡片,如:dictionary,comic book ,magazine, story book ,newspaper? S:I can buy


1、Let’s try

(1)先泛听一遍,教师指着课件中的书店及各店里所出售的物品说: Look!There are so many goods in the store.Let’s listen to the tape and find out


Where is Sarah going ?

What is she going to buy?

Who is she going with?



(2)放3遍Let’s try中的内容,完成表格,让学生选择Let’s try中的答案。


2、Let’s talk

(1)教师紧接上面的内容说:Sarah is going to the bookstore.She’s going to buy a dictionary.Where is Chen Jie going?Let’s listen to the tape.听录音,回答三个问题:

①Where is Chen Jie going this afternoon ?

②What is Chen Jie going to buy ?

③When is she going ?





Teaching aims:

Part A Let’s try, Let’s talk& Group work

II. Teaching points:

Four skills: What are you going to do on the weekend? I’m going to visit my grandparents this weekend. Three skills: Is it far?

So I’m going by train.

III. Teaching aids:

Pictures word cards CAI

Ⅳ. Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Warm-up & Revision

a. let’s chant

I’m going to buy a book.


I’m going to take a look.

I’m going to bake a cake.

I’m going to walk near a lake.

We are going to take a trip.

We are going to take a sip.

I’m going outside to play.

I’m going to have a good day.

b. Free talk

T: What day is it today?

Ss: It’s Tuesday.

T: What are you going to do this afternoon? S: I’m going to read a magazine.

T: Practice one by one, please.


c. Review


When: this morning/afternoon/evening/?

tomorrow / tonight / next week?

Activities: take a trip / read a magazine / go to the cinema/library?

do homework / watch TV / go hiking / go shopping / play sports / visit grandparents

设计理念:烘托学习英语的氛围,引导学生复习第一课时中学习的be going to句型和一些动作,时间短语,让学生学会灵活运用,巩固所学知识,为本课时的学习做铺垫。开火车式的问答既可以让每个学生都有开口说英语的机会,也方便让教师对学生的知识掌握情况做一个检测。 Step 2: Presentation

a. Lead in

T: Do you want to make more friends?

Ss: Yes, we do.

T: I have three friends. Listen, they are coming. (门铃声) Oh! They are Mike, Sarah and John. They visit Miss White. And they will stay here on the weekend.


T: What are you going to do on the weekend, Sarah and Mike? Listen, please.

( Let Ss listen to the song “ What are you going to do?” ) Now, you are Sarah. What are you going to do on the weekend? S1: I’m going to the zoo.

T: Then you are Mike. What are you going to do on the weekend? S2: I’m going to the park.

T: Great! Let’s sing the song together, OK?

设计理念:利用多媒体教学手段和学生喜欢交友的心理,以Sarah, Mike和John三位朋友从外地来这里过周末做引入。既是激发兴趣,也是一根主线,把本课的教学内容串起来。同时为后面的Let’s talk学习埋下伏笔。

b. Learn the dialogue

T: What is John going to do on the weekend?

Let’s listen, then answer the questions. (P26)

S: John is going to visit grandparents.

T: Look at the map. Where do his grandparents live? 51

S: They live in Wenzhou.

T: Is it far?

S: Yes.

T: How does John go there, by plane or by train?

S: He is going by train.

设计理念:通过询问John这个周末准备做什么,让学生又自然进入Let’s talk这个环节的学习。在学习对话内容时,由实际活动操练转向书本的学习,既不脱离教材,也不拘泥于教材,而且符合学生的认知规律,提高学生的认读能力。

c. Listen to the tape, and then repeat.

d. Act the dialogue in group.

Step 3: Drills

a. Make the sentences

T: Now, look at these four-skill sentences carefully.

Please close your book. Let’s arrange the cards to make the right sentences.

what going on weekend are the you do to ? 52


this going I’m to visit grandparents my weekend .

______________________________________________________________ b. Pair work

T: Look at the pictures. Let’s make conversations in group. S1: What are you going to do _________?

S2: I’m going to ___________.

S1: Is it far?

S2: Yes / No, so I’m going ________. What are you going to do _______?

S1: I’m going to _________.

设计理念:这一环节的设计体现了学以致用的教学观,学习语言的目的是为了使用,因此,在学生基本理解与掌握了新单词和新句型之后,让 53


c. Let’s try

T: John is our friend. Chen Jie is John’s friend in Shanghai. What is she going to do? Let’s listen to the tape and answer the questions:

Where is Chen Jie going? How is she going there? Who is she going with. What is she going to buy? Then read the passage and tick or cross.

设计理念:依据朋友这条主线,John介绍朋友Chen Jie的假期来引出Let’s try这个环节。先让学生听一遍回答,再让学生根据文章理解意思做判断题。在核对答案时没有简单的对一对答案,而是进一步追根搠源地向学生询问理由。目的是让学生在各种形式下反复练习操练,不断巩固本课时内容。

Step4: Consolidation

a. Task

T: Now Sarah and Mike come here now. They are going to visit our city this weekend. Can you help them? Please make a plan, write 54

it on the paper. Finally let’s see whose plan is wonderful.


Unit 1 How Tall Are You B Let’s read 教学目标与要求:


(1)能够听、说、认读Let’s read 部分的内容;特别是能够听、说、认读单词squid, lobster, shark, seal, whale 和单位词ton, meter, kg, cm;能够听、说、认读短语和句子:can dive into the deep cold water/jump out of the water. Each up to 20 cm long.

(2) 能够完成Group work 中的调查任务。

(3) 自主学唱原版英文歌曲。学生根据自己能力选择学习目标:a.欣赏歌曲(听懂)。

B. 听懂并能填上所缺歌词。C. 听懂、填上所缺歌词,还能演唱歌曲。








重点:能理解、会读Let’s read 里的内容;特别是能够理解和运用单位词:ton, meter, kg, cm.

难点:能够理解短语和句子:can dive into the deep cold water/jump out of the water. Each up to 20 cm long.









(1) Listening Training.(3分钟)

T: Do you know who is taller, Banana, Cucumber or Sunflower? Let’s watch a very lovely movie. Then answer the questions.

Answer the following questions.





?a. Is Banana taller than Cucumber?b. Who is the tallest?c. Who peels more easily?d. Who tastes cooler?e. Do Banana and Cucumber like Sunflower?

(设计意图: 通过精彩、新鲜的动画创设情景,抓住学生的注意力,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,复习本单元的句式和单词。)

(2) Speaking Training.(5分钟)

T: What do you know about your friend / classmate who live beside you? Let’s get to know their height and their weight first.

学生分组测量其中一个成员:Height, Weight。填写表格如下:



比较:Who is heavier? Who is the heaviest? 学生小组讨论口头汇报。

(设计意图:通过创设的身高、体重的测量活动,将句式、形容词以及形容词比较级和最高级复习内容融入趣味活动之中。在这种丰富的生活情境中,激励学生开口说英语,正确运用英语语言,也在活动中更好地理解知识、掌握技能,巩固了新知。感受学习带来的快乐、增进同学友谊。顺利引出“鲸”这个话题做足铺垫。) 56

Step2.Presentation (15分钟)

1、 lead-in

T: We know our classmates very well. Then, what do you

know about the animals around us? What kind of whale

do you know? Do you know what whale is the biggest in

the world? (学生根据课前查找的资料说一说)。 Let’s

compare the information about sperm whale and killer

whale. 通过PPT呈现本课内容Let’s read


Read the text for the first time to get the main ideal.

Answer the question:

Which whale is bigger, sperm whale or killer whale?


Read the text for the second time to get the special information.

Let’s readFill in the blankasn, sawndei rn oral.

?(1) The sperm whale is 15 ____ long.

?(2) The killer whale is 3600 _____ he?(3) The sperm whale has ____ teeth, up to ____ ____ long.

?(4) I have _____ teeth, each up to __long.

?(5) The killer whale has a long tail. It’s 6 ____


?Answer the following questions.

?(1) What does a sperm whale eat?

?(2) What can a killer whale do?squidlobstersharkseal

(设计意图:引导学生在阅读的过程中,用不同的呼号标出不懂的词或短语,在小组协作学习中,通过PPT,百度搜索等支架,解决简单问题;而后在老引师的引导下,集体解决重、难点:巩固单位量词的用法。促进学生对can dive into the deep cold water,jump out of the water. Each up to 20cm long.等短语的理解。)

4、Read after the recording.

Read the text for the third time to get the detail.

And compare the differences between sperm whale and

killer whale. Fill in the blanks.(课本上P9的练习





Step3. Consolidation and extension(17分钟)

1、 Comprehensive Training.

学生分组调查其中一个成员:Teeth, Feet, breakfast, English song. Use the drills: How much


2、 Learn to sing a song

T: Do you love your friends, your family and teachers? Ss: Yes. T: If you love them, you should let them know. Let’s see how the girl expresses her love and her feeling to her classmates.

(1) Listen and read the words for the first time, tell which adjective and you


(2) Play the game—fill in the missing words.













板书设计:Unit One Tall Are You?

B Let’s read

How tall are you? sperm whale squid lobster How heavy ?? killer whale shark seal How many ?? dive into the deep cold water How big ?? jump out of water

How much ?? each up to 20cm long

? is / am / are ___er than ?.

? is / am / are the ___est ?.



