

here well. The last sentence described a lady lost all her hope. She became nearly numb. Coming back home and escaping with the man before him are the same. No matter which way she chose, she had to rely on others. So she got desperate. She was a rational woman as well as a timed one. Her final decision killed all her dreams but ensured her a normal life. All her life, she was controlled by men all around her. She has little power. She was the production of that time.


This story shows us a girl's inner world---- how she changed her mind of escaping from her present life. She was just a representative of the then people of Dublin. People there at that time were all numb and puzzled. They were trapped in a dilemma, or even worse, they could not see the light of the life. They felt lonely so they wanted to escape. But, they didn't dare to change. They were terrified to persue something different. So they stayed numb and desperate just like the heroin Eveline in this passage. As readers, we sympathized with her but we can do nothing to help. This kind of writing is somewhat like Lu xun's technics. In Lu's articles, the people he described the people like Xiang Linsao and some others in his time were quite close to Eveline.

In fact, though the two countries are different ,the history are too similar. Once, I saw a famous professor made a comparison between Eveline and Liusu Bai from Eileen Chang's Love in a Fallen City. Putting the two together is marvelous. This just proves that culture is shared.


