


指导教师: 系主任:

日 期:20xx年 月 日




2010 年 月 日




题 目 房地产销售管理系统

专 业 计算机科学与技术 班 级 06级软件01 学 号 141xxxxxxxx

学生姓名 何腾飞 指导教师 杨振华 职 称 讲师

20xx年 3月 1 日







系别:计算机科学系 专业:计算机科学与技术 班级: 软件01




论文题目 房地产销售管理系统

系 别 计算机系 专 业 计算机科学与技术 班 级 软件01 学 号 141xxxxxxxx 姓 名 何腾飞 指导教师 杨振华 职 称 讲师 答辩时间 2010.5.19










一、     综述






电子商务是一种全新的商业模式。通过互联网这个新型的业务传送载体,各行各业可以连接在一起开展现实与虚拟的合作,形成新的业务,产生新的收入。电子商务可以看作是一种业务的转型,企业利用互联网为基础的现代电子信息手段对企业经济业务活动的全面整合,以达到增加价值、提高 效率、降低成本、提高企业间竞争能力的目的。电子商务实际上改变了企业业务运作模式、改变了企业竞争策略、提升了企业间业务合作伙伴关系。



电子商务是一种全新的商业模式。通过互联网这个新型的业务传送载体,各行各业可以连接在一起开展现实与虚拟的合作,形成新的业务,产生新的收入。电子商务可以看作是一种业务的转型,企业利用互联网为基础的现代电子信息手段对企业经济业务活动的全面整合,以达到增加价值、提高 效率、降低成本、提高企业间竞争能力的目的。电子商务实际上改变了企业业务运作模式、改变了企业竞争策略、提升了企业间业务合作伙伴关系。





交易虚拟化。 电子商务通过互联网进行贸易,参与贸易的各方从沐浴磋商、签订合同到资金支付等都无需当面进行,整个交易完全虚拟化。

交易成本低。 电子商务使得买卖双方的交易成本大大降低,具体表现在:

交易效率高。 由于互联网将贸易中的商业报文标准化。电子商务克服传统贸易方式费用高、易出错、处理速度慢等缺点,极大的缩短了交易时间,使整个交易变得异常快捷与方便。

交易透明化。 买卖双方从交易的洽谈、签约以及货款的支付、交货通知等整个交易过程都在网上进行。







自20##年以来,我国电子商务市场交易额稳定增长,2007 年我国电子商务市场规模突破17000亿元。未来3年,仍是我国电子商务投资规模持续增长和爆发的时期,我国电子商务投资市场将迎来新一轮的发展高潮。一方面,20##年国家“十一五”电子商务发展规划的颁布标志着政府推动电子商务的总体布局已经形成;另一方面,电子商务在企业的应用成效以及对经济、社会发展的推动作用日益明显。

20##年我国B2B 电子商务交易额约为12500亿元,比20##年增长25.5%。目前B2B 市场的集中度较高,在综合类网站中,阿里巴巴已占近乎7成份额。20##年我国B2C网站总收入约为52.2亿元,同比增长33.5%。B2C是传统企业开展电子商务的主要形式,随着网络购物环境的好转以及企业(特别是大中型企业)电子商务化程度的提升,在总体规模上B2C 将会有一个长足的发展,并成为未来网购的主流。20##年我国C2C交易额约为410.4亿元,同比增长90%;C2C是目前我国网购的主要形式,但普及率还较低,不到网民总数的3成。






电子商务应用呈现较高普及化、常态化趋势,电子商务呈现渐向电子服务扩张与升级趋势,企业电子商务应用呈现产业链与供应链全流程化趋势,移动电子商务成为电子商务发展新驱动力,原寡头垄断格局渐被多元化竞争市场替代,B2C替代C2C是未来网络购物发展的必然趋势,B2C2C兴起,呈现多种模式并存发展的趋势,电子商务平台与搜索引擎平台呈融合化趋势,电子商务的安全、诚信与立法等问题逐步完善,本土电子商务阵营渐崛起,民族电子商务产业任重而道远,第三方电子支付行业与电子商务平台应用加速 ,线上电子商务平台与线下实体平台呈融合化趋势。




易观国际(Analysys International)研究认为,沙集模式反映的是一个事实前瞻的缩影,一个企业和政府高度关注的未来战场的试验田,正可谓:随风潜入夜,润物细无声-电子商务正在渗透到中国经济的每一个角落,网商发展演化也正在形成新的更广更深的模式,电子商务与传统产业、产业升级和国民经济紧密相连的步伐日益加快,电子商务的战场将扩大到三、四线城市和农村,产业生态不断丰富健壮,产业链也在发生转移,沙集模式不是偶然的,而是电子商务发展到新阶段多种因素结合的自然产物。

 易观国际(Analysys International)研究认为,沙集模式实质上体现了在电子商务基础设施日益完善、网购用户年均增长超过50%、网购用户规模达到1.86亿的今天,电子商务产业链的优化、转移与拓展趋势,这是需要引起政府和广大企业在互联网化过程中,需上升到战略层面高度重视的一个重要趋势。



1、行业渐受风投追捧。据统计,20##年上半年,国内电子商务企业已经完成23笔融资交易,总融资规模达3.31亿美元,而在创纪录的2008 年,全年共有36笔交易,总融资金额3.37亿元。6月份,共有9家企业宣布获得风投,总规模超过1亿美元,为电子商务行业融资史上最活跃的月份。












二、  研究方案及工作计划

1. 研究方向



对于软件技术要求,现在基于B/S架构的程序设计语言已非常成熟,从刚开始的CGI,到现在的ASP,JSP,PHP的百花齐放。使用其中任何一门语言开发都可以满足要求。服务器软件也很多,其中任意一个都可以胜任,数据库可以使用ACCESS和SQL Server,由于SQL Server具有更强大的功能,所以我们选用SQL Server。本系统前台的设计使用Java编程技术,对于后台的数据库的设计使用的是SQL Server数据库设计技术。最终可使前台的设计与后台的数据库相连接完成整个系统的开发。














1)    vb和MS SQL Server 2000编程的研究学习.

2) 解决化妆品的在线预定。

3) 使管理员能够进行化妆品的添加、修改、删除和维护功能。

4) 预期研究结果

利用vb和MS SQL SERVER 2000开发的WEB网上化妆品销售系统,要求对系统的数据结构、功能进行设计,同时要考虑到用户界面的友好性及系统应用数据库安全可靠性;系统的计算模式基于B/S构架,系统的设计与实现要考虑到对开放式数据库ODBC的支持。

三、  参考文献

[1]          郎波编著.《Java语言程序设计》[M]. 清华大学出版社,2007.

[2]          王珊.萨师煊.编著《数据库系统概论(第四版)》[M]. 高等教育出版社。

[3]          苏年乐.张学志.李金才.编著《Java+SQL Server项目开发实践》[M]. 中国铁道出版社  2006

[4]          唐有明.吴华.等编著《JSP动态网站开发基础练习+典型案例》[M]. 清华大学出版社  2007

[5]          荣钦科技.编著.《JSP动态网站开发与实例(第三版)》[M]. 清华大学出版社  2006

[6]          王国辉、牛强、李南南等. 《JSP 信息系统开发实例精选.》[M]. 机械工业出版社. 2005

[7]          赵杰.《 SQL Server实现教程.》[M].清华大学出版社, 2005

[8]          振捷、陈雄等.《 JSP网站开发实例精讲》[M]. 电子工业出版社, 2006

[9]          宋昆、李严等《SQL Server数据库开发实例解析》[M] .机械工业出版社.2006

[10]       Debabroto Chatterjee,Rajdeep Grewal,V. Sambamurthy    美国

MIS系统季卷[J],20##年6月: 65-89

[11]      吴晨、孙少波、叶莞.ASP.net数据库项目案例导航[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2004.

[12]      宋贤钧、王庆岭.数据库应用程序开发(SQL server 2000)[M].北京:高等教育出版社 2004

[13]      计算机软件工程规范国家标准汇编[M].北京:中国标准出版社,1998

[14]      David L.Anderson.Managing Information Systems.北京:清华大学出版社,2001

[15]      陈晓红.信息系统教程[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2003

[16]      甘仞初.信息系统分析与设计[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2003


Debabroto Chatterjee,Rajdeep Grewal,V. Sambamurthy


MIS Quarterly Vol. 26 No. 2, pp. 65-89/June 2002


The global reach of the Web technological platform, along with the range of services that it supports, makes it a powerful business resource. However, realization of operational and strategic benefits is contingent on effective assimilation of this type III IS innovation. This paper draws upon institutional theory and the conceptual lens of structuring and metastructuring actions to explain the importance of three factors-top management championship, strategic investment rationale, and extent of coordination-in achieving higher levels of Web assimilation within an organization.  Survey data are utilized to test a nomological network of relationships among these factors and the extent of organizational assimilation of Web technologies.

Keywords:  Web technology, Web implementation, IT management, innovation assimilation, structuring actions, metastructuring actions

ISRL Categories:  UF, AI 0104, DA, GA


The potential of Web technologies to transform business models, organizational structures and processes, and the ecosystem of inter-firm relationships with customers, suppliers, and other business partners is now universally acknowledged (Burdick 2000; Chatterjee and Segars 2001; Roberts 1999). E-commerce , or the application of Web technologies for understanding customer needs, marketing products, services, and product-market solutions, and taking customer orders, has emerged as a significant imperative in contemporary firms. As exemplars of

success, firms such as Cisco, Charles Schwab, General Electric, USAA, and Cemex have sensitized incumbent firms to the strategic value and the  competitive necessity of assimilating Web technologies in their salient business strategies and value chain activities.

However, not all firms have been uniformly successful in assimilating Web technologies for shaping their e-commerce initiatives (Brews 2000; Haley et al. 1996). Web technologies are complex and offer a variety of functionalities ranging from the static presentation of content to the dynamic capture of transactions with provisions for security and personalization (Chatterjee and Sambamurthy 1999; Cronin 1996). Therefore, firms must make sense of these technologies and decide how to draw upon their functionalities for developing e-commerce initiatives.  These initiatives could range from static product catalogs to active, dynamic, and interactive solution development and virtual community networking and marketing. The assimilation of Web technologies requires a deep understanding of technology capabilities; such in-depth understanding is critical to identifying novel Web-enabled marketing and customer relationship management practices.

Further, the effective assimilation of Web technologies requires their integration into existing organizational work processes and this might necessitate changes to current technologies and work processes (Chatterjee and Segars 2001; Keen and McDonald 2000). Actions by senior management or technology champions to unfreeze the prevailing institutional structures, introduce complementary structures to facilitate technology use, and reinforce norms that value the use of the technology are all likely to encourage the use of the technology (Kwon and Zmud 1987). However, not many firms succeed in orchestrating the co-evolutionary changes to their technologies-in-use, organizational structures, processes, and incentive and reward systems to successfully assimilate Web technologies into their e-commerce initiatives.

Therefore, concerted institutional efforts are required to blend technology, marketing, and business strategy knowledge and mutually adapt the organizational processes and technology features in shaping e-commerce initiatives. Given a wide range of experiences with the effective assimilation of Web technologies, there is a need to discover how firms can institutionally encourage the managerial activities that will result in greater levels of technology assimilation.  Our research is motivated by the goal of examining what organizational factors influence the assimilation of Web technologies for e-commerce initiatives in firms. Adopting the firm as the unit of analysis, we examine the impacts of specific institutional factors on the extent of assimilation of Web technologies into e-commerce strategies and activities in firms. The next section describes the theoretical foundations and develops the study’s research hypotheses. Then, the methodology and results are described.  Finally, the article concludes with a discussion of the study’s limitations and future research implications.

Theoretical Development

Perspectives on Assimilation

Assimilation is defined as the extent to which the use of a technology diffuses across organizational work processes and becomes routinized in the activities associated with those processes (Cooper and Zmud 1990; Fichman and Kemerer 1997; Tornatzky and Klein 1982). Assimilation is an important construct in the causal chain of influence from the organizational adoption of an information technology to the evidence of its impacts on business performance (DeLone and McLean 1992; Jarvenpaa and Ives 1991; Mahmood and Soon 1991; Sethi and King 1994).Our phenomenon of interest is the extent to which Web technologies are incorporated into e-commerce strategies and activities aimed at marketing, advertising, and selling products and services to customers.

Theories of technology assimilation suggest that most information technologies exhibit an “assimilation gap”- i.e., their rates of organizational assimilation and use lag far behind their rates of organizational adoption (Fichman and Kemerer 1999). Therefore, lessons learned about the assimilation of prior information technologies, such as CASE, object-oriented development, and relational databases, could be extended toward understanding how firms promote the assimilation of Web technologies.  However, the assimilation of Web technologies is more challenging in contrast with other information technologies because of differences in the dynamics of  their organizational assimilation.

Swanson’s (1994) taxonomy of IS innovations suggests that information technologies undergo three distinct pathways of organizational adoption and use. He describes Type I innovations as process innovations within the IS function, where information technologies are assimilated to enhance the efficiency or effectiveness of the IS function. For example, firms have invested in CASE, relational database, and object-oriented technologies to enhance the effectiveness of the IS function in systems delivery. Type II innovations refer to the use of IS products and services for enhancing the administrative work processes of firms. The assimilation of office productivity, groupware, or decision support tools in specific organizational tasks is an instance of Type II innovations. Finally, Swanson describes Type III innovations as information technologies that have strategic relevance for firms because their integration into the core business processes or strategies could directly impact financial performance. The introduction of MRP systems, airline reservation systems, and computer integrated manufacturing solutions are examples of such Type III innovations. Consistent with Swanson’s taxonomy, the assimilation of Web technologies for e-commerce initiatives is a Type III innovation, where the focus is upon the integration of Web technologies in customer-facing strategies and activities.

Prior IS research has sought to examine antecedents of the assimilation of Type I IS innovations (for example, Purvis et al. 2001) and Type II IS innovations (for example, Agarwal and Karahanna 2000; Taylor and Todd 1995).  In contrast, limited attention has been devoted toward the assimilation of Type III IS innovations. We conjecture that there are two distinct reasons why the assimilation of Type III innovations such as Web technologies deserves investigation. First, each one of the types of IS innovation operates at a different unit of analysis: whereas Type I innovations occur within the IS function, Type II innovations are exhibited at the individual user or work group level. In contrast, Type III innovations occur at the organizational level of analysis because they reflect firm-wide actions in integrating the information technology into strategies, activities, and processes.

Second, the assimilation of Type III innovations requires the mobilization of attention and coordination of actions across a wider group of stakeholders than is the case for Type I or Type II innovations. With Type I innovations, the key stakeholders are mostly the members of the IS function. With Type II innovations, the key stake-holders are members of a work group or department. The assimilation of Type III innovations, such as Web technologies for e-commerce activities, appears to be guided by a distributed leadership model (Agarwal and Sambamurthy 2002; Cronin 1996). Senior management, business executives, and IS executives are collectively responsible for shaping e-commerce initiatives. The needed intensity of interactions and collaborations among these managers is much more severe in the case of the assimilation of Web technologies for e-commerce initiatives. 

Therefore, the prevailing perspectives on technology assimilation have two implications for our research. First, consistent with the perspective of Type III innovations as related to integration of IT into organizational strategies and processes, we conceptualize web assimilation along two dimensions: e-commerce strategies and e-commerce activities. The strategies dimension refers to the extent of use of web technologies to enable and shape marketing and customer-oriented strategies (for example, attracting new customers). In contrast, the activities dimension refers to the use of Web technologies for specific marketing or customer-facing activities (for example, disseminating product/service information or managing online payments by customers).  Together, these two dimensions reflect the extent of organizational assimilation of Web technologies in e-commerce initiatives. Higher assimilation of Web technologies refers to greater use of these technologies in e-commerce strategies and activities.

Second, consistent with Purvis et al., we propose that the organizational assimilation of Type III innovations such as Web technologies is a cumulative consequence of the actions of managers and departments across the enterprise. Higher levels of organizational assimilation will be achieved when a larger proportion of the individual assimilation initiatives are targeted at the enterprise business strategies and value chain activities. Therefore, organizations can foster higher levels of technology assimilation by shaping, influencing, and motivating individual managerial attention, cognition, and behaviors toward more assimilation initiatives across the enterprise (Van de Ven 1986).  Whereas assimilation itself is the cumulative result of actions by individuals and units within the firm, these actions are stimulated by an organizational milieu of norms, values, and rules.


Structuration Theory of Technology Assimilation

The structuration theory of technology assimilation provides an appropriate foundation for our investigation of how institutional or organizational factors influence individual initiatives and, thereby, the assimilation of Web technologies. The roots of this theory lie in the basic institutional theory that describes how firms act as institutions in shaping the behaviors and cognitions of individuals within. Institutional theory (Scott 1995; see also Orlikowski 1992) identifies three ways in which the organizations influence individual cognition and behaviors:

1. Structures of signification, whereby prevailing institutional structures yield meaning and understanding. Individuals apply these structures as cognitive guides to understand how they should behave/act with respect to new technology assimilation.

2. Structures of legitimization, whereby prevailing institutional structures validate specific behaviors as being appropriate in the organization and consistent with the goals and values of the organization. Individuals draw upon these structures as normative templates to reassure themselves about the organizational legitimacy of their assimilation actions.

3. Structures of domination, whereby institutional structures regulate individual actions and behaviors. Individuals draw upon these structures to ensure that their assimilation actions do not violate institutional rules and to avoid being the target of organizational sanctions.

Orlikowski et al. (1995) argue that individuals utilize these institutional structures of signification, legitimization, and domination to make sense of the technology, garner the resources needed to infuse it into work processes, business activities, and strategies, and undertake the improvisational actions needed to assimilate the technology. These assimilation actions are referred to as structuring actions.

Orlikowski et al. also argue that senior management can manipulate the institutional structures of signification, legitimization, and domination and, thereby, influence, guide, motivate, or alter individual structuring actions.    These organizational actions are called metastructuring actions because they either reinforce the existing institutional structures or alter those structures to create conditions more conducive to technology assimilation. Examples of metastructuring actions include senior management advocacy, incentives and rewards, and explicitly articulated visions and mandates for technology use (Orlikowski et al. 1995; Purvis et al. 2001). For example, through advocacy, senior management can articulate a new organizational vision that regards information technology to be strategic. This in turn, introduces a new structure of signification whereby individuals start recognizing the strategic connections between the technology and business initiatives. Similarly, by articulating their views about the risks and benefits of an information technology, senior management can legitimize assimilation behaviors toward a new information technology. If senior management focuses attention primarily on the risks, then they are signaling their skepticism about the technology. This signal, in turn, is likely to dampen structuring actions and, thereby, lower assimilation.    Finally, by mandating rules and policies about the assimilation of a technology, senior management can alter the prevailing structures of domination and either encourage or deter individual structuring actions.

Drawing upon these ideas in the structurational theory of technology use, we propose that assimilation is the outcome of individual structuring actions.    Further, we identify three significant metastructuring actions- top management championship, strategic investment rationale, and extent of coordination- as institutional enablers of the technology structuring actions of individuals and, thereby, the assimilation of Web technologies.2 The specific institutional structures of signification, legitimization, and domination provide the  theoretical connection between the metastructuring actions and the individual structuring actions and, thereby, the extent of assimilation. Through their influence on these institutional structures, metastructuring actions are anticipated to impact the level of Web assimilation.

The following sections elaborate upon our conceptual model (Figure 1) and present rationale for the anticipated pathways of effects.

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