


题目: 贵阳“铜古岁月”总部基地


课 题 类 型: 设计■ 实验研究□ 论文□ 学 生 姓 名:

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学 院: 建筑工程学院

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开 题 时 间: 20xx年3月1日
















a.房地产营销策划介入过迟。多数房地产开发商只注重后期推销,不重视前期营销和企业形象设计。涉及企业长期发展战略的形象策划大多都没有引起足够的重视,即便有也是围绕某一开发项目或为销售某一产品不得不进行的一种活动。由于营销策划介入过晚,导致投资决策失误,开发产品不对路,以至于到中期尽管投入了大量的人力物力宣传推销,仍然有大量商品房滞销。尽管房地产开发主管部门多次为消化空置商品房采取了不少措施,但空置商品房量仍呈上升态势。b.房地产公司仅注重销售结果。房地产营销策划的成败单纯以销售结果作为评价指标,不注重真正的全程营销过程,主要以广告投入为主。 营销策划重心在营销而非策划。房地产广告看得多了,房地产公司任何人都能说出几个,但深入程度仅仅局限于楼盘名称。德式设计、美国小镇、江南水乡、欧式风格,一味追逐市场流行,而抛弃了真正的文化根基。c.房地产公司只考虑企业利润。在目前的中国房地产市场,最普遍的一个营销现状就是功利味太重。这种功利营销在目前房地产市场的主要表现:轻前期规划设计,重后期营销推广,这是功利营销的一个非常显著的特点。一个开发项目,往往卖点很多,规划、房型、景观、配









(4)发展商由重视营销策划、重视概念打造到重视前期研究和产品定位 多年以来,大多数房地产开发项目均把重点放到营销策划上,市场的热点也在营销策划上。营销策划在很大程度上已经被视为项目制胜的关键。项目前期市场研究和策划受到空前的重视。系统细致的市场研究导出的市场机会发掘、项目竞争优势分析、客户定位、产品定位、价格定位、开发策略、规划设计指导思想、经济测算、营销方案等等,均在项目前期细加研究,慎重决定。






(7)市场细分仍有可为,出现了更新换代产品和市场未被满足的产品 无论多么成熟的市场,始终会有市场缺口和未被充分满足的市场机会。风靡南北的Townhouse和“第五代住宅”就是非常好的例子。目前我国城市的楼市尚处于起步阶段,市场的缺口和机会更多。因此国内的房地产企业面对国外同行的竞争时应树立一定的信心,要充分利用自己相对熟悉市场的优势,善于发掘,开发出高盈利的产品。


















8) 寻找项目及编写开题报告 01——02周 确定项目及查阅文献 03——04周 市场调研及分析 05——07周 项目分析及产品定位 08——09周 项目细分及目标市场选择 10——11周 竞争环境分析 12——13周 项目推广成本预算 14——15周 准备答辩 15——16周




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Store Age,2010,86(7):20-23


Research on Chinese Real Estate Development and the Future Trends

Zilei Liu

MBA Center, Business School, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

Shanghai 200093, China

Li Chen (Corresponding author)

MBA Center, Business school, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

Shanghai 200093, China

E-mail: i5_usst@126.com

Received: June 15, 2011 Accepted: July 6, 2011 doi:10.5539/ass.v7n9p207


After nearly 20 years’ development, Chinese real estate industry shows the evidence of increasing both in scale and price. But resent years, China citizens began to complain more about the high price of housing, and government also pays more attention to the real estate industry. This article first analyzes the Chinese real estate development in recent years, and then based on the life cycle theory, the paper discusses Chinese real estate’s stage in the life cycle as well as the problems in this stage, at the end of the paper, the future trends of Chinese real estate are predicted. Keywords: China, Real estate, Life cycle, Trend

1. Introduction

Real estate industry includes the investment, development, operation, management, and service in the real estate and belong to the 3rd industry. Usually, real estate industry in China is looked as a basic, guiding, driving and risking industry. As a very fundamental industry, real estate industry plays a very important role not only in a country’s economic life but also in people’s daily life, thus attract many research interests. Kaklauskas (2011) gives comparative description of crisis management for real estate in developed countries, and makes general recommendations for improving crisis management efficiencies in these countries’ real estate sector, also tries to give multiple criteria analysis of crisis management components and selection of the most efficient life cycle version of crisis management in real estate. Wang (2011) points out that China's major cities have experienced significant real estate price increase which has been fueled by the sustained growth of the economic fundamentals, the author examined the linkage between urban economic openness, the ratio of trade volume as a percentage of GDP, and urban real estate prices basing on the quality of life theory as well as Balassa–Samuelson (B–S) effects. Liow and Webb (2009) investigate the presence of common factors in the securitized real estate markets of the United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), Hong Kong (HK), and Singapore (SG). The authors found that the degree of linkage across the four securitized real estate markets is much weaker than the strong linkages present across the four economies. These studies show only a fraction of the research in real estate field. Aizenman and Jinjarak (2011) studies the association between current account and real estate valuation across countries, and they found find a robust and strong positive association between current account deficits and the appreciation of the real estate prices/(GDP deflator).

And when it comes to China, due to its fast and amazing developing, it seems people are more

interested in how it will develop in the future: China real estate began to rise in the 1980s’, and since the market-oriented housing reform in 1998, urban real estate prices in China have risen quite rapidly in general. Koetter and Poghosyan (2010) discussed that real estate prices can deviate from their fundamental value due to rigid supply, heterogeneity in quality, and various market imperfections, which have two contrasting effects on bank stability. Their research found that house price deviations contribute to bank instability. This finding corroborates the importance of deviations from the fundamental value of real estate, rather than just price levels or changes alone, when assessing bank stability.

Under the China’s active fiscal policy, the fixed asset investment grows rapidly and the ratio of real estate investment in GDP increased gradually. Accompany with the quick development, the scale and price of real estate in China also experienced rapidly grow. In order to cool down the whole market and keep the price in a reasonable increase rate, the Chinese government issued a series of policies in 2010. Under this macro environment, the development of China's real estate industry and it’s future trends analysis is not only concerned by consumers and government, but also be concerned by many scholars and real estate business company. This paper will first describes the resent status of Chinese real estate, and then based on the life-cycle theory and China static to give a prediction of the future trends.

2. Today’s Chinese real estate development status

According to the data published by China National Bureau of Statistics, all of the indicators of China's real estate in 2010 show increase. In 2010, the Chinese national real estate development investment is 4.8267 trillion RMB, increased 33.2% over 2009, among which, the commercial residential investment is 3.4038 trillion RMB and this number increased 32.9% over 2009. At the same time, the proportion of total investment in real estate development is 70.5%. In 2010, the business construction area is 4.055 billion M2, increased 26.6% over 2009, and new construction area is 1.638 billion M2, which also increased 40.7% over 2009. Completed space of houses is 760 million M2, increased 4.5% over 2009, among which, the residential area is 612 million M2, increased 2.7%, over 2009.

Table 1 shows the sales of China's real estate in 2010, and Figure 1 shows the real estate climate index from January 2009 to December 2010.

The investment in affordable housing in 2010 is around 840 billion RMB and the growth rate of investment in real estate development was driven by about 5%. In 2011, 10 million new affordable housing units construction are under planning and 60% is expected to be completed by the end of 2011. If calculation of the average 60 square meters for each affordable house, the new affordable housing will be completed in an area of approximately 3.6 billion square meters. Thus it’s estimated that about 1.3 trillion RMB affordable housing will be completed in 2011, which will boost real estate development investment increased by about 10%, and boosting China GDP growth by 1%.

3. Chinese real estate life-cycle position and the main problems

The life cycle can be used to observe the behavior of many concepts in business; it is best applied to products and industries. Industry Lifecycle is a concept relating to the different stages an industry will go through, from the first product entry to its eventual decline. There are typically four stages in the industry lifecycle (figure 2).

And the first stage can also be divided into early stage and innovation stage.

The stages are defined as:

(1) Early Stages Phase-alternative product design and positioning, establishing the range and boundaries of the industry itself.

(2) Innovation Phase - Product innovation declines, process innovation begins and a "dominant design" will arrive.

(3) Growth (Cost or Shakeout) Phase - Companies settle on the "dominant design"; economies of scale are achieved, forcing smaller players to be acquired or exit altogether. Barriers to entry become very high, as large-scale consolidation occurs.

(4) Maturity Phase - Growth is no longer the main focus, market share and cash flow become the primary goals of the companies left in the space.

(5) Decline Phase Revenues declining; the industry as a whole may be supplanted by a new one. Now, the Chinese real estate is experiencing the development from begin phase to the growth phase, due to the following reasons:

(1). The Chinese citizens are consuming the real estate product in growing numbers;

(2). More and more real estate companies enter into the market, race to offer their own products and gain a share of a growing market.

(3). Total sales and profits continue to grow in the Chinese real estate industry. Though it looks very promising, but there are still some problems exist in China real estate industry in this development stage, we analysis and include these problems as the following 4 main parts:

Continues expanding of the real estate investment. Real estate investment proportion in the total social fixed assets investment increased year by year. In 1999, the real estate investment amounted is around 401.017 billion RMB, and the number reached 4.8267 trillion RMB by 2010, with an average growth of 400 billion RMB per year. At the same time, the ratio of real estate development investment in GDP also increased year by year.

Rapid growth in developing size. The China national real estate construction area in 2010 reach to 4.055 billion square meters, compare with the 568.58 million square meters in 1999, it increased nearly 40 million square meters, an average increase of 300 million square meters per year. And the scale of real estate development also expand gradually, the indicators of real estate development growth is more than 10%, and the highest rate close to 30%.

Regional differences in market size and growth rate, both in completed construction area and under construction area, the east of China has a large proportion, while the central of China has leading position in the growth rate (except sales). At the same time, there are regional differences in the level of urban residents living.

Continuous high price. Recently, the Chinese real estate market shows a "three high” phenomena: High prices, high enthusiasm of residents purchase and high disposable income. In China , the price of live house in 2004 was 2,714 RMB / square meter, but in 2010, the price climbed to 8363 RMB / square meter, the high prices of live house caused many concerns for both residents and government.

4. Trends and Countermeasures

After nearly 20 years’ development, Chinese real estate has made great achievements, look back this 20 years’ development, we can find the following characters:


? China real estate industry is gradually moving toward market-oriented. The real estate and capital markets are linked closer.


? China real estate moves into a rapid developing and rapid growth period. China’s Real Estate's policy is under gradually improving.

With China's accession to WTO, China's real estate market will follow the international practice and open to other WTO member countries according to the multilateral negotiations of the commitments. China's real estate market will be further developed, and the trends are mainly in the following areas:

With the accelerated urbanization process and urban population increases, a large number of house renovation and real estate secondary market, the housing market still has more room for development.

Given the urban population will have more 10 square per person, it will cause to nearly 40 million square meters demanding. Coupled with the accelerated process of urbanization, which will increase the demand for housing (about 100 million square meters per year), thus in the next 10 years, China will has a sustained development in housing construction.

According to some agencies’ survey, the satisfaction rate of China residents’ in housing is under 20%, about 48% of the residents are willing to update their house in the coming 2 to 3 years to improve the living conditions and environment, plus there are a lot of people willing to invest in housing, therefore, the potential demand for housing in China is still quite large.

After joining WTO, China's real estate market increasingly changed form group consumer dominated to individual consumers dominated. The proportion of individuals purchase will increase, the housing quality will be further improved, the sales cycle will speed up, housing service consumption will have a greater expansion, the total amount of personal loans in housing will increase, and the real estate law will be strengthened.

5. Conclusion

From the preceding data and analysis, we can see that the Chinese real estate market has experienced the stage of germination and rapid development, and now it is still in its growing stage.

With the improvement of national policies and more matured consumption, the Chinese real estate development will enter a relatively mature stage of development, it means the market is beginning to become very competitive, and the the competition for customers becomes fierce. On the other hand, under the guidance of national policy, to purchase for the purpose of real estate investment would be reduced. These two factors will help the real estate prices to return to a reasonable level. But since the China citizen’s rigid requirements for house still exist, Chinese real estate will enter a more competitive yet still promising phase. And only those companies who pay much attention to the government policy and customer needs can stay in the market.




经过近20年的发展,中国房地产行业显示增加的证据都在规模和价格。但近年来,中国公民开始抱怨更多关于高房价,政府也更加关注房地产行业。本文首先分析了近年来中国房地产开发,然后基于生命周期理论,探讨了中国房地产市场的生命周期阶段以及这一阶段中存在的问题,论文的最后,是关于中国房地产市场的未来趋势预测。 关键词:中国,房地产、生命周期、趋势



当谈到中国时,由于其快速、惊人的发展,似乎人们更感兴趣的是它将如何发展未来:中国房地产在19xx年代开始兴起的,和19xx年住房市场化改革以来,中国城市房地产价格上涨很快。Koetter和Poghosyan(2010)讨论了房地产价格偏离其基本价值,由于刚性供给,异质性在质量、和各种市场缺陷,这有两个对比对银行稳定性的影响。他们的研究发现,房价偏差导致银行不稳定。这一发现证实了偏离基本价值的房地产的重要性,而不是价格水平或更改,仅在评估银行的稳定性。 在中国积极的财政政策下,固定资产投资快速增长,房地产投资在国内生产总值(GDP)的比例逐渐增加。伴随着快速发展,规模和中国的房地产价格也经历了快速增长。为了整个市场降温和保持在一个合理的价格增加利率,中国政府在20xx年发布了一系列政策。在这种宏观环境下,中国的房地产业的发展和它的未来趋势分析不仅是关注消费者和政府,也被许多学者和房地产相关业务的公司。本文首先描述了对中国房地产的地位,然后基于生命周期理论和中国静态预测未来的趋势。






3.中国房地产市场生命周期位置和存在的主要问题 生命周期可以用来观察许多概念的行为在商业,最好是应用于产品和行业。产业生命周期是一个概念有关的行业将经历不同的阶段,从第一个产品进入其最终的衰落。有通常在产业生命周期的四个阶段(图2)。







(5)下降阶段收入下降;行业作为一个整体可能会取代一个新的。 现在,中国房地产市场正在经历从开始阶段到发展增长阶段,由于以下原因:









平方米,但在20xx年,价格攀升至8363元/平方米,住房子的价格高企导致许多居民和政府的关注。 4.趋势和对策


? 中国房地产行业逐渐走向市场化。

? 房地产和资本市场联系紧密。

? 中国房地产进入快速发展和快速增长时期。

? 中国房地产的政策正在逐步改善。




根据一些机构的满意度的调查,中国居民的住房低于20%,约48%的居民愿意更新他们的房子在未来2 - 3年改善生活条件和环境,再加上有很多人愿意投资房地产,因此,潜在的中国对房地产的需求仍然很大。






