关于计算机网络安全漏洞的检测和防范的检索报告 韩贝


软件工程ZB122 韩贝 202120826


随着计算机技术的迅猛发展,计算机网络向世 界各个角落延伸,人们通过网络享受着巨大便利。计算机网络安全问题随之而来,安全隐患令人非常担忧。目前,国内使用的计算机主流操作系统平台实现功能高度复杂,源代码没有完全开放,无法进行安全检测验证;计算机网络通信协议也几乎都是国外开发的协议,其可靠性也非常值得质疑。实际应用中,有相当数量的计算机系统都存在安全漏洞,随时可能遭受非法入侵。如何主动地针对不同操作系统、不同的网络通信协议进行扫描与检测,发现网络安全漏洞,特别是根据检测结果进行防护是目前网络安全研究的热点。


数据库: CNKI中国知网 万方数据知识服务平台 外文文献数据库(ENPS)



1、CNKI中国知网:主题 = (计算机网络or安全漏洞)and检测和防范

2、万方数据知识服务平台:主题 = (计算机网络or安全漏洞)and检测和防范

3、外文文献数据库(ENPS):主题 = (Computer network or security vulnerability) and detection and Prevention



检索策略:文件分类目录 高级检索

全选 主题 计算机网络 模糊

或者 主题 安全漏洞 模糊

并且 主题 检测和防范 模糊




【1】赵雨. 电信公司内部安全漏洞与攻击入侵的检测算法研究[D].北京交通大学,2012.(10):78.


国家信息通信的神经枢纽,在现代社会中扮演着非常重要的角色,利用开放的网络环境进行全球的通信已经成为时代发展的趋势。 但是网络在提供便利的共享资源的同时也带来了各式各样的安全风险。如果在网络系统设计中没有很好地考虑网络安全管理的问题,这个设计方案是有严重缺陷的,按这样的设计组建的网络系统是十分危险的。如果由于网络性能下降...

【2】孙恒滨. 关于检验检测系统计算机网络的安全隐患及防范探索[J]. 硅谷,2013,(09):126+80.


【3】隋亮. 基于渗透测试的SQL注入漏洞检测与防范[D].东华大学,2014.(09):56.

【摘要】随着Internet的进一步普及和计算机网络技术的快速发展, Web技术得到了广泛的应用。基于Web技术和数据库架构的应用系 统已经逐渐成为主流,广泛应用于企业内部和外部的业务系统中。 然而,随之而来的则是Web应用系统面临的安全风险与日剧增。Web安全渗透测试技术是一种针对Web应用的积极防范技术。 该技术在应用遭受攻击前,模拟黑客攻击Web应用的方式对目标系 统进行探测。而在众多Web应用攻击手段中,SQL注入攻击是最常 用的也是最易于实施的方法。因此,做好针对SQL注入攻击的入侵 检测和防范工作以保证整个信息基础设施的安全,是Web应用系统 ...


检索策略:选择文献类型 高级检索

全选 主题 精确 计算机网络 或

主题 精确 安全漏洞 与

主题 精确 检测和防范



【1】 陈慧洋.网络安全问题的检测与防范[J].中外企业家,2013,(36):181-182.


【2】步山岳,沈益彬.校园网漏洞检测与防范[J].网络安全技术与应用,2008,(2):83-84. 【摘要】 本文对目前校园网常见的sql注入攻击、上传漏洞、密码泄露典型安全隐患进行分析,给出了利用网络安全测试工具测试校园网安全方法,提高诊断网络安全效率.针对具体网络安全漏洞,给出改进后编程代码,并通过远程方法直接为网络漏洞嵌入补丁.


【摘要】 由于计算机网络体系结构的复杂性及其开放性等特征,网络设备及数据的安全成为影响网络正常运行的重要问题,网络安全问题变得越来越重要.了解网络攻击的方法和防范对于维护网络安全有着重要的



检索策略:选择文献类型 高级检索

外文期刊 主题 模糊 Computer network 或

外文会议 主题 模糊 security vulnerability 与

主题 模糊 detection and Prevention



【1】Hongbiao Song,Mladen Kezunovic.A new analysis method for early detection and prevention of cascading events[J].Electric Power



This paper introduces a new analysis method for early detection and prevention of power system cascading events. It uses the vulnerability index (VI) and margin index (MI) to evaluate the vulnerability and security of the individual system parts, as well as the whole system during an operating state. It identifies the vulnerable parts of the power system using the topology processing and operation index methods. For a given disturbance, it calculates the power flow, evaluates the vulnerability and security, identifies the vulnerable part, finds the transmission line overload and bus voltage problems, and predicts the possible successive events. The approach defines the control means using the following methods for early detection and prevention of cascading events: network contribution factor (NCF), generator distribution factor (GDF), load distribution factor (LDF), and selected minimum load shedding (SMLS). This approach has been tested using the IEEE RTS-96 24-bus system and promising results have been obtained. The proposed approach allows the power system operator to detect initial stages of cascading events and assert actions that will prevent such events from unfolding.

【2】Sanjay Rawat,Ashutosh Saxena.Application security code analysis: a step towards software assurance[J].International journal of information and computer security,2009,3(1):86-110.

【Abstract】 The last few years have witnessed a rapid growth in cyber attacks, with daily new vulnerabilities being discovered in computer applications. Various security-related technologies, e.g., anti-virus programs, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs)/Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs), firewalls, etc., are deployed to minimise the number of attacks and incurred losses. However, such technologies are not enough to completely eliminate the attacks to some extent; they can only minimise them. Therefore, software assurance is becoming a priority and an important characteristic of the software development life cycle. Application code analysis is gaining importance, as it can help in writing safe code during the development phase by detecting bugs that may lead to vulnerabilities. As a result, tremendous research on code analysis has been carried out by industry and academia and there exist many commercial and open source tools and approaches for this purpose. These have their own pros and cons. Therefore, the main objective of this article is to explore the state-of-the-art in code analysis and a few major tools which benefit not only security professionals, but also novice Information Technology (IT) professionals. We study the tools and techniques under the basic four types of analysis (Static Source Code (SSC), Static Binary Code (SBC), Dynamic Source Code (DSC) and Dynamic Binary Code (DBC) analysis) and briefly discuss them.

【3】Zhang, J.,Zulkernine, M.,Haque, A. et al.Random-Forests-Based Network

Intrusion Detection Systems[J].IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part C, Applications and reviews,2008,38(5):649-659.


Prevention of security breaches completely using the existing security technologies is unrealistic. As a result, intrusion detection is an important component in network security. However, many current intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are rule-based systems, which have limitations to detect novel intrusions. Moreover, encoding rules

is time-consuming and highly depends on the knowledge of known intrusions. Therefore, we propose new systematic frameworks that apply a data mining algorithm called random forests in misuse, anomaly, and hybrid-network-based IDSs. In misuse detection, patterns of intrusions are built automatically by the random forests algorithm over training data. After that, intrusions are detected by matching network activities against the patterns. In anomaly detection, novel intrusions are detected by the outlier detection mechanism of the random forests algorithm. After building the patterns of network services by the random forests algorithm, outliers related to the patterns are determined by the outlier detection algorithm. The hybrid detection system improves the detection performance by combining the advantages of the misuse and anomaly detection. We evaluate our approaches over the knowledge discovery and data mining 1999 (KDDpsila99) dataset. The experimental results demonstrate that the performance provided by the proposed misuse approach is better than the best KDDpsila99 result; compared to other reported unsupervised anomaly detection approaches, our anomaly detection approach achieves higher detection rate when the false positive rate is low; and the presented hybrid system can improve the overall performance of the aforementioned IDSs.





的视野,眼光不应局限于此时此地、迷信权威,而应放眼世界、敢于怀疑,学会理性地审视错综复杂的各种信息,去粗取精,寻找到对自己帮助最大的信息,最终才能够获取其中的价值。 由于我们处于学习的初期,因此只需掌握二次文献的检索方法即可,这相对于全文检索方便了不少,省去了检索全文的阅读和理解,当然,检索、阅读、整理这三个方面是相辅相成,互相渗透的。

