
1.reach an impasse: 遭遇窘境

2.childhood issues:童年的问题

3.be a natural at sth.:擅长做某事

4.roll the dice:滚筛子

5.be pedantic:迂腐的

6.look on the bright side:从积极的一面看问题

7.choke on sth:吃。。噎到

8.have a little spat:口水战(sheldon一直乐此不疲的)

9.take your mind off those things:不要再想这些问题

10.back off:让开

11.be itching to do sth:渴望做某事

12.have the guts to do:有勇气做某事(eg.Raj will never have the guts to talk to hot girls.)

13.pick up on all her little hints:领会她的某些暗示

14.be a little peeved:耍脾气

15.build an empire with sb from the ground:与某人一起白手起家

16.It's a sign:这是注定的

17.drift out:开小差(字面意思:汽车移滑 =half-listening/half-minded)

18.blend in:融入圈子

19.put yourself down:摆平自己(=swallow your pride)

20.I‘m a little on edge:我刚有点激动,不耐烦(貌似是sheldon说的)

21.It baffles me:。。让我不解(sheldon常说)

22.miss speaking for the couple now:妻管严(Haward说Penny 和 Leonard)

23.obnoxious and insufferable:又讨厌又难以忍受(好像是Leonard说Sheldon)

24.expel sb from the country:把某人从国家驱逐出去(Raj)

25.Be deported:被驱逐

26.on trial:在实验中或者受审

27.lose my cool:哥不淡定了(这么觉得这能Sheldon 能说出来)

28.run into a dead end:死路一条

29.be adept at reading facial cues:擅长察言观色(from Sheldon )

30.conjugal visit:夫妻之间的访问

31.I'm the third wheel:我是电灯泡

32.make a pact:约法三章

33.pull strings:套近乎

34.maternity leave:产假

35.buckle down:认真做事或者扣紧


37.future appears to be bleak:前途惨淡

38.What stakes do you propose:你和我赌神马?

39.you have a wager:你有赌注了

40.ironic doesn't agree with me:我不喜欢讽刺

41.shack up with sb:与某人同居

42.first come, first serve:先到先得

43.take the pressure off:卸下压力

44.fix on the trivial:为小事纠结(Leonard 形容Sheldon)

45.in a moment filled with biblical resonance:醍醐灌顶

46.self-criticism and repentance:自我批评和后悔

47.catch a break:休息一下

48.buoy my spirit:振奋精神

49.lessen your discomfort:减轻你的不适

50.ground-breaking strikes:极大的打击

51.career trajectory has taken a minor detour:职业道路有点偏差 52.with a docterate:获得博士学位(eg.Haward is the only men who does not possess a doctrate.) 53.be a godsend:及时雨

54.I am engineered:我是试管婴儿

55.one's life revolve around:某人的生活以。。为中心

56.be wiped clean:一干二净了

57.beneath the exterior,there are cracks:在貌似完好的外表下充满了危机

58.cool off :冷静下来

59.Mull over:考虑

60.go off on the wrong foot:有些误解

61.I'm in no position to do:我没有打算去做。。

62.I don't possess the tool of leadership:我不擅长领导

63.pipe dream:白日梦

64.deploy out on a mission:为一个任务差遣

65.old prank:常用的笑话-fall for one of sheldon's old pranks

66.hover over my head:在我脑袋中盘旋

67.telephone is unlisted:没有存电话

68.sullen teenage daughter:沉闷的处于青春期的女儿

69.I'm on fire:我状态超好。

70.be within earshot:还在听力范围之内

71.bonus question:附加题

72.propose an enormous undertaking:费了很大精力

73.I'm not good with cold:我怕冷

74.descend into anarchy:衰退至无政府状态


76.zip your hole:把嘴闭上

77.make small talk:闲聊

78.get me wrong:误解我

79.get your mind off this:别再想这个了

80.What do you say?:你觉得呢?

81.blissful evening:美妙的夜晚

82.mouthwash:漱口水 body wash:沐浴液 hair conditioner:护发素

83.catch up with you:跟上你

84.ravish me:蹂躏我吧

85.break dancer:噼啪舞者

86.housewarming gift:搬家礼物 87.a little bubbles forming on the corners of one's mouth:恨得某人咬牙切齿(Penny给Sheldon找CD那集)

88.outearn sb:比某人挣钱多

89.assembly line:流水线

90.be condescening:屈尊的

91.take a nap:小睡一会


93.head off:扼杀

94.quench our thirst:遏制渴望

95.pull together:齐心协力(Penny做头花那集)

96.can't-miss smypossium:不可错过的论坛会

97.get a shot=take a shot:试一试

98.creep sb out:恶心某人

99.be disproportionate to my physical stature:和我体型不成比例

100.unmitigated disaster:为缓解的灾难

101.flash drive:优盘

102.slumdog millionare:平民窟的百万富翁

103.small package good things:浓缩就是精华(Leonard形容自己)


105.black out:晕倒

106.pop into my head:在我的脑海中出现

107.go black:失去意识


109.intrude on:侵犯

110.take it personally:别介意

111.be too hard on sb:对某人太苛刻

112.be louging on a sofa:在沙发上懒散得躺着

113.enlighten sb:启发某人

114.never-ending stream of:永无止境的。。

115.find out sound:润嗓子

116.menopausal symptoms:更年期

117.perky:活泼(penny 去试镜)

118.be tempted:被。。吸引

119.smooth talker:擅长谈话的人 120.despite a hard and crusty shell, he is a sensitive men:在坚强的外表下,他是一个内心敏感的人

121.nuture it and make it shine:培养它

122.get over oneself:别自以为是

123.call it off:取消

124.get braces off:把牙套去掉

125.my hubris and my pride:我的自以为是和骄傲

126.a little carried away:有点过分

127.you pick up on that:你看穿了

128.hit it off:合得来

129. be behind on one's bill:手头紧

130.move a conversation forward:推进谈话

131.get off my case:别管我

132.It's my treat.:我请客

133.takeout food:外带


135.The die has been cast:木已成舟

136.bring it on yourself:自找

137.lay the following conundrum at your feet:自找困难

138.conversation opener:开场白

139.slide over one:坐座位向旁边移一个

140.tell on sb:打小报告(Leonard向Sheldon他妈)

141.that is big of you:气量大(Penny形容Sheldon)

142.well played:够狠(Sheldon 和PeNNY 斗那集)


144.put it on the agenda:放在行程中

145.put it on mute:放静音

146.take a stand:明确立场

147.rever sb:崇拜某人(Sheldon的女学生)

148.You are so witty:你真狡猾

149.it tickles:痒痒

150.doze off:打瞌睡

151.I'M On a roll:人气高

152.hassle with:与。。斗争

153.my door is open:我随时欢迎你

154.weep for:流泪

155.second-rate mind/lesser mind/mediocro mind:智商一般的(Sheldon 说烂了都) 156.I'm close to a breadthrough:我差点就破记录了

157.lower a bar:降低标准

158.flaunt one's success:炫耀某人的成功


160.be rife with:充满了

161.crash to the ground:化为huijin

162.make oneself scarce:溜走

163.make pee-pee:尿尿

164.screen people out:筛选人

165.snort of derision:嘲讽的声音

166.shore up self-esteen:建立起自尊

167.I'll take the bullit:我先试吧

168.spy on sb:监视某人

169.sb is a close talker:善于交谈的人

170.get on my nerve:惹毛我了

171.cross my mind:出现在我的脑海中

172.I don't kown where I am:我不知道自己所处的位置

173.We are a good fit:我俩很合适

174.she speaks my language:她和我是一路人

175.be at each other's throat:看对方不顺眼

176.hobnob with people :与人过分亲近

177.beat our brains out:绞尽脑汁

178.make a habit of it:形成习惯

179.dwell on:总想着

180.go off:走火

181.Life I envisioned/pictured for us:我所预想的生活

182. be meant for each other:天生的一对

183.have a yen for me:对我蠢蠢欲动

184.thoughts started taking precedence over feeling:理性战胜利感性

185.as the last days expired:随着剩下几天慢慢消逝

186.keep options open:保持自由身(Leonard描述他和penny的交往)

187.hook up with sb:与某人交往

188.Are you high:你喝高了么?

189.hold out for rediculous fatasy:坚持无聊的幻想 190.I do not judge a book by its cover,I'am interested in the person underneath:我不会以貌取人

191.masturbatory fantasies:YY

192.fiddle with oneself:摆弄自己

193.sink to his level:降低到他的水平

194.the more,the merrier:人越多,越好

195.play innocent with:装清纯

196.put it on vibrant:调成振动

197.take some sense into you:调教调教你

198.remarkable and high-achieving:有卓越成就的(Sheldon讽刺Penny没学问时) 199.at length:详细的




Conversation ;英语会话速成100公式 [01:09.17]Unit 1 I'm calling about the car. ;一.我打电话来问那部车 [01:13.63]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [01:16.69]A:Hello. B:I'm calling about the car.Is your car sold yet? ;A:喂. B:我打电话来问那部车子 你的车子卖掉了吗?

[01:21.94]A:Yes,we sold it yesterday. B:Okay,thanks. ;A:卖掉了,昨天卖掉的. B:好的,谢谢你. [01:27.28]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [01:29.76]A:Are you getting hungry? ;A:你饿了吗?

[01:31.54]B:Yeah,I'm starving. Is the spaghetti cooked yet? ;B:是啊,我快饿死了. 意大利面煮了吗? [01:35.50]A:Almost done. B:Okay,I'll put the bread in the oven then. ;A:快煮好了. B:好的,那我就把面包 放到烤箱里. [01:41.93]Practice ;句型练习 [01:44.70]Is the job filled? Is my house finished? ;那个工作请到人了吗? 我的房子弄好了吗? [01:48.63]Is your car sold? Is the spaghetti cooked? ;你的车子卖给掉了吗? 意大利面煮了吗?

[01:53.11]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [01:55.29]car sold yet ;车子 卖(过去分词) 已经

[01:58.95]starve spaghetti almost ;很饿 意大利面 几乎 [02:03.50]bread oven fill ;面包 烤炉 派人充任 [02:07.17]job finish ;工作;职位 完成 [02:17.36]Unit 2 Can I help you find anything? ;2.你需要我帮你找什么 东西吗? [02:21.45]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[02:23.96]A:Are you going to sell your car this month? B:No,I think I'll wait ;A:你打算这个月卖车吗? B:不,我想再等等. [02:28.74]A:All right,but let me know if you change your mind. B:Will do. ;A:好吧,但是如果你改变 主意,要告诉我. B:没问题. [02:33.99]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [02:36.76]A:Can I help you find anything? B:Not right now. ;A:你需要我帮你找什么 东西吗? B:还没有. [02:40.62]A:Let me know if I can be of any help. B:You bet. ;A:如果你需要我帮忙, 跟我说一声. B:好. [02:44.87]Practice ;句型练习 [02:47.15]Let me know if you change your mind. ;如果你改变主意,要让我 知道. [02:49.92]Let me know if I can be of any help. ;如果你需要我帮忙, 跟我说一声. [02:53.19]Let me know if you get the book in. Let me know if John calls. ;如果书到了,要告诉我. 如果约翰打电话来, 要告诉我.

[03:00.51]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [03:03.28]sell wait change ;卖 等待 改变

[03:06.84]mind find ;主意 找到 [03:09.12]help bet ;帮忙 打赌 [03:18.72]Unit 3 How was the drive? ;3.一路行车还好吗? [03:21.89]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [03:24.36]A:I didn't realize that you were in town B:I came in last night ;A:我不知道你到本市来了 B:我昨晚才到. [03:29.11]A:Great!How was the drive? B:No problems. ;A:很好,一路行车还好吗? B:没有问题. [03:34.26]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [03:37.42]A:What time are you going to the game? B:I'm not. I didn't have any money. ;A:你什么时候要去看球 赛? B:我不去看.我没有钱. [03:42.67]A:Tickets don't cost anything. B:Oh,I didn't realize that tickets were free ;A:票是免费的. B:噢,我不知道票是 免费的. [03:49.99]Practice ;句型练习 [03:52.37]I didn't realize what had happened. I didn't realize that tickets were free. ;我不知道发生了什么事. 我不知道票是免费的. [03:58.01]I didn't realize that you were in town. I didn't realize that you had a birthday. ;我不知道你到本市来了. 我不知道你过生日. [04:04.74]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [04:07.51]drive town realize ;开车 城市;城镇 明了;知道 [04:11.96]problem ticket cost ;问题 票 花费 [04:15.46]free happen birthday ;免费的 发生 生日 [04:26.51]Unit 4 How's the job search? ;4.你工作找得怎么样? [04:29.98]Conversation 1 ;对话一,

[04:32.25]A:How's the job search B:Terrible.Do you realize how hard it is to find a job? ;A:你工作找得怎么样? B:很糟.你知道找工作有 多困难吗? [04:38.49]A:Where have you

looked? B:Everywhere. ;A:你找过哪些地方? B:到处都找过. [04:41.95]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [04:44.52]A:Do you have all your shopping done yet? B:No,I'm in no rush. ;A:你工买的东西都买完 了吗? B:还没有,我不急. [04:50.13]A:Do you realize that Christmas is next week? ;A:你知不知道圣诞节是 下星期? [04:52.99]B:Sure,but I'll figure something out. ;B:知道,但我会有办法的. [04:56.40]Practice ;句型练习 [04:58.18]Do you realize how hard it is to find a job? ;你知道找工作有多困难吗 [05:01.48]Do you realize that Christmas is next week? ;你知不知道圣诞节是下星 期? [05:04.61]Do you realize that computer games are on sale? ;你知道电脑游戏在打折吗 [05:08.52]Do you realize that I am home for two weeks? ;你不知道我会在家待两个 星期吗? [05:13.03]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[05:15.40]search terrible hard ;寻找 (口语)糟糕的 困难的 [05:19.66]shopping rush computer ;购物 紧急的;急着赶 电脑 [05:23.91]figure out on sale ;想出办法 打折拍卖

[05:34.60]Unit 5 Are you using the phone? ;5.你要用电话吗? [05:38.86]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [05:40.93]A:Do you mind if I get something to drink? B:No,go ahead. ;A:我拿饮料喝, 你会介意吗? B:不介意,你尽管拿去喝. [05:44.70]A:What do you have? B:Coke,milk,and water. ;A:你有什么? B:可乐,牛奶和开水. [05:49.08]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[05:51.13]A:Are you using the phone? B:No. ;A:你要用电话吗? B:不. [05:53.90]A:Do you mind if I call John? B:Go right ahead. ;A:我打个电话给约翰, 你会介意吗? B:没问题,尽管打.

[05:57.96]Practice ;句型练习 [05:59.64]Do you mind if I get something to drink? Do you mind if I come over? ;我拿饮料喝,你介意吗? 我过来你家拜访一下, 你介意吗?

[06:04.69]Do you mind if I call John? Do you mind if I play with your baby? ;我打个电话给约翰, 你介意吗? 我跟你的宝宝玩你介意吗 [06:10.63]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[06:12.90]mind drink ahead ;介意 喝 预先 [06:17.35]phone baby go ahead ;电话 婴孩 尽管去做 [06:21.15]come over ;到某人家作客 [06:29.63]Unit 6 It was a great wedding ;6.婚礼很棒. [06:33.88]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [06:36.06]A:Did you hear about Diana

getting married B:No,when did that happen? ;A:你有没有听说戴安娜 结婚了? B:没有,什么时候结婚的? [06:41.60]A:Last Saturday.It was a great wedding. B:That's really cool. ;A:上星期六.婚礼很棒. B:那很好. [06:47.08]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [06:49.72]A:What's all the commotion about? B:Did you hear about the car exploding? ;A:怎么这么乱呢? B:你有没有听说车子 爆炸的事? [06:54.47]A:No. B:It was bad. Two people were hurt ;A:没有. B:很严重.有两个人受伤. [06:59.61]Practice ;句型练习 [07:01.30]Did you hear about Diana getting married? ;你有没有听说戴安娜结婚 了? [07:04.26]Did you hear about the car exploding? ;你有没有听说车子爆炸的 事? [07:07.23]Did you hear about my new job? Did you hear about the new CD? ;你有没有听说我的新工作 你有没有听说新出来的CD 唱歌怎么样? [07:13.27]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [07:15.65]wedding really commotion ;婚礼 真的 混乱 [07:19.60]explode bad ;爆炸 严重的 [07:22.18]people hurt hear ;人们 伤害 听到

[07:32.77]Unit 7 Why didn't you call me ;7.你为什么没有打电话 给我?

[07:36.03]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [07:38.70]A:Why didn't you call me? B:I'm sorry. I got tied up. ;A:你为什么没有打电话 给我? B:对不起.我有事走不开. [07:44.45]A:Are we still going to the game? ;A:我们还去看球赛吗? [07:46.27]B:Of course.I'm not going to let you down like that. ;B:当然.我不会让你那么 失望的. [07:51.37]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[07:54.04]A:I bought a new stereo last night. Do you want to see it? ;A:我昨晚买了一个新音响 你要不要看看? [07:58.23]B:Why didn't you fix the old stereo? ;B:为什么不修好那个旧的 [08:01.07]A:It's just too old. Besides,I wanted to get something that played CD. ;A:那个太旧了.而且,我想 买一个可以放CD唱片的 [08:06.97]B:I hope you got a good

one. ;B:希望你买到一个好的. [08:09.78]Practice ;句型练习 [08:11.86]Why didn't you call me Why didn't you send the instructions? ;你为什么没打电话给我? 你为什么没有寄使用说明 给我? [08:16.31]Why didn't you fix the old stereo? Why didn't you eat dinner? ;你为什么不修好那个旧的 你为什么没有吃晚饭? [08:21.85]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[08:23.93]bought stereo fix ;买(过去式) 立体音响 修理 [08:27.79]hope send instruction ;希望 寄 指示;说明 [08:38.48]Unit 8 It's kind of a secret. ;8.那是秘密.

[08:42.34]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [08:44.81]A:I heard Tom went to England. B:Who told you that? ;A:我听说汤姆到英国去了 B:谁告诉你的? [08:48.48]A:Mary. B:Oh.Don't tell anyone It's kind of a secret ;A:玛丽. B:噢,别告诉任何人. 那是秘密.

[08:54.51]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [08:56.79]A:I heard John got sick. B:Yeah,he's not doing too well. ;A:我听说约翰病了. B:是啊,他的情形不太好. [09:02.30]A:What does he have? B:Bronchitis. ;A:他生什么病? B:支气管炎. [09:05.80]Practice ;句型练习 [09:07.48]I heard Tom went to England. I heard John has a girlfriend. ;我听说汤姆到英国去了. 我听说约翰有个女朋友. [09:12.19]I heard the Cowboys won the Super Bowl. I heard Mary got sick. ;我听说牛仔队赢了足球 超级杯冠军. 我听说玛丽病了. [09:18.07]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [09:20.25]told tell secret ;告诉(过去式) 告诉某人 秘密 [09:23.64]bronchitis sick ;支气管炎 生病 [09:33.01]Unit 9 Can I give you a hand? ;9.你要我帮忙吗?

[09:36.57]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [09:39.84]A:Can I give you a hand? B:No,I can do it by myself just fine. ;A:你要我帮忙吗? B:不,我自己做得来. [09:45.51]A:I take it you want to be alone now. B:Yes,just leave me alone. ;A:看样子,你现在不希望 有人在你旁边. B:是的,让我一个人静静. [09:50.63]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [09:53.10]A:You're worn the same thing for a week. B:I know. ;A:你这件衣服已经穿了 一个星期了. B:我知道. [09:56.93]A:I take it you like the shirt. B:Yeah,it's just so comfortable. ;A:看来你很喜欢这件衬衫 B:是啊,这件衣服穿起来 很舒服. [10:02.11]Practice ;句型练习 [10:04.28]I take it you're disappointed. I take it you want to be alone now. ;看来你是很失望. 看样子,你现在不希望 有人在你旁边.

[10:09.73]I take it you like the shirt. I take it you're a fan of the Dolphins. ;看来你很喜欢这件衬衫. 看来你是海豚队的球迷. [10:16.85]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [10:19.53]hand myself fine ;帮助 我自己 很好 [10:23.29]alone leave ;独自 留着 [10:25.76]worn shirt ;穿(过去分词) 衬衫 [10:28.04]comfortable disappointed fan ;舒适的 失望的(过去分词) 狂热爱好者

[10:39.32]Unit 10 I can't believe you said that! ;我真不相信你会这么说

[10:43.38]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [10:46.64]A:I can't believe you said that! B:I didn't mean to offend you. ;A:我真不相信你会这么说 B:我不是有意冒犯你的.

[10:52.28]A:Well,you should be a little more careful with your words. B:Okay,I'm sorry. ;A:那你说话应该小心一点 B:好了,我向你道歉. [10:58.81]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[11:02.18]A:Oh excuse me. I didn't mean to bump into you. B:That's all right. ;A:噢,对不起. 我不是故意撞你的. B:没关系. [11:07.62]A:Can I give you a hand? ;A:需要我帮忙吗?

[11:09.28]B:Sure,you can grab those bags if you want to. ;B:好,如果你愿意的话, 帮我拿那些袋子. [11:13.66]Practice 1 ;句型练习 [11:16.83]I didn't mean to offend you. I didn't

mean to bump into you. ;我不是故意冒犯你的. 我不是故意撞你的. [11:21.28]I didn't mean to eat all of your fries. I didn't mean to interrupt. ;我不是故意把你的薯条 通通吃掉的. 我不是故意打岔. [11:27.02]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [11:29.10]mean offend careful ;有意 冒犯 小心 [11:32.76]word bump ;话 撞到 [11:35.04]grab bag interrupt ;抓着;拿着 袋子 打断;打岔 [11:46.12]Unit 11 These phone bills are so high. ;这些电话费太贵了

[11:51.27]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [11:53.64]A:When is the repairman going to fix the walls? ;A:修理工人什么时候会 来修墙? [11:57.31]B:I don't know. I guess he'll call me. ;B:我不知道.我猜他会 打电话给我. [12:00.27]A:Maybe you should ask him about it. B:Yeah,you're probably right. ;A:或许你应该问问他看. B:是啊,你说得也对.

[12:05.72]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [12:08.29]A:These phone bills are so high. ;A:这些电话费太贵了. [12:12.14]B:I told you. It gets expensive having a boyfriend out of state. ;B:我告诉过你.男朋友 在外地会增加开支的. [12:17.79]A:But what can I do? I need to talk to him. ;A:但是,我该怎么办呢? 我需要跟他谈话. [12:21.25]B:Maybe you should write a letter. ;B:或许你该用写信的方式 [12:24.22]Practice ;句型练习 [12:26.20]Maybe you

should write a letter. Maybe you should pay attention. ;或许你应该用写信的方式 或许你应该注意. [12:31.15]Maybe you should ask him about it. Maybe you should call David. ;或许你应该问问他看. 或许你应该打电话给大卫 [12:37.19]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[12:39.27]repairman fix wall ;修理工人 修理 墙 [12:42.73]guess probably right ;猜想 或许;可能的 正确 [12:46.19]bill high expensive ;账单 高的 昂贵的 [12:49.86]state

attention ;州 注意;注意力 [12:59.56]Unit 12 What time does the movie start? ;电影几点开始? [13:03.31]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [13:05.49]A:What time does the movie start? ;A:电影几点开始? [13:07.54]B:At 8:05.Any idea what time you're coming over? ;B:8:05开始.你几点过来? [13:11.83]A:I guess about 7:00. B:Good.That will give us plenty of time to get there. ;A:我猜大约7点吧. B:好.那我们就会有足够 的时间去戏院. [13:18.46]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [13:20.93]A:Did you get John a present yet? ;A:你替约翰买了礼物吗?

[13:23.57]B:No.I'm thinking about a shirt. Any idea what his shirt size is? ;B:没有,我想买一件衬衫. 你知道他衬衫的尺寸吗 [13:29.25]A:I can check. B:That would be good. ;A:我可以问问看. B:那很好. [13:33.10]Practice ;句型练习 [13:35.78]Any idea when the wedding is? Any idea what time you're coming over? ;你知道婚礼几点开始吗? 你几点过来?

[13:41.32]Any idea what his shirt size is? Any idea why he left so early? ;你知道他衬衫的尺寸吗? 你知道他为什么这么早 离开吗? [13:48.34]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[13:50.52]movie start plenty ;电影 开始 很多 [13:54.28]present shirt ;礼物 衬衫

[13:56.36]size check ;大小;尺码 查一查 [13:58.34]left idea early ;离开(过去式) 主意;概念 早 [14:09.33]Unit 13 How come? ;为什么? [14:12.59]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[14:14.77]A:Hello,Chris,this is Mary. ;A:嗨,克理斯,我是玛丽. [14:17.26]B:Where are

you?You should have been at John's an hour ago. ;B:你在哪里?你一个小时 之前就该到约翰家了. [14:21.40]A:I know. We are having trouble finding his house. ;我知道.我们找不到他家. [14:25.16]B:Okay,let me give you the directions again ;好,我把到这里的路再跟 你

说一遍. [14:29.42]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [14:32.29]A:How come you still have that piece of junk? ;A:你怎么还在开那辆破车 [14:35.10]B:We are having trouble buying a car ;B:我们没办法买车子. [14:38.42]A:How come. B:We just don't have enough for a down

payment. ;A:为什么? B:我们就是没有足够的钱 交首期款. [14:44.26]Practice ;句型练习

[14:46.54]We are having trouble staying awake. We are having trouble wrapping the gifts. ;我们没办法保持清醒. 这些礼物我们不会包. [14:52.67]We are having trouble finding his house. We are having trouble buying a car. ;我们找不到他家. 我们没办法买车子.

[14:59.50]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [15:01.68]trouble direction again ;麻烦;困难 方向指示 再度 [15:05.44]piece junk enough ;一片 垃圾 足够的 [15:09.30]down payment stay ;首期 付款 保持 [15:13.06]awake wrap gift ;醒着 包礼物 礼物 [15:24.54]Unit 14 Have you talked to John today? ;你今天有没有跟约翰 谈过话? [15:28.60]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[15:30.97]A:I'm thinking about asking Richard out. B:I was wondering if you liked him. ;A:我想约理查出去. B:我在想,你是否喜欢他. [15:37.41]A:Well,now you know. B:I think you should ask him. ;A:那现在你知道了. B:我认为你应该约他出去 [15:42.16]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [15:44.63]A:Have you talked to John today? B:No,and I don't plan to. ;A:你今天有没有跟约翰 谈过话? B:没有,而且我也不想. [15:49.28]A:I was wondering if he offended you. I guess he did. ;A:我在想,他是否得罪 了你. [15:53.24]B:Yeah,and he'd better figure it out. ;B:是的,而且他最好知道 他得罪了我. [15:57.20]Practice ;句型练习 [15:59.28]I was wondering if you would like to come over.I was wondering if you liked him. ;不知你要不要来我家玩. 我在想,你是否喜欢他. [16:05.22]I was wondering if he offended you. I was wondering if you liked chocolate. ;我在想,他是否得罪了你. 我不知道你是否喜欢 巧克力.

[16:11.65]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [16:14.88]wonder plan offend ;想知道;猜想 计划 冒犯

[16:18.25]chocolate figure out ;巧克力 了解;明白 [16:28.64]Unit 15 I'm free Sunday. ;我星期天有空. [16:32.60]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [16:35.37]A:Hilton,how may I help you? B:Do you have any rooms available? ;A:希尔顿饭店,有什么事? B:你们还有空房间吗?

[16:40.25]A:You bet,we've got plenty of rooms. B:Good,I'll take a room for tonight. ;A:有,我们有许多房间 空着. B:很好,我今晚要个房间. [16:45.86]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[16:48.43]A:We need to figure out a time to get together. ;A:我们需要找个时间聚聚

[16:51.53]B:Okey.Do you have Saturday available? ;B:好的,星期六你有空吗?

[16:55.03]A:No,but I'm free Sunday. B:Okay,that'll work. ;A:没有,但我星期天有空. B:好,星期天可以. [16:59.91]Practice ;句型练习 [17:02.09]Do you have any rooms available? Do you have a car available? ;你们还有空房间吗? 你们的租车还有吗? [17:07.53]Do you

have Saturday available? Do you have any time available this weekend ;星期六你有空吗? 这个周末你有空吗? [17:23.17]Unit 16 How is work? ;上班还好吗? [17:28.22]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [17:31.19]A:Is Mary still going out with John? B:No,they broke up a couple of weeks ago. ;A:玛丽还在跟约翰交往吗 B:没有,他们几个星期前 就吹了. [17:37.42]A:Is it okay for me to ask her out? ;A:你认为我约她好吗? [17:40.38]B:I don't know.You might give it a little time. ;B:我不知道.你应该再 等一段时间. [17:45.04]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[17:47.22]A:How's work? B:Terrible.Just terrible.Is it wrong for me to quit the job ;A:上班还好吧? B:很糟,就是很糟.我把 工作辞掉好不好呢? [17:54.24]A:Well,do you think that's the

best thing to do? ;A:你认为那是最好的 决定吗? [17:57.71]B:I don't know. I'm just so frustrated with my boss. ;B:我不知道.我的上司 实在令我很沮丧. [18:02.75]Practice ;句型练习 [18:04.83]Is it wrong for me to question him? ;我去问他好吗? [18:07.64]Is it

appropriate for me to talk to the senator? ;我去跟参议员谈,合适吗? [18:11.07]Is it okay for me to ask her out? Is it wrong for me to quit the job? ;你认为我约她好吗? 我把工作辞掉好不好呢? [18:17.60]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [18:20.37]work terrible wrong ;上班 (口语)糟透的 错误的 [18:24.03]quit job best ;辞职 工作;职位 最好的 [18:27.20]frustrated boss

question ;挫折的;泄气的 老板;主管 询问 [18:30.66]appropriate senator going out with ;适合的 参议员 交往 [18:34.66]broke up ask...out ;(感情)破裂 约某人出去 [18:44.62]Unit 17 We'll be home around ten. ;我们大约十点会回来 [18:48.58]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[18:50.95]A:Your shift is from five until midnight. B:Am I allowed to take a break? ;A:你的班是从5点到半夜. B:我可以休息吗? [18:56.06]A:Yes,you have a one hour break from 7:00 to 8:00 to eat dinner B:All right. ;A:可以从7点到8点,你有 一个钟头休息,吃晚饭. B:好的. [19:02.83]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [19:05.40]A:We'll be home around ten. B:Am I allowed to drive you car? ;A:我们大约10点会回来. B:我可以开你的车子吗?

[19:09.95]A:Sure. We left some money so that you can take the kids to dinner. ;A:可以.我们留下一些钱, 以便你带小孩去吃晚饭 [19:14.68]B:Okay,I'll be careful ;B:好的,我会小心.

[19:18.17]Practice ;句型练习 [19:20.15]Am I allowed to take a break? Am I allowed to let visitors in? ;我可以休息一下吗? 我可以让客人进来吗? [19:25.39]Am I allowed to have

company over? Am I allowed to drive your car? ;我可以让朋友来吗? 我可以开你的车子吗?

[19:31.53]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [19:33.90]midnight question allow ;午夜 问题 允许

[19:38.26]visitor around drive ;访客 (时间)前后;大约 开车 [19:42.12]money kid dinner ;金钱 小孩子 晚餐;正餐 [19:46.11]careful break company ;小心 短暂的休息 朋友

[19:57.46]Unit 18 How did the interview go? ;面试如何? [20:01.22]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[20:03.59]A:So,how did the interview go? B:Fine,but they gave the job to John. ;A:哎,面试如何? B:很好,但是他们把那个 工作给了约翰. [20:09.43]A:That's too bad.I'm sorry you didn't get the job. B:Me too. ;A:那真是很糟.你不能得 到那个工作,我很遗憾. B:我也是.

[20:15.37]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [20:18.24]A:Hey,good effort out there tonight. ;A:嘿,你今晚在球场上 打得很认真. [20:20.91]B:Thanks. I wish they gave points for trying. ;B:谢谢你.我希望尽量做 也能得分. [20:24.48]A:I'm sorry you lost the game,but don't get down. ;A:你比赛输了,我很遗憾, 但是别难过. [20:28.34]B:I know. We'll get it right next time. ;B:我知道.下一次我们 会做得更好. [20:32.59]Practice ;句型练习 [20:34.67]I'm sorry you didn't get the job. I'm sorry John broke up with you. ;你不能得到那个工作, 我很遗憾. 约翰跟你吹了,我很遗憾. [20:40.41]I'm sorry your dog died.I'm sorry you lost the game. ;你的狗死了,我很遗憾. 你比赛输了,我很遗憾. [20:45.26]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [20:47.73]interview gave effort ;面谈 给(过去式) 努力 [20:52.19]point wish try ;分数 希望 尝试

[20:56.31]lost game down ;(球类)比赛 比赛输了(过去式) 沮丧的;情绪低落的

[21:00.10]die next time ;过世 下一次 [21:12.47]Unit 19 You bet ;没问题

[21:16.83]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [21:19.40]A:I'm calling to check on the sales

position. ;A:我打电话来是想知道我 应聘销售员职位的情况. [21:22.58]B:I'm afraid that the

job has already been filled. ;B:那个职位已经有人了. [21:25.93]A:Okay,thanks a lot. B:You bet. ;A:好,多谢. B:没问题. [21:29.50]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [21:31.67]A:I'm here to speak with Mary. ;A:我来找玛丽. [21:34.25]B:I'm afraid you'll have to come back tomorrow. She left a couple of minutes ago ;B:你恐怕得明天再来. 她几分钟前才离开.

[21:39.56]A:Oh,when will she be in? B:She comes in at 2:00 ;A:噢,她明天几点会来? B:她2:00来. [21:45.23]Practice ;句型练习 [21:46.91]I'm afraid that the job has already been filled. ;那个职位已经有人充任了 [21:50.37]I'm afraid you'll have to come back tomorrow. ;你恐怕得明天再来. [21:54.14]I'm afraid that your dog isn't going to make it. ;我恐怕你的狗活不成了. [21:59.29]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [22:02.06]check sales position ;查一查 销售 职位 [22:05.29]afraid back left ;恐怕 回来 离开(过去式) [22:08.89]already ;已经

[22:17.56]Unit 20 I don't know for sure. ;我不太确定 [22:21.03]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[22:24.59]A:What do you want to do? B:I guess you can come over. ;A:你要做什么? B:我猜你能过来. [22:29.04]A:All right,I'll be right over. B:Okay. ;A:好吧,我马上过去. B:好的.

[22:32.61]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [22:34.68]A:What's Mary doing tonight? ;A:玛丽今晚要做什么? [22:37.00]B:I don't know for sure. I guess she'll come to the party. ;B:我不太确定.我猜她会 来参加宴会. [22:40.82]A:I hope so. B:I hear you. I need to talk to her. ;A:我希望她会来. B:我知道你的意思了. 我得跟她谈谈. [22:45.97]Practice ;句型练习 [22:47.94]I guess you can come over. I guess he'll like the gift. ;我猜你能过来. 我猜他会喜欢这个礼物. [22:52.30]I guess she'll come to the party. I guess I'll buy him a car. ;我猜她会来参加宴会. 我想我会买部车子给他. [22:57.04]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [22:59.26]sure party hope ;确定 宴会;派对 希望 [23:10.22]Unit 21 I really let him down. ;我真的令他很失望

[23:14.52]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [23:16.74]A:I really let him down. I don't know what to do. ;A:我真的令他很失望, 我不知道该怎么办. [23:22.45]B:I suppose you should tell him you're sorry. ;B:我想你该跟他说抱歉. [23:25.73]A:I know that. I just wish I could fix everything. B:Yeah,me too. ;A:我知道.我只是希望我 能弥补一切. B:是啊,我也是.

[23:32.45]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [23:34.97]A:Are you coming? ;A:你要来吗?

[23:36.49]B:Yeah,hold on.I suppose that I should make the bed before I leave. ;B:要,请稍等.我想我离开 之前应该把床整理好. [23:41.83]A:Okay,I'll meet you there. B:Bye. ;A:好的,我到那里跟你 见面. B:再见. [23:46.37]Practice ;句型练习 [23:48.10]I suppose that you're right about him. I suppose you should tell him you're sorry. ;我想你对他的看法是对的 我想你应该跟他说抱歉. [23:54.37]I suppose that I should make the bed before I leave. ;我想我离开之前应该把 床整理好. [23:57.90]I suppose that you could get a hair cut. ;我想你应该理发. [24:01.04]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [24:03.41]really down suppose ;真的 失望的 认为理应的 [24:07.80]fix leave meet ;弥补 离开 见面 [24:11.56]right ;正确 [24:20.30]Unit 22 Are you getting all of this? ;你通通听懂了吗? [24:24.15]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[24:27.71]A:Are you getting all of this? ;A:你通通听懂了吗? [24:30.40]B:Yep.I think I

understand what he wants. ;B:是,我想我了解他要 什么. [24:33.93]A:Good. Have it ready by tomorrow morning. B:No problem. ;A:好.明天之前把一切 准备好. B:没问题.

[24:38.57]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [24:40.94]A:What was John saying? B:Oh,nothing. ;A:约翰说什么? B:噢,没什么. [24:45.09]A:Come on,tell me. B:Okay,but don't scream. I think

he wants to call you. ;A:别这样,跟我说吧. B:好的,但是你别尖叫. 我认为他想打电话给你

[24:52.64]Practice ;句型练习 [24:54.27]I think I understand what he wants. I think he wants to call you. ;我想我了解他要什么. 我认为他想打电话给你. [24:59.90]I think you should go with him.I think you should type the letter for me. ;我认为你应该跟他去. 我认为你应该替我打这 封信. [25:06.42]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [25:09.38]understand ready problem ;了解;明白 准备好 问题 [25:14.27]scream call ;尖叫 打电话 [25:18.27]type letter ;打字 信 [25:28.94]Unit 23 What's going on? ;怎么一回事? [25:34.04]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [25:36.24]A:Are you ready to get to work? B:I don't think we have the proper tools ;A:你准备好要工作了吗? B:我想我们没有恰当的 工具. [25:41.47]A:What do we need? B:I think we need an electric drill. ;A:我们需要什么? B:我想我们需要一个电钻

[25:46.43]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [25:48.91]A:What's going on? B:I'm about to go to the store. I don't th- ink I like my computer ;A:怎么一回事? B:我正要到商店去.我想 我不喜欢我的电脑. [25:55.75]A:Are you going to return it? B:If I can. ;A:你想拿去退? B:如果可以退的话. [26:00.06]Practice ;句型练习 [26:01.72]I don't think we have the proper tools. I don't think the house is clean yet. ;我想我们没有恰当的工具 我认为房子还没清理好. [26:07.91]I don't think I like my computer. I don't think we're going out of town. ;我想我不喜欢我的电脑. 我认为我们不可能到 外地去. [26:14.66]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [26:17.41]proper tool need ;合适的 工具 需要 [26:21.82]drill store computer ;钻子 商店 电脑 [26:25.95]return clean town ;退还 清洁的 城市;城镇 [26:38.21]Unit 24 That sounds cool. ;听起来很棒

[26:43.03]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [26:45.37]A:What's on your mind? B:I'm thinking about getting a new car. ;A:你在想什么? B:我在想买一部新车. [26:50.10]A:Wow,that sounds cool B:You're telling me. I've had this car for 10 years. ;A:哇,听起来很棒. B:是没错.我这部车已经 开了10年了. [26:57.21]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [26:59.83]A:What are you going to do after the game? B:I'm thinking about eating lunch. ;A:比赛完后,你要做什么? B:我想去吃午餐. [27:05.75]A:You should try that new Chinese restaurant B:You're reading my mind. ;A:你应该去那家新开的 中国餐馆吃吃看. B:你倒是知道我在想什么

[27:11.53]Practice ;句型练习 [27:13.32]I'm thinking about getting a new car. I'm thinking about asking Mary out. ;我想买部新车. 我想约玛丽出去. [27:19.25]I'm thinking about going shopping. I'm thinking about eating lunch. ;我想去购物. 我想去吃午饭.

[27:26.54]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [27:29.02]sound cool mind ;听起来 (口语)很棒 头脑

[27:33.16]think year game ;想;认为 年 (球类)比赛 [27:36.32]try restaurant shopping ;尝试 餐馆;饭店 购物 [27:47.75]Unit 25 Do you think I look all right? ;你看我这样穿可以吗?

[27:52.30]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [27:55.05]A:Do you think I look all right? B:For a job interview? A:Yeah. ;A:你看我这样穿可以吗? B:你要去面试? A:是啊. [28:00.15]B:Not

unless you don't want the job. You'd better change. ;B:不可以,除非你不想要 这个工作.你最好去换 件衣服. [28:04.83]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [28:07.45]A:I heard that John is in town. B:I heard that too. ;A:我听说约翰在我们镇上. B:我也听说了. [28:11.58]A:Do you think he's coming over? B:Probably not.He's usually pretty busy. ;A:你认为他会来拜访吗? B:应该不会.他通常很忙. [28:18.19]Practice ;句型练习 [28:20.53]Do you think we can win the race? Do you think I look all right? ;你认为我们赛跑会赢吗? 你认为我这样穿可以吗?

[28:25.07]Do you think he's coming over? Do you think she liked her gift? ;你认为他会来拜访吗? 你认为她喜欢她的礼物 吗? [28:31.43]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [28:34.02]look

interview unless ;看起来 面谈 除非 [28:37.66]change heard probably ;换衣服 听见(过去式) 或许;可能的 [28:40.72]usually pretty busy ;通常 非常;相当 忙的 [28:44.25]win race gift ;赢 赛跑;竞赛 礼物

Conversation ;英语会话速成100公式 [00:08.63]Unit 26 How did the meeting go? ;会议开得如何? [00:13.47]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [00:16.35]A:How did the meeting go? ;A:会议开得如何? [00:18.58]B:Don't ask me. I couldn't find the place. ;B:别问我.我找不到开会 的地点. [00:22.41]A:Are you sure you got the right address? ;A:你确定你拿到的是正确 地址?

[00:25.13]B:Positive. I guess I'll just find out tomorrow. ;B:肯定是对的.我相我明 天再问问是怎么一回事. [00:30.33]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [00:33.01]A:Man,this controller doesn't work right at all. ;A:天啊,这个控制器没 办法用. [00:36.27]B:Are you sure that you bought the right controller? ;B:你确定你买对了控制器 [00:39.20]A:Yeah,I bought the exact one you said. ;A:是啊,我完全照你说的 买的. [00:42.50]B:Well,maybe it's defective. ;B:噢,可能是有故障吧. [00:45.56]Practice ;句型练习 [00:48.54]Are you sure the pen doesn't work? Are you sure you got the right address? ;你确定这支笔不能用吗? 你确定你拿的是正确地址 [00:54.01]Are you sure you don't want to come over? ;你确定你不过来吗?

[00:56.77]Are you sure that you bought the right controller? ;你确定你买对了控制器?

[01:01.21]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [01:03.48]meeting ask find ;会议 问 找到

[01:07.82]place address positive ;地方 地址 确信的;有把握的 [01:12.02]guess controller work ;猜测想 控制器 可以用的 [01:16.07]bought exact defective ;买(过去式) 确切的 故障的 [01:28.84]Unit 27 Thanks for bringing lunch over. ;谢谢你带午餐来

[01:33.29]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [01:35.11]A:You're home early. ;A:你今天提早回家了.

[01:36.70]B:Yeah,we decided to call it a night. Thanks for watching the kids. ;B:是,我们决定大家该回 家了.谢谢你帮我看小孩 [01:41.80]A:You bet. Let me know if you need me to do it again. B:We'll let you know. ;A:没问题.需要我再帮你 看小孩时,通知我. B:我们会通知你. [01:49.20]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [01:52.74]A:Thanks for bringing lunch over.It really helps. ;A:谢谢你带午餐来. 你真是帮了大忙. [01:57.00]B:It's the least we could do. I hope you get to feeling better soon. ;B:这是我们起码该做的. 我希望你很快恢复.

[02:01.99]A:Me too.I can't take much more of this. ;A:我也是.再这样下去我 可受不了了.

[02:05.81]B:Keep taking your medicine.Yell at us if you need anything else. ;B:继续服药吗.你如果 需要什么,大声叫我们. [02:12.50]Practice ;句型练习 [02:15.23]Thanks for the gifts. Thanks for watching the kids. ;谢谢你的礼物. 谢谢你帮我看小孩. [02:19.99]Thanks for bringing lunch over. Thanks for painting our house so well. ;谢谢你带午餐来. 谢谢你把我们的房子 漆得这么好. [02:26.17]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [02:28.91]early decide bring ;早 决定 带来 [02:32.55]really least feel ;真的 最少的 感觉 [02:36.61]better soon medicine ;较好的;更好的 很快地 药 [02:40.35]yell else paint ;大声叫 其他的 油漆 [02:52.91]Unit 28 Did you like the movie ;你喜欢那部电影吗? [02:57.37]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[03:00.61]A:How was your date? B:It was kind of awkward. ;A:你去约会,情形如何? B:有一点尴尬. [03:04.83]A:Really? B:Yeah,things just didn't seem right. ;A:真的? B:是啊,事情就

是有点不 对. [03:10.03]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [03:12.16]A:Did you like the movie? B:No,it was kind of boring. ;A:你喜欢那部电影吗? B:不喜欢,有点乏味. [03:16.31]A:That's what I thought. B:Oh well,you win some you lose some. ;A:我也是这么认为. B:是啊,有所得必有所失. [03:22.09]Practice ;句型练习 [03:25.33]It was kind of awkward It was kind of nice. ;有一点尴尬. 还不错. [03:29.08]It was kind of a surprise. It was kind of boring. ;有一点令人吃惊. 有点乏味. [03:34.65]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [03:37.18]date awkward seem ;约会 不安的;尴尬的 似乎 [03:40.73]movie boring thought ;电影 乏味的 想(过去式)

[03:44.38]lose win surprise ;失去 赢 惊奇;惊喜 [03:57.44]Unite 29 Can you do me a

favor? ;你能帮我一个忙吗? [04:01.60]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [04:03.52]A:Can you do me a favor? B:Sure. What do you need? ;A:你能帮我一个忙吗? B:好,你需要什么?

[04:07.37]A:I need the car washed. Here's a few bucks. B:Okay. ;A:我的车子需要洗. 这里有几块钱. B:好的. [04:13.14]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [04:16.29]A:Can I give you a

hand? ;A:需要帮忙吗? [04:18.30]B:Sure.I need this shirt pressed and I'm running out of time. ;B:需要.我这件衬衫需要 烫,而我快没时间了. [04:22.87]A:Give it here.I'll do it. B:Thanks.I owe you one ;A:放在这里.我来做. B:谢谢你.我欠你一个 人情.

[04:28.04]Practice ;句型练习 [04:29.96]I need the car washed. I need the walls painted. ;我的车子需要洗. 墙壁需要油漆. [04:33.91]I need this shirt pressed. I need the disks formatted. ;我这件衬衫需要烫. 这些磁盘需要格式化. [04:39.79]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[04:42.62]favor wash buck ;帮忙;恩惠 洗 (口语)一元 [04:45.97]press owe disk ;用熨斗烫 亏欠 (电脑)磁盘 [04:49.31]format ;(把磁盘)格式化 [04:59.74]Unit 30 How do you like the new house? ;你喜欢新房子吗? [05:03.79]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [05:05.92]A:What else do you have to do? B:The floor needs sweeping. ;A:你还有什么需要做? B:地板需要扫.

[05:10.08]A:That's it? B:Yep. ;A:就这样? B:是的. [05:13.65]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[05:16.02]A:How do your parents like the new house? ;A:你父母喜欢新房子吗?

[05:18.47]B:Pretty good,except the kitchen needs remodeling. ;B:很喜欢.只是厨房需要 改建. [05:22.54]A:Are they going to do it? B:Yeah,might as well. ;A:他们准备动手了吗? B:是啊,可能已经开始了. [05:27.50]Practice ;句型练习 [05:29.32]The cat needs washing. The floor needs sweeping. ;这只猫需要洗澡. 地板需要扫. [05:33.38]The TV needs fixing. The kitchen needs remodeling. ;这部电视机需要修理. 厨房需要改建. [05:39.66]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [05:42.09]floor sweep parent ;地板 扫地 双亲之一 [05:45.94]pretty except

kitchen ;非常;相当 除了...之外 厨房 [05:50.60]remodel need ;改建 需要 [06:01.64]Unit 31 No problem ;没问题. [06:05.53]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [06:08.11]A:Do you need me to do anything for you? B:Yeah,I need you to fix dinner. ;A:你需要我帮你做什么吗 B:是,我需要你做晚饭. [06:13.77]A:I can handle that,no problem. B:Thanks. ;A:我可以做,没问题. B:谢谢你. [06:19.02]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [06:22.06]A:Can you do me a favor? B:Sure. What do you need? ;A:你可以帮我一个忙吗? B:当然可以,你需要什么? [06:26.55]A:I need you to run to the store for me. B:No problem. ;A:我需要你帮我到商店 跑一趟. B:没问题.

[06:30.55]Practice ;句型练习 [06:32.82]I need you to fix dinner. I need you to buy Mary a doll. ;我需要你做晚饭. 我需要你买一个娃娃给 玛丽. [06:38.13]I need you to run to the store for me. ;我需要你帮我到商店跑 一趟. [06:41.16]I need you to clean your room. ;我要

你把你的房间清理 干净. [06:44.49]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [06:47.37]fix handle favor ;准备 处理 帮忙;恩惠 [06:51.31]store problem buy ;商店 问题 买 [06:54.95]doll run clean ;洋娃娃 跑步 清理 [06:58.49]room ;房间 [07:09.81]Unit 32 Everything's so expensive. ;每一样东西都很贵. [07:14.51]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [07:16.63]A:What do you know? B:Not much.Can you believe it's already 2000? ;A:嗨,怎么样啊? B:没什么.你能相信已经 是20xx年了吗? [07:23.42]A:Crazy,isn't it? B:Yeah,I just got used to writing 1999 on all my checks. ;A:很疯狂,不是吗? B:是啊,我才刚习惯于在 支票本上写19xx年.

[07:31.79]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [07:34.17]A:What are you going to get? ;A:你要吃什么?

[07:36.38]B:I don't know. Everything's so expensive. ;B:我不知道,每一样东西 都很贵.

[07:40.38]A:Can you believe that they charge $10 for a hamburger? ;A:你能相信一个汉堡竟然 卖10美元吗? [07:44.58]B:Maybe we should just get water. ;B:或许我们只要水就好了 [07:48.27]Practice Listen and repeat ;句型练习 [07:51.75]Can you believe it's already 2000? ;你能相信已是20xx年了吗 [07:54.32]Can you believe that John called back so fast? ;你会相信约翰这么快就回 电话吗? [07:57.71]Can you believe that they charge $10 for a hamburger? ;你能相信一个汉堡竟然卖 10美元吗? [08:01.83]Can you believe that she is so slow? ;你会相信她竟这么迟钝吗 [08:05.77]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[08:08.33]believe already crazy ;相信 已经 疯狂 [08:12.68]write check expensive ;写 支票 昂贵的 [08:16.04]charge hamburger ;收费 汉堡 [08:18.29]fast slow ;快 迟缓的,迟钝的 [08:29.96]Unit 33 Are you serious? ;你说真的? [08:34.16]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[08:36.72]A:I can't believe you cleaned the garage. B:Well,someone had to. ;A:我真不敢相信你把车库 整理干净了. B:噢,总要有人去做. [08:41.82]A:I never thought I would see the day when we had a clean garage again. ;A:我从没想到,我还能看 到我们有个干净的车库 的一天. [08:46.83]B:Me neither. But it's here. ;B:我也没想到.但是,干净 的车库就在这里. [08:50.59]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [08:53.24]A:How were your grades this semester? B:Fine,except Chemistry. I got an F ;A:你这学期的成绩怎么样 B:还好,只是化学得了个F

[08:59.15]A:Are you serious?I can't believe you failed Chemistry. ;A:你说真的?我真不敢相 信,你的化学课会不及 格. [09:03.15]B:I know.I thought I passed the test for sure. ;B:我知道.我原本认为我 肯定可以及格. [09:07.51]Practice ;句型练习 [09:09.31]I can't believe you cleaned the garage. ;我真不敢相信你把车库 整理干净了. [09:12.17]I can't believe you failed Chemistry. ;我真不敢相信,你的化学 课会不及格. [09:14.87]I can't believe you won't help him. ;我真不敢相信,你竟然不 帮他的忙. [09:17.72]I can't believe she wrecked your car. ;我真不敢相信,她撞毁了 你的车子. [09:21.33]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[09:24.18]believe garage never ;相信 车库 从未;绝无 [09:28.09]neither grade semester ;也不 成绩 学期 [09:31.89]except chemistry serious ;除了...之外 化学 认真的;严肃的

[09:35.95]fail pass ;(考试)不及格 通过 [09:38.20]test wreck ;测验;考试 (口语)撞车

[09:49.17]Unit 34 I'll give you a hand. ;我会帮你的忙 [09:52.62]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[09:54.87]A:Can you change John for me? ;A:请你帮约翰换尿布好吗 [09:56.82]B:Come on,it's your turn to change his diaper. ;B:别这样,轮到你帮他换 尿布了. [10:00.43]A:I'm sorry. I'm just a little busy. B:Okay,but you owe me. ;A:对不起.我比较忙. B:好,但是你欠我一个人 情. [10:06.74]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [10:09.14]A:The kitchen is dirty B:Why are

you telling me?It's your turn to wash the dishes. ;A:厨房很脏. B:你为什么跟我说?轮到 你洗碗碟了. [10:14.75]A:Oh,I thought today was your day. I'm sorry. ;A:噢,我以为今天该你洗. 对不起. [10:18.77]B:That's all right. I'll give you a hand ;B:没关系.我会帮你的忙.

[10:22.36]Practice ;句型练习 [10:24.92]It's your turn to change his diaper. It's your turn to wash the dishes. ;轮到你帮他换尿布了. 轮到你洗碗碟了. [10:30.32]It's your turn to make the bed. It's your turn to mow the lawn. ;轮到你整理床铺了. 轮到你割草.

[10:36.63]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [10:39.19]change turn diaper ;更换 轮流 尿布

[10:43.04]busy kitchen dirty ;忙的 厨房 脏的 [10:46.30]wash dish mow ;洗 盘子 割草

[10:49.85]lawn ;草坪 [11:01.02]Unit 35 It's time to leave for the party. ;该是去赴宴会的时间了 [11:05.52]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [11:08.08]A:It's time to leave for the party. B:Okay,give me another minute. ;A:该是去赴宴会的时间了 B:好的,再给我几分钟.

[11:13.93]A:Well,just meet me there. I don't want to be late. B:Okay,see you there. ;A:行,我们在那里见面. 我不想迟到. B:好的,到那里再见. [11:20.09]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[11:22.35]A:Are you nervous? It's time for the game to start. B:A little bit. You? ;A:你紧张吗?该是球赛 开始的时间了. B:有一点.你呢? [11:27.75]A:Yeah,but I'll get over it. B:I hope I do. ;A:紧张,但是我可以克服. B:我希望我会克服. [11:31.96]Practice ;句型练习

[11:34.36]It's time to leave for the party. It's time we got a new apartment. ;该是去赴宴会的时间了. 该是换个新公寓的时间了 [11:39.57]It's time to go shopping. It's time for the game to start. ;该是去购物的时间了. 该是球赛开始的时间了. [11:44.48]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [11:46.83]another minute late ;另一个 (时间单位)分 迟到 [11:51.19]nervous bit apartment ;紧张的 一点儿 公寓 [12:04.71]Unit 36 What's wrong? ;怎么啦?

[12:08.16]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [12:10.11]A:What's wrong? B:I'm upset with Mary. She said I was ugly. ;A:怎么啦? B:我在生玛丽的气. 她说我很丑. [12:15.62]A:I've had enough. It's time Mary said something nice. ;A:我受够了.该是玛丽说 一些好听的话的时候了

[12:19.68]B:Don't say anything. You'll just make it worse. ;B:别说什么.你只会使事 情更糟.

[12:24.23]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [12:27.39]A:When is John coming over? ;A:约翰什么时候要来? [12:29.68]B:He's not.His mom said he can't do anything this weekend ;B:他不会来.他母亲说他 这个周末不可以做任何事 [12:35.05]A:It's time John stood up for

himself.He's 23 for crying out loud B:I'm with you. ;A:该是约翰为他自己说话 的时候了.他都23岁了. B:我同意你的说法. [12:43.61]Practice ;句型练习 [12:45.06]It's time Mary grew up ;该是玛丽像个大人的时候 了. [12:47.11]It's time Mary said something nice. ;该是玛丽说一些好听的话 的时候了. [12:49.97]It's time John stood up for himself. ;该是约翰为他自己说话的 时候了. [12:53.42]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [12:55.63]wrong upset ugly ;错误的 生气;不高兴 丑的 [12:59.98]enough nice worse ;足够的 很好 更糟 [13:04.30]loud finish education ;大声 完成 教育 [13:18.23]Unit 37 It's his turn. ;轮到他了

[13:21.99]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [13:24.38]A:Where does John live now? B:Same place. ;A:约翰现在住在哪里? B:老地方. [13:28.43]A:Are you kidding? Isn't it time John moved out? B:Try telling him that ;A:你在开玩笑吧?该是约 翰搬出来的时候了吧? B:你想办法跟他说. [13:34.24]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [13:36.52]A:Are you going to call Tom this weekend? ;A:这个周末你要跟汤姆打 个电话吗? [13:39.42]B:Isn't it time Tom called

us?We always call him. ;B:该是汤姆打电话约我们 的时候了吧?都是我们 打电话约他.

[13:43.52]A:You're right. It's his turn. B:Yeah,it's his turn. ;A:你说得对.轮到他了. B:是啊,是轮到他了. [13:48.59]Practice ;句型练习 [13:49.84]Isn't it time John moved out? ;该是约翰搬出来的时候了 吧? [13:52.12]Isn't it time Mary stopped nagging John so much? ;该是玛丽停止不断对约翰 唠叨的时候了吧? [13:55.71]Isn't it time Tom called us? ;该是汤姆打电话给我们 的时候了吧? [13:58.90]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [14:01.40]same place kidding ;相同的 地方 开玩笑 [14:05.28]move always right ;搬家 总是 正确的 [14:08.69]turn nag ;轮流 唠叨 [14:20.37]Unit 38 Do you have anything else? ;你有什么其他的东西吗?

[14:25.15]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [14:28.74]A:What do you have to eat? ;A:有什么可以吃的? [14:31.13]B:There is a box of crackers in the pantry. ;B:橱柜里有一盒饼干.

[14:33.92]A:Do you have anything else? B:There's some popcorn if you want that. ;A:你有什么其他东西吗? B:如果你要爆米花的话, 有一些. [14:39.27]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[14:41.95]A:Can you put this load of clothes in for me? ;A:你可以帮我把这些衣服 放进洗衣机里吗? [14:44.90]B:Yeah. Where's the detergent? ;B:好,洗衣粉在哪里?

[14:47.93]A:There is some detergent already in the washer. ;A:洗衣机里已经有洗衣粉

[14:50.74]B:Oh,that makes it pretty easy. ;B:噢,那就很简单了. [14:53.91]Practice ;句型练习 [14:56.36]There is a box of crackers in the pantry There is a broom in the corner. ;橱柜里有一盒饼干. 角落里有一把扫帚. [15:02.17]There is some detergent already in the

washer. ;洗衣机里已经有洗衣粉. [15:05.65]There is a cup for Mary in the cupboard. ;碗橱里有给玛丽用的茶杯 [15:09.12]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [15:11.34]cracker pantry popcorn ;饼干 食品储藏室 爆玉米花 [15:15.50]load clothes detergent ;一堆 衣物 洗衣粉

[15:19.10]washer easy broom ;洗衣机 简单的 扫帚 [15:22.79]corner cup cupboard ;角落 茶杯 碗橱 [15:35.31]Unit 39 You seem really worried. ;你看起来很焦急

[15:39.93]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [15:41.98]A:You seem really worried. B:I am. I've got so much to do. ;A:你看起来很焦急. B:我是焦急.我有这么多 事情要做. [15:48.30]A:Is there anything I can do to help? B:No,I need to take care of it all. ;A:有什么我可以帮忙的吗 B:没有,我需要处理所有 这些. [15:55.47]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [15:58.55]A:Where should we go to get Tom's present? B:Is there a gift shop in the mall? ;A:我们应该到哪里去买 给汤姆的礼物? B:购物中心有礼品店吗? [16:03.73]A:No,the one that was there closed down. ;A:没有,那里原有的一家 关门了. [16:07.26]B:Hmm,I guess we could go to Hallmark. ;B:嗯,我想我们可以去 Hallmark礼品店. [16:12.05]Practice ;句型练习

[16:14.78]Is there a game that you want? Is there anything I can do to help? ;有你想要的游戏吗? 有什么我可以帮忙的吗? [16:19.39]Is there a reason that you are so late? Is there a gift shop in the mall? ;你迟到有什么理由吗? 大型购物中心有礼品店吗

[16:24.86]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [16:27.03]seem worried present ;似乎 焦急;担心 礼物

[16:30.84]shop mall ;商店 大型购物中心 [16:33.00]reason late ;理由 迟到 [16:44.79]Unit 40 I'm going to the game. ;我要去看球赛 [16:48.21]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[16:51.29]A:I'm going to the game. ;A:我要去看球赛. [16:53.48]B:You know the rules. You can't go to the game unless you eat all of your dinner. ;B:你知道规定的.你要把 晚饭吃完才可以去看球赛 [16:58.63]A:But I'm not hungry. B:Rules are rules. ;A:但是我不饿. B:规定

就是规定. [17:03.42]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [17:05.64]A:Are you going to use the

phone?I need to call John. ;A:你要用电话吗?我要打 电话给约翰. [17:10.42]B:You can't call John until you finish your chores. ;B:你要把你应做的杂务做 完,才可以打电话给约翰

[17:13.72]A:Come on,please. B:No. Do you chores and then you can call him. ;A:别这样啦. B:不行,先把杂务做完,然 后你就可以打电话给他. [17:20.67]Practice ;句型练习

[17:22.72]You can't go to the game until you eat all of your dinner. ;你要把晚饭吃完才可以 去看球赛. [17:27.51]She can't come over until you clean your room. ;你要把你的房间清理干净 她才可以过来. [17:31.44]You can't call John until you finish your chores. ;你要把你应做的杂务做完 才可以打电话给约翰. [17:35.71]You can't borrow the car until you show some responsibility. ;你要表现出你有责任感, 才可以借车子. [17:41.29]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [17:43.85]game rule hungry ;(球类)比赛;游戏 规则;规章 饿 [17:47.95]call finish chore ;打电话;称为 完成 家庭杂务 [17:52.05]clean room borrow ;清洁的;清理 房间;空间 借用 [17:56.32]until responsibility ;直到 责任;责任感 [18:07.26]Unit 41 Why don't we get a bite to eat? ;我们何不吃点东西? [18:11.53]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [18:13.58]A:Why don't we get a bite to eat? B:Sounds good to me. I'm starving. ;A:我们何不吃点东西? B:听起来真是不错. 我饿坏了. [18:18.42]A:Do you like Burger King? B:Yeah. Let's go there ;A:你喜欢汉堡王餐厅吗? B:喜欢,我们到那里去. [18:22.46]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[18:24.69]A:How do you want to get to the party? B:Why don't we borrow the car? ;A:你要如何去参加宴会? B:我们何不借这部车子? [18:29.36]A:Do you think they'll let us? B:Sure. I do it all the time. ;A:你想他们会让我们借吗 B:没问题,我常向他们借 的.

[18:34.59]Practice ;句型练习 [18:36.36]Why don't we get a bite to eat? Why don't you call her ;我们何不吃点东西? 你何不打电话给她? [18:41.43]Why don't we borrow the car? Why don't you come on over? ;我们何不借这部车子? 你何不过来玩?

[18:46.90]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [18:49.29]bite sound starve ;一口;简单的饮食 听起来 饿死 [18:53.39]party sure ;宴会;派对 当然 [19:04.66]Unit 42 Are you kidding? ;你在开玩笑吗? [19:09.62]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [19:12.86]A:Hello. ;A:喂. [19:14.42]B:Hi,this is

Dr.Lin's office. I'm calling to remind you about your appointment. ;B:嗨,这里是林医师诊所. 我是想提醒你约好的时间 [19:21.07]A:Oh,I forgot all about it. ;A:噢,我全忘了.

[19:23.81]B:I thought so. Your appointment was half an hour ago. ;B:我想就是这样.你约好 的时间是半小时之前. [19:28.24]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [19:30.80]A:Hello. B:Hi,I'm calling to offer you free long distance service. ;A:喂. B:嗨,我打电话来是要提 供你免费长途电话服务. [19:37.30]A:Free long distance? Are you kidding? B:No,it's your lucky day. ;A:免费长途电话?你在开 玩笑吗? B:不,今天是你的幸运日. [19:44.13]Practice ;句型练习

[19:46.01]I'm calling to remind you about your appointment. ;我打电话来是提醒你约好 的时间. [19:49.26]I'm calling to offer you free long distance service. ;我打电话来是要提供你免 费的长途电话服务. [19:52.84]I'm calling to see if you want to go to the mall. ;我打电话来,看看你要不 要去大型购物中心. [19:56.09]I'm calling to check up on Mary. ;我打电话来是看一下玛丽 还好吗. [19:59.85]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [20:02.35]remind appointment forgot ;提醒 约定好的时间 忘记(过去式) [20:06.51]offer distance service ;提供 距离 服务

[20:10.39]free kidding ;免费的 开玩笑 [20:12.72]lucky mall ;幸运的 大型购物中心

[20:24.05]Unit 43 Where are you headed? ;你要去哪里? [20:28.38]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[20:30.37]A:Where are you headed B:To Tom and Mary's. Have you ever seen their

house? ;A:你要去哪里? B:去汤姆和玛丽家.你看 过他们的房子吗? [20:35.22]A:No,but I've heard a lot about it. ;A:没有,但是我听人家说 过很多. [20:37.89]B:Come on then.They'll love to see you. ;B:那么,来吧.他们会很 喜欢见到你的. [20:41.77]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[20:43.47]A:This chicken is awful. ;A:这鸡肉真难吃. [20:46.01]B:I know.Have you ever tasted something so horrible? ;B:我知道.你有没有吃过 这么难吃的东西? [20:50.48]A:I can't believe this costs $20. B:This is the worst meal I've ever had. ;A:我真不相信,这要20美 元. B:这是我吃过最难吃的. [20:57.83]Practice ;句型练习 [21:00.05]Have you ever seen their house? Have you ever tasted something so horrible? ;你看过他们的房子吗? 你有没有吃过这么难吃的 东西? [21:05.86]Have you ever been so embarrassed in your whole life? ;你一生中有没有这么难堪 过? [21:10.81]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[21:14.06]head heard then ;前往 听见(过去式) 那么 [21:17.30]chicken awful taste ;鸡肉 很糟的 尝起来 [21:21.06]horrible cost worst ;(口语)糟透的 花费 最坏的

[21:24.59]embarrassed whole life ;难堪的 全部的 生活;人生 [21:36.10]Unit 44 That's crazy! ;真是疯狂! [21:40.02]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [21:42.25]A:How come the present aren't here yet? ;A:礼物为什么还没到? [21:44.91]B:I don't know.I remember ordering the presents. ;B:我不知道.我记得我订 了礼物. [21:48.51]A:Did you pay for them B:Yeah,I sent a check. ;A:你付了钱吗? B:有啊,我寄了一张支票. [21:52.16]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[21:54.78]A:John is mad at you. B:Why? ;A:约翰很生你的气. B:为什么? [21:58.08]A:He said you never called him back last week. ;A:他说你上周没回他电话 [22:01.40]B:That's crazy! I remember calling him four times! ;B:真是疯狂.我记得我打 了四次电话给他.

[22:06.68]Practice ;句型练习 [22:08.22]I remember ordering the presents. I remember checking the mail. ;我记得我订了礼物. 我记得我查过有没有邮件 [22:13.74]I remember cleaning the floors. I remember calling John four times. ;我记得我清理了地板. 我记得我打了四次电话 给约翰. [22:20.35]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [22:22.85]crazy remember order ;疯狂的 记得 订购 [22:26.90]present pay send ;礼物 付钱 寄 [22:30.65]check mad ;查阅;检查 生气 [22:32.99]mail floor ;邮件 地板 [22:43.64]Unit 45 I've had enough of this. ;我真受不了 [22:47.74]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [22:50.64]A:Look,there are ants all over the cabinet. B:We've got to keep this place cleaner. ;A:你看,橱柜里全是蚂蚁. B:我们必须把这个地方保 持得更干净. [22:57.48]A:Yeah,I've had enough of this. B:I'll get a washcloth ;A:是啊,我真受不了. B:我去拿一条毛巾. [23:02.95]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [23:05.85]A:When is Mary coming over? B:At 6. ;A:玛丽什么时候来? B:6点. [23:09.61]A:Is she going to eat with us? ;A:她要跟我们一起吃饭吗 [23:11.63]B:That's what I forgot I've got to ask her about dinner. ;B:我就是忘了问她这个. 我这就去问她吃不吃晚饭 [23:17.47]Practice ;句型练习 [23:19.35]We've got to keep this place cleaner. ;我们必须把这个地方保持 得更干净.

[23:22.42]We've got to do some shopping during the sale. ;在打折拍卖期间,我们必 须去购买些东西. [23:26.01]I've got to ask her about dinner. ;我这就去问她来不来吃 晚饭.

[23:29.60]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [23:31.99]ant cabinet place ;蚂蚁 柜子;橱柜 地方

[23:35.29]cleaner enough washcloth ;更干净(比较级) 足够 毛巾 [23:39.64]shopping sale ;

购物 拍卖 [23:51.64]Unit 46 How do you like the big city? ;你喜欢大城市吗?

[23:55.66]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [23:58.34]A:How do you like the big city? B:It's all right,but I don't like driving. ;A:你喜欢大城市吗? B:还好,但是我不喜欢开 车.

[24:04.66]A:I'm used to the traffic in Taipei,so this doesn't bother me. ;A:我已经习惯台北的交通 所以对我来说,不是问题. [24:08.73]B:Yeah,I'm just not used to it yet. ;B:是啊,我只是还不习惯. [24:12.64]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [24:14.81]A:John gets on my nerves. B:I'm used to his sarcasm. ;A:约翰很令我受不了. B:我已经习惯了他的讽刺 [24:19.91]A:How can you be used to that? ;A:你怎么会习惯的? [24:21.80]B:I don't know.I guess I've just known for so long. ;B:我不知道.我猜是因为 我认识他好久了. [24:26.55]Practice ;句型练习

[24:27.96]I'm used to the traffic in Taipei. We're used to the bad weather. ;我已经习惯于台北的交通 我已经习惯了这种糟天气 [24:33.38]I'm used to the bad food. I'm used to his sarcasm. ;我已经习惯了很糟的食物 我已经习惯了他的讽刺. [24:39.51]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [24:41.75]city traffic bother ;都市 交通 打扰;麻烦;困扰 [24:45.38]nerve sarcasm guess ;神经 讽刺;嘲讽 猜想 [24:48.70]bad weather food ;不好 天气 食物 [25:01.47]Unit 47 No kidding. ;说得也是 [25:05.49]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [25:07.60]A:How is John handling his new roommate? B:Not too good. ;A:约翰和他的新室友处得 来吗? B:处不好.

[25:13.34]A:I thought that might happen. John is used to living by himself ;A:我知道会这样.约翰习 惯于独自一个人住. [25:18.32]B:Yeah,I guess that's what it is. ;B:是啊,我想就是这样. [25:21.96]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [25:24.64]A:What was John's deal today? ;A:约翰今天是怎么一回事 [25:27.13]B:John is used to being the center of attention.If he isn't,he whines. ;B:约翰习惯于做众人注意 力的中心.要不,他就哭 哭啼啼. [25:32.43]A:Man,I can't believe a high schooler is such a baby! B:No kidding. ;A:天啊,我真不相信一个 高中生竟像个婴孩一样. B:说的也是. [25:38.36]Practice ;句型练习 [25:40.34]John is used to living by himself. Tom is used to doing all the work. ;约翰习惯于独自一个人住 汤姆习惯于做所有的工作 [25:46.34]John is used to being the center of attention. ;约翰习惯于做众人注意力 的中心. [25:49.46]Mary is used to driving a lot. ;玛丽习惯于长途开车. [25:52.87]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [25:54.94]handle roommate might ;处理 室友 也许 [25:58.22]happen deal center ;发生 (口语)情况;事情 中心 [26:01.34]attention whine ;注意;注意力 哭哭啼啼

[26:13.79]Unit 48 How is the new place? ;新地方怎么样? [26:18.00]Conversation 1 ;对话

一 [26:19.92]A:How's the new place? ;A:新地方怎么样? [26:21.77]B:All right.I will get used to the apartment ;B:还好.我会适应那个公 寓. [26:24.86]But it sure was fun having John as a roommate. ;但是有约翰做室友,真的 很有趣. [26:27.96]A:That may take some time to get over. B:Yeah,but life goes on. ;A:总是要一些时间才能 恢复正常. B:是啊,日了总是要过的. [26:33.58]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [26:35.68]A:How do you like Mary ;A:你喜欢玛丽吗? [26:37.32]B:She's great.But it will be a while before I will get used to her parents. ;B:她很好.但是我需要一 段时间来适应她的父母 [26:42.39]A:That's just takes time. B:That's what I'm hoping. ;A:那只是需要时间. B:我也希望是这样. [26:46.60]Practice ;句型练习 [26:48.20]I will get used to the apartment. I will get used to school. ;我会适应那个公寓. 我会适应学校的. [26:53.49]I will get used to her parents. I will get used to her attitude. ;我会适应她的父母. 我会适应她的态度. [26:59.49]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[27:01.79]apartment fun life ;公寓 好玩;乐趣 生活;人生 [27:05.11]while parent ;一段时间 双亲之一 [27:07.22]hope attitude ;希望 态度 [27:17.11]Unit 49 How's your job? ;你的工作怎么样? [27:19.98]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [27:21.90]A:How's your job? B:Good,but I have to drive all over the place. ;A:你的工作怎么样? B:很好,但是我必须开车 到各处.

[27:27.32]A:Do you think you'll like that? B:Sure,I will get used to driving so much. ;A:你想你会喜欢吗? B:当然,我会习惯长时间 开车. [27:33.52]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[27:35.68]A:Why is John grounded B:He left last night without permission. ;A:约翰为什么被禁闭? B:他昨晚没得到允许就 离开了. [27:40.28]A:I guess he will get used to asking before he leaves. ;A:我想他会习惯在离开之 前先问一声. [27:43.73]B:He'd better,or he's going to spend the rest of his life in his room. ;B:他最好是习惯,否则他 往后的日子就要留在他 的房间里. [27:48.64]Practice ;句型练习 [27:50.37]I will get used to eating by myself. I will get used to driving so much. ;我会习惯于单独吃饭. 我会习惯长时间开车.

[27:57.26]She will get used to coming home early. ;她会习惯早一点回家. [28:00.65]He will get used to asking before he leaves. ;他会习惯在离开之前先 问一声.

[28:04.92]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [28:07.60]job drive place ;工作 开车 地方

[28:10.98]ground permission leave ;禁足 许可 离开 [28:14.75]rest life ;其余的 生活;人生

[28:25.60]Unit 50 That's for sure. ;那是一定的 [28:28.57]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[28:30.45]A:Look at John.He's copying Peter's paper. ;A:你看约翰.他在抄彼得 的报告.

[28:34.45]B:John had better do his work by himself if he expects to graduate. ;B:如果约翰想毕业的话, 他最好是自己做他的 功课. [28:39.82]A:My mom said that if she ever caught me cheating,I'll be grounded for a week. ;A:我妈说,如果她抓到我 作弊,会让我禁足一周.

[28:46.15]B:My mom would kill me ;B:我妈会把我杀了. [28:49.41]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[28:52.50]A:What's Peter in trouble for? ;A:彼得出了什么问题? [28:55.03]B:He told me one thing and told his mom something completely different. ;B:他告诉我一件事,而告 诉他妈的又完全不同. [28:59.52]A:Sounds like Peter had better get his story straight. B:That's for sure. ;A:听起来,彼得最好是把 他的故事讲清楚. B:那是一定的. [29:05.72]Practice ;句型练习 [29:07.19]Tom had better quit bugging me. John had better do his work by himself. ;汤姆最好不要再来烦我. 约翰最好是自己做他的 功课. [29:13.38]Peter had better get his story straight. ;彼得最好是把他的故事 讲清楚. [29:17.51]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[29:19.58]copy paper expect ;抄写 研究报告 预期;期待 [29:23.41]graduate caught cheat ;毕业 捕捉(过去式) (考试)作弊 [29:28.05]kill trouble completely ;杀 麻烦 完全地

[29:32.06]different straight ;不同的 确实的 [29:34.27]quit bug ;终止 (口语)烦人 Conversation ;英语会话速成100公式 [00:10.29]Unit 51 How come? ;为什么?

[00:12.87]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [00:15.85]A:I heard Mary had to stay after class.

B:Yeah,she was being disruptive. ;A:我听说玛丽放学后必须 留下来. B:是的,她最近很爱捣蛋. [00:21.55]A:Mary had better not yell at her teacher anymore. ;A:玛丽最好不要再对她的 老师吼叫. [00:24.98]B:It's pretty embarrassing. ;B:那是很令人难堪的.

[00:27.78]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [00:31.04]A:Those cookies sure look good. Looks like John likes them too. ;A:那些饼干看起来的确很 好.看起来约翰也很喜 欢那些饼干.

[00:37.36]B:John had better not eat all of those cookies. ;B:约翰最好不要把那些 饼干通通

吃掉. [00:40.87]A:How come? B:I'm supposed to be saving them for a party. ;A:为什么? B:那些饼干,我是留给宴 会时用的. [00:45.57]Practice ;句型练习 [00:47.11]Mary had better not yell at her teacher any more. ;玛丽最好不要再对她的 老师吼叫. [00:50.83]Bill had better not meet treat her that way. ;比尔最好不要那样子对 待她. [00:53.95]John had better not eat all of those cookies. ;约翰最好不要把那些饼干 通通吃掉. [00:57.71]Mary had better not call me anymore names. ;玛丽最好不要再用难听的 话骂我.

[01:01.91]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [01:04.65]disruptive yell pretty ;捣蛋的;破坏的 吼叫 非常;相当 [01:08.85]embarrassing cookie supposed ;难堪的 饼干 (口语)应该 [01:12.48]save treat way ;保留 对持 方法 [01:23.55]Unit 52 I'll appreciate it. ;我会很感激你这么做.

[01:26.67]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [01:28.77]A:What do you want to do today,go mountain climbing or something? ;A:你今天干什么,去爬山 还是做别的事? [01:33.04]B:I would

rather ski than go mountain climbing. ;B:我较喜欢滑雪,不喜欢 爬山. [01:35.96]A:We could do that. B:Good,I'll bring my skis over. ;A:我们可以去滑雪. B:好,我把我的滑雪板 拿过来.

[01:40.29]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [01:43.66]A:Why are John's grades so bad? ;A:约翰的成绩为什么这么 差? [01:46.40]B:John would rather play basketball than study. ;B:约翰喜欢打篮球, 不喜欢读书. [01:50.35]A:Do you want me to have a talk with him? B:I'll

appreciate it. ;A:你要我跟他谈谈吗? B:我会很感激你这么做. [01:55.44]Practice ;句型练习

[01:57.22]I would rather ski than go mountain climbing. ;我较喜欢滑雪,不喜欢 爬山.

[02:00.91]John would rather stay home than meet people. ;约翰宁愿待在家里也不 喜欢与人见面. [02:04.03]John would rather play basketball than study. ;约翰喜欢打篮球,不喜欢 读书. [02:07.47]Mary would rather take a 0 than do her homework. ;玛丽宁愿拿零分,也不 愿意做家庭作业. [02:12.92]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [02:15.36]mountain climb ski ;山 爬 滑雪;滑雪板 [02:19.37]bring grade bad ;带来 成绩 不好 [02:22.74]basketball study

appreciate ;篮球 用功 感激 [02:26.82]meet homework ;见面 家庭作业 [02:36.11]Unit 53 Are you hungry? ;你饿了吗? [02:39.36]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [02:41.46]A:Are you hungry? B:Yeah,let's get something to eat. ;A:你饿了吗? B:饿了,我们去拿点东西 吃.

[02:45.72]A:Where do you want to go? B:How about McDonald's ;A:你要去哪里? B:麦当劳怎么样? [02:50.18]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [02:52.28]A:Can I ride with you to the wedding? B:Sure. Let's leave around noon. ;A:我可以搭你的车去参加 婚礼吗? B:可以,我们中午离开.

[02:57.88]A:Yeah,that will give us plenty of time to get there. ;A:好,那我们会有很多时 间去那里. [03:01.89]B:You don't want to be late for a wedding. ;B:参加婚礼,你绝对不会 想要迟到的. [03:04.94]Practice ;句型练习 [03:06.15]Let's get something to eat. Let's go to the mall. ;我们去拿点东西吃. 我们到大型购物中心去. [03:09.97]Let's leave around noon. Let's buy him a gift. ;我们中午离开. 我们买个礼物给他.] [03:14.81]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[03:17.29]ride wedding around ;搭乘 婚礼 (时间)前后;大约 [03:21.24]plenty late gift ;很多 迟到 礼物 [03:33.33]Unit 54 You've got me. ;那我就不知道了 [03:37.15]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [03:39.63]A:What's John's problem? ;A:约翰的问题出在哪里? [03:41.98]B:He got the room all dirty and then compl- ained about having to clean up the mess. ;B:他把房间弄得很脏,又 抱怨必须清理那乱东西. [03:47.08]A:He should know better by now. B:I would think so. ;A:他现在应该知道了. B:我想是吧. [03:51.85]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[03:55.29]A:What was going on back there? ;A:后面发生了什么事? [03:57.81]B:Mark complained about being in the back of the line. ;B:马克抱怨站在队伍的 后面.

[04:01.59]A:What's the big deal about being in the back? B:You've got me. ;A:在后面又有什么大不了 的? B:那我就不知道了. [04:07.13]Practice ;句型练习 [04:08.65]David complained about coming home so early. ;大卫抱怨这么早回家. [04:12.74]John

complained about having to clean up the mess. ;约翰抱怨必须清理那乱 七八糟的东西.

[04:16.29]Mark complained about being in the back of the line. ;马克抱怨站在队伍后面.

[04:21.64]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [04:23.55]problem dirty complain ;问题 脏的 抱怨

[04:27.56]mess back ;乱七八糟 后面 [04:29.85]line early ;排队 早 [04:40.16]Unit 55 Let's catch a movie tonight. ;我们今晚去看场电影 [04:43.85]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[04:45.50]A:Let's catch a movie tonight. ;A:我们今晚去看场电影. [04:47.75]B:I'll have to check to see if they have tickets. ;B:我必须先问问他们有没 有票. [04:50.91]A:You think they might be sold out? B:Yeah,this is a popular flick. ;A:你认为票可能已卖光? B:是啊,这部电影很受欢 迎. [04:56.39]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [04:58.49]A:What time are you coming over? ;A:你什么时候要来? [05:00.66]B:I'll have to eat dinner before I come over,so maybe around 7:00. ;B:我来之前要先吃晚饭, 所以可能是7点左右.

[05:05.75]A:That'll work. B:Good,see you then. ;A:可以. B:好,待会儿见.

[05:09.63]Practice ;句型练习 [05:11.79]I'll have to finish my assignment.I'll have to check to see if they have tickets. ;我必须把我的作业做完. 我必须先问问他们有没有 票.

[05:17.14]I'll have to eat dinner before I come over.I'll have to watch that show. ;我来之前要先吃晚饭. 我一定要看那场表演. [05:23.82]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [05:25.73]tonight ticket popular ;今晚 票 受欢迎的 [05:29.93]flick work finish ;(口语)电影 行得通的 完成

[05:34.06]assignment show ;作业 表演 [05:45.66]Unit 56 No way! ;绝不会!

[05:49.03]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [05:51.99]A:Do you think you'll buy that one? ;A:你想你会买那一个吗? [05:54.40]B:No way! That's the ugliest picture I've ever seen! ;B:绝不会!那是我看过的 最难看的图画. [05:58.72]A:It's not that bad. B:Are you kidding?I could do better than that. ;A:也没有那么糟. B:你开什么玩笑?我都 可以画得比那个更好.

[06:04.46]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [06:06.83]A:Helen sure was helpful. ;A:海伦真的帮了很多忙. [06:09.04]B:I have to say that she's the nicest lady I've ever met. ;B:我必须承认,她是我见 过的最好的女士. [06:13.56]A:Everyone says that. B:I bet.I wish everyone was as nice as her. ;A:每一个人都这么说. B:是啊.我希望每一个人 都像她那么好.

[06:20.28]Practice ;句型练习 [06:21.67]That's the ugliest picture I've ever seen That's the prettiest baby ever born. ;那是我看过的最难看的画 那是最漂亮的一个婴孩.

[06:28.79]She's the nicest lady I've ever met. ;她是我见过的最好的女士

[06:33.14]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [06:35.52]ugly picture ever ;丑的 图画 曾经

[06:39.08]helpful nice ;有帮助的 很好 [06:41.52]lady wish born ;女士 希望 出生的

[06:56.29]Unit 57 That sounds great. ;听起来不错 [06:59.78]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[07:01.43]A:It sure is hot today B:How about a snow cone? ;A:今天真的很热. B:要不要吃个甜筒? [07:05.12]A:That sounds great. B:Wonderful.I know a great place up the

street. ;A:听起来不错. B:很棒.我知道这条街过 去一点有个好地方. [07:10.33]Conversation

2 ;对话二 [07:12.57]A:I'm bored.All I ever do is sit around and watch TV. ;A:我很无聊.我所做的就 是坐着看电视. [07:17.64]B:How about a night on the town? ;B:到镇上玩一晚如何?

[07:19.70]A:Tonight? B:Sure,it'll be fun. ;A:今晚吗? B:是啊,那会很好玩的.

[07:23.72]Practice ;句型练习 [07:24.91]How about a snow cone? How about a night on the town? ;要不要吃个甜筒? 到镇上玩一晚如何? [07:29.13]How about a lollipop for your kids? ;要给你的小孩吃一支 棒棒糖吗? [07:31.96]How about a free ticket to the movies? ;你要不要一张免费的电 影票? [07:35.79]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [07:38.16]sure snow cone ;确实的 雪 圆锥筒 [07:42.05]wonderful street bored ;绝妙的;好极了 街道 无聊的

[07:46.10]town lollipop kid ;城市;城镇 棒棒糖 小孩子 [07:49.72]free ticket movie ;免费的 票 电影 [08:03.84]Unit 58 Where were you last night? ;你昨晚在哪里?

[08:08.00]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [08:10.60]A:Where were you last night? B:I went over to John's. ;A:你昨晚在哪里? B:我去了约翰家. [08:14.69]A:How do you like his house? B:I love it. It's amazing. ;A:你喜欢他的房子吗? B:我喜欢.那间房子很棒.

[08:19.46]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [08:21.92]A:Well,thanks for all the information. B:How do you like the car? ;A:谢谢你给我的资讯. B:这部车子你喜欢吗? [08:26.43]A:Pretty good,but I'm going to look around a little more. ;A:很喜欢,但是我想再多 看看.

[08:30.18]B:Sounds good. Give me a call if I can help you with anything. ;B:很好.如果有我帮得上 忙的地方,打个电话给 我. [08:34.75]Practice ;句型练习 [08:36.25]How do you like his house? How do you like the car? ;你喜欢他的房子吗? 你喜欢这部车子吗?

[08:40.82]How do you like her dress? How do you like your new pet? ;你喜欢她的套装吗? 你喜欢你的新宠物吗? [08:46.08]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [08:48.74]amazing information dress ;令人惊叹的 资料;资讯 服装;女装 [08:52.08]pet new ;宠物 新的 [09:03.89]Unit 59 How do you want your burger? ;你的汉堡要几分熟? [09:08.18]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[09:10.91]A:I'll take a hamburger. B:How do you want your burger? ;A:我要一个汉堡. B:你的汉堡要几分熟? [09:14.96]A:Medium well. B:Okay,I'll have it right out. ;A:七八分熟. B:好的,我马上就送来. [09:19.58]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [09:22.04]A:Do you want anything to drink? B:Sure,I'll take some tea. ;A:你要喝什么饮料吗? B:要,我要茶. [09:26.20]A:How do you want your tea? B:With sugar if you have it. ;A:你要什么样的茶? B:如果你有的话,我要加 糖的. [09:31.52]Practice ;句型练习 [09:34.73]How do you want your burger? How do you want the clothes to be washed? ;你的汉堡要几分熟? 你的衣服要怎样洗?

[09:40.05]How do you want the couch to be fixed? How do you want your tea? ;你的沙发椅要怎样修理? 你要什么样的茶? [09:46.40]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [09:49.26]hamburger medium clothes ;汉堡 煮七八分熟 衣物 [09:53.70]wash couch fix ;洗 沙发椅 修理

[10:06.66]Unit 60 Check my new car out. ;看看我的新车 [10:10.35]Conversation 1 ;对话

一 [10:12.60]A:Mary said she hated "Predator".It scared her to death. ;A:玛丽说她不喜欢<掠夺 者>这部电影.这部电影 把她吓死了. [10:17.31]B:How did she get into the movie? It's rated R. ;B:那是怎么进去看那部 电影的?那部电影是限 制级的. [10:21.61]A:I guess she sneaked in. B:That'll teach her. ;A:我想她是偷溜进去的. B:那可给她一个教训.

[10:26.31]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [10:28.77]A:Check my new car out I bought it today. ;A:看看我的新车. 我今天买的. [10:33.89]B:That's awesome.How did you earn enough

money for the car? ;B:好棒.你是怎么赚到足 够的钱买这部车子的? [10:38.80]A:I've been saving for about 2 years. ;A:我已经攒了两年了. [10:41.71]B:That's great.I wish I had a car like that. ;B:那好棒.我希望我有一 部像那样的车子. [10:45.56]Practice ;句型练习

[10:46.99]How did she get into the movie? ;她是怎么进去看那部电影 的? [10:49.65]How did you earn enough money for the car? ;你是怎么赚到足够的钱 买这部车子的?

[10:52.58]How did John get down here? How did Mary hurt her foot? ;约翰是怎么来这里的? 玛丽是怎么弄伤她的脚的 [10:58.86]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [11:01.18]hate scare death ;恨;不喜欢 使害怕 死亡 [11:04.46]rate guess sneak ;定等级 猜想 偷溜 [11:07.46]awesome earn enough ;(口语)很棒的 赚 足够的 [11:10.73]save hurt foot ;节省 伤害 脚

[11:24.72]Unit 61 Are you serious? ;真的? [11:28.34]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [11:31.55]A:I can't believe you had to leave after the 8th inning. ;A:我真不敢相信你得在第 八局之后离开. [11:35.88]B:I know. How did the ball game end? ;B:我知道.比赛结果如何?

[11:38.57]A:It was unbelievable! It was down to the last strike and John hit a home run. ;A:很难令人相信.到了最 后一棒,约翰打了个 全垒打. [11:45.47]B:Are yo serious? I can't believe it! ;B:真的?我真不敢相信. [11:49.22]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [11:51.47]A:What's going on? B:I just got back from church. ;A:怎么样? B:我才刚从教堂回来.

[11:55.43]A:How did the service go? B:It was really powerful. ;A:礼拜做得如何? B:讲道讲得真是有力. [11:59.93]Practice ;句型练习 [12:02.05]How did the ball game end? How did the service go ;比赛结果如何? 礼拜做得如何? [12:06.55]How did the burgers turn out? How did the party go? ;汉堡做得如何? 宴会进行得如何? [12:11.53]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[12:13.85]serious inning end ;认真的;严肃的 (棒球)一局 结束 [12:17.74]unbelievable strike hit ;难以置信的;不可相信的 (棒球)打击 打 [12:21.22]home run believe ;全垒打 相信 [12:24.30]church service powerful ;教堂 (教堂)做礼拜 强有力的 [12:28.25]burger party ;汉堡 宴会;派对 [12:38.47]Unit 62 I just got back from my vacation. ;我刚度假回来

[12:42.99]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [12:44.89]A:I'm really glad to have my first semester under my belt. ;A:我真的很高兴我成功地 过了第一学期. [12:48.62]B:How was the

semester ;B:这学期你念得怎么样? [12:51.12]A:Great. I made all A's and I made a lot of friends. ;A:很好.我拿到全A的成绩 而且我交了很多朋友. [12:55.73]B:That's sounds

wonderful. ;B:那听起来很棒. [12:59.10]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [13:01.19]A:I just got back from my vacation. B:I know. How was the rental car? ;A:我刚度假回来. B:我知道.你租的车子 怎么样? [13:06.99]A:You're not going to believe this. ;A:你绝对不会相信.

[13:09.43]The car stalled out on me four times. I was pretty mad. ;这部车子竟然坏了四次. 我很生气. [13:14.35]B:I would be too.Don't ever rent from that place again. ;B:如果是我,我也会生气. 我不会再到那个地方 租车. [13:19.77]Practice ;句型练习 [13:21.47]How was this semester? How was your family? ;这学期你念得怎么样? 你家人怎么样?

[13:25.18]How was the rental car How was the restaurant ;你租的车子怎么样? 那家餐厅好不好? [13:29.83]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [13:32.46]vacation semester sound ;度假;假期 学期 听起来 [13:36.49]wonderful rental stall ;好棒的;绝妙的 出租 (汽车)抛锚

[13:41.01]pretty mad restaurant ;非常;相当 生气 餐馆;饭店 [13:54.00]Unit 63 What's the problem? ;出了什么问题? [13:58.62]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [14:00.93]A:How are you

doing in your English class? B:Okay,but it could be better. ;A:你的英文课上得怎样? B:还好,但是应该可以更 好. [14:05.72]A:What's the problem? B:I'm just not very good at

grammar. ;A:出了什么问题? B:我的语法就是不太好. [14:10.90]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[14:13.69]A:How are you doing with your new roommate? ;A:你跟你的新室友处得 如何?

[14:16.23]B:Great. She's hilarious. ;B:很好.她很有趣. [14:18.44]A:Is she much like

Mary? ;A:她跟玛丽很像吗? [14:20.03]B:Not at all,but we seem to be getting along fine. ;B:一点也不像,但是我们 似乎很处得来. [14:23.65]Practice ;句型练习 [14:26.12]How are you doing in your English class? How are you doing with your new roommate? ;你的英文课上得怎么样? 你跟你的新室友处得如何 [14:31.78]How are you doing in the big city? How are you doing with your new job? ;你在大都市住得惯吗? 你的新工作做得怎么样?

[14:38.31]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [14:40.39]problem grammar roommate ;问题 语法 室友

[14:44.21]hilarious fine class ;好笑的;滑稽的 好的 班级;一门课 [14:48.33]roommate city job ;室友 都市 工作;职位 [15:01.45]Unit 64 He'll understand. ;他会理解的

[15:05.47]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [15:07.60]A:How should I get home from the airport? B:I'll take 360 and I-30. ;A:从机场我要怎么回家? B:我会走高速路360号和 州际公路30号.

[15:15.23]A:What about 183? B:Nah,they're doing a bunch of construction now. ;A:走高速公路183号怎样? B:不好,他们正在大施工. [15:21.87]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[15:25.31]A:Have you told your Dad yet? ;A:你告诉你父亲了吗? [15:27.50]B:No,and I'm dreading it. How should I tell him about the wreck? ;B:没有,我害怕说.我怎么 跟他说车祸的事呢? [15:32.53]A:Just tell him the truth.He'll understand. ;A:就跟他说实话. 他会理解的.

[15:35.73]B:I hope so. I just don't want him to be disappointed in me. ;B:但愿如此.我只是不希 望他对我失望. [15:42.29]Practice ;句型练习 [15:44.01]How should I cook your burger? How should I get home from the airport? ;你要我怎么做你的汉堡? 从机场我要怎么回家? [15:48.76]How should I tell him about the wreck? How should I break the news to him? ;我怎么跟他说车祸的事呢 我该怎么把消息跟他说? [15:54.26]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[15:56.80]understand airport construction ;理解;明白 飞机场 建造 [16:01.06]bunch dread wreck ;一串 畏惧 (口语)撞车 [16:04.97]truth disappointed cook ;事实 失望的(过去分词) 煮 [16:08.68]break news a bunch of ;透露;说出 消息 许多 [16:22.08]Unit 65 Where did you buy the car? ;你的车子在哪里买的? [16:26.12]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [16:28.57]A:Do you want to stay for dinner? We're having spaghetti. ;A:你要不要留下来吃晚饭 我们要吃意大利面条. [16:32.27]B:How much spaghetti did you cook? ;B:你煮了多少意大利面条

[16:34.25]A:Plenty. ;A:很多. [16:35.28]B:All right.I just want to make sure that everyone else gets enough. ;B:好,我只是要确定其他 的人都够吃. [16:39.79]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[16:41.96]A:Where did you buy the car? ;A:你的车子在哪里买的? [16:43.84]B:At John's Autos.I got a better deal there. ;B:在约翰汽车店.我在那 里买到便宜一点的.

[16:48.19]A:How much money did you save? B:I saved an extra $1000. ;A:你省了多少钱? B:我多省了1000美金. [16:53.80]Practice ;句型练习 [16:55.76]How much spaghetti did you cook? How much money did you save? ;你煮了多少意大利面条? 你省了多少钱?

[17:01.14]How much cleaning did you get done? How much sleeping did you do this week? ;你清理了多少? 这个星期你睡了多少? [17:08.31]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[17:11.38]spaghetti deal save ;意大利面 交易 节省 [17:14.72]extra cleaning ;额外的;多余的 打扫;扫除 [17:27.27]Unit 66 Give me a ballpark figure. ;给我一个大概的数字吧

[17:31.94]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [17:33.90]A:How much does it cost to rent a car? B:It depends on what type of car you rent. ;A:租一部车要多少钱? B:要看你租什么样的车子 来决定. [17:39.42]A:Well,give me a ballpark figure. ;A:给我一个大概数字吧. [17:42.23]B:I don't know. Anywhere from $40 to $100 a day I guess. ;B:我不知道.我想40到100 美元一天. [17:48.45]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [17:50.85]A:Let's run to Hollywood video and get a movie. ;A:我们到好莱坞录像带店 去租一部电影. [17:54.53]B:How much does it cost to rent a movie ;B:租一部电影要多少钱? [17:57.44]A:About three bucks. B:Okay,that's better than paying $6 at the theater. ;A:大约3美元. B:好,那比付6美元去电影 院好.

[18:03.27]Practice ;句型练习 [18:05.41]How much does it cost to rent a car?How much does it cost to repair a pair of shoes? ;租一部车要多少钱? 修理一双鞋子要多少钱?

[18:12.04]How much does it cost to rent a movie? How much does it cost to eat at Joe's? ;租一部电影要多少钱? 到乔伊餐厅吃一顿饭要 多少钱? [18:17.82]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[18:20.63]ballpark figure cost ;(口语)大致的;差不多的 数字 花费 [18:24.59]depend type guess ;视...而定 种类 猜想 [18:28.47]video buck ;录像带 (口语)一元 [18:31.00]theater repair ;戏院 修理 [18:43.63]Unit 67 How long will it take? ;要多久?

[18:47.15]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [18:49.67]A:How long will it take to wash the

comforter? ;A:洗这一条棉被要多久? [18:52.96]B:It's takes me about an hour,but I do it by hand. ;B:我花了一个小时,但我 是用手洗的. [18:57.11]A:Can I do it in the washer?

B:Maybe,it depends how big your washer is. ;A:我可以用洗衣机洗吗? B:或许可以,那要看你的 洗衣机有多大. [19:03.43]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [19:06.10]A:We'll let you know about the job as soon as we process everything. ;A:等我们处理完之后,我 们就会让你知道这个 工作的结果. [19:10.26]B:How long will it take to process all of the information? ;B:处理所有的资讯需要 多少时间. [19:13.68]A:Usually about a week B:I'll look forward to

hearing from you. ;A:通常需要一个星期. B:我会等你的消息. [19:18.55]Practice ;句型练习

[19:20.70]How long will it take to get to Dallas? How long will it take to wash the

comforter? ;到达拉斯要多久? 洗这一条棉被要多久? [19:26.45]How long will it take to process all of the information? ;处理所有的资讯需要多长 时间? [19:30.64]How long will it take to drive to John's? ;开车到约翰家要多久? [19:34.69]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[19:37.36]wash comforter washer ;洗 棉被 洗衣机 [19:42.13]job process ;工作;职位 处理 [19:45.16]information usually ;资讯;资料 通常 [19:56.00]Unit 68 I guess so. ;我猜是吧

[19:59.00]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [20:01.14]A:How long have you been a fireman? B:20 years. ;A:你当消防员几年了? B:20年. [20:04.85]A:Wow,you've probably seen it all. B:I guess so. ;A:哇,你可能什么事情都 看过. B:我猜是吧. [20:09.98]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[20:12.70]A:Are you still working on that dress for the wedding? ;A:你还在为婚礼缝制那件 西装吗? [20:16.17]B:Yep.Can you believe it? ;B:是的,你相信吗? [20:18.26]A:How long have you been working on that dress? ;A:那件西装你缝制多久了 [20:21.24]B:It's been 3 months now. ;B:到现在已经3个月了. [20:23.97]Practice ;句型练习 [20:26.68]How long have you been a fireman? How long have you been working on that dress? ;你当消防员几

年了? 那件西装你缝制多久了? [20:33.00]How long have you been at this job? How long have you been shopping? ;你做这个工作几年了? 你买东西买多久了?

[20:39.95]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [20:42.80]fireman probably ;消防队员 或许;可能的

[20:46.34]dress wedding ;西装 婚礼 [20:59.01]Unit 69 That's great. ;那很好

[21:02.60]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [21:04.54]A:Do you think I should tell James how I feel? B:What is your goal? ;A:你认为我应该跟詹姆斯 说我的感觉吗? B:你的目的是什么?

[21:10.27]A:Just to be honest. That's the most important thing to me. ;A:只是要诚实而已.那对 我来说是最重要的. [21:14.21]B:Well,it sounds like you should tell him then. ;B:噢,听起来你是应该 告诉他. [21:18.75]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [21:21.74]A:I'm thinking about applying to graduate school. ;A:我在考虑要申请去研究 所. [21:25.33]B:What is your GPA? A:3.78. ;B:你的学业成绩平均是 多少? A:是3.78. [21:28.82]B:That's great. You shouldn't have any trouble getting in. ;B:那很好.你要进研究所 应该没有问题. [21:33.66]Practice ;句型练习 [21:36.10]What is your goal? What is your GPA? What is your plan for the future? ;你的目标是什么? 你的学业成绩平均是多少 你对未来的计划是什么?

[21:44.18]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [21:46.57]feel goal honest ;感觉 目标 诚实的

[21:50.16]important apply graduate ;重要的 申请 研究生的 [21:54.30]trouble plan future ;麻烦;困难 计划 未来 [22:07.46]Unit 70 Sorry I had to go so early ;很抱歉, 我必须这么早就走 [22:11.80]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [22:13.79]A:Sorry I had to go so early. What was for dinner last night? B:Pork chops. ;A:很抱歉,我必须这么早 就走.昨晚晚餐是什么? B:猪排. [22:19.87]A:Oh good.Don't tell John, but I can't stand his pork chops. B:Me neither. ;A:噢,那很好.别告诉约翰 我受不了他的猪排. B:我也受不了. [22:27.50]Conversation 2 ;对话

二 [22:30.19]A:Mary got mad at me yesterday because my favorite movie wasn't the same as hers. ;A:玛丽昨天对我很生气, 因为我最喜欢的电影跟 她最喜欢的不一样.

[22:36.32]B:What was her favorite movie? A:"The Golden Child". ;B:她最喜欢的电影是什么 A:<黄金小孩>. [22:39.91]B:Are you serious?I don't know anyone whose favorite movie is "The Golden Child" ;B:你说真的?我不知道有 哪一个人最喜欢的电影 是<黄金小孩>.

[22:48.14]Practice ;句型练习 [22:49.78]What was the worst game you ever played? What was for dinner last night? ;你玩过的最糟的游戏是 哪一项? 昨晚的晚餐是什么?

[22:55.47]What was his problem? What was her favorite movie? ;他有什么问题? 她最喜欢的电影是什么? [23:00.55]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [23:02.50]early stand favorite ;早 忍受 最喜欢的 [23:06.54]movie serious ;电影 认真的;严肃的 [23:09.03]worst problem ;最糟的 问题 [23:20.89]Unit 71 Let's get something for lunch. ;我们买一些东西做午餐

[23:25.68]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [23:28.07]A:Let's get something for lunch. B:What do you like to eat? ;A:我们买一些东西做午餐 B:你最喜欢吃什么? [23:32.71]A:I don't care today. I'm starving. B:All right then,let's go to McDonald's. ;A:都可以.我饿死了. B:好,那么我们去麦当劳. [23:39.59]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [23:43.18]A:I've had it with my job. B:What do you mean? ;A:我真受不了我的工作. B:你是什么意思? [23:47.97]A:I mean I'm quitting. I'm not going to let Mr. Lee keep treating me like that. ;A:我的意思是我要辞职了 我不会让他先生继续那 样对我. [23:53.95]B:I don't blame you. He's pretty mean. ;A:我不怪你.他是很刻薄 的. [23:57.24]Practice ;句型练习 [23:59.63]What do you think? What do

you like to eat? What do you mean? ;你认为怎么样? 你喜欢吃什么? 你是什么意思?

[24:06.41]What do you want for your birthday? ;你想要什么生日礼物?

[24:09.35]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [24:12.49]care starve mean ;在乎;在意 饿死 意思是

[24:16.53]quit treat blame ;辞职 对待 归罪于 [24:20.37]pretty mean birthday ;非常;相当 刻薄的 生日 [24:35.49]Unit 72 I think I might get this. ;我想我可能要买这一本

[24:39.72]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [24:41.75]A:I can't decide whether or not to hire Mark. ;A:我还没决定要不要雇用 马克. [24:45.54]B:Hmm,what do you think of his

attitude? ;B:你认为他的态度怎样? [24:48.37]A:That's the problem. ;A:那是问题的所在.

[24:50.01] He's qualified,but I don't know if he can treat people with respect. ;他资格是够,但是我不知 道他会不会尊重别人. [24:55.15]B:That's a pretty big thing for a sales rep. ;B:那对业务代表来说, 是很重要的一点. [24:59.06]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [25:01.93]A:I think I might get this What do you think of the book? ;A:我想我可能要买这一本 你认为这本书怎么样? [25:06.57]B:What do you I think? You want to know what I think? ;B:我认为怎么样? 你想知道我的想法吗? [25:10.12]A:Yeah,you read it. Come on,tell me. ;A:是,这本书你读过. 快一点,告诉我你的 想法. [25:13.40]B:Well,I thought it was the worst book I've ever

read. ;B:嗯,我认为那是我看过 的最糟的一本书. [25:16.62]I wouldn't pay a nickel for it. ;就是5分钱卖给我, 我都不买. [25:19.35]Practice ;句型练习 [25:21.54]What do you think of the dog? What do you think of his attitude? ;你认为这只狗怎么样? 你认为他的态度怎么样?

[25:26.86]What do you think of the book? What do you think of her dress? ;你认为这本书怎么样? 你认为她的西装怎么样? [25:32.65]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [25:35.67]decide whether hire ;决定 是否 雇用 [25:39.53]attitude problem qualified ;态度 问题 符合资格的 [25:43.47]respect sales ;尊重 销售 [25:46.83]rep read ;(商店的)推销员 读

[26:01.57]Unit 73 What are you eating? ;你在吃什么? [26:05.66]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[26:07.70]A:What are you thinking? B:I'm trying to decide if I should call Mary ;A:你在想什么? B:我在想,我是否该打电 话给玛丽. [26:13.64]A:Mary Davis? B:Yeah,the one I met last week. ;A:玛丽.戴维斯? B:是,我上星期遇到的那 位. [26:17.98]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[26:20.95]A:What are you eating? B:Turkey. You want some? ;A:你在吃什么? B:火鸡肉.你要吃吗? [26:24.84]A:No,it makes me sleepy. B:All right. ;A:不要,那会使我想睡觉. B:好吧.

[26:29.39]Practice ;句型练习 [26:31.23]What are you thinking? What are you eating? ;你在想什么? 你在吃什么? [26:34.31]What are you doing? What are you singing? ;你在做什么? 你在唱什么? [26:38.09]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [26:40.39]decide last turkey ;决定 上一次的 火鸡 [26:43.76]sleepy sing ;欲睡的 唱歌 [26:56.21]Unit 74 She just can't take a joke ;她只是不能开玩笑 [27:01.16]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [27:04.32]A:Mary said you

were mean to her. B:She just can't take a joke. ;A:玛丽说你对她很坏. B:她只是不能开玩笑.

[27:09.99]A:What did you tell her? ;A:你跟她说了什么? [27:11.57]B:She was wearing a fur coat, ;B:她穿了一件毛皮大衣, [27:13.30]so I just asked her if she had killed the animal herself. ;所以我就问她是否自己 杀了那只动物. [27:18.29]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[27:20.73]A:Do you want to come over? B:No,I need to take something back to Mark ;A:你要过来玩吗? B:不行,我需要拿一些东 西回去给马克. [27:25.87]A:What did you borrow from him? B:This tool set. ;A:你跟他借了什么? B:这一套工具. [27:29.70]Practice ;句型练

习 [27:31.28]What did you tell her? What did you borrow from him? ;你跟她了什么? 你跟他借了什么? [27:36.35]What did you cook? What did you eat? ;你煮了什么? 你吃了什么?

[27:41.43]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [27:43.87]joke wear fur ;笑话 穿 皮毛 [27:47.56]coat kill animal ;外套 杀 动物 [27:50.92]borrow tool set ;借用 工具 一套 [27:54.28] cook ;煮

[28:05.22]Unit 75 What kind of shows do you watch? ;你都看什么节目?

[28:10.03]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [28:12.21]A:Let's turn on the tube,all right?

B:Sure.What kind of shows do you watch? ;A:把电视打开,好吗? B:好.你都看什么节目?

[28:18.07]A:Sports. Anything sports. ;A:体育节目.什么体育节 目都行. [28:21.18]B:I can see that we're going to get along just fine. ;B:看得出我们俩处得来. [28:25.27]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [28:27.53]A:Let's play something different for once. ;A:我们这次玩些不同的 游戏. [28:30.51]B:Okay,you pick. What kind of games do you play? ;B:好,你来挑.你玩什么游 戏 [28:34.37]A:Trivial Pursuit is my favorite. B:Well then,Trivial Pursuit it is. ;A:机智问答是我最喜欢的 B:那好,就玩机智问答. [28:40.49]Practice ;句型练习 [28:42.16]What kind of shows do you watch? What kind of sports do you like? ;你都看什么节目? 你喜欢什么运动?

[28:47.47]What kind of people do you dislike? What kind of games do you play? ;你不喜欢什么样的人? 你都玩什么游戏? [28:52.86]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [28:55.04]kind show tube ;种类 节目 电视 [28:58.83]sports different pick ;跟运动有关的 不同的 挑选

[29:02.54]trivial pursuit ;不重要的;琐碎的 事务 [29:05.38]favorite dislike ;最喜欢的 不喜欢

Conversation ;英语会话速成100公式 [00:06.28]Unit 76 That sounds good. ;听起来不错

[00:19.40]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [00:21.50]A:What should I bring to Tom's? B:Do you have any games? ;A:我们应该带什么东西 到汤姆家? B:你有游戏碟吗? [00:25.82]A:Yeah,I could bring Bingo. B:That sounds good. ;A:有,我可以带"宾果游戏 来. B:听起来不错.

[00:29.87]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [00:32.05]A:John had a pretty bad day today.What should I tell his mother? ;A:约翰今天很不好.我应 该告诉他妈妈什么? [00:36.70]B:Just tell her what he was doing. ;B:就告诉她他所做的. [00:39.17]A:Is that all? B:Well,I guess you can talk about how good he normally is. ;A:就这样? B:对,我想你可以告诉她, 他平常多好. [00:45.33]Practice ;句型练习 [00:46.78]What should I bring to Tom's? What should I do about Mary? ;我应该带什么东西到汤姆 家? 关于玛丽,我应该怎么办? [00:51.52]What should I tell his mother? What should I take for a cold? ;我应该告诉他妈妈什么? 我感冒了,应该吃什么?

[00:57.25]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [01:00.30]bad normally cold ;不好 通常 感冒 [01:11.02]Unit 77 It's worth a shot. ;值得一试 [01:18.60]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [01:20.64]A:What can we do to kill some time? B:We could go for some ping pong. ;A:我们怎么打发时间? B:我们可以去打乒乓球. [01:27.17]A:Nah,how about a movie? B:Okay. ;A:不好,去看电影好吗? B:好啊.

[01:30.69]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [01:32.73]A:This door has been jammed shut for a year now. ;A:这扇门卡住已经一年了 [01:36.88]B:What can we do to break the door down? ;B:怎样才能把它拿下来? [01:39.43]A:I don't know.I've never tried that before. ;A:我不知道.我以前从来 没试过. [01:42.76]B:Me neither,but it's worth a shot. ;B:我也没有,但值得一试.

[01:45.77]Practice ;句型练习 [01:47.16]What can we do to kill some time? What can we do to make him feel better? ;我们怎么才能打发时间? 我们要怎么做才能使他 觉得好过?

[01:52.33]What can we do to finish on time? What can we do to break the door down? ;我们要怎样才能准时做完 我们怎样才能把整扇门 拿下来? [01:58.23]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[02:01.07]worth shot kill ;值得 尝试 打发(时间) [02:04.93]jammed shut ;卡住 关

[02:07.12]try finish ;尝试 完成 [02:17.97]Unit 78 You might call back then. ;你可以那时候再打电话来 [02:23.00]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [02:25.33]A:I'm calling to see if the teaching position has been filled. ;A:我打电话来查看那个老 师的职位是否有人充任 了.

[02:29.26]B:That position hasn't actually opened yet. ;B:事实上,那个职位尚未 正式公开.

[02:32.90]A:Oh. When will the position open? ;A:噢,什么时候公开? [02:36.03]B:It should officially open this Friday.You might call back then ;B:应该在星期五正式公布 你可以那时再打电话来 [02:42.16]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [02:45.00]A:I need to run to the store before it closes B:When will the store close? ;A:我需要在商店关门之前 赶去一趟. B:商店几点关门?

[02:51.04]A:At 10:00. B:Oh,you have plenty of time. ;A:10点. B:噢,你还有很多时间.

[02:55.85]Practice ;句型练习 [02:57.97]When will the position open?When will the store close? When will they come? ;那个职位什么时候公开? 商店几点关门? 他们什么时候会来?

[03:05.10]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [03:08.38]position fill actually ;职位 派人充任 实际上;事实上 [03:12.02]open yet ;公开 尚未 [03:13.75]officially store close ;正式的 商店 (商店)打烊

[03:26.30]Unit 79 When are we leaving for New York? ;我们什么时候要去纽约?

[03:32.71]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [03:34.54]A:When are we leaving for New York? B:As soon as I finish my dinner. ;A:我们什么时候去纽约? B:我吃完晚饭就走. [03:38.98]A:When do you think that will be? B:Probably no more than 20 minutes. ;A:你想那是什么时候? B:可能不会超过20分钟. [03:44.37]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [03:46.99]A:I'm really nervous about my report. B:When are you presen- ting your report? ;A:我对我的报告很紧张. B:你什么时候要作报告?

[03:52.60]A:Tomorrow morning. B:Don't worry about it I'm sure it will go fine. ;A:明天早上. B:别担心.我确信一切都 会很好. [03:58.43]Practice ;句型练习 [04:00.91]When are we leaving for New York?When are you presenting your report? ;我们什么时候要去纽约? 你什么时候要作报告? [04:06.66]When are they going to buy a car? When are we meeting? ;他们什么时候要买车? 我们什么时候见面? [04:12.93]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [04:15.62]really nervous report ;真的 紧张的 报告 [04:19.41]present worry ;提出报告 担忧 [04:21.67]sure meet ;确定 见面

[04:32.60]Unit 80 Is 10 o'clock too early? ;十点会太早吗? [04:37.62]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[04:39.95]A:All I've been doing since I hurt my knee is laying around. ;A:自从我的膝盖伤了之后 我就成天没事可做. [04:44.54]B:When are you going to get some exercise ;B:你什么时候可以做运动 [04:47.60]A:I can't put weight on it for 3 more days B:Well,just make the best of it. ;A:我的膝盖还有3天才可 以用力. B:噢,你就顺其自然好了. [04:53.79]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[04:56.13]A:I guess I'll see you tomorrow. B:When are you going to come over? ;A:那我们明天见了. B:你什么时候要来? [05:00.57]A:Is 10:00 too early? B:No,that's great. ;A:10点会太早吗? B:不会,那个时间很好. [05:04.94]Practice ;句型练习 [05:07.49]When are you going to start paying attention When are you going to get some exercise? ;你什么时候才开始注意? 你什么时候要做运动? [05:13.39]When are you going to come over? When are you going to take a shower? ;你什么时候要来? 你什么时候要去洗澡? [05:19.07]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[05:21.55]early since hurt ;早 自从 伤害 [05:24.97]knee exercise weight ;膝盖 运动 重量

[05:29.72]start attention shower ;开始 注意;注意力 淋浴 [05:43.74]Unit 81 I'm getting kind of tired. ;我有点累 [05:48.70]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [05:51.11]A:I'm getting kind of tired. B:When would you like to leave? ;A:我有点累. B:你什么时候走? [05:55.50]A:I'm ready whenever. B:Okay,I'll get my things. ;A:我随时可以走. B:好的,我去拿我的东西.

[06:00.46]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [06:02.87]A:Are you hungry? B:Not really. ;A:你饿了吗? B:不太饿. [06:05.61]A:Oh. When would you like to eat? B:How about in an hour ;A:噢,你想什么

时候吃饭? B:一小时之后好吗? [06:11.22]Practice ;句型练习 [06:13.35]When would you like to leave?When would you like to sing?When would you like to eat? ;你什么时候走? 你想什么时候唱? 你想什么时候吃饭? [06:20.43]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [06:22.75]tired leave ready ;疲倦的 离开 准备好 [06:26.15]whenever hungry really ;无论何时 饿 真的 [06:30.38]hour sing ;(时间单位)小时 唱歌 [06:43.20]Unit 82 Is everyone here yet? ;每一个人都到了吗?

[06:48.06]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [06:50.14]A:Do you want to tag along while I run some errands? ;A:我办事情时,你要不要 一起来? [06:53.63]B:When can we go to the mall? ;B:我们何时去购物中心? [06:55.73]A:We could go after I drop Mary off. B:Yeah. I guess I'll go with you then. ;A:玛丽下车后我们就能去 B:好,那我想跟你一起去. [07:01.72]Conversation 2 ;对话

二 [07:04.59]A:Is everyone here yet I want to open the present now. ;A:每一个人都到了吗? 我现在要打开礼物了. [07:08.92]B:Not yet,Billy.Have a little patience. ;B:还不能,比利.要有耐心

[07:12.17]A:When can I open the presents? ;A:我什么时候可以开礼物 [07:14.21]B:Calm down,Billy. It'll be time soon enough. ;B:比利,别急.很快就可以 开了. [07:19.15]Practice ;句型练习 [07:21.53]When can we talk on the phone? ;我们什么时候可以打电话 聊天?

[07:24.20]When can we go to the mall? ;我们什么时候可以去大型 购物中心? [07:26.68]When can we eat dinner When can I open the presents? ;我们什么时候可以吃晚饭 我什么时候可以开礼物? [07:31.78]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [07:34.30]yet errand mall ;已经 杂务 大型购物中心

[07:37.87]guess present ;猜想 礼物 [07:40.14]patience calm ;耐心 冷静 [07:42.25]soon enough phone ;很快地 足够的 电话 [07:54.55]Unit 83 Do you want to come by ;你要一起去吗?

[07:58.46]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [08:00.34]A:Where is your mom? B:She ran to the store ;A:你母亲在哪里? B:她到商店去了. [08:03.86]A:Do you think she'll mind if you left while she was gone? ;A:你认为如果她不在时你 离开,她会介意吗? [08:07.16]B:I'd better wait for her to get back. ;B:我最好等她回来. [08:10.00]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [08:11.98]A:I'm going to John's. Do you want to come by? ;A:我要去约翰家,你要 一起去吗? [08:15.15]B:Sure. But I need directions.Where is John's house? ;B:好啊,但是我需要你告 诉我怎么走.约翰家在 哪里?

[08:19.41]A:It's on the corner of 5th and Maple. B:Oh,I think I've been there after all. ;A:他家在第五街和梅波街 的转角处. B:噢,我想我以前去过. [08:26.19]Practice ;句型练习

[08:28.42]Where is the mall? Where is your dog? ;大型购物中心在哪里? 你的狗在哪里?

[08:31.64]Where is John's house? Where is your mom? ;约翰家在哪里? 你母亲在哪里?

[08:36.34]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [08:38.57]store mind while ;商店 介意 当...的时候

[08:42.23]left wait ;离开(过去式) 等 [08:44.21]directions corner ;方向指示 角落

[08:54.02]Unit 84 I almost forgot them. ;我差点忘了 [08:58.03]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[08:59.96]A:I've got the gifts all ready. B:Okay. Where are the cards? ;A:我把礼物都准备好了. B:好,卡片在哪里? [09:05.80]A:Oh,I almost forgot them. They're in the drawer. ;A:噢,我差点忘了. 卡片在抽屉里. [09:09.74]B:Make sure you get them. ;B:要记得拿. [09:12.73]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [09:14.81]A:Honey,where are my papers? ;A:亲爱的,我的文件在哪? [09:17.81]B:I haven't seen them. Have you checked your briefcase? ;B:我没有看到.你查看过 你的手提箱吗?

[09:21.54]A:There they are. Thanks. B:That's where they usually are. ;A:文件在手提箱里,谢谢. B:它们通常都在那里. [09:26.99]Practice ;句型练习 [09:29.09]Where are the phone books? Where are the cards? Where are my papers? ;电话薄在哪里? 卡片在哪里? 我的文件在哪里?

[09:35.61]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [09:38.73]almost forgot gift ;几乎 忘记(过去式) 礼物

[09:42.69]ready card drawer ;准备好 卡片 抽屉 [09:46.10]paper check ;文件 查一查

[09:48.13]briefcase usually ;手提箱 通常 [10:00.81]Unit 85 I'm just checking. ;我只是问问看

[10:04.47]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [10:06.50]A:Are you going to come watch me? B:Maybe.

Where is you play showing? ;A:你要来看我吗? B:或许.你在哪里表演? [10:11.91]A:At the school.Where else would it be? B:I don't know. I'm just checking. ;A:在学校.还会在哪里呢? B:我不知道.只是问问看. [10:18.02]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [10:20.84]A:Where is your brother moving? B:Florida. ;A:你哥哥要搬去哪里? B:去佛罗里达. [10:24.50]A:That's pretty far away. Do you think you'll miss him? ;A:那很远.你会想念他吗? [10:27.91]B:Probably.He's never been that far away. ;B:可能会.他从没去过那 么远的地方. [10:32.68]Practice ;句型练习

[10:34.82]Where is your play showing? Where is your store opening? ;你在哪里表演? 你的店开在哪里? [10:38.99]Where is the restaurant being built Where is your brother moving? ;饭店要建在哪里? 你哥哥要搬去哪里? [10:44.80]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [10:47.56]check play show ;查一查 戏剧 演出 [10:50.50]move pretty ;搬家 非常;相当 [10:52.41]far miss ;远的 想念

[10:54.16]probably built restaurant ;或许;可能的 建立 餐馆;饭店 [11:06.96]Unit 86 You might try it. ;你可以试试看 [11:11.19]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [11:13.79]A:Where do you do your banking? B:Bank of America. Why? ;A:你都在哪一家银行存款 B:美国银行.为什么要问?

[11:18.19]A:I'm looking for a bank. ;A:我在找一家银行. [11:20.32]B:Oh. I like it pretty well.You might try it. ;B:噢,我认为美国银行不 错.你可以试试看. [11:26.08]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[11:29.46]A:Where do you buy groceries? B:Usually at Grand grocer's. ;A:你都在哪里买杂货? B:我通常在格蓝杂货店. [11:34.77]A:Is that close? B:Sure. It's just around the corner. ;A:那一家近吗? B:很近,就在转角处. [11:39.11]Practice ;句型练习 [11:40.78]Where do you do your banking? Where do you buy groceries? ;你都在哪家银行存款? 你都在哪里买杂货? [11:46.21]Where do you store your broom? Where do you put the clippers? ;你的扫帚在哪里? 你的回形针放在哪里?

[11:52.26]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [11:54.85]try bank buy ;尝试 银行 买 [11:58.34]groceries usually grocer ;食品杂货 通常 杂货店 [12:01.41]around corner broom ;大约在 角落 扫帚

[12:04.37]store clipper ;商店 回形针 [12:16.10]Unit 87 Today's game is already sold out. ;今天球赛的票已经卖光了 [12:21.86]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [12:23.73]A:Where do I go to buy tickets? B:For today's game? ;A:我该到哪里买票? B:今天的球赛吗? [12:27.39]A:Yes. B:I'm sorry,but today's game is already sold out. ;A:是的. B:很抱歉,今天球赛的票 已经卖光了.

[12:32.33]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [12:34.49]A:Are you finding everything all right B:No.Where do I go to do laundry? ;A:你一切都没有问题吗? B:不是,我要到哪里去沅 衣服.

[12:40.20]A:Oh,I forgot to tell you.The laundry room is in the basement of the apartments. ;A:噢,我忘了告诉你.洗衣 房在公寓的地下室. [12:45.41]B:Okay. Thanks. ;B:好的,谢谢你.

[12:48.03]Practice ;句型练习 [12:50.91]Where do I go to buy tickets? Where do I go to exchange this hat? ;我该到哪里买票? 我该到哪里去换这顶帽子 [12:56.62]Where do I go to buy scissors? Where do I go to do laundry? ;我该到哪里买剪刀? 我要到哪里去洗衣服?

[13:03.00]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [13:05.30]already game ticket ;已经 (球类)比赛 票

[13:08.43]sorry find laundry ;抱歉;遗憾 找到 待洗或洗好的衣物 [13:11.74]forgot room basement ;忘记 房间 地下室 [13:14.81]apartment exchange ;公寓 交换 [13:17.11]hat scissors ;帽子 剪刀 [13:28.44]Unit 88 Are you still looking for a job? ;你还在找工作?

[13:34.34]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [13:36.50]A:Are you still looking for a job? B:Nope. I got one. ;A:你还在找工作吗? B:没有,我已经找到工作 了. [13:40.87]A:Where did you get a job? B:At the bookstore. ;A:你在哪里找到工作的? B:在书店. [13:45.28]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[13:48.16]A:Where did you meet your girlfriend? ;A:你在哪里认识你的女朋 友的?

[13:50.66]B:We met at the library.We were both reaching for the same book. ;B:我们在图书馆认识的. 我们两个都要拿同一本 书. [13:54.99]A:That sounds like fate. B:Maybe. Sounds more like luck to me. ;A:好像是命运安排好的. B:或许是,更像是我的好 运. [14:01.18]Practice ;句型

练习 [14:02.96]Where did you get a job? Where did you meet your girlfriend? ;你在哪里找到工作的? 你在哪里认识你的女朋友 的? [14:07.42]Where did you buy your stereo? Where did you get dinner? ;你的音响在哪里买的? 你在哪里吃的晚饭? [14:13.76]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[14:15.82]still job meet ;仍然 工作;职位 见面 [14:18.99]library reach ;图书馆 伸手去拿

[14:20.91]same sound ;相同 听起来 [14:22.93]fate luck stereo ;命运 运气 立体音响

[14:36.89]Unit 89 We haven't decided yet ;我们还没决定 [14:40.87]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[14:42.79]A:Check out the couch we just bought.Do you like it? ;A:看看我们刚买的沙发椅 你喜欢吗? [14:46.15]B:Yeah. It's nice. Where are you going to put the couch? ;B:喜欢,那沙发椅很不错. 你要把它放在哪里? [14:49.90]A:I don't know.We haven't decided yet. ;A:不知道.我们还没决定. [14:52.48]B:You should try it in front of the window. That would look good ;B:试试把它放在窗户前面 应该会好看. [14:58.54]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [15:01.13]A:Where are you going to eat lunch today? B:I'm staying here for lunch. ;A:你今天要去哪里吃午餐 B:我要留在这里吃午餐. [15:05.40]A:Do you want to eat with us? B:No,I've got a lot to do. Thanks anyway. ;A:你要不要跟我们一起吃 B:不,我有许多事情要做. 仍然很谢谢你.

[15:11.93]Practice ;句型练习 [15:13.80]Where are you going to put the couch? Where are you going to hide the gift? ;你要把沙发椅放在哪里? 你要把礼物藏在哪里? [15:18.74]Where are you going to eat lunch today? Where are you going to buy a computer? ;你今天要去哪里吃午餐? 你要去哪里买电脑? [15:25.46]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [15:28.77]couch nice decided ;沙发椅 很好 决定(过去分词) [15:32.32]should try front ;应该 尝试 前面 [15:35.34]stay anyway hide ;停留 无论如何 藏 [15:38.45]computer ;电脑 [15:49.22]Unit 90 What happened? ;怎么一回事?

[15:52.38]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [15:54.65]A:Where are you speaking tonight? B:I'm not. A:What happened? ;A:你今晚要去哪里演讲? B:我不去演讲. A:怎么一回事? [15:58.92]B:They had to cancel because only 10 people signed up for the conference. ;B:他们必须取消掉,因为 只有十人登记参加这个 研讨会. [16:04.25]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [16:07.12]A:Where are you watching the game? ;A:你要去哪里看球赛? [16:09.38]B:John asked me to watch the game at his place. ;B:约翰要我到他那里去看 球赛. [16:12.70]A:Are you going to go? B:I don't know. I may just stay here. ;A:你要去吗? B:我不知道.我可能会留 在这里. [16:18.13]Practice ;句型练习

[16:19.74]Where are you speaking tonight? ;你今晚要去哪里演讲? [16:21.47]Where are you eating? Where are you watching the game? ;你要去哪里吃饭? 你要去哪里看球赛?

[16:26.48]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [16:28.94]happen cancel because ;发生 取消 因为

[16:32.11]people conference ;人们 研习会 [16:34.02]watch game stay ;观看 (球类)比赛 停留

[16:48.25]Unit 91 Where is John going to school? ;约翰要去上哪一所大学?

[16:52.86]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [16:54.84]A:Where is Mary building her house? B:Right at the edge of town. ;A:玛丽要把房子盖在哪里 B:就在这个镇的边界. [16:59.31]A:Why is she doing that? ;A:她为什么那么做? [17:01.01]B:She wanted to have a little open space.She grew up in the country you know. ;B:她想要个宽一点的地方 你知道她是在乡村长大的

[17:08.11]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [17:11.28]A:Where is Chris going to school? ;A:克理斯要去上哪一所 大学? [17:14.11]B:University of New York.He just transferred in. ;B:纽约大学.他刚转进去. [17:17.63]A:Oh,really? B:Yeah. He was at Boston University for a while. ;A:噢,真的? B:是啊.他原本在波士顿 大学念了一段时间. [17:23.23]Practice ;句型练习 [17:24.64]Where is John buying a car? Where is Mary building her house? ;约翰要去哪里买车子? 玛丽要把房子盖在哪里? [17:29.67]Where is Chris going to school? Where is Mary getting her pets? ;克理斯要去上哪所大学? 玛丽要去哪里买宠物? [17:35.50]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [17:38.02]build right edge ;建造 正好 边界;边缘 [17:41.13]town space ;城市;城镇 空间;场地 [17:42.95]country

transfer while ;乡下 转学 一段时间 [17:45.95]buy pet ;买 宠物 [17:56.52]Unit 92 Meet me at Owens Hall at 10. ;十点在欧文馆等我 [18:01.20]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [18:03.11]A:Meet me at Owens Hall at 10:00. B:Where is that building located? ;A:十点在欧文馆等我. B:那栋大楼在哪里? [18:08.74]A:Right next to the library.Remember? ;A:就在图书馆隔壁, 记得吗?

[18:11.46]B:No,I guess I didn't pay much attention last time. ;B:不记得,我想我上一次 可能没有注意. [18:16.54]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [18:19.25]A:Sally bought that $2000 picture from the auction. ;A:莎丽在拍卖场买了那幅 2000美元的图画. [18:23.15]B:Are you serious? Where is the picture hung? ;B:真的?那幅画挂在哪里? [18:27.60]A:Right in the middle of her living room. ;A:就在她家客厅的中央. [18:30.26]B:I guess if I paid $2000 for a picture, ;B:我想,如果我用2千美元 买了一幅画, [18:33.48]I'll put it where everyone could see it too. ;我也会把它挂在人人看到 的地方. [18:36.95]Practice ;句型练习 [18:39.11]Where is the game held Where is that building located?Where is the picture hung? ;比赛在哪里举行? 那栋大楼在哪里? 那幅画挂在哪里? [18:46.76]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [18:49.17]meet building locate ;见面 大楼;建筑物 坐落于 [18:52.29]library remember guess ;图书馆 记得 猜想 [18:55.20]attention picture auction ;注意;注意力 图画 拍卖;拍卖会 [18:58.22]serious hung middle ;认真的 悬挂(过去分词) 中间 [19:01.39]paid held ;付钱(过去式) 举行(过去分词) [19:13.91]Unit 93 Where can I park my car? ;我在哪里可以停车? [19:17.93]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [19:19.90]A:Where can I park my car? B:There is a lot right behind the building. ;A:我在哪里可以停车? B:这栋建筑的后面有个 停车场. [19:24.34]A:Are there lights?I'm going to be getting there late. ;A:那里有灯吗?我会很晚 才到. [19:27.61]B:Oh yeah. There are tons of lights.It's almost like a ball park. ;B:噢,有的.那里有很多灯 亮得跟一个球场一样. [19:32.18]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[19:34.65]A:Where can I rent a movie? ;A:哪里可以租到录影带? [19:36.50]B:I usually go to Hollywood Video on First Street. ;B:我通常到第一街的 "好莱坞录影带店"去租.

[19:40.08]A:That's pretty far away. ;A:那很远. [19:41.73]B:Well,you could just get one from the grocery store. ;B:嗯,你在杂货店也可以 租到. [19:46.36]Practice ;句型练习 [19:48.32]Where can I put my drink? Where can I park my car? ;我该把我的饮料放在哪里 我在哪里可以停车?

[19:52.40]Where can I buy a tape? Where can I rent a movie? ;我在哪里可以买到录影带 哪里可以租到录影带? [19:58.43]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [20:01.00]park lot behind ;停车 (一块)地 在...后面 [20:04.47]light late almost ;灯 很晚 几乎 [20:07.68]ball park rent usually ;棒球场 出租 通常 [20:11.25]far grocery ;远的;远方的 杂货;杂货店 [20:13.67]drink tape ;饮料 录音带 [20:25.13]Unit 94 Who was that at the movie? ;刚刚在电影院的是谁?

[20:29.91]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [20:31.62]A:Who was that at the movie? B:Don't you remember Eddie? ;A:刚刚在电影院的是谁? B:你不记得艾迪吗? [20:35.43]A:That was Eddie? B:Yeah.He looks different,doesn't he ;A:那是艾迪? B:是啊,他看起来不一样 了,是吗?

[20:40.00]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [20:42.06]A:Who was the girl at John's house? B:The blonde? That was his sister. ;A:在约翰家的女孩子是谁 B:金黄色头发那位吗? 那是他妹妹.

[20:47.29]A:Man,she's fine. B:Don't even think about it. She's engaged. ;A:哇,她很漂亮. B:别动任何脑筋. 她已经订婚了. [20:52.92]Practice ;句型练习 [20:54.28]Who was that at the movie? Who was that John was talking to? ;刚刚在电影院的是谁? 在跟约翰谈话的那个人 是谁?

[20:59.51]Who was the man at the dance? Who was the girl at John's house? ;舞会上的那个男人是谁? 在约翰家的女孩子是谁? [21:04.84]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [21:07.41]remember different blonde ;记得 不同的 金黄色头发的女郎 [21:10.98]fine engaged dance ;漂亮的 已订婚的 跳舞;舞会 [21:24.15]Unit 95 I was busy anyway. ;反正我也忙 [21:28.38]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[21:30.44]A:Who took you to dinner? B:Mom and Dad. ;A:谁带你去吃晚餐? B:妈妈和爸爸.

[21:33.81]A:Man,they never took me to dinner on Fridays.They were always doing something ;A:噢,他们从没在星期五 带我去吃晚餐.他们总 是有事. [21:38.94]B:I know. We were actually talking about that. ;B:我知道.我们就是在谈 那件事. [21:43.31]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[21:45.72]A:Who threw you the surprise party? ;A:谁替你开的这个惊喜 宴会?

[21:47.84]B:John did.I can't believe he didn't invite you. ;B:约翰.我真不敢相信他 没有邀请你.

[21:51.11]A:Well,I was busy anyway. I guess he probably just forgot to call me. ;A:噢,反正我也忙.我猜他 可能忘了打电话给我. [21:56.35]B:Yeah,I imagine that's what happened ;B:是啊,我想可能是这样. [22:00.36]Practice ;句型练习 [22:02.02]Who brought your mom home? Who sold John the suit ;谁带你母亲回家? 谁卖给约翰这件西装? [22:06.39]Who took you to dinner Who threw you the surprise party? ;谁带你去吃的晚餐? 谁替你开的这个惊喜宴会

[22:11.67]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [22:14.09]always actually threw ;总是 实际上;事实上 开个(宴会)(过去式) [22:17.35]surprise invite believe ;惊奇;惊喜 邀请 相信 [22:20.57]busy probably forgot ;忙的 或许;可能的 忘记(过去式) [22:23.69]imagine sold suit ;想象 卖(过去式) 西装 [22:37.47]Unit 96 Everyone's gone. ;大家都走了 [22:41.09]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[22:43.35]A:Who are you going to invite to the prom? B:I'm thinking about asking Mary. ;A:你要邀请谁去参加毕业 舞会? B:我在考虑邀请玛丽. [22:48.78]A:I heard she was going with John. ;A:我听说她要跟约翰去. [22:51.04]B:I heard that too,but it's not true.John's going with Jessica. ;B:我也听说了,但那不是 真的.约翰要跟洁西卡去. [22:57.23]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[22:59.34]A:All I need to do is get a hammer and I can finish the project in no time. ;A:我只需要借个铁锤,就 可以马上把这个项目 做完. [23:04.62]B:Who are you going to borrow a hammer from?Everyone's gone ;B:你要去跟谁借铁锤? 大家都走了. [23:09.10]A:I think John has one He's still here. ;A:我想约翰有一个.他还 在这里. [23:12.32]B:Oh yeah. I forgot he was here this weekend. ;B:噢,是啊.我忘了他这个 周末在这里. [23:16.39]Practice ;句型练习 [23:17.70]Who are you going to invite to the prom? ;你要邀请谁去参加毕业 舞会? [23:20.28]Who are you going to tell about your accident? ;你要把这个意外告诉谁? [23:23.73]Who are you going to hire for the job? Who are you going to borrow a hammer from? ;这个工作你要雇用谁? 你要去跟谁借铁锤? [23:30.37]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [23:32.48]prom heard true ;毕业舞会 听见(过去式) 真的 [23:35.95]hammer project weekend ;铁锤 项目;课题 周末 [23:39.27]accident hire job ;意外事件 雇用 工作 [23:52.70]Unit 97 Who can give us directions? ;谁能给我们指路?

[23:56.77]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [23:58.88]A:Look at this monster I made it myself. B:Who can eat that huge sandwich? ;A:你看这个怪物.我自己 做的. B:谁能吃那么大的三明治

[24:05.67]A:I'm going to give it to my sister as a joke ;A:我要给我妹妹,当作是 玩笑.

[24:09.46]There's no way she could eat it in a million years. ;这个三明治她永远都没办 法吃的.

[24:13.61]B:I've got to see this ;B:我得跟过去看看. [24:17.44]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[24:19.85]A:I don't know how to get to John's.Do you? B:No. Who can give us directions? ;我不知道如何到约翰家, 你知道吗? 不知道,谁能给我们指路? [24:26.14]A:Maybe Tom's home. He could tell us I bet. ;A:汤姆或许在家.我打赌 他能告诉我们. [24:29.35]B:You'd better hurry. He's supposed to be going out of town you know. ;B:你最好快点. 你知道他要到外地去.

[24:34.58]Practice ;句型练习 [24:36.39]Who can fix a tire? Who can eat that huge sandwich? ;谁会修理轮胎? 谁能吃那么大的三明治? [24:41.37]Who can give us directions? Who can tune your guitar? ;谁能给我们指路? 谁会帮你的吉他调音? [24:47.41]Vocabulary ;单词短语

[24:49.82]monster huge sandwich ;怪物 巨大的 三明治 [24:53.74]joke million year ;玩笑 一百万 年 [24:57.21]direction bet hurry ;方向指示 打赌 匆忙;赶快 [25:00.43]supposed fix tire ;(口语)应该 修理 轮胎 [25:03.60]tune guitar ;调音 吉他 [25:15.82]Unit 98 What are you

doing? ;你在做什么? [25:19.89]Conversation 1 ;对话一 [25:21.85]A:I'm going to Six Flags this weekend. I can't wait. ;A:这个周末我要去六旗 游乐场.我等不及了. [25:25.67]B:Which ride do you like ridding the most? ;B:你最喜欢坐哪一项游乐 项目? [25:28.54]A:The Texas Giant.It's the world's largest roller coaster you know. ;A:德州巨轮.你知道那是 世界上最大的云宵飞车

[25:33.17]B:Of course I know. I've ridden that a hundred times. ;B:我当然知道.我已经坐 过一百次了. [25:38.35]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [25:40.91]A:What are you doing? B:Just watching the end of this game. ;A:你在做什么? B:只是在看比赛的最后 结果. [25:44.98]A:Which school do you want to win? ;[25:47.07]B:I hope Duke wins since my friend is on the team. ;A:你希望哪个校队赢? B:我希望杜克队赢,因为 我的朋友在那一队. [25:51.72]Practice ;句型练习

[25:53.43]Which movie do you enjoy more? Which ride do you like riding the most? ;你较喜欢哪一部电影? 你最喜欢坐哪一项游乐 项目? [25:59.57]Which team do you love to watch? Which school do you want to win? ;你喜欢看哪一支队伍? 你希望哪个学校的校队赢

[26:05.75]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [26:08.17]wait ride most ;等 搭载;骑 最高程度的

[26:11.48]largest roller coaster ;最大的 云宵飞车 [26:14.15]hundred ridden end ;一百 搭乘(过去分词) 结束 [26:17.13]win enjoy team ;赢 喜欢 队伍;团队 [26:29.84]Unit 99 Which house are you going to rent? ;你要租哪一间房子? [26:33.76]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[26:35.57]A:Which vacuum are you going to buy? ;A:你要买哪一个吸尘器? [26:38.31]B:I don't know.They all seem the same to me. ;B:我不知道.对我来说, 它们都一样. [26:41.45]A:Trust me,they're not Do you want me to help you pick one out ;A:相信我,它们不一样. 要不要我帮你选一个? [26:45.43]B:Yeah,I'll appreciate it. ;B:好,我会很感激的. [26:48.70]Conversation 2 ;对话二 [26:51.26]A:Have you figured out where you're moving to yet? B:Yeah. I just decided ;A:你想好了要搬去哪里吗 B:想好了,我刚做了决定. [26:55.59]A:Which house are you going to rent? B:The one next to the school. ;A:你要租哪一间房子? B:学校旁边的那一间. [27:00.76]Practice ;句型练习 [27:02.73]Which vacuum are you going to buy? Which house are you going to rent? ;你要买哪一个吸尘器? 你要租哪一间房子? [27:07.70]Which day are you going to make your day off? ;你哪一天要请假? [27:10.98]Which candidate are you going to support? ;你支持哪一个候选人? [27:15.40]Vocabulary ;单词短语 [27:17.41]vacuum seem pick ;吸尘器 似乎 挑选

[27:20.58]appreciate rent ;感激 出租 [27:22.84]candidate support ;候选人 支持 [27:34.41]Unit 100 He is supposed to arrive anytime now. ;他应该随时会到 [27:39.54]Conversation 1 ;对话一

[27:42.25]A:Hi,John! B:Hi,Mary. Is dinner ready? ;A:嗨,约翰. B:嗨,玛丽.晚餐做好了吗

[27:45.92]A:Yes. By the way, where's Jack? B:He is supposed to arrive anytime now. ;A:做好了.顺便问一下, 杰克在哪里? B:他应该随时会到. [27:52.81]Conversation 2 ;对话二

[27:55.22]A:Hi,John! Sorry, I'm late. B:That's okay,please have a seat. ;A:嗨,约翰.对不起,我迟 到了. B:没关系,请坐. [28:00.05]A:Has the concert started yet? B:No,it is supposed to begin in five minutes ;A:音乐会开始了吗? B:还没有,5分钟内应该会 开始. [28:07.14]Practice ;句型练习 [28:09.25]He is supposed to arrive anytime now. We're not supposed to smoke here. ;他应该随时会到. 我们不应该在这里抽烟. [28:14.79]You're supposed to ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom. ;如果你要离开教室,应该 要问老师. [28:19.14]The concert is supposed to begin in five minutes. ;音乐会5分钟内应该会开 始
