


《巴黎圣母院》主要讲述丑聋人卡西莫多被巴黎圣母院的神父克罗德收养,做撞钟人,外貌正经的克罗德神父自从遇见美丽的吉普赛少女爱斯梅拉达后,被其美色所诱而神魂颠倒,指使卡西莫多强行掳走爱斯梅拉达,途中被弗必斯骑兵上尉队长所救,爱斯梅拉达因而爱上了弗必斯。但弗必斯生性风流,被怀恨在心的克罗德刺杀。并嫁祸于爱斯梅拉达,令她被判死刑,行刑时,卡西莫多将爱斯梅拉达救走并藏身于圣母院中,乞丐群众为救爱斯梅拉达而冲入教堂,误与卡西莫多大战,爱斯梅拉达被由克罗德带领的军队冲入圣母院所杀,最后卡西莫多愤然将克罗德从教堂顶楼摔落地下,最后卡利摩多抚着爱斯梅拉达的尸体殉情。 初始,卡西莫多的出场仿佛给我投射了一个丑恶的影象。他的独眼,他的聋哑,他的驼背,他的巨大和丑陋都让我先入为主地把他当作了大反派。婴儿时,他是一个人人见了都想把他烧死的丑小鸭;青年时,他是一个表面风光但人人唾弃的“愚人王”。他的脸仿佛注定了他就是恶魔的化身。到后来,我才看清他那清澈、崇高的灵魂。他对像使唤奴隶一样,役使他的克洛德忠心耿耿,这是怎样的一种单纯?他对曾经对他有恩的爱斯梅拉达,用尽全部生命的悉心照料和赴汤蹈火,是怎样的一种如火一般刚烈的爱情?他受尽了人世间的歧视和欺凌,却又满足的,勤劳的当着他的敲钟人。

爱斯美拉达不但有一个完美无缺的躯体,也有一颗高尚纯洁善良的心灵。当诗人格兰古瓦即将被乞丐王国绞死的关键时刻,她毫不犹豫地以愿意和他结婚的方式救下了诗人。诗人被她的美貌和高尚所震撼,立刻身不由己地爱上了她,并希望能成为她名副其实的丈夫。但是爱斯美拉达为了她心目中的爱情偶像,平静地拒绝了他:“我只能爱一个能够保护我的男子汉。”并告诉他,和他结婚只是为了救他的命,所以只能和他维持名义上的夫妻关系。 当副主教克洛德利用种种卑劣手段想强迫爱斯美拉达接受他的爱情时,爱斯美拉达宁死不从。当克洛德在监狱里为了获得爱斯美拉达的爱情,欺骗她说她所爱的弗比斯已经被他杀死,让她不要再抱任何幻想,并且许诺只要答应他的爱情,就可以将她从死刑判决中解救出去。爱斯美拉达的回答是“如果他已经死了,为什么你还劝我要活下去呢?”当克洛德最后一次在绞刑架前让爱斯美拉达选择时,尽管这时候爱斯美拉达已经知道她所爱的人弗比斯还活着,她也找到了失散十五年的亲生母亲,她非常想活下去,但面对克洛德的求爱,她的回答是:“绞刑架让我厌恶的程度还远远不如你呢。”








Listen to the Symphony of Stone

By Mojor [高二(8)班 朱俊超] It’s a sad story about a beautiful and kind-hearted goddess callde Esmeralda and a ugly but virtuous bell ringer called Quasimodo. They perform a haunting legend.

The Cathedral of Notre Dame is one of the most famous books written by Hugo.It’s a great novel with powerful thinking and artistic charm, and full of humanitarian and romanticism. A great novel lies not only in its twists plot, but also in the way to make characters and reflect the fact.Then it can make people a great hit. " The Cathedral of Notre Dame " has achieved this point! Its plot is unusual and stress,characters are exaggerated,the kind and the innocent were ruled under autocracy of the medieval feudal, they suffered

persecution without mercy... ... Such a tragedy, is enough to make readers feel angry about the social which is full of feudal things in that time……

Beautiful and kind-hearted goddess

Esmeralda has beautiful appearance, but the point is that she has a kind heart. When she saved the poor poet, sent water and compassion to Quasimodo who had ever hurt herself, I realise she was a real beauty,with a mind without any dirt.She is such a great model! She is deeply imprinted in my heart, let me know the essence of beauty ——the real beauty always form after so many tribulations with courage and brave. This is a rebel! However, such a girl like an angel, was so badly treated and in the end she made sacrifices and left her sweet smile and beautiful dance in the memory of mine……

The call of the wild

Although Quasimodo’s appearance is very ugly, the good mind make him a lovely man. He gradually waked by Esmeralda and gave Esmeralda all his love, To save Esmeralda,he pushed down his adoptive father from the building. At last he died with her in peace. The dark society made the deaf Quasimodo would never stand in front of true happiness. But in my eyes, ugly or not, for such a great man is not important, because his words and deeds, his thinking are enough to build up a tall,beautiful and brilliant image. Although his fate is as miserable as Esmeralda’s,he is still worth being made up a great song!

The profound inspiration

I seem to see the intense struggle of characters indistinctly. There is a sense of shock in my mind. In this novel no one is perfect, everyone has

shortcomings; no one is entirely rational,evryone exists with human’s crazy more or less. This is a contest between justness and evil, between beauty and ugliness, between pure and dirty, is a picture with full-blooded love. The author Hugo descrips most lower level people in old Paris with his great compassion, such as vagrants and beggars.They were in rads, but they were far better than people who are not brave, upright and friendly……

The darkness of the society and humanity, created such a tragedy. Hugo has ever said that The Cathedral of Notre Dame is "the stone of the symphony", and when I listen to it, I heard a song of souls with shock and grief!
