关于人性本恶和人性本善的真实辩论词 四辩




今天我们来同对方一起探讨这个千年探讨不完的话题。无论是从性善论的孟子也好还是性恶论的荀子(“人性恶,其善者伪也。”)也好,又有哪一家哪一派不要我们抑恶扬善呢?(抑恶扬善)是我方今天确立立场的一个根本出发点。下面我再一次总结我方的观点。 第一,只有认识人性本恶,才能正视历史和现实。恶指的就是本能和欲望的无节制地扩张。人类在诞生之初,就已经把本恶的人性充分地显示出来。人类学研究表明,周口店猿人就已经懂得用火来把同类的头骨烤着吃,这种生猛烧烤,是何等凶残啊!学好三年,学坏三天,病来如山倒,病去如抽丝呀。请大家想一想,看暴力片,色情片,是从来没有什么公开的倡导和鼓励,但为什么还有那么多人要趋之若鹜呢?人一教一学就能够会善,那我们看到好多人他们做恶事的时候,是不要教,不要学,就会去做的。从希波战争到十字军东征,从希特勒的奥斯维辛集中营到日寇在华北的细菌试验场,由此可见,本恶的人性如果不加以控制的话,将会给这个世界带来什么?




是由于人性本恶的存在,所以,在人类社会沧海桑田的演进过程之中,教化才显得尤其重要。 这个辩题中最关键的部分,还在于双方对于善与恶的由来。假如说人性是善的,那么第一个恶人是如何形成的?如果人性是恶的,那么第一个善人是如何形成的?人在极其困难的时候,为了生存下去,被迫用损害其他人的方式,来获取自己生存的资本。在以后的岁月中,




No, I don’t think so really.

I disagree with you entirely.

I’m afraid I don’t agree.

I’m afraid you are wrong there.



Today's world economy system is out of balance, and the hegemonism serious. people in some

countries are poor don’t have enough food. But people from other countries but eat very well and no mercy to the poor. So the force will become the best method.

A country committed to a prosperous period,the leaders very want to leave a good name in the history.therefore the war appears.

To put it simply,the origin of war is very simple:people without pity ,care only about their own enjoyment,would like to obtain the benefit in a quickest way.That’s the evil of human.The kind-hearted people become violence。The soldiers that protect our home and defends our country become murders killing people without batting an eye.How can you still saywar could sublime of human nature?

So myview point is very simple and clear :that the war distorted humanity.

That’s all I want to say.Thank you.


There are 300,000 Chinese people were slaughtered in Nanjing massacre.

How can you still say War could sublime of human nature.


In a peaceful age, when seeing small animals die ,we will be sad, and there is no more than man. In the war, the relationship between the people has become a killing and were killed.

Why? The anower is that the war distorted humanity.


In the world war ii ,there are two of the most excellent national suffered terrible massacre.

One is the jewish people. The jews that suffered from the slaughter of Hitler's Nazi were nearly 6 million jews. Almost destroyed 2000 years of cultural history precipitation of the jews.

The other one is the Chinese nation.The unarmed people were killed by the Japanese imperialism up to 20 million people or more. The army were also nearly 3 million casualties. Only one of the events of the nanjing massacre is 300000.

All of these Numbers show our point of view: the war distorted humanity.


I agree with you entirely. I don’t deny that there will appear one or two heros in the war,but if

somebody’s human nature sublimation needs to sacrifice so many lives,the price is too large. I’m sure you are agree with us.


One point that you must have quite agree, that's why we all now called for a peaceful solution to the problem. No one willing to bear the tragedy of war, as we all saw the Iraq war on TV , people lost their loved ones, their homes, every day they lived in the fear of death, and life without any security. Do you think this is who causes it? Is not life machine? Or a god? No, it is those who have not humanity ! They also is human being, just war distorting their humanity.


let me repeat what I said.War couldn’t sublimate humanity . The people you say are worthy of respect, but nomatter how great they are ,they do not equal to ten million lives.


I always believe in the goodness, but the war changed the good.


As you said, war could sublimate of human nature.Does it represent that in order to sublimate the human nature, you might even be eager to the occurrence of war?


Yes, no one wants to war, because you know that war bring people just disaster.The so-called benefit is only those who can get black hand behind the scenes. You repeatedly stressed that the war could sublimate of human nature, but we all can see out in time, no matter how high the human nature sublimated, it won't bring people happiness.

我不喜欢反对你,但可能您要失望了。我真的无法认同你。人性升华的目的是什么,是为人们带来福利,而不是灾难。 I hate to disagree with you,but maybe you will be disappointed. I really can't agree with you. What is the purpose of the sublimation of human nature.That is to bring people welfare, not the disaster.


Now the community is full of all kinds of problems, such as moral failings, violence. Why no people stand out?Does should we sublimate the human nature through the war?


We are all ordinary people, in the usual life won't have too big change. If only through the war can sublimation of human nature, that the sublimation of the human nature is distorted.

sublime: [s?'blaim]升华

distorted [dis't?:tid]歪曲的;v. 扭曲(distortasd的过去式和过去分词)

slaughter ['sl?:t?]n.屠杀;杀戮;消灭vt.屠杀;杀戮;使惨败

imperialism [im'pi?ri?liz?m]n. 帝国主义

unarmed [,?n'ɑ:md]adj. 没有武装的;unarmed:徒手的 | 赤手空拳 | 未武装的

casualties:死伤 | 伤亡 | 伤亡人数

hegemonism [hi'ɡem?niz?m, hi'd?em-]n. 霸权主义