

W: 风和日丽,天高云淡,秋高气爽,我们欢聚一堂,共度万圣节。Happy Halloween.

外教:Halloween originated as a celebration connected with evil spirits. Children in western countries like Halloween very much. They all like wearing funny clothes, go around people's houses and ask for candy. Halloween is a special festival, today let’s enjoy this wonderful moment together. Happy Halloween.



外教:When Halloween is coming. It was more fun for the children in Western countries and they are really enjoying this special festival. Happy Halloween.



和春泽名园物业服务中心的演员,还有格蕾斯翠华幼儿园和国际幼儿园一部分小朋友表演的节目。Wow, 这么多精彩的节目,让我们拭目以待吧! 外教:The 2013 Halloween celebration party of Grace Education group is beginning now. Today, let us gathered together, sharing the good times. Yolki:Everybody, let us celebrate a marvelous Halloween today.

Happy Halloween to you all.

W: 20xx年格蕾斯教育集团欢度万圣节大型表演现在开始。首先请大家欣赏大型开场舞,《The life of Grace》,由格蕾斯翠华园瞿园长编导,由格蕾斯教师舞蹈团表演,掌声有请。

外教:Let’s warmly welcome them!

2. Yolki:接下来请欣赏格蕾斯金贝德博士D1班表演的亲子时装秀《Happy boys and girls》指导老师:Coco, 掌声有请!

外教:Now, everyone, let us enjoy a fashion show《Happy boys and girls》from Doctor class D1, Grace JinBeiDe kindergarten. The tutor is teacher Coco, Welcome!

3:W: 请欣赏格蕾斯金贝德园博士C1班小朋友表演的时装秀《Halloween》指导老师:Lulu

外教:Please enjoy another fashion show《Halloween》from Doctor Class C1, Grace JinBeiDe kindergarten, the tutor is teacher lulu. Let’s welcome them 4:Yolki:接下来请欣赏春泽名园全民健身舞蹈队表演的健身舞《快乐广场》指导老师:Lisa老师,掌声响起来!

外教:Next, let us enjoy a fitness dance《Happy Square》from fitness dance


Team of Harunazawa Park. The tutor is teacher Lisa.

5:W:请欣赏格蕾斯金贝德园博士C2班小朋友表演的时装秀《I got a boy》指导老师:Vita

外教:Now let’s enjoy a fiasco 《I got a boy》from Doctor class C2, Grace JinBeiDe kindergarten. The tutor is teacher Vita. Welcome

6: Yolki:接下来请欣赏春泽名园物业服务中心带来的独唱【涛声依旧】表演者、马波。 掌声有请马波出场!

外教:Please enjoy a nice solo《The billows》from the Property Service Center of Harunazawa Park. Let us welcome the performer—— Mambo. Welcome.

7:W: 请欣赏格蕾斯金贝德园博士B1班小朋友表演的现代舞《Barbie kids》指导老师、Subi.

外教: Now let’s enjoy a popular dance《Barbie kids》from Doctor class B1, Grace JinBeiDe kindergarten. The tutor is teacher subi. Welcome

8: Yolki:请欣赏格蕾斯国际园AA1班小朋友表演的美式舞蹈《Thriller dance》指导老师teacher Fiona, 掌声有请!

外教:Now let’s invite the pretty babies of Class AA1, Grace International Kindergarten to give us a dance, OK? Let us warmly welcome《Thriller Night》,The tutor is teacher Fiona. Welcome

9: W:请欣赏格蕾斯金贝德园B2班小朋友表演的时装秀【The Cartoon hens】,指导老师、Jane.

外教:Now please enjoy a fashion show 《The Cartoon hens》from Class B2,


Grace JinBeiDe Kindergarten. The tutor is teacher Jane, Let us warmly Welcome.

10: Yolki:请欣赏格蕾斯金贝德园B3班小朋友表演的时装秀【Mr.】,指导老师、Cici。掌声请出宝贝们!

外教:Now,let us enjoy a fashion show named 《Mr.》from Class B3, Grace JinBeiDe Kindergarten. The tutor is teacher Cici, Welcome.

11:W: 请欣赏格蕾斯国际园AA2班小朋友表演的宫廷舞【波罗乃兹】,指导老师、lily.

外教:Now, everybody, let us welcome the babies of AA2, Grace CuiHua Kindergarten to show their dance——《polonaise》. The tutor is teacher Lily. Applause!

12: Yolki:请欣赏格蕾斯金贝德园博士A1班小朋友表演的时装秀【Happy Halloween】,指导老师是 teacher Wing. 掌声请出他们!

外教:Now, please enjoy a fiasco《Happy Halloween》. The tutor is teacher Wing, Let’s welcome. 13: W:


14: Yolki:请欣赏格蕾斯金贝德园A2班小朋友表演的时装秀【what you see】,指导老师 Nana. 让我们用热烈的掌声请出他们!

外教:Now, please enjoy a fiasco《What you see》from class A2, Grace JinBeiDe Kindergarten. The tutor is teacher Nana.Welcome.



外教:Now, please enjoy a national dance《Drunk Moon》from fitness dance Team of Harunazawa Park. Warmly welcome.

16: Yolki:接下来请欣赏金德园A3班小朋友带来的时装秀【slave to the rhythm】指导老师,teacher Kelly .掌声有请。

外教: Let us please enjoy a fiasco《slave to the rhythm》from class A3, Grace JinBeiDe Kindergarten. The tutor is teacher Kelly. Welcome.

17、 Yolki:接下来请欣赏格蕾斯翠华园BB4班小朋友表演的印度舞蹈【阿拉伯之光】,指导老师、范秋云、teacher Wendy.

外教:Please enjoy a beautiful dance 《The light of Arab》, from Class BB4, Grace CuiHua Kindergarten and teacher dance company. The tutor is teacher Wendy. Let’s warmly welcome them.


W: 小鸟在广阔的天空自由飞翔,它们的歌声,今天格外清脆、欢畅。 外教:The birds hovered in the blue sky. How sweet their songs are.

Yolki:花儿沐浴着明媚的阳光,绽开笑脸,吐露芬芳。 带着丰收的憧憬,迎接金色的十月。

外教:: Flowers basked in warm sunshine. The air was filled with the scent of beautiful flowers.


W::20xx年春泽名园大型文艺汇演到此结束,让我们永远记住这美好的时刻,感谢春泽名园物业服务中心大力的帮助和支持,感谢春泽名园居委会和格蕾斯教育集团的积极参与。Thank you very much! Happy Halloween.有请全体领导、演员上台谢幕。Happy Halloween

Yolki:20xx年春泽名园大型文艺汇演到此结束,让我们永远记住这美好的时刻。Thank you very much! Happy Halloween to everyone!

外教:The 2013 Halloween celebration party of Grace Education group now say goodbye to you. Thanks for your coming. Let us remember today’s wonderful memories forever. And Best wishes for everybody. Goodbye









