Argumentative smoking 议论文范文

Smoking in public places?

My father is a smoker. So is my grandfather. I never stop suggesting them quitting it, but the efforts are useless. I believe most of the people have smokers around, or even hold the habit themselves, so smoking problems always arouse wide concern. Recently, since the overwhelming threatening to health, smoking is proposed to be banned in public places throughout the country. Some people argue that this ban cannot actually improve the smoking situation. Since it is only banned in public places, people can still somehow find other places to smoke, which proves that there’s no use in stop people from smoking. Moreover, they also think the ban is a violation to human rights, for some extremely smokers will become bad-tempered, uncomfortable and even neurosis without cigarettes or cigars.

It is true that the ban may not reduce the number of smokers immediately, but it doesn't necessarily mean that we don't need this prohibition at all. In contrast, it reflects the authority's attitude and determination towards smoking to some degree. With this ban, smoking will be restricted step by step. As for the point about human rights, smokers shouldn't enjoy their so-called rights by sacrificing others’ health. According to researches, smoking is even more harmful to those second-hand smokers, so it surely violate others’ interests if smoking is allowed in public places.

In my opinion, smoking SHOULD BE BANNED in public places.

Firstly, recent survey data shows that there are 24.2% Chinese smokers, which make up one third of the smokers in the world, so the effort in keeping people away from smoking should never stop in our country. In this case, the ban can be regarded as an advocation of no-smoking, a restriction for the do-as-I-want smokers, as well as a protection for the public people. It is a win-win proposal in the long run.

What’s more, smoking areas, in other words, specific places for smokers, are always available in most of the public places. For instance, special smoking compartments are set in trains, and they are even more common in modern restaurants and plazas. This allows smokers to smoke in special places, therefore, gives them a buffer to adapt this ban.

All in all, although it seems not so easy to accept the ban all of a sudden, especially for many

smokers, as the sentence written on every cigarette box goes, ‘smoking is bad for health, so for you and your family’s sake, quit it.’ That’s exactly what I want to say to may father as well as my grandfather. I know it’s much harder to actually do it than just say it, but I still hold the belief that the ban will be widely understood and accepted very soon.


第二篇:范文 优秀议论文


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